John 10

John 10
Address—E. Tonn
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Bill, Julie.
Be here with Jason Pella.
I'd like to be able to.
Extend our breeze from Denton, TX. You gather to the Lord's name there.
And I really feel.
Deep breath in my soul.
Weight of feeding the flock of God. What a solemn thing it is to stand before God's beloved children and.
Not give them something for their souls.
Well, delighted is to have an object set before your heart, and souls in my own that will endure for all eternity.
So if we could begin, we'd like to start to sing together #238.
Our shepherd is the Lord.
Certainly the brother and sister who wrote that must have enjoyed much Davis Line in the 23rd Psalm of ours.
Lord is our shepherd, My shepherd, the living Lord who died with all his fullness, can afford. We are supplied inexhaustible supply of blessing and riches and grace and glory from our wisdom. Living Lord Shepherd, He is the Lord.
Possibly one of you start to him, and we would not get into the unpleasant situation in my start, and one that you might not know the tomb. So if one of you would start the tomb, I would appreciate it.
Our shepherd.
And Lord.
Could God?
For her, we are the one.
I have a.
Written to any of you which I don't want to do.
You would probably have heard an opening line, something to the effect of greetings.
In our.
Savior God's precious name, who is worthy of our eternal praise and who has suited us to sing that phrase and has given us the precious privilege of beginning that phrase here below. How delightful it is to be occupied with one to know Him who is worthy, Who alone is worthy.
Eternal praise.
Oh, what a mercy that we have been brought into the company of Saints.
Those redeemed by His precious Blood, that will be the singers unto our Lord Jesus Christ all eternity. Wonderful marvelous grace. Shall we look to the Lord as God's help well.
I suppose everyone in the room is aware that we have been over to Davenport together.
For a few days.
And half seeking to.
Learn a little something more of how to care for and nurture.
And feed the precious cloth of the.
And what an awesome responsibility it is to undertake to give you something that will feed your soul, lift your soul above the dreary circumstances.
Daily life and enable you to have a brighter prospect of soon being with and seeing the Lord Jesus place and then being exercised about what might help us along that direction.
The Lord has directed me to the 10th chapter of John that was read to us yesterday.
Just at the end of the meetings, it's been a very precious portion of my soul.
To have our precious Lord Jesus Christ set before us as that Good Shepherd that laid down his life for the sheep. Greater love than this hath no man that a man lay down his life or his friend.
And we are His friends. While we have not always been friendly toward the Lord Jesus Christ, we had to await that moment when God and grace reached our hearts with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and called us by that gospel to the attaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. So how glad we are that he has indeed come to where we are and found us in the ditch, wounded, bruised, ready to die, and picked us up.
Out of those awful sinkholes of sin and heal our sin sick souls and put a song in our hearts pick us up and establish our going and giving us that eternal song even praise to our God. And so as we speak for a few minutes on together on the 10th of John, a trust that's the Spirit of God will take these few remarks, make the Lord Jesus Christ more precious to your soul and to mind than he has ever been.
That we might grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ as our dear brother the apostle Peter has encouraged us that we should do so. Let's look then to John, chapter 10. We'll read a little and seek by God's Knights with grace to magnify that blessed man that this chapter brings before our souls.
Very, very, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door and the sheepfold, but climb us up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.
That he that entered them by the door is the shepherd of the sheep.
To him the border opener, and the sheep hear his voice.
And he called his own sheep by name.
And he needed the mother, and when he put forth his own sheep, he goeth before them.
And the sheep followed him, for they know his voice.
The stranger they will not follow.
Will flee from him, for they know not the voice of strangers.
This forever spoke Jesus unto them, but they understood not what things they were.
Which he spoke under.
Then Jesus said unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you.
I am the door of the sheep.
All that ever came before me of thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not follow them. I am the door by me. If any man is there in, he shall go in and out and find pasture.
Please come up not but to steal, and to kill and to destroy. I have come that he might have life, and that he might have it more abundantly.
I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd giveth his life or the sheep he that is in hiring.
And not the shepherd, whose own own the sheep are not. See if the wolf coming and leave with the sheep and clear, and the wolf catches them and scatter the sheep iron and clear because he isn't hiring and Carol not for the sheep.
I am the Good Shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine, as the Father knoweth me.
Even so, though I default, I lay down my life. Or the sheep and other sheep come by which are not of this whole them also must I dream. They shall hear my voice, and they shall be one bold, one flock actually, and one shepherd. Therefore just my love, Father, love me because I lay down my life, that I may take it again. No man takes it from me, but I lay it down to myself. I have power to lay it down and.
Have power, take it again. This commandment have I received of my father.
You'll stop there because we have already read more.
And it is possible for us to enter into in a few minutes that we have together. You're aware of the remainder of the chapter in which the Lord Jesus Christ makes it so plain that.
That a sheep of Christ shall never know, never perish, but that the Father and the Son being one.
Secures for all eternity those for whom our blessed Lord Jesus God.
Very now saying to you he that ends knocked by the door of the sheep climbeth up some other way, the same as a Deacon arrival, we have our Lord Jesus Christ set forth here as coming to.
To that nation.
That was so dear to his heart.
In the 12Th of John we here.
One named Caiaphas prophesying that one man should die for the nation, that the nation perish not.
And we have our Lord Jesus Christ in this early verses coming into that.
She is full of Israel that God had called out from the nations and hedged about with the law and with his ways.
And the nation not receiving him this.
Is the closest to John's Gospel gets to Matthew's Gospel. I'm sure there are those in this room that could explain better than I how that comparison of the Gospels.
Matthew sets before us the Lord Jesus Christ coming to the nation, particularly the nation, Israel as their Messiah, as Emmanuel coming into the into the nation itself, gone with his people to deliver them from those Gentiles oppressors. The Romans under whom?
They had been brought to ******* and so we have.
Him there coming right into the nation itself as their king, and so consequently the genealogy in Matthew. Once that's the legal lineage of David resting upon the Lord Jesus Christ, so that he could be the Messiah, King of Jews. But here we have him entering in by the door.
He came with all of their credentials of Messiah. He came according to the word of God, as that one prophesied of old that he should come, that God would raise up a shepherd for Israel, and he entered with all the qualifications and legal credentials to be their game. And so we have him coming here in by the door by the word of God. He came according to the word of God according to the prophetic scriptures.
As that blessed one who would deliver them and who alone could deliver them. And we know the sign history of that. They said we will not have this man to rule over us. They said away with him crucified. They said we have no king but Caesar, more content with a wicked gentile.
Than the Messiah.
Precious king of the Jews. So he came according to the word, and came in by the door, and to him the Porter opened, when the true king came, that messenger that God sent before his face, voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord. The Kingdom is at hand. So the Spirit of God witnessed through John, and at his at the baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ.
That this man was indeed the Messiah.
This was God with his people coming into their very circumstances to bring them all blessings past God promised by God, we read in the first.
Chapter of Second Corinthians I believe it is. I never can remember what is the first chapter of Second Corinthians or the 2nd chapter of First Corinthians when the ascend of the Lord Jesus Christ, that he that he all of the promises of God are in him gave and him Amen.
And so we have the Lord Jesus Christ as he who is the in whom the promises of God originated, and he who consummates all of the promises of God we see in the eighth verse of Romans chapter 15.
That the Lord Jesus Christ became the minister of the circumcision that is a servant of the Jewish nation for the truth of God to confirm the promises made under the Father. So in this chapter we have the Lord Jesus coming right into the sheepfold of Israel with God had called out of himself and hedged about with His wall.
To protect them, to make himself known in their midst. And we have.
The Baptist by the Spirit of God pointing to that man. This is indeed the Messiah. This is he that should come, the true of whose I'm not worthy to unloose. And so we have the Lord Jesus Christ coming into the midst of his own, and the door being open, so that according to the very Jewish scriptures that were given to them, they could know of certainty that this was indeed their Messiah, and everyone that came before was a thief in a robot.
Thieves. Have there been all? We know that the great thief, of course, is that enemy of our souls himself. The devil is the thief and a robber. He is the destroyer. He is the adversary. He is the liar from the beginning. And who would not stand in the truth to get in John Chapter 8. And so all who came before our blessed Savior came, were of their father, or took the character of that enemy of the souls of men.
That plunge us into eternal darkness with himself being himself eventually to be cast into the lake of fire that was prepared for the devil and his angels. And so we see the Lord Jesus coming, and all others are imposters.
We think of poor Adonaija, David's son, who would have made himself king.
An imposter.
Not the man that God would have to sit on his throne and others also for Absalom, that willful Son assets before us, that willful Son to come in the coming days. A man of sin, exhaust himself above all, is called God and would cast.
Would tear down all the people that would follow the Lord Jesus Christ. These are imposters and they have the character of that great imposter, the devil.
Who is the father of the mall? So all that came before the Lord Jesus Christ and all that come after him that purport to be something.
Are not the true shepherd of the sheep. There are those coming that will have great power like the man of sin to whom we have made mention, and they will do wonderful things. The Lord Jesus said, if they say that Christ is here, don't believe them, don't go there. Or if he is there because the signs of Messiahship are not rock in those antichrists. And John tells that many antichrists are in the world.
Peter tells that evil men and seducers shall act worse and worse. That's John. Paul tells Timothy that.
But the word from Peter is that many false teachers are already gone out into the world.
So there are imposters here, and they would desire to distract us from the real shepherd of our soul, shepherd and Bishop of our souls, the Lord Jesus Christ. And so when the Lord Jesus Christ came into the company of that special people that God separated unto himself.
There were goals that were his own.
There were those that were his own. Think of Anna, that widow lady of many years, who departed not night nor day from the temple, and Simeon, who, when he saw that babe in his arms, could save the whole. Now now let thy servant depart in peace, For mine eyes have seen the salvation of Jehovah. And so there were those in Israel. And John the Baptist called out that godly Remnant.
That identified with the righteous judgment of God and accepted it for themselves, and were baptized, taking their place in confession of sin, in order to anticipate the coming of this blessed man Who.
We have now the history coming right into the fold and leading his own up.
We have the blessed verse that we have so often quoted, the Lord Jesus Christ in our midst.
It has always been the purposes of God and the purposes of God.
To gather souls to the Lord Jesus Christ.
In the 49th chapter of Genesis when Jacob was passing.
Along his blessing to his children when he came to Judah.
The Lord giver shall not depart.
From his sheep.
Do the 40 million Genesis, 4910.
The scepter shall not depart from Judas, nor the Lawgiver from between his feet until Shiloh come, and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.
10th verse Deceptor shall not depart out of Judah, nor the lawgiver from between his feet.
Until Shiloh come, and with him shallow gathering of the people being so, so the Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, has forever been the object of the Father's heart, and it has always been the purpose of God to gather his own to that blessed person, the Lord Jesus Christ. And so when the Lord Jesus Christ comes here in our chapter, he comes into the sheep hole and he.
Put it for his own sheep now that carries right on through into the church, period, when these dear Jewish disciples.
Who gathered out of that wicked nation to form that godly remnant to identify with Messiah in this world?
And it goes right on through unto the very end of Judaism, when God pronounced his anathema on that system by the destruction of Jerusalem in 7080 by the wicked man Titus, the Roman emperor. And the last word to those blessed little Jewish believers, and to all of us is Hebrews 1313. Now therefore let us go forth unto him without the camp.
Reproach for here we have no continuing city, but we seek one to come. He was crucified outside of the city, and now we go forth unto him. So God has always had before him that blessed man the Lord Jesus Christ. Proverbs chapter 8 tells us. I was daily.
His delights I grew up before him as a tender plant that prophetic word gives us. And he was daily his delights and the delights of the Lord Jesus as Son in eternity past, Where were the sons of men? And so we have And then coming here into the fold of Israel, and putting forth his own, and calling them by name, I think, a dear Mary of Magdalene, out of whom?
The Lord Jesus had cast 7 deaths.
The dear woman.
Fully under the power of the Evil One, and foster that we spoke of.
For a heart soul welded to the Lord Jesus Christ that when they lay him in the tomb.
Would almost appear that she spent the night there.
In the company of where she last saw that man, our Lord Jesus Christ, and when he appeared to her so overwhelmed with grief and sorrow, that she did not recognize him, she supposed him to be the gardener. And if thou hast borne him hence, tell him that I may go and take him.
Away. And then he said there.
And she knew it was he, and she recognized that it was the Lord Jesus when he called her by name. Or is it delightful that he has called us by name? Think of Lazarus. What would have happened, beloved, if he had not said Lazarus come forward? We'd have the resurrection right there if he had not called Lazarus by name. And so we have the delightful blessing and privilege of being called by name by that blessed man who knows us all.
His own He had later, even as he knows the problem. So he calls us by name, and he calls his name upon us. And oh, what a weighty responsibility it is for us to bear the name of our Lord Jesus Christ before those that witness our lives in the sea. We are sometimes the only representation of Christ that anybody goes around us will ever see.
Your epistles known and read of all men.
And all how it speaks to my heart. What kind of a letter am I writing to my next door neighbor? And what kind of a letter am I writing to those dear Saints of God with whom I am gathered? Is there that consistency in me of going on quietly in my soul, so that my darling children and my neighbors children and my brother's children will want to follow in my footsteps? All we need to cover and develop that consistency of godly walk so that they are those around us that can see?
The value of the life and communion, and want to take up the path of faith. And I feel in my own soul that those of my dear children that have not taken up the pathophyte, I feel it deeply beloved that had I had that godly consistency, it might have made the pathway of faith a bit more appealing to my dear children. And so he put forth his own, and he crawled somebody before they know his voice.
Have I their beloved things cultivated?
A Listening to the voice of the Lord Jesus Christ. Here is where we have this voice. He tells us in the 5th chapter of John that the hours coming whom the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God and lay that here shall live. So each one of us who knows the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior has heard His voice saying, Come to me always at labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. And we have heard his voice that against life in our soul.
And so thankful for that, but have I developed the habit of listening for the voice of my Lord Jesus Christ as I read His word every day.
This is a little bit of a side issue.
But I'm going to repeat it because of its value. I got this from a calendar leak.
And especially for you, dear young men and young women, they said. I'm going to give you the simplest and the best way for studying the Bible.
And that is to read everything, Read it prayerfully and meditatively.
To see what is the Lord saying to me today.
And that was suggested to my thought in connection with hearing the voice of the Lord Jesus Christ. And the little piece went on to say, what may appear to a beginner to be a great accumulation of knowledge of the Scriptures is nothing but the day by day building so that the word of God forms your thoughts.
How much are my thoughts formed by the word of God? Because I've been listening to the voice of the Lord Jesus Christ, a stranger they will not hear.
Well, beloved, how well we all know.
That there is enough that which will listen to the voice of the stranger.
But the Word of God teaches us.
That that evil principle that lies within my bosom.
That would readily take up a voice of a stranger has been condemned of God. What the Law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh. God, sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, has condemned sin in the flesh, so that in me that would listen to the voice of a stranger. And how many times have we had to bow our heads in humiliation and confession of sin because of a book or a magazine?
Or a video or whatever that we have picked up along the way and heard in it the voice of a stranger and found a response in these poor, cold, thankless parts. We have to do that, don't we? Occasionally, but oh how glad we are. But that old principle of rebellion against God and hatred against his Son has been condemned because of the Lord Jesus Christ died to put away sin once.
And he is alive unto God forevermore, so a stranger they will not follow. So may it be our happy portion, dear ones, to be able to shut the gate to each pathway of a strangers leading, and follow with a single eye the Lord Jesus Christ, who has gone before us all the path the Saints are treading, trodden by the Son of God, all the sorrows they are feeling, felt by him along the road.
So beloved, we do not travel an unblazed trail. I think of The Pioneers coming through the country and we went up this Springdale State Park in Indiana with the deer, St. Francisville Saints a couple of times, and the mountains and the trees and the rocks. How did they ever get through the country? I think they had to view their way through with the maps.
But the point is we do not have a few out the way. The way has been made plain.
Because our blessed Savior has gone before, leading the way, and having blazed the trail, we can now follow in His footsteps, and elitist indeed, away from those paths of strangers and right up to the portals of glorious stuff where we shall be with the Lord Jesus Christ for all eternity. And we don't know the voice of strangers. We know His voice, and may it be our happy portions of it, to cultivate delight.
And hearing the voice of our precious, precious savior.
That voice that gave us life, and it's that voice that will provide for us.
A guide with certainty right up into his own blessed presence, where he sits at the right hand of God. But he says, I am the door of the sheep, I am the door by me. If any man enter him, he shall be saved. He shall coming in, go in and out. Find me passkey.
He needed me beside still waters.
He restoreth my soul the green pastures and still waters of the providing of the Shepherd, and it is that that he desires that you and I should have a little word was mentioned.
Recently as to worship and service.
I was. I had an opportunity once to go to a jail, to preach.
And I asked the brother if he might go with me. And here is what he said. All of that sort of thing has to be the fruit of community.
That made a profound impression on me. All of that sort of thing has to be the fruit of communion. So here we have the door. And those who go in, they go in and find pasture. They go in and out and find pasture and how necessary it is that we go in in the strength of community.
In order to be able to go out and serve and seek to bring others in to the flock of God, our young brother Gordon Frazier yesterday spoke of in all these things, we are more than conquer.
You know the portion from the end of Romans 8 that he read. And as he spoke for the first time ever in my soul I thought this thought he said. He made the point that it does not say over all these things. We are more than comfortable in these things. We are more than conquerors, because we are in them. In communion with God. Came to my soul, Bless my soul immensely, our dear a brother who has gone ahead of us to the glory once said.
It is better to be in the furnace, as were the Hebrew children, than to be delivered from it.
His point was this deliverance is only power.
In the furnace is community the only thing Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego lost in the furnace were the ropes that bound.
They gained the invaluable presence of the Son of God in the furnace of it. So it's better to be an overcomer in all of these things, the tribulation and the and the claim, and the pestilence and the sword, being in them in communion with the Son of God, and therefore more than conquerors over them.
It's better to be in them in community than to have deliverance from them. Oh, how good it is of our God that he gives us the opportunity to go in and out and find pasture. There is food for my soul in this book, beloved.
And I can tell you without any hesitation or embarrassment, it is the only place.
In this world that the Newman will find subsidies.
Feed the flock of God. The only way I can feed the flock of God is to bring the Lord Jesus Christ before them from the pages of this eternal birth. So file and plant in it, and reap the benefit that for your soul and mind by being occupied with the Lord Jesus Christ of the pages of this book, a brother has said.
The more you know about this book, the more you know about Christ. If I had the perception to turn over into some of these difficult portions, even to read, if I had the perception, the spiritual insight, I have no doubt I define the Lord Jesus Christ in those pages. Just a little illustration. It might help. Take the Prince of Judah who was the standard bearer that went out in front of the camp of Judah when the Tabernacle moved.
May ask them Nathan.
Was the Prince of Europe when the Song of Solomon was written.
We've enjoyed that expression many times, the cheapest of 10,000 words missing. So if I had the perception to read this book carefully enough, I would find even in those genealogical repetitions, sometimes gems are blessing for my soul that point to the Lord Jesus Christ. So we need to be going in and out and finding pasture. I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd giveth his wife for the sheep. Verse 11.
What more could not do than he had done? He did the same thing with Israel.
What could he do that he hadn't done? And so when a man gives his life, he's given everything he can give. And here we have the Good Shepherd of our souls, the Lord Jesus Christ, laying down his life for the sheep.
And I want to comment on that in connection with what we have in the.
81St No man taketh it from thee, no man taketh it from me, but I'll lay it down to myself.
It says in the 12Th chapter of John's Gospel in verse 24, except the corn wheat fall into the ground and die and bite us alone.
The Lord Jesus Christ, that holy man born of a virgin, could have ascended to glory at any moment of his lifetime without dying.
There was nothing in him that excluded him from glory. Who is in the bosom of the Father. John 118.
Is in the bosom. He was here in this world, beloved, but he never left the bosom of the Father. He was always in the affections of the Father while he was here, and he could have arisen and gone right back to glory without dying, except he chose to lay down his life for you and me. I lay it down with myself that I might take it again. This command must have I received, and I'm going to change the reading slightly.
Along with the Father, in those deep eternal councils of grace and blessing, the Godhead devised the scheme so that the Son could come into this world and be a man, as we quoted from the third verse of Romans 8 Like unto sinful flesh, coming as close to you and me.
As is possible to conceive in the likeness of sinful life.
He received the authority for such activity along with the Father in internal counsels of grace within the Godhead.
Like a wonderful thing, this commandment received I alone, this authority along with alone. And so when he came, it was in order that he might have you and me with himself. And so the Good Shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.
Know the past too great, no sacrifice too dear.
Who died?
For that blessed one who desired you and me in company with himself throughout the countless ages of eternity, and the purpose of God, that you and I should be like him.
Necessitated that he lay down his life for the sheep. The only way you and I have ever entered those portals of glory is for the Lord Jesus Christ of God. We were in the book of Ecclesiastes in the Sunday School this morning, and in that book we read at the time of that no man has authority over his own spirit.
That was reasoning under the sun. That was before the revelation of God in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, because when he came here is a man who had control of his spirit, the time of death.
Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit. He dismissed his spirit. You know I may not do that, but the Lord Jesus Christ dismiss his spirit to his Father, and that is so precious to me because of it, because it tells me this.
In the 13th chapter of John's Gospel and the beginning of the very first verse, it says having loved his own, he loved them until the end.
That is, through all of those three hours of darkness consciously the Lord Jesus Christ bearing in His own holy body your sins, and mine having loved his own, He loved them right through the whole 3 hours of darkness to the end.
Having realized in the conscious faculty of his intellect, he bore in his own holy body your sins and mine.
Requiring that God forsaken my God, my God, why has God forsaken me?
Then knowing that all was finished, as he said, it is finished Forward into thy hand. I commend my spirit in the 4th chapter. Matthew. We have the Lord Jesus Christ tempted by the devil, and he answered the enemy by the word of God. It is written, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. It is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord not thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.
Here in the end.
In absolute confidence in his Father we have him telling you and me the word of God, not only is to live by, is to die by, we can stay with this book 11 Till the moment of the departure of our spirits to be with Christ, but he in full confidence that all is accomplished.
Knowing that he had done the Father's will to say it's finished and in perfect confidence commend his Spirit to God, knowing that he would be received of his Father because he had done his will even today, obedient unto death, was slain that blessed Son of God, and so in laying down his life.
Not the soldiers, not the wicked men with cruel hands that slew him, but he laid down his life.
Well, time is running on. I am the Good Shepherd and no marching and unknown of mine as the Father knows me. That is really the way that Senate should be. I am known of mine as the Father knows me. Isn't that precious? I know my sheep and I know my known of mine is the problem of me. Time is soon at hand. Very soon I feel in my soul, and I'm sure others in this room feel a swing when we shall know.
Even as we are known for we shall see Him face to face. All tenders is removed, never up, another error fall, never a wandering mind anymore. We'll be seeing our Lord Jesus Christ face to face and then we will surely know Him as the Father knows Him.
Well, let me just make a comment or two, as the other people have eyes which are not this full.
We are about to reach the very pinnacle the highest point of revelation hinted at here, made good in the Apostle Pauls ministry. In the second chapter and 3rd chapter of the Epistle to the Atheists, other sheep have out When the Lord Jesus Christ came into that Israelite disposal, he actually said to his disciples.
Go not to any save the lost sheep, lost sheep of the House of Israel.
And the Gentiles? What? He said.
But go to the squash the House of Israel. That was his concern when he came that we know from subsequent revelation.
What we have here?
We have hints of it throughout the Gospels. The Cyrus Venetian woman pleading with the son of David, over whom she had no claims, to whom she had no right that he would, that he would heal her daughter, he said. It is not meat that I should take the children's bread and feed the dogs. This is where we were beloved. We were without God and without Christ in the world having no hope. We were Gentiles.
To whom nothing is said about Messiah. And even through the Old Testament history there is no blessing for the Gentile outside of the company of God's people Israel. They had to be proselyted and brought in and circumcised. God blessing. But here we have other sheep have a oh, how delightful that we are in the thoughts of Christ. Them also must I bring and there should be 11. They shall hear my voice and there should be one fold and one flop.
Of between Jew and Gentile, he had made one new man. We are now no difference. No difference between you and Gentile. There's no difference between barbarian and Cynthia. No difference between male and female. We're all one in Christ. The new man, the body of Christ on earth, the head in heaven, joined together by the Holy Spirit, made one body in Christ and fellow members one of another.
We are members one of another and these this is all suggested in the other Sheep have eyelid. There might be 1 flaw. Oh how faithful to God is the enemy's work that has scattered the point of God again.
Time doesn't commit, but I have just had a wonderful revelation of my own soul. That man in every case of responsibility committed him not only failed as we have been taught, but he failed in the worst way he could possibly fail. And some I committed to your your meditation. Adam could only have failed in one way, and that was disobedience. And that's the worst way he could have failed. And that's the way he did fail Israel.
One God was the revelation given to them, and the worst way they could fail is to fall into idolatry. And that's what they did.
The Church is 1 body committed to us that blessed truth to hold and to give expression to in the breaking of bread, as we did this morning, meeting together on the ground of one body so as to show the world that the assembly is indeed one. The worst way it could possibly have sinned is to fall into sectarianism. That's what happened, divided into 1003 thousand 4500 sites. But there is one flaw. They're all one. I met a man.
That is now cattle. And when I challenge him about eternity, about his soul, he said. And he was a psychologist, and this set me really on edge immediately. I hear Franks every day for the sunshine.
And for my daughter, and for the wonderful country God has given us to live In my thinking, that man is giving me the typical line of a psychologist. But most of all, he said, I thank him for sending his son.
Be my state.
Along with him, immediately there's a brother in Christ. A fellow member. Isn't that delightful? Well, 11 Shepherd one flock that there might be 1 shepherd in one flock. And therefore does my father love me. And I want to close with that line. But before I do close, I want to read the 5th chapter.
And verse.
One for the Father loveth the son, for the Father loveth the son.
And showed him all things that he himself do.
And will show him greater works than these, that he may Lord the Father, loveth the Son, and show them all they love. But here we have and listen carefully their hearts.
A new Ave. opened into the heart of God for the expression of love to his beloved Son. Therefore does my Father love me because I lay down my life for the sheep, as some come into this world, obedience, dependent, submissive affection, unto his God and his Father, and faithful witness, the Father in love with the Son. But because I lay down my life, a new spring is open.
As it were in the heart of the fall, by which he can express affection.
Or blessed one that has always been the delight of his heart. Yes, the purchase of you and me that opened up that spring of affection between the Father and the song. Therefore, does my Father love me because I lay down my life issue? Well, let's sing together before we go Hymn #40.
No, it's not all racist. Shepherd shedding for us highlights blood in this broken bread. We own these brews for us and put the shade. There is the sun laying down his life, the shepherd laying down his life in the broken and bruised body. The death of our Lord Jesus Christ. Hymn #4 speaker.
All the great operation.
Drivers should I blow up my life?
In real world.
All good friends.