John 11, Mary, Marth & Lazarus

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Address—A. Mauer
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That says Quicken.
Wave and in skin.
We are full of living snow. Every foe has been defeated. Every enemy lays before.
The song is the same.
Fourth verse says to us Quicken. Quicken raised and inhuman seated.
But when you look at the third verse, we find first exceptions.
The subject that I have before me this afternoon that I've enjoyed some thoughts on.
Are pertaining to.
The circumstances in our lives and how they appear to us.
Whether we if we apply the truth of resurrection or if we don't, I talk the truth, how they change, how the looks of things change when we apply the truth of resurrection to our circumstances and how when we do that, we find ourselves closer to the Lord Jesus in his presence. So I'd like for us to turn to some verses just to show you what what our purpose is. And he knows what our fortune is and we know these persons very well.
It means you use the 1St chapter.
Diffusion is one.
On verse 3.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly blessings in Christ. There are many today who are seeking After Earth.
But that's not something that's going to last. Listen.
In Sunday school we talked how about how no matter how much that money was worth, but not last returns. But God has given us something that will last for something we can enjoy now, and it's something that we can enjoy for heaven. Let's look over to the.
6th verse of the second chapter.
And hath raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Now notice how many times when we find ourselves lifted up, we find ourselves in in fullness, in nearness to the Lord Jesus.
Lovely, because I believe that what the Spirit of God wants to do is to occupy us with those things that He has for us, and at the same time to occupy us with His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Raised us up together, made us stick together in heaven and places in Christ Jesus and in the chapter, in the first chapter we have there that we are chosen and before the foundation of the world.
And we are accepted into the blood. So when we look, when we, when we consider our portion, we consider those things which are ours because of what God wants to give us, our blessings, our heavenly blessings.
Define the the person of the hope Jesus brought in so very closely with him. And is that not a proper thing to associate our heavens and blessings with the heavenly man? Let's look over then to Romans.
About the romance.
Chapter 6.
No, you're not. And so many of us, as we're baptized into Jesus Christ, we're baptized into his death. Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death, that at life, as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, Even so we also should walk in newness of life. For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall also be in the likeness of his resurrection, His resurrection.
We have that, you know, it said in Ephesians. Half maintenance.
How can we say has made in heavenly places when we're still here are they've already given us those truths to enjoy in our souls while we appear. We can enjoy them. They're ours. They really are as you know, they're not any less ours now than they will be when we're in the Hogan going up and up. There really are the resurrection truths that we have. The fact that we've been buried with Christ and raised again. Both trees are ours and we can enjoy them now. We shall also be also in the likeness of his resurrection.
But a lovely thing that God has given us the truth.
That there is resurrection.
And we are living and we should be living in a new life, buried with him and bachelor. We have that privilege now of walking after the new man.
Colossians again.
The third chapter.
If you even be risen with Christ, with risen with Christ we we you.
Yes, but they stand on the ground of resurrection.
Of the sharing, of knowing by faith all of those things which spell his book. We don't enter into the pool. 7 But there are two enjoyment do I enjoy?
I'm afraid that as I go with the business of the day and the business of the week.
Perhaps even as I journey home, I'll probably forget.
The ground resurrection I probably will forget.
But we have the expectation here, don't we? If you're going to be risen with practices, seek those things which are above for Christ. Sitter with the right hand, go.
Set your affections on things above, not on things in the earth, for your dead and your life is here.
But a lovely thought, I believe.
That Christ has promised us something better than anything you have in this world. There is nothing in this world that can satisfy the human heart.
And he has given us.
To know that that place that we're going to enjoy those things are going to be with them in glory.
I believe that God has given to this this truth as an encouraging to us.
Because it's easy to get discouraged, isn't it? And we see so many things going on around our circumstances.
Sometimes we know that it seems like every single person has been special exercise, a special circumstance.
A special thing about which they may be troubled is having difficulty.
But the Lord is there and to try expression to say look to the Lord, it's a right expression.
Because I believe that if we have him before us, if we can set our affections on things above and look at our circumstances with a view to the truth of resurrection, we find it carries us beyond this world, out of our circumstances by faith, and into a sphere where our thoughts and affections can be centered.
Let's look then at the store, at some people who we have given account, been given an account of the circumstances before and after the truth of resurrection has been required. And so let's look in John's gospel.
John's Gospel.
The 11Th chapter.
Mary, Martha and ladies.
And that certain man will say.
Certain names.
Sometimes you get sick.
Do we recognize that we are a certain man in the United States?
Do we recognize that even though we may be alone in our illness?
We are not alone in terms of the Lord's.
I believe that we can say when, when we are ill or something of that sort. I believe that we can say you are a certain name or a certain name or a certain boy, a certain girl in the eyes of the ages.
Walls don't keep the Lord out. Seedlings don't keep the Lord out from relying on our babies.
A certain man lashes his sick.
Named Lazarus or Bedroom the town of Mary and her sister Mark. I'm not sure that I've got that this is factual.
But I read that there are some who believe that Martha may have been a will.
And that Mary probably is never married.
And Lazarus was sick.
What was better?
Bethany, as I understand it, is on the South side of the Mount of Olives, a small town. We don't read much about it. We don't read much about Bethany that I know of in the secular literature. And so you might say that here was this corset man in this house with perhaps a widowed sister.
I'm a married sister.
I don't think that there was anything that they could explain that they should.
That they could boast that was being raised.
And I wonder what they thought of themselves.
A four week old company.
Mary, Martha.
You know, Mary was the one that stumbled about 1:30.
Lazarus is there.
For a trio.
Nothing to take. Explain. I don't think they were very rich. You don't read much about their house that I know of.
We read this message.
And I believe that God sees us, you and I. Amen. In Australians as it is certain.
And he has his eye on us, no matter how rich or helpful. He sees you as an immigration.
The second verse it was that Mary which ignited the people, and anointed the Lord of appointment, and wiped his feet with her hair, whose brother Lazarus was sick. Therefore his sister sent unto him, saying, Lord, behold, even thy Lois his sins. Notice that he, even thou, loves the sick.
Mary and Michael knew one thing. He knew that the word Jesus. Lord blessings.
That we accept there's something that not.
Martha didn't say Lord. She wasn't too.
And I believe that when we seek the Lord's help for somebody else, I think it's very popular to do that and to recognize that the Lord loves them.
I think it's also a lovely thought to say lovely to.
The old he knew, now love us to say.
Now, I'm going to turn down to the fifth first because I want to emphasize this issue as well.
Man, his sister said, He whom thou lovest is sick, The scriptures say now the Lord love him.
Hello. Oh, you say, Mark, Martha, you were the one who was cumbered about.
Certainly doesn't what we like.
That's what he said. Does he love me in all my failures? Does he love me just like I am? Does he see me as I really, really am? All my words know my moles as he loves seeing me, just as I am going to love it anyway. Yes, he does.
In my favorite.
Market says Jesus welcome.
And her sister announced.
Well, the six first. Now when he had therefore heard therefore that he is sick people, he was.
And after that he said he was to his disciples, Let us go into Judea again.
His decidable saying to him, master, the Jews of late saw his family, he was stopped with it again.
Jesus answered. Are there not 12 hours in the day?
Many men walk in the day should spend with money because it's you, the life of your life.
But if a man walk at night, he's stumbling because there's nothing.
Now I skipped the verse and I didn't purposely because when he's put the Lord is presenting before us. Here is the thought that if a man walks in the night of stumbles.
I know that that makes her very easy, but I think that I think that there is the thought there.
That if we walk in our circumstances down here below and we don't look, we don't look beyond those things, we're short sighted.
We don't see things as we all see because if you look back up in the fourth, first could be skipped.
When Jesus heard that, he said, this sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified or by.
I'm going to have you turn back to the 9th class to emphasize this.
You know the story there well.
With regard to the blind man.
Third verse of John 9 Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned all his parents, but that the works of God could be manifested in him.
Our verse But for the glory of God, that the Son of God, God might be your Father God.
Perhaps it's not true with all our circumstances.
But I believe that there is the promise.
That for at least some of our circumstances, that the Lord puts us through.
It may very well be that the works of God may be manifest enough.
And that the glory of God, that the Son of God.
Might be glorified.
When we get in circumstances of difficulty and wouldn't it be lovely if you could think of those as being unkeep or by the works of God to be manifesting?
Me, a poor failing teacher.
Instrument by which God would be glorical. The Son of man could be glorified.
In the circumstances he was sick and relating to himself and he in those circumstances was going to that sickness was going to be.
And I believe, I fully believe that some of the circumstances that you and I go through in this world.
If we if we accept them from the hand of God and the exception of faith.
Well, it can in some way be for his.
It was less than triple age. I say that with fun and cheap because, you know, it's a serious thing.
It's a serious thing to talk like this with regard to this, but I believe that there are some circumstances in our lives when the Son of God actually be glorious.
In our differences.
That's the way it was here.
Now then the level first these things said he, and after that he stepped into their my friend Lazarus sleepless. But I go that I'm awakened out of sleep. Then said his disciples, Lord, if he sleep, he shall do well.
I'll be in Jesus faith of his death.
But they thought that he had spoken of taking rest asleep, then said Jesus under them Lazarus.
1St we find him sick, then we find him asleep. Now we're sick.
51St I am glad for your sakes that I was not there.
The Lord Jesus is not there, he said. He's dragging.
He was glad he wasn't there to see the glasses, though.
Was it, do we not say that the Lord loved Lazarus? Did it not say that the Lord loved Myth and her sister and.
Why then, why the Lord sound better?
Is it possible? Is it possible?
That others of the Lord's people.
Have had to go through style.
That I might be.
Is it possible?
That there are those who had to go through trial that the Lord may teach me.
Sometimes, you know, when I see somebody in their circumstances, it's easy for me to say, Oh well, you know, I.
Well, the way they walk, maybe that's the way that that's the way. That's not the way we should be looking for physically.
It's very possible that the world may be seen to me something.
The intent.
Nevertheless, let us go into it.
17% of Jesus came. He found that he had lay in a day or day, all day.
Martha, Mary. Four days.
Should be supposed to be.
It is positive they didn't have much. I say this, I say this time, though, they didn't have much of this world's good, much of anything when they had Lazarus night.
And you find 2 dear sisters, we've all gotten a second on a little town on the other side of the night.
We find them all alone if they get through.
And the Lord is not there.
If you apply.
If you look at these circumstances.
And you don't apply the truth of resurrection.
To come up with perhaps.
A widowed sister.
The single lady.
And we did that.
It's quite a scene, isn't it?
You know, I don't know that we read that Mary, Martha and Lazarus.
What? Anywhere else to visit? I don't know how many friends.
I don't know.
Perhaps they had lost, perhaps they didn't.
But I suspect that they were pretty long.
Another head was in trouble.
And now you'll find that after death comes into that house.
There is even less than this world to live for than he has before.
And we also find that they could very easily say, you know.
Mary Canis will say, You know what Lord say in faithful Lord, you know I sat at your feet, Lord, and I heard you speak to me.
But you're not the money.
It's a sound thing, isn't it? It's a sad thing to look at both circumstances.
And we find ourselves there are many people who are going through some of these same circumstances. Some.
We've lost Lovings, some who have been widowed, your widower, some who have never been married. Some whofore have, let's say, lost dear loved ones.
Some who have little of this world's goods.
It may seem that there is nothing in this world.
Martha tried to do a little serving and she was comfortable.
Mary sat at the feet of Jesus, and now he's not there in the machines, and she may think.
And I just don't.
Now that is not.
There is no place, no place in this world.
That is verified.
From the ground of the death, of course.
And I believe that this is the beginning here of the Lord trying to bring in the truth of this one.
Bethany was home to choose.
I share this thought with you as I had with some of the others.
That it says in Acts 1.
That not all of it was about a Sabbath day's journey from Jesus.
And it says there I believe that.
He says in Luke's gospel, is it ought not Christ who have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory?
We find that Jerusalem is associated with his death.
And amount of others is associated with Israel.
And the Bethany is on the Mount of Olives.
And Bethany was not.
About a side of stage journey.
The Lord suffered on Friday evening after weeks.
He was in the grave on Saturday, which is the Sabbath day.
And he was on the roadside.
Do we have a thought there that in time Jerusalem, His sufferings, was about a Sabbath day's journey in time from His glory to His resurrection?
I believe so about a sign of treatment, but here we find that Bethany was not introduced.
We are never very far.
We are never very comfortable.
Bethany was not into Jerusalem.
Many of the Jews and so forth. Well, let's go down to the 21St then Martha as soon as she heard of Jesus was coming. When I met him, but Mary sat still in the house. Then said Martha unto Jesus, Lord, if thou has been here, my brother had not gotten.
I think that.
I've heard others say that Martha was saying this in the spirit. No, Lord, have you been here, my brother in black?
Kind of like saying, you know, Lord, why don't you wait for those to come?
You knew. You knew that we were in these circumstances. You knew that my brother had died. Why didn't you keep getting here? He would die.
But there was a measure of faith in Martha where she said that I know that even now. Let's go without Alaska thought God will give it to you.
Now the first one was Jerusalem. The Bethany was not the Jerusalem.
Now you have.
The promise of God that he would provide.
Jesus said unto her life, Brother shall rise again.
My brother shall rise again, the Lord saying to you, I'm going to show you something, Martha. I'm going to show you that I am not bound by your circumstances.
Your brother shall rise again.
The 25th verse Jesus secondary and the resurrection, the life he that believeth in danger, though he prepared, yet shall be this.
OK, now.
And the.
To the East Coast and when she had so said she went away and called Mary her sister, secretly saying the master is coming poetry. And as soon as she heard that she a little strictly taken to him. Now Jesus was not yet coming to the town was that was in that place for monument.
The Jews then, which were with her in the house to make and comfort her, when they saw Mary, that she arose up hastily and went out, followed her, saying he both under the grave. The detail then when Mary was come where Jesus was and saw, and she fell down at his feet, saying, Lord, if thou hast been here, I'd rather have not thou.
I believe there was a recognition on the part of America.
That in the Lord's presence.
If my brother would never die.
I believe Mary was real and hot Martha too. I believe there was a measure of faith. But you find a realness and a nearness in Mary where she recognized forward if you disappointed Michael.
Recognizing this question all over the country.
And then we find.
The 33rd bridge when Jesus therefore saw the week.
And the Jews also weeping, which came with it. He groaned in spirit.
The Lord Jesus known in spirit.
About these two dear sisters who were so alone.
Yes, yes. Why? I think that there's two things. I think he may have seen them in their need.
But I also think that he understood.
That he.
I believe he understood and entered into their field after.
And I believe that the Lord Jesus, when he goes down at us in our circumstances.
He sees our circumstances.
But he knows how you feel. Is that comfort?
Is it comforting to when we think that no one else understands?
But no one else really knows how I feel. It's comforting to know that the Lord Jesus fully understands not only what you're going through, but how you feel about what you're going to do.
In the full on respect everything.
That you demonstrate circumstances.
You know, I've not been asked to go through a lot of difficult circumstances. When I look around and see some of the circumstances that my brethren have gone through and I see them coming out faithful in a testimony to the work of to the work of thought in them, and happy in their souls after they've been brought through difficult circumstances.
I'm ashamed because I'm not sure that I would have done the same thing.
But I'm sure of another thing, and that is the Lord Jesus was with them in those episodes, understood that, and not only could help them with their circumstances, they can be accomplished to them.
And said, where are you lady? And they said underneath Tennessee.
Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ, growing spirit, He will fly. Why? Because two sisters.
Two forces living on this on the lonely side of Mount of Olives in a little town in a very simple palace.
I think.
Jesus loved me. Jesus loved. He loves us too.
Philosophy. But now let's get a look at the way those circumstances are now.
And we've done it just three months. Last year we had two sisters. I don't know where they're in country, I have no idea.
I don't know. I suspect that they were, that their money was very meager.
I suspect from John 12 That their pay was no more than the regulation spent.
This is before.
Unto the resurrection is applied to their circumstances.
But now.
The if you're going down a little bit.
The 39th verse.
Jesus said.
Taking away the stone.
By this time mark of the sister who was dead seconds and bored by this time instant.
You know what I get in my circumstances, but when I get bothered about things, it's easy for me to look at things as if they're going to stay back.
It's very easy for me to not.
Recognized that the Lord is standing right there beside me.
And there may be things in my circumstances that he tells me to do, and I don't do it because it doesn't make sense to me.
But it's all part of his plan with the Sun Go.
But I may stand there and say no, that doesn't make sense.
Here I am in my circumstances. I need help. No way.
By this time history, he said. So easy for us to look at our circumstances with.
And to miss the fact that the Lord wants us to look at our circumstances with His.
The system of the it's been good for faith. Jesus happened to her, said I not unto thee with thy ways believe thus years see.
So, you know, if I really believe.
More and entered into more the blessings that God has for me.
I would see more of the.
And they took away the stone from the place where the dead was laid. And Jesus lifted up his eyes and said, Father and entry, that thou hast heard me.
And I knew that thou hearest me always because of the people which stand by. I said. It became a belief that I sent.
When he believed upon his English.
And when he does call.
Part of the loud voice, last year's unforced.
Here is a man who has been in the grave.
Distinctive. And here is another lamb, the manifold, the Son of God, the Son of Man, the Lord of Lords, who can walk up to that grave and with a loud voice say Lazarus, come forth. Is there any hesitancy? Is there any weakness? Is there any sort of of meanness? I'm talking about averageness on that command for Lazarus to come forth. There is never any doubt in those words, isn't it? It's a long voice. It's a voice of strength.
That was.
That comes in in a time like that.
And that's the lozenges.
And when he had thus spoken, he started with a loud voice, Lazarus Concord. And he that was dead came forth bound hand and cliffs.
His face was drawn about in afternoon Jesus 7 to Ben loosen and let him go.
Well, we find now that resurrection is coming.
Now let's go over to John 12 and see what happens after resurrection comes in.
The 12Th chapter.
Then Jesus, six days before the Passover, came to Bethel for last. Rest was to come back who he raised from the day.
There they made him a supplement and Martha serve.
Now, I think that there's something very interesting about this patient.
I think there was. We find here that saying lowly House.
Same clean people. I say that because I say they're not fancy.
Same people, lonely people, and the same lonely house on the South side of that mountain.
And you find that six days before the passage.
Jesus became the best.
I believe that the Lord Jesus always felt that he was welcome in that Mass Effect. I'm not sure how many other houses in this world he felt welcome.
How welcome did you feel? Well, if you look down to the fourth verse.
It says one of these disciples.
Now the column of his disciples he most of the time had all of his disciples with.
And he thought at home enough. I believe in that.
Between 13 people in the last.
I wonder how many sisters with friends, if they follow 13 men come into their house for supper, perhaps in the meetings.
It was a lot of joy. He was understanding.
And the Lord Jesus went to that house.
Their house and their house knew what it was to have someone resurrected from here.
The Lord Jesus was in that.
Did Mary, Martha and Lazarus know the Lord Jesus for us? He certainly, certainly did. He was right on resurrection.
And one of the things that I like to do, I like to read a little bit of a chapter and look.
Together and think about it a bit and then go back to the verse or two before and they had less the last verse you saw of the chapter before. Let's see what you read there.
The 37th verse.
Now both the chief Greeks and the Pharisees had given a command.
That if any man you wear he were.
If any man knew where he were.
Believers, in fact, do you recognize?
That you knowing the Lord Jesus Christ, you know something that the world does not know.
The Pharisees, the chief priests, were looking for the Lord Jesus, and they didn't know where he looked. The Pharisees were looking for help to try to find that man twice that they might.
The world today does not know, in a sense.
If you look over to the 17th chapter of Acts, I believe it is. It says arrays in all 50 unknown God. They don't know what he is.
I've had a course or two in philosophy and every one of the philosophers that we study looks for a God and they can't find me. They cannot find them. They don't know him because the world by wisdom can't hand him.
And they are seeking and they are actively seeking them. I would say that perhaps 95 to 199% of the philosophers that that write.
They write about their concept of God and they can't find him. So man in his wisdom is searching after God and they can't find him.
And they were looking for it. They were looking for help, if any man knew where he was.
The two philosophers get together. One of the first things they talk about is who is God and neither one of them knows.
Neither 1.
Mary Martin Lassus, who's had very little of this world's goods. They knew what Jesus was.
He was with them in their little house, in their little house.
Yes, we may not find much in this world.
We know the Lord Jesus. We know something that the world is not known. We know the Lord Jesus. Is that wonderful?
To know that he is with me.
To know that He is mine. To know that He is with me in my circumstances.
I know that I can enjoy this Christmas party.
So we have something. This whole company, these three people have something the world will now take, and they're good.
They did not know and they couldn't.
What do we want?
Who would have played rather half this afternoon if you really want.
Is that something we really want to seek after?
Or is it more important for us to have the person of the Lord Jesus in our simple circumstances?
To know him, and to know of course.
First one.
We find that Lazarus.
Was which had been dead when he raised from the dead.
The second verse there they made him a suffer and Martha served.
There was perhaps 16 people feet.
Was it appropriate when I saw it? Yes, I think so. But we don't find here that Martha was coming about with much stirring here. This is Martha.
You think that Martha had a different concept of serving?
When she saw, when she applied, as it were, the truth of resurrection for certainties.
When she saw her brother sitting there.
And that it was the Lord who did it. That was the Lord who was sitting in her house.
I believe.
Not just that, oh Lord, I'm not going to be something about 3920.
Glasses is one of the one of them that sat at the table with him.
Pleasure sitting at the table with him. You'd speak to me, that means.
But what did Elijah say? I don't know.
I'm not sure how many words are reported that Lazarus ever said.
But he's sitting at the table and he's in community with the witches.
I wonder what he said. I wonder what his thoughts were.
And here was the Lord Jesus sitting in his very presence of the people with that not very long before had stood at this grave site that Lazarus control.
You know there's going to be a shout, isn't there? And the Lord is going to call out of his own home to go.
That shout is going to come.
And the two still sit before the left here.
But you see my answer is now is sitting.
And with a view to his circumstances.
With the truth of resurrection.
And he knows this has been raised today.
Martha is serving, perhaps happily now.
Lazarus knows the truth of resurrection.
So does my phone.
We find that in that in that house where they knew resurrection.
So in the presence of allergies and how many times in Scripture resurrection is associated with the person Christ bringing them both together?
We find it in the scene of resurrection. There was Lord Jesus to.
Lizards at the table with him. That's community.
Martha service forgot me.
We find that in the first instance we read of Mary, I believe it says that she sat at Jesus truth.
In the 11Th chapter she fell down on Jesus feet.
And now it is. It says she announced the truth and.
He works network.
Escort team.
Communion Service Energy.
The world did not know what he was.
But in their house, here are these people who now were not afraid of death anymore.
Because they saw the truth of resurrection and no doubt, as they walked through the scene, as they walked through the scene, as they saw the sea.
They they could see it with the view for the fact that their circumstances were not bound by death.
And if they could go on, and that they could weigh their circumstances in view of what the Lord has for in His blessing.
And that the circumstances they themselves were not bound that day.
There's a fast. There's something better.
Something new. There's something in trust, and there's something.
It's important for us to get as it known.
How wonderful is that? We are not bound by our circumstances. We're going to three give you 3 from all of our circumstances some days.
And we do not feel that because we have been raised with him.
To be with him.
But next we find that she.
Amongst the bill of Jesus.
She wipes his feet with her hair.
And the house is built in.
And how much was this on it worth?
Being cast down on the 5th person not doing the fence.
If a penny a day was the way to those who worked in that day.
It may be that this appointment was paid for with almost a usual.
Almost a little.
I believe that Mary had a sense of who the Lord was.
Even though she had to be brought through the circumstances of the death of her brother.
I believe. And now the time you came.
When she looked back and can see all that the Lord had brought her through, the fact that she had a resource, the fact that she had a hope and God that was not bound by death, that was not bound by her circumstances, and that she could look beyond death and beyond her circumstances.
And the reason that she couldn't because of that fully owned God who's standing out there?
Before that, that whole year worth of money.
And the House is still to go to the United States.
Me too.
And give me.
Glory, the Omniscient called Healy O Savior, are the praises of St.
Let me see. God wants us even now. He was beyond that.
How far short I fall with this, how far short I come, the very things that I'm saying, but I believe that the word wants us to see a wisdom, our lives hidden parts on resurrection ground to apply those truths to our circumstances now and say, well, yes, I'm going through this right now, but it's not going to restrict it. And perhaps if I can in some little measure be faithful to the Lord Jesus.
Perhaps they could use it for this world and how we don't have resources. So in my circumstances, some of your circumstances, it seems so disadvantaged. The Lord use affair to prevent His glory. Yes, I believe so.
Yes, I believe so. If you could use the.
You could use the depth of laser with the Son of God might be qualified.
There are other things that we can use in ours that can grow.
Well, the Lord wants us to look up, doesn't.
He wants us to see our circumstances the way he sees him, but he feel for our circumstantial yes, Oh yes.
But he wants us to look for all resources and do what you think and never withdraw. Is he going to be risen as well? He wants to.
Sexual affections and things about he wants me to look about.
He wants us to live our circumstances in this world.
As he sees us and loves us.
And absentee when you see some of the things that is overnight capacity. Perhaps he grows in spirit still as expected, but she feels he feels the circumstances of his own.
Before was that.
World you mentioned, We alluded to it before, but I think it's a lovely thought. I believe that if you look at the math, you'll find that this lonely house where Mary, Martha and Lazarus was at kind of the South end of a mountain called the Mount of Ox.
And I, I believe if I had my geography correct, I believe that Mary, Martha and Lagos.
Were living.
Who lived in the house that they lived in? I believe that they could look right straight up that mountain to the top. I believe that they could visually see the place for the Lord Jesus ascent and Lord.
I believe that they were living in that lowest, in that lowness, in that simplicity.
I believe that they are actually living.
To the glorified.
And I also believe that in Like Men.
They were living with the view to see them because when we come back to that same time.
And so those four, three people whose lowly three people who may have had so little in this world and at a time when things looked so bleak.
I believe they live in the truth of the resurrection of Christ and this glorious panic, and with a view to His clothes, His coming glory and His great life. But a lovely thing it is, is it not?
To be living with abuse.
To the Resolution Council answer.
Peculiar and you know, his resurrection, yes, I'm talking about his flowers is coming again, is coming blows and he's returned. They were living in the in the good of his return.
On resurrection ground they will have a view towards a place where the Lord is going to return in power on the Mount of Olives for a loving faith.
That's received.
Well, perhaps.
These few verses may encourage us to live as Mary, Martha and Lazarus and.
In our circumstances with the view.
To the Lords return on the Mount of Olives is returned because if we do that, then we have a glimpse we have we have the privilege of walking in the good of the fact that we are seated and having places with blessed with heavenly blessings, Father with their blessings. We do not have the blessings we have allowed us to head with the blessings, doesn't we?
Can we just have more? Some of us have left. That doesn't make any difference when it comes to we're all blessed and we're blessed by them, and we can live with the view of his return. And he's coming back. Isn't he coming back?
We can walk in the good of being raised with him.
And that's getting married.
And service.