John 1

Duration: 54min
John 1
Listen from:
Gospel—R. Reeves
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Let's say #16.
#16 God and mercy.
To a world by a cylinder.
Jesus Christ was crucified.
Jesus, for the glory of the grace kindly and the Savior, space telling sinners from above God is right.
#48 also #48 there is lighter and a look at the Crucial Dr. box. There is life at this moment.
#28 You have not seen stands of two and three, but we're seeing the rest of it.
With this same standard 1/4 and five, there is one.
To share with you.
He talks about most wonderful chapter in the Bible.
It's the first chapter of John's Gospel, so would you please turn with me to John's Gospel chapter one?
One of the most wonderful chapters in the Bible.
We're going to talk a lot about Jesus tonight.
Jesus is the Lord.
Jesus is God's Son. Jesus is the Savior of sinners.
I can't imagine what my life would be without Jesus.
When he has come into my life and.
Because he has come into my life, he has got joy, he is brought hope and he has brought every good thing that I have.
Every good thing that I have.
Has come together.
And I hadn't known Jesus. I've never gotten the nice wife that I have.
And didn't know Jesus.
Who knows? I may be in prison tonight.
Maybe. Maybe dead.
And Jesus made a lot of difference to me.
We're going to talk about him tonight from this wonderful chapter.
I don't know.
Yet I don't know of a chapter that uses such small words.
That's one thing about the Word of God. It's very deep and yet it works, uses language that we can understand.
Began reading tonight from John's Gospel, Chapter one, first of all.
In the beginning.
Was the word.
By the way, to start a book is.
In the beginning was the word.
What beginning is this?
My friend, this is the beginning of all beginnings.
This is the beginning. Before, there was the beginning.
Of the things that we know.
But at this point it says in the beginning was the word.
This wonderful person that we're going to talk about tonight.
Was already there.
When there was the beginning.
Your mind and mind.
Are so small and in case of all of understanding.
The deeper things of God. But we can't be, we can't understand something that had no beginning.
Here is a wonderful person.
So wonderful that when the beginning of beginnings of beginning is occurred, he was there already.
Is that something? He was already there and he's called the word. You know what the word is?
A word is something that expresses yourself.
And so this wonderful person that we're talking about, who was in the beginning already.
When the beginning began.
Is called the word.
He was the expression.
It says the Word was with God.
Is that something?
In the beginning of the beginnings of the beginnings, the word was there already, and it says.
He was with God.
Oh, what a wonderful person you must be.
Yes, it says, and the word was gone.
In this verse we find 2 Persons of the Godhead.
Without the father and the son and both our government.
Define God with God.
How would we ever know about it if God had Republicans? God with God. And this person we're going to talk about is so wonderful, so majestic, that he is the expression of God.
Expression of God, and He's already there in the beginning with God.
It says the same verse two was in the beginning with that.
I'm here tonight to speak, to bring a message that they'll tell you about this person.
We don't have his personal name here.
He's called the words and repose. He's with God, and he's in the beginning already with God.
Small things were made by him.
Was not anything made.
How clear? How much clearer can you make it?
If I have the joy this afternoon of seeing at Queen and loose home.
And after the meeting this afternoon, we went back there and I said I'm going to take a walk.
And so I walked down to the pond.
Quite a time getting to the pond. I didn't tell you that way at what time to get to the I didn't ask how to get there.
I just started walking and I came to an electric catch.
And happened Sunday Super Armor, white shirt.
Take it off my tie. And so you know Wayne, I had to crawl under them like to finish.
And I went on, and down by the shore, I stood by the lake right above quietly, and I watched the turtles.
Not to turn himself.
Here were the.
Stuck their noses up out of the water and the guys look at that thing and that's a rock.
And then we went back. But then they come up.
They have a great time. Who made the thought?
Could you make a?
Turtles and I watched a little fish swim around on the shore and they all seemed to be getting along just fine without me. And I stood there for half an hour just in the quietness of the afternoon, which I was enjoying so much.
Yeah, rock down the road a while after that. And I saw other things that interested me. I saw what I called a centipede. There were two of them, met right on the street.
You ever see a centipede I don't like?
But I decided today I wouldn't step on.
Because I was thinking about this meeting tonight and I was just watching those standard beach.
And I was thinking about who made them. Could you make a secret? You think of all those legs? And I watched them go across the road.
Side there and.
Talk about coordination.
What would happen if a centipede got arthritis?
But they went around the clocks and the grass, and they go on just fun.
And our frogs got two legs, but centipede I suppose has 24. I don't know how many they got. They say a millipede. They don't have a millimeter. We call it powers from that they don't have, but they have lots of them and they are going along and they were getting along just.
Just bear.
Wonderful cushion that I'm talking about tonight.
All the wisdom that he had to make a centipede and a frog or a Curry and all the other forms of life to make a leaf.
And I picked up.
I picked a I suppose you call the weed from the side of the road brought back and I said the roof is just the.
Not from a fox, but it's a week because that's a Fox paper.
When I was talking between the beans, I pulled up a big plant and it was all Milky.
Kind of boost up on my head and I learned later that I said that was a milkweed and I thought I would pulled up by the roof, but I was pushing up by the roof.
All I could do is pull that thing out of the ground. I thought, you know, I used to think farming was easy. I know these farms think about what community just going to pull up police would be easy job. And after today I decided that there would not be so easy.
Could you make a plant that would have milk in it?
You couldn't drink it, but.
I couldn't make.
This, this wonderful movie.
That we're reading about tonight.
The Word the expression of God.
It says all things were made by him, and without him was not anything made, it was made.
Nothing was made except by him. Hello. This is one of my first Kingdom.
He's the greatest of all.
Of all.
Now it says in verse four in him was light light.
He is the source of light.
And it says.
The life was the right submission.
So wonderful and important that this person we're talking about tonight, that his very life himself, which gives life to the restaurants.
Life is what chose what everything else is. I don't know, but.
It's too well understood.
And it says.
One thing that interests me about this book of John is these little words that mean so much.
Light, light and later on.
In other words, have also picked this person is so wonderful. It says in him was light and the light was the light.
And all the moral light that will ever shine upon you and me has come from him. He's a social.
It says in verse 5 the light, shyness and darkness and the darkfish comprehended the dark or difficult recovery.
Well, this light is shown into this World of Darkness.
And I trust tonight that our little meeting will bring the light.
Of the hearts going to come here tonight?
The life was the light of men. It shines in darkness, and the darkness couldn't do anything about it. It just had to take it.
Number six is verse six says there was a man said from God whose name is John.
That person often encouraged me.
I tried to share the gospel, the good news of our Lord Jesus. I try to share it, and sometimes when I'm walking in the streets of different towns, I'll think about this version. I'll put it this way. There wasn't a man sent from God whose name was wrong, and I just like to think that God can use me.
Carry a message.
I like to think that tonight.
I've come to this meeting room center to bring Christ before you.
Not only those that may not know the Lord, but I come to bring the light to those who do familiar.
I like to think that that God sent me and gave me this privilege of sharing these thoughts of Christ with you.
John, The same came for a witness to bear witness of the light. How can you bear witness to a light?
You know how to do it.
I'll tell you how to bear witness to a light. The way to do it is you just stand back.
You just stand back and let it run. That's how you bear witness to the love.
He came to bear witness to the mother.
And that was the mission of this man, John. That's my mission too. And I hope that in our little meeting tonight, you'll say, well.
I really enjoyed what the Bible said. I didn't get much out of the wrong Reef said that. The Bible really said something to me tonight.
That would happen, and I'd just like to stand back and let the light shine. That's how to bear witness to a light is just stand back. Get out of the way that the light. They said that through him that all men through him might believe.
Well, that's my mission here tonight at fellow meeting room.
I would like to suggest the truth of this professional book and the truth about the one that it talks about the.
In such a way that everyone in this room will be a believer and they'll say it's wonderful, it's wonderful, I believe the love.
It says in verse eight he was not that right. That's John, but was sent to her witness of the life.
That was the true life.
Dislike of every man that comes into the world.
Isn't a wonderful focus that you and I were born into a world that?
Had already been visited by the Son of God.
I was born in April.
20th day of April 1927 and.
When I was born, Jesus had already been here.
He'd already been here.
And it was just for me to let go of what he had done and said people all would have been here.
When I came into the world and you came into the world, some of you came into the world a little before April 20th, 1927, but some of you come in and said.
But always the wonderful truth come into a world that has already been visited and Shinedown upon. By this precious word of God, Jesus. He's already been here.
He's already done something for you.
It says he was in the world.
And the world was made by him. And the world. Can you imagine that?
That this word, this divine person.
This one that was with God in the beginning, this one that made everything it says. He came into the world and the world was made by him, and the world was recognized.
Didn't recognize. I think it's a sad thing that he was not recognized by the very world of Navy.
A world knows about.
I wonder if everybody in this room knows.
That someone would say to you tonight, Do you know the Lord?
Well, I want to know the world.
It says he came unto his own and his own received anymore.
That's sad, isn't it?
That they didn't want him. And I think it's one of the saddest things that I face as I meet people and try to help them, as some people don't want the world.
Why don't they want the Lord?
How don't they want the Lord? Well, they must not understand him.
I think the reason why people don't want the Lord is they don't believe that he's the Lord.
You don't believe that he's the Lord?
The North and verse 12.
As many as received.
To them gave he the power to become the Son of God.
Yes, it says there were some who didn't believe in Jesus and Jesus. They didn't believe in the word. They didn't believe in this wonderful person.
But then it says in verse private there were some that did.
As many as received them.
To them he gave the power of the right authority to become the children of God, even to them that believed on his name everybody who received the Lord Jesus.
Becomes a child of God.
As many as received him. But that gave me the power to become the children of God, the sons of God.
For them that believe on his name. On his name.
What does it mean to believe all his name?
Now that's a little hard to explain.
And the best way I know how to explain it is that sometimes you have an opportunity to go into a building downtown and get on the elevator and.
You walk into this building and.
The light flashes that the elevators are arrived and the door opens and you just step inside and you put your whole weight on the elevator.
And you just stand there and you wait from the picture you believe on the other.
And that's what it is to believe all that our Jesus.
It's that desire in our hearts that say yes, I believe in this word.
I believe he was with God. I believe he was God. I believe he made all things. And I believe his name Jesus means a Savior, and I believe he is Christ. I believe he's the Son of God. And I'm going to put my whole weight on him and let him pick you up.
The Lords that do that?
Are the ones that have the right to take the place of the children.
And it says in verse 3 and 13, which were born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man.
If a person has the thought in their mind with that, I don't know if I've been born again or not.
In this verse will solve that problem for you right away because it says that those who receive Jesus have already been born again. You couldn't receive Jesus if you weren't born again.
That says they were born.
In other words, God gives a brand new life.
To those that believe in Jesus, And if you have believed in Jesus, you have the right to say, I have been born again this one which.
Not a flow.
Look at that. You are the little man but.
If you have confessed Jesus as well.
If you acknowledge and believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and if you're if you put your full weight on Him, you say, I'm trusting in Jesus to save me and nobody else, I can tell you on the authority that you are brought again.
I don't know what had happened that I know has happened.
Not of the will of man.
Not of the will of man.
Now verse 14 says the Word was made flesh and became blood.
Remember now, this is what we start talking about the word.
With God.
In the beginning with God now it says the word was made late and became late and dwelt among us. And the original word for dwelt is the word for Tabernacle that says.
Friends, this is what happened.
In Bethlehem.
About 1900 and.
80 some years ago.
The word was made.
This very wonderful person, the word.
The person that goes to God. The person that was with God.
Became a man.
The wood was made.
This is one of the most wonderful things that were did you find in the Bible. The Word became flesh and dwelt.
So that when that little baby was born in Bethlehem.
And they looked down at that baby.
That was the word.
It became flesh.
And he was the very image of the even as a baby.
This is the truth.
Of what happened, the best of him.
The word became and welcome.
Complexion, so that we might know him.
How could we know and understand that God had never become?
All that we could see and tell.
But this wonderful person has become a man.
He was made such and welcome, it says. We beheld his glory.
Glory as of the only begotten of the Father for the patient.
When this person became a man.
He was the display of his father.
There are some people that say that.
My sons look like a father.
Somewhat, somewhat.
But there is a resemblance.
Between my children and me, but all with this one was the first. He was the very display of his past.
We beheld his glory, the glory as with as of the only begotten of the powerful reason.
And so this wonderful person became a man, and he was the very outshining of the very Father God himself.
And God was seen and displayed in this one of command.
John bear witness of him and pride, saying, This is he of whom I spoke to, he that coming back to me as preferred before me.
He was before me. John the Baptist was a wonderful man, and three times in this chapter, he says Jesus was before me.
And yet, folks, we know that John the Baptist was born six months before Christ. So how could John the Baptist say he was before me? How could he say that three times over in this chapter? He could say it because.
The summer cloud always existed because he's gone. He's gone. So here's a good performance.
This is the obvious fullness that we all received and verse 16 says and grace because grace of grace on off of grace for God's goodness on top of God's goodness.
It's all the show.
In this, one is the person who became.
17 says that all was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.
There's a wonderful look. The Lord Jesus Christ came not to just.
Tell us what the tenant commandments were.
Nobody can be saved by keeping the 10 commandments.
Because everyone in this room has broken at least one of those commandments, it says, Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbors.
Everyone in this room has told a lie at this point.
And so the 10 commandments can never keep them.
You from the from the judgement of God.
The 10 commandments cannot save.
And so the Lord Jesus didn't come to just give us more commandments. It says grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.
No man that seemed God at anytime.
The only God concerned which is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared him and thoughts. This is the message I have for you tonight. Jesus Christ is the display of God the Father's dear.
The only begotten son which is at the bosom of the father, he has declared.
Now we're going to strip over some versions. Not that they're not important, but I just want to go down to verse 29 in this chapter.
The next day John seeth Jesus coming under him and say he followed the Lamb of God.
Taketh away the sin of the world.
Now I want to talk to your friends about.
How sin is taken away.
Things are those things that we commit.
That this honor the Lord.
The 10 commandments tell us some sins, not all of us.
But you and I are all sinners.
Everyone of us in this room have done things that are wrong. We have said things that are wrong.
We have soft things are the wrong.
Things that dishonor the Lord.
We are all sinners.
We have all done worse things than Adam did when he got thrown out of the Garden of Eden. You've all done worse than that.
We've all sinned.
And you all need to have our sins to take it away.
So now the question is, how can sins be taken away?
John points to the one that takes away sin, he said before the Lamb of God. That's taken away the sin of the world. Sin can be taken away.
By one method only, and that's by the sacrifice.
Of an innocent victim who is called the Lamb of God. Now who is this Lamb of God?
It's the very same glorious person that's called the word.
The very same person is called God, the very same person who is called the Word made flesh.
It's the same one.
And now we see, he pointed out as the land.
And that was the Lamb of God. He was sacrificed on Calvary cross.
And during those awful hours of darkness on Calvary cross, he suffered a judgment of God against sin.
At the close of those 3 hours in darkness, he bowed his blessed head and said it was finished.
And he gave up his spirit, and the Roman soldier came and turned to spear into his side and out came the blood in the water. And the Bible says the blood of Jesus Christ thought Son cleanses us. But I'll say folks, sin can be taken away by the blood of Jesus, and that's been in the way.
And so John the Baptist point to me, said, behold the Lamb of God, which takes away the sin of the world. This is the only way that sin can be taken away is by the lack of God.
I wonder if there's anybody in this room who still has your sins on your heart.
You see, when we're right into this world, we're born in sin and.
Were born lost and we stay lost until we accept Christ as our Savior.
And the moment we believe in the Lord Jesus, our sins are taken away and they're rushed in the precious blood of Christ.
And the sacrifice of the Lamb.
Takes care of our shame against God.
Be well. The Lamb of God is taken away the sin of the world, and everyone here tonight will believe on the Lord Jesus is washed from your sins in the blood of Christ, and that your sins are gone forever.
The Lord has said that your sins and your iniquities will I remember no more.
My wife and I brought up the house in Des Moines on Boarding St.
I'm not sure whether it was 25 or 26 years ago, something like that.
And we made payments.
And we make payments.
We make things. I got so tired of making payments.
And when the payments came around, we said blood.
Which we didn't have to make the payment.
Well, the time came when I I got a little extra money from the company I worked for and we decided to pay off that house and we paid off my house.
And they gave us the mortgage in the house and right there on the front page it says.
Sometimes I like to dig in my files and look at that. It says hey.
No more space.
No work page is paid off. And let me tell you folks.
You that have believed on the Lord Jesus can say as to your account with God.
No more pain.
One big payment was made on Calvary Cross and there's no more payment ever needed to be made.
And that's why John points him out. He says, Behold the Lamb of God. He's the one that made the file, the payments.
The blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanses us from all sin.
And the moment we believe in Jesus.
The account he.
And so and it is spanned forever. Well, I hope everyone in this room has believed on the Lord Jesus. And if you can say my account is suffered before God and it never needs to be made another thing.
Why? Because the Lamb of God died for me. And after the Lord Jesus died on that cross and his blood was shed, they put him in a grave. And he was there part of three days, and then he gloriously rose again, and he lives tonight in heaven, and he's been listening to me, please, tonight.
The Lord Jesus can listen to me just like you have, and you know that this is He, knows that this is the truth, and anyone who asked him to save their soul, to save whatever.
Of course I told you the story about the little boy.
In Kentucky. He went to the conference there last year in in.
And when he got home from the country, he told his mother, he said.
Do I have a black heart?
Well, she said that.
If you haven't believed on the Lord Jesus, you still have a black heart because your heart is dirty with sin.
Mr. Bryce said to his mother.
He says. Mama, I don't want to have any black card anymore.
I'd like to have a clean house.
And when he started came home from work that night, he went up to his daddy. And he says that daddy Mama says I have a black heart because my heart is dirty to sin. But he said that I'd like to have a pain. Could you tell me how to have a clean heart?
And his daddy.
With a Peggy in his eyes.
Wiping away the tears.
He sat there and told his son.
He said if you believe on the Lord Jesus and take away your sins and give you a clean heart.
We're in the living room, the last house down in Kentucky. The Mama and the daddy and the boys check out on their knees and Mr. Boyce said, Lord Jesus, I want to believe in you and once you take away our dirty heart.
You think you did?
He sure did, and I saw that part at the morning conference. He's a happy little boy.
Got a clean heart.
Well, how did he get a clean heart? Because the Lord Jesus, but they are sick and I could ask that boy, I say how did you get a clean heart, Jesus?
Living and nobody ever called on him.
You know, I get so sick of these answering services.
Some of my friends that have what they call.
And I get so tired of you don't have report. I don't I'm not criticizing you but I I call on the telephone and I I dialed number and it ring.
Let it rain and then it rings and I'm pretty sure the voice comes on, says I am sorry that we can't be harmed. Would you please leave your message at the peak? Then I sit and wait for the beep.
You think the Lord Jesus hasn't asked conservatives?
Oh no, I fixed the phone up right away. And then a boy says to Jesus, Lord save me, save me right now. So takes away The Dirty sins of his heart. Gives him a clean heart. That's what happened. Got a clean heart.
Well, the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world, so lonely for us, the work of the Lord Jesus on the cross that is big enough to pay the debt of the whole world.
What? A family made the special and there's somebody in this room that still got a dirty heart.
Tonight when you're aligning, you just go to the Lord, say Lord Jesus, I still got a dirty heart.
Lord Jesus, please give me A and let's say yes.
If it says in the word of God, things have come up to me, I will in real life myself. The Lord Jesus never say no to every question.
Well, we talked about a wonderful person.
The Son of God.
The creator of our Word became flesh, the Lamb of God. And I'm glad to tell you he's my savior and I want him to be the Savior. Look about your history.
Let's say #92.
Have you any room for Jesus?
People brought a little sin.
As an option as to make it considered good to let him in. But Jesus came to your house tomorrow.
Knock at the door of your house with your mother, man.
And you cannot run your heart Store tonight.
For Jesus, from this thing, the first can last.
I was in Columbus, OH.
Month or so ago.
I went up to a house and I saw on the mailbox it had a big sign right there in the mailbox. God is love.
And I thought, well, I'm just knock on this door and and I'll hand the gospel tracks to the persons in the house, I'll hand them to the person.
Knock on the door. Nobody came to the door.
And I knocked on the door second time.
And a man came to the door, and he was wiping his sheep out of his eyes and woke him up.
In the neck.
And I said, I'm sorry I looked you up. I didn't want to do that. But I saw, I saw this sign on the mailbox, God is love. And I said that. Who put that there? He said I did.
But I said, why did you put that there?
He said. A year ago I put my trust in the Lord Jesus measurement savior.
And I said to him.
The mustache, your own dark hair, and it was a little darker, inflected and some of my said to him.
Do you speak the Spanish language? No, he says. I came from Syria.
Life has changed.
Put the trust in the Lord Jesus.
Because we're both at the same time, right? Because they both played on the same bus.
And if you believe in the Lord, we're at the same time.