John 13

John 13
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I suggest the job here.
Well, it has been on my heart.
Because there we have the Lord's promise three years ago.
It isn't a doctrine so much there as it is statement himself.
And use the whole step. I think so.
John Gospel, chapter 14.
Work not your heart to trouble you. believe in God, believe all through Indians in my Father's House of many men.
If it were not so, I would have told you I go to prepare the place for you.
I will come again and receive you all to myself. That's where I am. There you may be all day. And whether I go, you know, underway, you know.
Lord, we know not within our Lord, And how can we know the way?
These are 7 to him. I am the way, sister and the Light. No man cometh unto the Father, but find me. If he had known me, he should have known my Father.
And henceforth you know him and have seen him.
Unto him Lord joyeth the Father, and the surprise of us.
Tune into him about him for a long time with you. And yet have thou not known me, silly? He never seen me, have seen how to play yourself. Then show us apart.
Believe the song off that I am in the Father, and the Father in me. The word is that I think unto you. I speak not in myself, but the Father has thrown me. He doeth the work.
Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me oil. Believe me for The Dirty work. Verily, verily I stand to you. He that believeth on me the words that I do till he do also, And greater works of being shall he do, because I go on to my Father, and whatsoever and you shall ask in my name.
That will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
If you ask anything in my name, I will do it. But you love me. Keep my commandments.
And I will pray the Father and He shall give you another comforter, that He may abide with you forever.
He was filled with truth whom the world cannot misuse because it's teeth in them even though of it, but he knows him for it. Well with you and tell the Indians.
I will not leave you comfortable. I will come to you.
In a little while and the world gave me no more, but he seemed.
Because I live, need to live also. But that day you should know that I am in my father and me and me and I and me.
Even half much men and people. And he that loveth me shall be loved my father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
You deserve not hysteria.
Lord, how is this without manifest ourselves underwater and talk under the world?
If a man love me, he will keep my word, and my father will love him, and he will come, and we will come under him and make our bones.
He that loves me not leave us, not my face. And the word with me here is not mine, but the power is with them.
He says, Have I spoken unto you?
Being your president.
But the confidence which is the Holy Ghost from the Father of can in my name He shall teach you all things and bring all things, your amendment, whatsoever I have said unto me.
I leave with you by please, I give up. None of the world give us, give I of you. Let not your heart in trouble, neither let it be afraid.
Be afraid How I said unto you, I go away.
And come again unto you, If you love me, you would rejoice, because I said I go under the Father, for my Father is greater than I.
And now I have told you before it's come to pass that when it comes, but when it is come to pass, we might believe.
Thereafter I will not talk much when the printer this world comes and have nothing in me but that the world may know that I love the Father, and as the Father gave me command, even though I.
Let us go in the last. The last verse of this chapter calls for a word of explanation.
Yesterday we remarked that the Lord Jesus, after his public chemistry, took his own apart into the Upper Room.
For that last Passover supper. And when he had them there, he communicated to them. They didn't become the 13th chapter he was telling them.
Of his present office for it.
On us to keep us in communion while we're here. And he was there.
The 14th chapter tells us that he's coming back for us.
But the last verse of this chapter says, arise, let us go ahead, I take it from the next clause.
This is 50 and 16th chapters are spoken on the way between the Upper Room and the Garden of Gethsemane.
Or in the 18th chapter he comes to the garden. I am not so clear.
About the 17th chapter, that prayer of the Lord Jesus to His Father concerning His own He would leave here as to where it was uttered, But suffice it to say that it comes in admirably at the close of the Lord's instruction to them concerning His absence and His coming for them, and there we are permitted to hear His.
Bart told out to his father concerning his own downhill. I wouldn't say where it was us, but from this last, 'cause I think the 15th and 16th were probably uttered on the way to get them. Do you agree with that brother's children? Doesn't the 17th chapter give us, as we might say on sample of the Lord's intercession for us daily? Yeah, it's a high priestly prayer.
Men talk about the Lord's Prayer.
And refer to that which he gave to his disciples. That was suited to the condition then. But that's not the Lord's Prayer, the 17th of John.
And the reason so many Christians pray what's known as the Lord's Prayer is that they're in a state of soul comparable to that of the disciples at that time. That is, deliverance is not known. Forgiveness is not known.
It's not in the it's not just praying by the Spirit, not in the name of the Lord Jesus, but it was ideally students to the disciples at that time before the cross and many Christians who prayed in all sincerity to change do so because they are practically in the states in which the disciples were then, but all on a precious subject we have before us in the 14th. I suppose their hearts were troubled because their hopes were earthly they.
For the Kingdom to be established on earth, just like in the Lord's Prayer, Thy Kingdom come. But now the Lord Jesus is seeking to bring before them something that was going to be their portion instead of the Kingdom. And it's our portion too, through grace. But isn't it all that fast in our hearts are troubled because we have looked for something down here. They look for the Kingdom.
But it's something that we have looked for down here that we didn't receive in our hearts or troubles. But what does the Lord do?
Well, He points our hearts upward, shows us that our real portion is nuts out here. But up there, He's going to come and bring us there, but not your heart. Be troubled. And as our brother AO says, their hearts work up. They have a right to me. They thought that it was He who should have redeemed Israel at that time. Not only that, but their hearts were attached to him personally.
And Harry's talking about leaving them.
Well, if all you they'd left all to follow him.
And now he was telling them that he was going to leave them. Where did that leave them?
In a hostile world.
They sell this hostility now, he says, I'm going to leave while your heart is troubled. He says, because I've said these things, sorrow, it fills your heart. Brethren, what is he set before he's coming back? He did not leave the orphans any brothers. But no, I will not leave you comfortable. I will come to you. And the margin there is, or he wasn't. He isn't letting us make our own way down here.
But not isn't, but our hope is the coming of the Lord. Our hope is himself. I don't know any portion of the word of God much more manual than this 14th of John General. Well, perhaps so voters showed it. On the other hand, the third is when it comes to the second verse. I go to repair a place for you. It certainly wasn't just meters.
I noticed in this place, first of all, Chester, that the blessed Lord linked himself with the living God in the first chapter. We have him presented before us as one of the Godhead. Listen. And here again in this 21St, he linked himself with the eternal God. He said he's an evil God to believe all for me.
Wonderful destiny. Yes brother. Therapeutic. Isn't this before 7?
You have believed in God whom you have not seen. You believed in God as an object of faith. Now you're going to have to believe in me the same way because I'm going away and you won't see me. You believe in God, You're going to have to believe in me now the same way.
Well, isn't any less precious to us because he isn't here.
When did the disciples ever enter into his mind?
Well, I think we have a a higher place than that we can enter into his truck, for we have the Spirit of God to open up the word. Would that be Hebrews 1139 and 40?
And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise. God, having provided some better thing for us, that they without us, should not be made perfect.
Yes, that's referring to the old testing thing. Now they're not getting their portion yet.
Your Testament Saints went for theirs till we get out. They without us should not be made first.
In Hebrews 6 where he speaks about going on the perfection, he says not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and a faith toward God wasn't a Jewish face to believe in God has revealed in contrast with idols hero Israel, the Lord thy God is one God. But in the Old Testament God dwells in the thick darkness. He wasn't really made known, was he?
But it tells us in John one, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him. And so now the God who has been dwelt in the thick darkness in the Old Testament was made known in the sun, And so the Lord should say, Believe also in me. And now what He wanted them to know was the heart of God sold out, and He was the one who had come to reveal it.
Believe also in me, but a blessed thing when they laid hold of that horses couldn't be fully till the coming of the Spirit.
Their remarks from the chapter show that. But that's what he would have us to know, isn't he?
And so the precious things are in the pathway here has revealed the heart of God. But I think it's important because we hear a great deal today about faith in God and everywhere where we hear the mention of God and leaving out the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. But it says in John's epistle, he that acknowledges not the Son, the same hath not the Father.
And since God has now been revealed in the Son, to reject the Son is to reject God himself.
You've been revealed in that way. That's all. Yeah. Well, here in this chapter, he's in his same media, being the father. He was the revelation of the father.
Man is indebted to Revelation for every set of knowledge of God.
The creature could not know God unless the Creator were pleased to reveal Himself, and then only in so far and in the and the manner in which the Creator is pleased to reveal himself.
And so Hebrews tells us, and their Old Testament times, he did so in various ways.
But when you come to Christianity, we see God revealed in Son, not merely that the Son came to speak for the Father, but all that he did, all that he was with God, being made manifest to men.
God comes so near the man to take him in the burst of the sun.
But oh, it's just faces. Leave them.
53rd of Isaiah is the language that the Jewish remnant will use in the future day. They're going to say he was despised and rejected of them.
We'll see him now.
He was a man.
God with us, Emmanuel.
In connection with that Revelation might return to Deuteronomy 2929, brother.
Precious verse to retreat into us to.
God, secret faith.
Deuteronomy 2929 The secret things belong unto the Lord our God.
But those things which are revealed, which are revealed, belong unto us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law. God has revealed Himself in His Son. We ought to be more occupied with him.
Then my father's house about as high as some people ever get to talk about heaven. But isn't this better?
And my father's house.
Came forth from that he knew it. The one that came from America testified or what is there then my father's house are many of both. That is, there were places for seraphim and cherubim and whatever creatures there may be, what is it whom every family in heaven and the nurses name.
Oh, God has his place in his house. And of course the the stock here is far from Solomon's temple.
Where there were the opposed of the priests about the house.
In my father's house are many of them, but there was number place for man. So he says I go to prepare a place for you.
What right does a man have there? But the Lord Jesus Christ has gone back there as a man, and going back there as a man has prepared the place for us.
It's not that some people mistakenly say that he's there working to prepare the place for it.
No, the fact that he's gone, there is a man. We have a right entitled there in him.
I go to prepare a place for you.
We're going to question that, whether the forerunner is for us, entered even Jesus. He's there for us, with me, and because he has entered there as man, passed the angels by, He's there for us. Someone has said that he passed angels twice, when he came down and when he went back.
It came down and was made in the likeness of men passing. You've gone back there as a man and he stated that God's right hand over God could be seen as there and in the first chapter of me losing stated himself there. He had no racist hypers to do it well in as much as he's there and he's there for us. We have every right there.
He has prepared us for the place. When he went to the club, he got it back and if he failed enough today too, but the work that he's doing there in heaven, we can take over. Well, he's he's occupied with us now as we have in the 13th chapter.
That we might not be defiled, that might be maintained in communion while we're here where there is everything to do but.
In the 15th chapter, the next chapter is occupied with this heir, that we might bear fruit.
Connection with my mark about the president. That's nice to connect this second verse with the 22nd and 23rd Judas sat unto him, not hysteria. Lord, how is this a fellow's manifest by itself unto us and not unto the world? Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man loved me, he will keep my words, and my Father will love him.
And we will come unto Him and make our abode with Him. That word translated abode in the 23rd verse is the very same word translated mansion, the second verse. So there's a place prepared for us up there, and we'll be there with the Father in the Father's house and the Son fully revealing the Father. But brethren, we can pay something of that joy now. That's what the Lord's present worth is for now.
Saw that thy faith we might enjoy this blessed truth that the Father and Son make sure of old goodness. Well, the whole Godhead was interested in the work of redemption.
The whole godhead is experienced was involved in his resurrection. Oh God it was interested in the bringing a horror vile center back 15th of Luke.
Rejoicing in heaven over three times.
Rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God.
One of them says joy is among the angels and in the heart of God.
Well, it's joy that comes from himself and seeing the repentance.
But no doubt they they know that joy, joy is in the presence of the angels of God over one Sinner. It doesn't even say one Sinner that gets saved comes to attention.
They're often jealous beings, aren't they? They look down and see the very creatures that crucify their Creator, and they see that brought up into a place of blessing greater than themselves, and they rejoice over it. Oh, how lovely it is to see that. Yeah, well, when they come to this word, the thought of having a boat there or both there.
Place for us.
Perhaps it might be well to make a comment or two on an error that's often thought, and that is that each one of us is going to have a separate abode up there.
We're going to have a special place that isn't the thought. There's going to be a place there for us as redeemed men.
You know the old story that often didn't go about the wealthy woman that had a dream she was transported to heaven and she saw a beautiful home up there? I remember before I go any further that this is wrong.
But she saw this beautiful home up there and she said, now who is this for the guy? Oh, she they said, that's for your gardener.
Saw another beautiful home and she says the new is this for that's for your cook. Well, she thought, well what will mine be like? Took her down the side street and showed her a little bit of a place says and she says, and who is this for? She says he says the guy said this is for you.
Well, she says, there must be some mistake about it. No, he says, our architects do the very best with the material is set up.
But now that's the wrong idea, because it has us by our works down here, fitting our place for ourselves in heaven. That isn't the point at all. We're going there and search you, the work of Christ, and we'll have a place there in Him.
And while talking to him, the Lord will reward us for our faithfulness down here. We're not going to be raided up there according to that. We're not going to have a place up there that we built.
With material we set up, I'm not saying now that there isn't a thought, you know that you can spend monthly, that you can send material ahead, you can send things ahead.
Make yourself friends with the mammon of unrighteousness, that when it fails, he may be received into everlasting habitation. Quoting from the new translation there the thought there is that you change.
Our transmit the mammoth here, the earthly good pair into the coin of heaven that is using what we have down here for the Lord's glory, and we'll find that we'll get a reward for it.
I think that's the 4th of that in the 16th of loop. The money will fail but the way we used it will abide.
Doesn't it say we've cast our crowns anything? Yes.
Yes, indeed.
All that we have there will be to Him from from himself and seen as such, and be to His glory and in connection with not being any different different places. I think in the case of the 24th, we have a very well before us that they said altogether.
And didn't have different mansions and houses, one different from the other than we see them all together. And I suppose that they represented the case. I didn't. I didn't just get what your your reference was being connected to what you say that people they have an idea that people in heaven will have a different places and one better than the other. Well, we see in revelations of the 24 priests that said all together in one place around the tone.
Don't you think that that you have to have priests on throne, Sir?
But there I believe the 24 elders comprise all the regime gold and New Testament Saints in heaven. He just mentioned Noah president get his Socrates that there is no distinction between the 24 as to their place around the throne. They're there as the trophies of grace through redemption.
Yeah, I met her brother one time. I guess he was a brother. I trust he was.
He told me that he wasn't invented to the work of the work of the Spirit of God drawing him after Christ. I said, where did you get your faith?
Oh, he said I had it. I said, but it says not a works, lest any man should boast and the faith is from God. I said you're taking credit for something God gave you. Well, you wouldn't have it. I said all I understand you after a while. I said you're going to, if you get there, you're going to be one of those that will make discord in heaven. While the rest are praising the Lamb, you're going to be praising yourself.
For the sense you have.
Well, it will all be out of place and when we put it in that light, it's easily seen. I went to correct my statement is not decreased, but the 24 L that God had a month, but their their Kingdom of priest too, but there's a elder Claire this expression if it were not so I would have told you I think is very touching because the Lord knew about their earthly hopes and how they were looking for the Kingdom.
And to be always said to them, I wouldn't have called you to walk in the path of suffering and reproach.
If I didn't have something better for you than what you anticipated it, isn't that a lovely thought for us? Sometimes we may be going through a very difficult path and seeking to follow the Lord. Well, the Lord has something better for us than the very highest expectation of our heart. I'm sure that when we get there to glory and see how the Lord values any little thing that was done for Him.
Will marvel and worship at his wondrous grace, so that that expression if it were not so.
I would have told you time hadn't come until here when He could mention to them about the heavenly side of things, because He was presenting himself to them as the Messiah to Israel. But now when rejected, He shows the better thing, doesn't He? That would be across the forest concerning the Queen of Sheba. But it's not. The house has not been told or beyond.
Yes, is precious too, to think that they just couldn't have gone on without telling them.
And even though I'm now without telling them what was there either, we can count on his heart of love.
We can. God on is leaving us as friends, not as servants, but his friends. That is, they were brought into the secret. Well, if there's someone here who has got to go on to the Lord and is passing through trial and difficulty in that way, this is all the Lord would save you. Why don't you cast down if I didn't have something better for you than what you have?
Thought of why I would have told you about it, and that teaches some discouragement, doesn't it?
Yes, and the Lord does not mislead it. He wasn't doing He let us know when we begin the journey that there is it's going to have its difficulties as trial because in the world we shall have tribulation.
She is good cheer. I have overcome the world. The world rejected our Lord and Savior, and the world is still guilty as far as within their power of his murder. And God looks down on this world and he sees the world and cast his son out of it.
The question that was asked, you know that God asked of Cain when he flew his brother, he said, where is Abel thy brother?
But still will require that of this world. Where is my son? Well, God sent him into this world that put him out.
You wonder that the world is having trouble, but the Christian must remember if he's going to get on in the Christian pathway, then he's identified with the lost in the world. Rejected.
And what is he saying in the 17th chapter? Bar will not if the world hates you.
Don't be surprised if the world hates you.
Is there any surprise that they would hate those that are identified with the one that hated?
And hated him and were faithful to him. We'll get the same thing.
All they may say, well, he's a good neighbor. He's a good Workman.
And I give him a job to do. I can trust him to do it.
But sometimes they hate us anyway. You know, it's like Daniel, they wanted to get something against him because they hated it. But they said there's one thing we can't do. We can't find anything against him concerning his work. If we find anything against him, we've got to get it on him. Concerned the law of his thought. So they set up a law to get him on that point.