John 14 & 15

John 14 & 15
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The mind of the bread can go on with the 14th of January. Read a few verses into the 15th in case we get that far.
On the 12Th verse, starting at 12 first.
Go back in our thinking for a moment.
Close of the meeting this morning.
We were Speaking of how the young people.
May be surprised to.
Find the world opposed to.
But the Lord said.
Marvel out of the world hate you.
It's one of the great principles for us to get hold of.
That we're in a world that's opposed to Christ.
We're in a world of crucified.
They may pretend to honor him. They may pretend to honor his birth.
But the world, as the world is opposed to Christ.
And we need to get it firmly established in our mind.
And our hearts that were identified with one who was cast out.
Now, if I give up the world, I have a sufficient reason for doing it.
But when the world gives me up, it doesn't want my company. That's what prizes sold.
If I say something that I can't go on with and I give it up.
I know I'm doing it because of it pleases Christ, or I have something better.
But to meet the world scorn.
And get the cold shoulder is what tests our souls.
And another thing.
It's the continual thing that tries one.
Many are Christian.
Been persecuted for compressing the name of Christ and gone to the stake scene.
He's been put to death happily because he did witness for Christ.
Well, it was one test and it was soon over.
But you and I are here in a world that boasts of tolerance.
But it's getting more and more intolerant.
Those that are really true to Christ.
So we can expect the scorn. We can expect the derision, or just the plain cold shoulder. You come up to your fellow workmen. Then you find out that as you approach, their conversation stops.
That's fine. If it went on, you'd probably have to listen to some defiling things.
So let us keep that in mind that there is the daily living for Christ that brings the reproach, but let's expect let's rejoice about it.
Would you say so? Yes, I've enjoyed that in the mention of the different crowns to be given that the Lord's appearing the crown of life is the only one that's mentioned twice.
And it's mentioned in Revelation 2IN connection with the martyrs, it says, Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of light. But it's also mentioned in James one in connection with what you speak of. That is, it says, Blessed is the man that endureth temptation, For when he has tried, he shall receive a crown of life, which the Lord has promised to them to love him so that one doesn't have to be a martyr and die at the stake. There's that daily thing.
Of giving up down here, as the Lord said, He that loveth his life shall lose it. He that hateth his life in this world shall keep it under life eternal.
Might just look for a moment at that blind man on the 9th of John.
He witnessed the sores that before the Sanhedrin and they refused his witness.
And on the end of the 34th verse, well, the 34th verse, Sanhedrin is speaking to him. They answered and said unto him, as to the blind man that was cured of his blindness, Thou was altogether born in sin, and dost thou teach us? And they cast him out. Jesus heard that They cast him out. And when he found him, he said unto you, Dost thou believe in the Son of God, where he lost the fact, the approval of the Pharisees? But he found Jesus then? Yes.
I think that's the principle, is it not? Cast out by the world? The Lord will come to us? Yes, and some of the most bitter.
The most cruel persecutions ever eat by man upon men, as in the name of religion.
And in the name of of Christianity, yes, yes, Judaism could boast of a God-given religion.
I was thinking of the Lord of Glory out. I was thinking of the Inquisition in the name of Christ, that they were doing these things.
In regard to daily living.
For Christ or with him?
I often think of the young missionary who went to China and his superior missionaries. His seniors asked him why he'd come to China, he said. I've come to China to die for Christ said go back home. We don't need any dead missionaries here. We want someone to live for Christ, and so in our verse here.
In the 18th verse of this 15th chapter, which?
Would be precious in that regard. If the world hates you, you know that it hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love his own. But because you're not of the world, but I've chosen out of the world, therefore the world hated you. And then we have the precious word in First Corinthians 10/13.
Has meant a great deal to many who have.
Gone through trial, 1St Corinthians, 1013. There hath no temptation or trial, or testing taken you, but such as is common to man. But God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted. Above that you're able, but will with the temptation also make a way to escape that he may be able to bear it.
And then our position I suppose should line up with.
Romans 12/1 and two as to the world.
Romans 12 and one I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God.
And I believe.
That's a strong term.
The mercies of God, that you present your bodies, a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable or intelligent service, and be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
I didn't mean to get away from the portion we read this afternoon, but I just thought that we might have added that this morning as to the.
The way that suffering comes today.
All through the chapter, Mr. Wilson, we have the Lord Speaking of His commandments.
And the words that I speak unto you could let us have something on that.
Well, I suppose the.
The word is the whole testimony just.
The commandments, the specific things that he's spoken out, has spoken to us.
There are things that they're not. The 10 commandments, let's put that down straight. And the law and then the 10 commandments are not a rule of life.
The question is under the 10 commandments for nothing whatever.
There are a lot of Christians that try to put themselves under the law for a rule of life.
I want to ask you something. Suppose you're under the commandments for a rule of life. Would you get a verse like this in the 15th chapter?
Well, well. First this is my commandment that she loved one another as I have loved you.
Did the law command that?
The law commander that love your brother, your neighbor as yourself.
But how had he loved them? Was he not on the way to the cross for them?
Love one another as I have loved you, Christian. That attempts to make the law. The rule of life is missing the point entirely. Is way too long. Take for instance. Thou shalt not steal. That's the law.
What is? What is Christian to do?
Same labor working with his hands and he may have to give it to him that need it.
The law said don't put your hand in your neighbors pocket, Ray said. Put it in your own and give.
So if we're going to walk according to the 10 Commandments as a rule of life, we'll walk way beneath what a Christian should be, should do.
Is that right? You take the key to. It would be the 12Th chapter of the.
49th and 50th Verses For I have not spoken of myself, but the Father which sent me, He gave me a commandment, what I should say and what I should speak. And I know that his commandment is life everlasting. Whatsoever I speak. Therefore, even as the Father said unto me, so I speak the 10 commandments demanded of some man something that he had no harder ability to give.
But Christianity asks us something that we have the heart to do.
And the ability to do because we have a new life.
And the Lord Jesus was the perfect example of that in His blessed pathway. The will of his Father was that which was the.
Whole the whole principle of his life down here. And if we are walking in the power of the that new life, why all that he desires for us to do will have the power of a command over our hearts?
Yes, and let's go back to the Old Testament for a moment.
There were some men that heard, Dave would say, oh, that one would give me a drink of the water of the well. It's my best, The gate of Bethlehem.
He wasn't asking them to do anything, but they broke through the hosts of the Philistines and they went and got it for us.
Well, that was just the desire of David's soul that they granted that they were able to do, and they did for David.
But did they would drink it? No. He poured it out before the Lord. And what they did was wonderful. What grace is. What David did was more what?
The significance that he gave it, he says This is too precious for any. But God wouldn't drink it when he got it, but He didn't give them a command to do it. Now the Lord hasn't commanded us that we have to remember him and death, but he's desired it. He's made a request of us.
And well, have we the heart for it.
David's request had the power of a command in the hearts of those men didn't, and so every request that the Lord makes has that power in our hearts, where divine life is operative.
I believe that the 24 verses, the 1St 4 verses of the 7th chapter of Roman bring very clear before us that we are not to be under the rule of the 10 commandments. This is a fact.
The 10 commandments are never a rule of life. They're a rule of death.
And thank God we're not under it.
But the whole of the word of God is something for us to treasure of all of it.
And the specific statements are something to to to meditate on. See what the Lord's mind is for.
Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart.
She didn't keep them in the sense of.
Of a commandment.
But she was keeping them as a treasure, and she pondered them.
They made the difference.
Is that something of the force? Is that verse in First Corinthians 9 and verse 21?
To them that are without laws, without law, being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ, Thy might gain them that are without law.
That is.
Paul was not under the law, but still in another sense. He was under obedience, and it was his delight and joy to be under obedience. Although he was, it wasn't under the principle of law. The New Translation helps greatly.
Being duly subject to Christ.
He was not lawless.
Belong to Christ, being duly subject to Christ. But when he went to the went to a Gentile, he didn't preach the 10 Commandments to.
I heard of a Christian not long ago that was teaching some children and always begins by teaching them the 10 Commandments.
There's something they need to be instructed in before salvation.
Thursday, there's the other extreme, and I think that's what's guarded against in First Corinthians 9, that when God has made his mind known and his word about some matter.
Then you'll hear a brother or sister say, well, I'm not under law. Well, that's blessedly true. We're not under law. But we're not to be lawless. We're to be in subjection to God and to Christ, according to his mind, is revealed in his words, although we're not under the principle of law.
We belong to Christ and it will belong to Christ. We need to act like it.
Galatians chapter 5, verse 18. That is a verse in connection with, I believe, Galatians chapter 5, verse 13.
Brethren, we have been called unto Liberty. The liberty that we have in Christ is on.
Only youth have a liberty for the occasion of the flesh, but by love share one another. Isn't that the principle?
Brother Planner asked. Did you ask the question? Perhaps you had something in your mind too. Well, I was thinking that the enjoyment of.
These relationships which we've been talking.
Are based on obedience, are they not?
That's not a as we have a commandment in this chapter, it calls for the obedience of love. Does not. I was thinking of that verse in Second Corinthians, the 6th chapter in the 17th verse. Wherefore come out from among them and be separate, said the Lord. Touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you.
And will be a father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, sent the Lord Almighty.
Well, that relationship is the fruit of obedience. Is that true?
I mean, yeah, the relationship remains. The relationship is based on faith in Christ Jesus. But now he calls us to walk a path of separation and he says you do it and it won't cost you anything because I'll take care of you.
I'm able to do it. I'm the Lord Almighty. It's the only time he uses it in Christianity, the Lord Almighty. And he says I'm able to perform what I promise and I'll take care of you. I'll do a father's part for you.
There must be an obedient, yes, bio obedience.
And that's a path of separation. All the world, and many Christians hate that word separation.
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me the works that I do, shall he do all so and greater works than these shall he do, because I go unto my Father.
I suppose that verse doesn't go beyond.
The disciples after the day of Pentagon.
There were works done then that were not done before.
You never read of anybody carrying a handkerchief from Peter before that?
To somebody getting healed.
But there were definite marks.
With which Christianity was introduced?
In the early days.
Science signs are.
Therefore assigned to them that believe not.
Not to them to believe.
What you say, Brother Wilson? Those signs are in the foundation for the purpose of confirming the gospel.
Now we're occupied with the superstructure. Those signs have been left off, yes, and suppose some Christians had certain powers of miracles today.
Who would they be?
Would you want it?
I don't think so.
Well, it would. We'd soon have there. Suppose we had it?
Would soon have a following. We be our following.
All in the broken divided state of Christendom. How wise it was.
God, that these signs were only for the introduction of Christian.
But now also in Hebrews 6, as the powers of the world to come. And we know that in the early part of the acts the message of grace and resurrection was presented to the nation of Israel, and full abundant truth was given that the Lord had risen. And these signs were done in His name, They had rejected the Lord, says in the end of the 11Th verse, Or else believe me for the very work's sake, Well, those works that were done by the Lord were a testimony to who He was.
But now these works done have proved that he had risen, that he was glorified the nation, rejected his words and his works given here as man. They have rejected the testimony of the Holy Spirit and the works done for the introduction, so that Israel has rejected that testimony. And I believe that that's why they were given in the early part of the accident. But now that grace has reached out and brought in the Gentiles.
Where distinctly A heavenly people never were unearthly people as Israel were, and saw that it had to do with the powers of the world to come or the millennial age to come. When healing will be to take place in the earth and the Kingdom will be established in wonderful power manifested power in a future day that you saw brother, oh definitely someone asked a brother, he said you leave the age of miracles as fast. He said no, it's coming.
That's important.
Yes, when when Peter was questioned on the day of Pentecost about the speaking with other towns. Now remember these were intelligent tongues.
And it was the one that they preached the wonderful works of God, so that every man heard in the tongue and his mother tongue.
When they understood another or not, he heard it in the tongue wherein it was born.
Peter says this is that which is spoken by the prophet. He doesn't say this is the fulfillment of the prophet Joel, but he says this is the thing that was spoken of by Joe. And he goes on and he quotes Joel and he knows where to close the book. He closed the book where he should close it. You know, the Lord, when he was in the synagogue of Nazareth, he closed the book and sat down, but he closed it before he said the Spirit of the Lord is upon me. And so on.
For the day of vengeance of our God, time hadn't come for that, so he knew where to close the book. Peter in the second of Acts, knew where to close the book. Where did he close it before this? And in Jerusalem and Mount Zion shall be deliverance. The time hadn't come for that, but he merely borrows something from Joel to prove that something new is yet to come. And he says this is the thing that Joel prophesized.
Although the real fulfillment of it is yet to come.
That was the early rain, was it not in the future day, as the latter rain saw the even in natural things, the early rain is for the introduction, that is the planning of the seed. The latter rain is connected with the harvest. And that'll be the future day when Israel will be blessed. The nations will see that blessing in the earth in Israel.
And the country of Israel. But it was all ordered according to God. They had to early in the latter rain.
That the rain to come down and help germinate the sea.
And then they add a ladder array. But Lord ordered it so that the rain didn't interfere with their harvest, he added. He all erased it all for it. Now there are some Christians today. They call themselves Latter Rain Christians.
Well, they don't know what they're talking about.
What I mean by that is that they have the Spirit of God now, like the church had on the day of Pentecost. They don't.
Regarding the miracle of healing, seems to me a number.
One of our brothers back home and the reading meeting, local reading stating that.
No miracle of healing was performed on a believer. All were unbelievers that were healed thus. Is that right or is that wrong?
Well, I know one believer that was raised from the dead. He wasn't sick, no, but we never find an apostle using it for himself or any of his friends or any of his work coworkers. All could say trophies. Have I left at my legum sick? He didn't use his power to heal him.
It was purely assigned to them that believed not.
Quite confront what we have in Christendom today.
I fully believe that.
What passes for healing in Christendom is largely fake.
By and large, it's a faith.
But there may be some of it, and be careful unless you tamper with the powers of evil.
There may some of them, may some of it go that far.
I have heard of some of the gathered Saints that listen to a man by the name of Oral Roberts.
I'm sorry.
You can't get any food for your soul from him.
I'll back up. And that brother Wilson, my judgment is he's a Charlotte.
Well, it's all in keeping with what you were Speaking of this morning that has christened them, loses the sense of the truth of the Church and its heavenly calling. They get deeper and deeper into the confusion because as they feel that they're unearthly people, then they bring in earthly hopes and they get confused and it brings the whole truth of God as a disrepute because they look for things and talk about things that are not promised to us at all.
And it's the enemy's attempt to overthrow the truth. I have enjoyed a remark in a little pamphlet by Mr. Darby, a few remarks helpful for the present time, that if we have learned the proper the truth of the Church and its proper position here, there will be no disappointments and no deluded hopes. We're not looking for something that we're not going to have. We're going to have what we look for if we realize where our hopes are centered.
God exceeds His promises and grace, answers prayer, and raises up six Saints. But we must bear in mind that we're a heavenly people.
One detrimental result of the present healing movement in Christendom is that it causes Saints of God to become unbalanced mentally. I can give you some illustrations on that. It's a sad commentary on what goes under the name of Christianity.
And you see, most of it is based outwardly at least.
For that is for public consumption on a verse in Isaiah, who himself took our infirmities and bear our sicknesses.
Well, that doesn't mean that the Lord Jesus bore sicknesses on the cross. There is no healing in the atonement.
Prove it first in Matthew 8.
2 ERS is Immaculate versus 16 and 17.
When the even was come, they brought unto him many that were possessed with demons and he passed out the spirit with his word and healed all of her sick. Incidentally, he did it immediately. It wasn't some slow process that it might be fulfilled by which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet saying himself took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses. There is a verse from Isaiah 53 and Matthew 8 definitely.
Limits it to his bearing these things on his part during his life.
The sympathy of his heart, Yes. He never healed a blind man without feeling poor.
Of course there is this thought, although it's misconstrued and christened them the atonement. What the Lord Jesus did on the cross is the basis by which the results of sin dwell, as sin itself will be removed from the whole of new creation. But to say that the Lord.
Remove the sickness that we have now in this present time through his work upon the cross is distorting the truth, isn't it? Yes, and to use that verse in Isaiah 53 Four is a mistake. It doesn't mean it at all.
It's strictly what he did in his life, bearing it on his heart.
Imagine him his going to the grave to raise a dead man.
And groaning in spirit.
And weeping, do you suppose we would have gone to the grave weeping if we knew we were going to raise him from the dead?
Not a bit of it, but here he was, feeling what would come in to God's creation, feeling what sin had brought in.
And bearing it on his heart, sympathizing with the bereaved feeling at all.
That was in his life.
The only time he bore anything on the cross was our sins, and that's first Peter 2.
First, Peter 2, the reason I would turn you to it.
Verse 24.
Pull his own self, bear our sins and his own body on the tree. He never had any sins on him except in the three hours of darkness on the cross. Now notice you. You have margins in your Bible. Notice of marginal reference to the words on the tree. Both Oxford and Cambridge give a note from the margin that says two or two of the tree. That is error.
It isn't our two the tree. He didn't bear our sins to the tree, He only bore them on the tree.
That was an error that carried away erosion.
And also carried away PW Newton.
But the more our sins in his own body on the tree. I call attention to that because you can't always trust the marginal records.
And once the cars got her wells from those verses in Hebrews 2, where it says, at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard of God also bearing them witness both with signs and wonders, with divers miracles and gifts of the Holy Ghost according to his will. Is that what you were referring to a while back? God bearing whippers, I think brother pale.
But that's it. A more witness to the truth of the resurrection of Christ. And he gave great signs to those that testified to Israel at the resurrection of Christ.
They had to be arrested to this fact that the one that they crucified, God raised.
Allow that which we get in James. That's another line of things that would not be healing. And he's sick all for the elders of the church. God still answered prayer.
And I still believe that he may answer prayers, that we have self willed about it, that he it wasn't his will to answer.
Labor spirit to reap the consequences.
Thinking of Hezekiah for an example, yes, he's a good example of it.
As the son born in those years that were added to his life, we said yesterday the most wicked king in Israel.
In Judah so and James is not a question of miracles, but it's quite no.
It's very good to make it clear that. And if John the personally says there is a sin unto death, I do not say that you should pray for it, or for him, the one that sends a sin unto death. There is such a thing as not praying for one that sake.
But that takes spiritual discernment.
Mr. Garvey makes a comment on that verse. He says it isn't a particular sin.
The character of the sin that instead of awakening.
Brotherly love and affection, sympathy. It awakens indignation.
It's the character of the thing.
Mr. Garvey went to see a man who was sick one time and he said, brother, if you don't bow and break, you won't get up.
He went on and went on his way.
Sometime later he came back and Mr. Darby went to see him, the brother said. Mr. Darby, I wouldn't bow and break, and now the Lord is going to Take Me Home.
In connection with James, may I ask another question and mentions that you are nine to six with oil. Is that true to be done today?
Well, first tell me where the elders are.
I've known of some cases where it was done.
And in some cases where where it was done, the Lord did raise.
But it's possible for him to do so without that.
If there's the prayer of faith.
That's what it says, doesn't it? The prayer of faith. And I think it's very lovely that the incident that is brought in here about Elias.
Is an incident where the division of the tribes had already taken place. The 10 tribes had separated from the two.
And God answered the prayer of that man even in the ruined state of Israel. And so today we don't have the elders, we don't have that official power that there was in the early church, but we still have the same faithful God. And so when Elijah prayed, I say again, it was in the day of Israel's ruin. But God heard his prayer and answered it. So let's not give up if we if we are before the Lord in these things and turn to him.
And recognize his hand in them He may come in and answer prayer, and does in a wonderful way.
Raised up many that the doctors pronounced irrecoverable. They're incurable. You can't do a thing about it. He's raised them up.
Somebody start, I was thinking that James, and this is in terms of the 12 tribes of Israel. Yes. So the important thing is not the United with oil at the present, but as the prey of a faith, isn't it? That's the important thing, isn't it? Yes.
Here we have it in our 13th verse, And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
While they were on earth, they did. They just asked him.
Gone away and he says, Now you can ask in my name. That was something new. Never done an Old Testament time.
It wasn't even done in that so-called Lord's Prayer that we were mentioning this morning. It's not in the name of the Lord Jesus.
But praying in the name of the Lord Jesus supposes more than just taking his name on to give it credit.
The Master sent from 1624.
Yes, either till you've asked nothing in my name. Ask and he shall receive that your joy may be full.
God wants us or to come and ask petitions and ask them in the name of the Lord Jesus. He delights to give, but when you get it, don't forget to thank Him. In fact, thank Him right away. Let your prayers and supplications be made known with Thanksgiving, and you thank Him when you ask for it.
He planned a little further, brother. What? Asking him to say doesn't say. Well brother salary doesn't knock him include the top of according to his will. That's going on and pleasing him and we have his mind about it. We feel feel perfectly free to ask and ask in his name according to his mind. Now we may not feel that about something.
But there's another verse that would cover that.
In everything by prayer and supplication that your request may make no nothing. We may come to God with every problem and every difficult, and let it be known as a request. We'd like to have it. If it's I will.
Here is our desire. But then there is such a thing as the prayer of faith, that is, that comes claiming the promise and counting on him asking in his name, and expects and receives an answer. Would you agree with that?
Evidence. Yes, the Lord does come in and ask your prayer, and he comes in and He loves to answer not only the individual's prayer, but we're two or three or gathered together.
In his name.
The first case of corporate prayer mentioned in scriptures in the book of Daniel.
Daniel went to his companions and asked him that they would desire mercies of the God of heaven.
But we've had corporate prayer from that day off.
And Moses and Aaron fell down before the Lord. Was that corporate prayer?
But it was 2 at least. Two at least, yeah.
But I was thinking with Daniel though, that he goes to these his companions. It was a problem that was so great that he he just felt that his fellow captives should be interested in him making a matter of the joint prayer.
Just another little remark in connection with it, because it's something that does perplex the Saints of God quite a little bit. Our brother read to us this morning in First John Three about the if our heart condemn us, the 20th verse If our heart condemn us. God is greater than our heart and knoweth all things. Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then with confidence toward God, and whatsoever we ask, we receive of Him because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight.
When we're praying, we should always ask.
If it's his will, and if that is the case, then God answers according to the goodness of his own heart and what he sees is best for us.
But confidence in prayer is the result of obedience and communion. Which?
Illustrate it like this here. Here are two children and a family. One child is self willed and he doesn't seek his father's company. The other one, he's obedient. He walks with his father. He knows his father's mind. He's in his company.
That these children wish to make a request of the father? Well, the one that walks himself well, he may make the request, but he's not going to have any confidence.
He'll perhaps say, well, I'm going to coax my father. I'm going to ask him over and over again. Perhaps his father let him ask over and over again because he wants them to be exercised why he's not granting it.
Then after a while, out of the goodness of his heart, and because he feels it's good for the boy, he grants it. The boy had no confidence he was going to receive it, But the father answered according to the goodness of his own heart. Well, the other boy, what about him all? What a different feeling when he asks. He knows what would be pleasing to his father to grant to him. He also has the confidence that the result of obedience, and so his father doesn't keep him asking.
And he answers. Now both boys get the answer, according to the goodness of the heart of the Father.
And one enjoys a sweet, quiet confidence in connection with it. The other one has kept asking so that there will be an exercise. And I believe, brethren, we should be exercised when our prayers are not answered as to why God is allowing it. There may be something in us that requires self judgment, but oh how good to know that he answers according to his, good to his.
Love and grace toward us, but let us always say if it be thy will, and just one more comment. If we boast and say we're sure our prayers are going to be answered, that's very dangerous, because it's as good as saying, I'm sure I'm walking so near the Lord and so medium that he must answer my prayers. We ought not to boast, brethren, although there is such a thing as having a quiet confidence before God about it.
But that's be so good. Oh definitely. I agree with all of it. Harder.
But there, and there, is such a thing as the Lords Time not being right there too.
Maybe keep us waiting a little while. Maybe there's something else.
Now Daniel was in a happy state of soul. One time while he was speaking, he got the answer. Another time he waited.
What was it? 3-4 weeks? 3 weeks? 3 weeks. But it produced a lot of self judgment in them. Yeah, the Lord used it, but then you'll learn later that the answer was dispatched at once.
And then there was something that ended its getting through.
We literally realized the powers of darkness.
That's what you find in the tents of death you've taken behind the sink.
With Philippians 2/5.
Have something for us regarding this lemon?
Don't hinder, but let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.
They asked, according to his will.
Walking close to him and communion, and having his mind, having his, his, his word before us, having discernment to ask according according to his mind and will, Is that the thought? Yes.
There are many problems that concern prayer.
I can't quote diverse, Peter mentions it.
In substance, it means if you don't get along with your wife, don't expect your prayer answer.
Bears together of the grace of life, yeah, that your prayers be not hindered.
There are many things connected with prayer.
There's many a person pray for the salvation of an unsaved rabbit and prayed most earnestly for and prayed. Never saw that one saved it while they lived.
Many were answered after they were gone, after the individual that prayed so honestly was all gone off, had been taken off.
But then I think two of the man that was stronger on his horse.
He picked, He was picked up. He could have been killed. They thought he was dead, but he wasn't.
They've been pleading with him to accept Christ. If he even picked up Dandy, you'd have never known that he got saved.
But after they picked him up, he said, between the saddle and the ground, I mercy, Soft and Mercy found.
If he died in that accident you that they had never known that, he would say, but that wouldn't have changed the matter.
Pardon me, brother Papa, you were going to say. Well, I was thinking in the connection of this verse 13 But you have a blessed encouragement, that is to avoid a little bit person that kind with our prayers and is the wittiness of his person, of the Lord Jesus we pray in his name. Isn't that the important thing?
God delights to give good friends to them that rest.
James says he have not because he asked nothing.
Sometimes that's our case.
Robert Wilson That's Mark Lemon 22. The Lord brings a very important factor in prayer before Peter.
And Jesus answering saith unto them, And faith in God, For verily, I see of you, that whoever shall be in this mountain, be thou removed, and be thou cast, and succeed, and settle down thou his heart, But shall believe that those things which he says shall come to pass, he shall have whatsoever he seeth. Therefore I stand for you. What things so ever ye desire, when he pray, believe that you receive them.
And you should have them. And when ye stand praying, forgive.
If you have ought against any that your Father also which is in heaven, may forgive you your trespassing. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven. Forgive your fresh pastor.
If I am harboring A bitter spirit toward any of my friends.
It'll be a hindrance to getting my prayers at.
I think the main point in March 11.
Is a sort of a prophetic country.
He had just cursed the barren figures and they marveled at it dried up.
Barren victory was Israel.
And he came looking for fruit, and found none. And he cursed the barren fig tree, and it dried up now.
He said, If you have faith, you'll say to this mountain beat, I'll remove and cast into the sea. That's Israel again, and Israel was cast into the sea of the nation.
But I think that the the point of what he's trying to teach there is often overlooked, and yet there is that principle.
Faith cannot be exercised apart from God. It's the gift of God, isn't it? I just might mention this little comment that I picked up somewhere in Mr. Darby, Prayer is founded on the immense privilege of having common interest with God. And we talk about the prayer of faith. But only God can give us faith about any matter. And if he gives us faith about a matter, he will answer it in his own time.
Let us not think that it's something that we can generate in ourselves. It's the gift of God.
If we're close to him, he'll impart faith and give us the privilege of making the request. That would be according to his mind one time the disciples said Lord, increase our faith.
Remember his answer if he had faith to increase. If he had faith, there's a grain of mustard seed.
If you had any to increase.
Oh, which it was convulsed of faith.
There may be a time in the pathway of a child of God when he does not have light for his pathway, and He may, as our brother Gordon Hale has just counseled us, He may be before the Lord as to why He doesn't have that light. And then too we sometimes meet those who get into deep dejection and depression because they don't have light for the pathway.
But that is not right. In Isaiah 50 and 10 it says, Who is among you that feareth the Lord, that obeyeth the voice of a servant, that walketh in darkness, and hath no light? Let him trust in the name of the Lord, and stay upon his God. Well there there is the quiet, waiting for the Lord to reveal what there is, perhaps in my walking ways, or the reason why.
He hasn't given the answer yet, but to have the confidence.
In his power and in his wisdom that he is going to give the answer, it may not be the answer we're looking for. Well, that's what we have. We have in the 11Th verse. Those that that feel they can't wait, they must press on in their own.
In their own way, And then says, Behold all he the kindle of fire, the compass yourselves about the sparks walk in the light of your fire, and in the sparks that be of kindle this shall we have of mine hand, He shall lie down in sorrow.
So there are times when we have to simply have confidence the enemy will seek to come in and tell us Lord is perhaps being unkind to us, and bring in some doubtless to His love, but if there's that patient waiting.
Trust in the name of the Lord and stay upon us, God waiting on the Lord while he'll give the answer in his own time.
Often to Brother Glennon acid, isn't it this that we're wanting up instruction or life for a old path when all we're supposed to act on is the light for the next step?
And I like the the story that our brother Gordon Hale told us in Montreal of a letter he received from a young man. And this young man spoke of a certain step in his life.
And he felt the Lord had given them definite guidance from His word, and.
And then he said in this letter, But he said, I just don't have the grace and courage to take the step.
Then in this letter he went on to talk about other things and he ended up by saying But there is a problem that I don't seem to have latent guidance.
And I wish that you would give me a scripture for it, brother. Hey ho, he said in his letter. What was your answer, Brother George? You remember well? I sought to bring before him that if the Lord had given him life for one step, he should take it. And then the Lord would give him wisdom about the other matter that he was bringing up.
And I think it's often true with us.
It has given us life for some step. Let us take it. Then the Lord will give us more a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.
And you have life for one step. You better take it.
Are you going to say something? I'm wondering if that's what the Thomas means in my life. It speaks of being under the shadow of his wings. There they shall be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of thy house and so on. Then he goes on to say, in thy life now we see light, so we need to be in his light in order to get a little more light.
He that wills to do shall know.
Verses four and five I'm sure have been a comfort to us.
Many times Psalm 37.
Verses four and five delight.
That's extremely important, I'm sure. Delighted thyself also in the Lord. And he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the Lord, trust also in him, and he shall bring it to pass.
But we say in our 21St verse that the Lord here establishes our responsibility as children of God in the path of the faith and obedience.
Mike the mathematics and keep of them. He it is a lover. He's in love with me, shall be loved of my father, and I will love him and will manifest myself to it.
There is a blessing that's connected with walking and obedience.
That those who do not walk in it cannot know.
Obedience and happiness go together do the numbers.
Notice too.
15 verse If he loved me, keep my commandments.
21St verse He that cast my commandments and keep with them, He is in love with me.
Both ways too. It is very important, then, to be acquainted with the weight of God in order that he might know his mind, don't we?
Very important, I say that we are acquainted with the weight of God. Isn't that a fact? Yes. And the Spirit of God who dwells in us, if we, if we have a subject will about it, will bring certain scriptures before us. It isn't a matter of just grabbing a Bible somewhere and turning, flipping it open to see what we find.
But the Spirit of God will bring before a certain scriptures. I believe that will be the answer to the problem.
But don't forget.
Philippians 3 gives us the privilege of coming to him with all our requests. We can make our desires known to him knowing that he's in.
That's 24 hours a day. And yes, we'll never get the busy signal.
There's a nice promise connected with keeping his commandments.
But in the 23rd verse, the man loved me. He will keep my word there. It seems like the promise is even fuller. And my father will love him, and we will come unto him and make our boat with him. What is the difference? Or is there anything? Well, isn't that the word keeping his word, treasuring up all he said.
As I quoted before marrying.
Said it, said Mary kept all these things and foundered him in her heart.
They were precious to her.
She had heard those wonderful prophecies concerning the Christ and the typing, and herself is connected with all those things, and pondered them in her heart.
Lord Jesus commended Mary of Bethany because she said that he speak and listen to his word and that part will not be taken away from her. Isn't that what the Lord say? Yes, we would like a simple math, a simple book of rules concerning faith and prayer, getting our prayers answered.
We like it so mechanical that we didn't have to have any exercise.
But that isn't the way he blesses.
It brings us through the action.
What's that? Where do Peter?
Kept by the power of God through faith under salvation. I understand that that's in the imperfect, and it could be rendered.
Find the fire of God through the exercise of faith. God keeps faith in exercise by allowing the difficulties that He tries, and He keeps our faith in exercise.
Suppose you went to the doctor and you said doctor, my arm is useless, I can't use it.
Well, what have you been doing with? Well, I thought it would be good if it had a rest, so I've been carrying that in a sling for a month.
Well, no wonder you haven't been exercising.
Well, the Lord keeps our faith in exercise kept by the power of God through faith, and He doesn't then in the next verse that the trial of your faith.
Much more precious than a gold that perishes, though described with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ.
Let's not forget the 16th verse that we have passed over. I will pray the Father and he shall give you another Comforter that he may abide with you forever.
We never realize.
The wonderful blessing that the presence, the abiding presence of the Spirit of God, is to us.
That he's here.
And he abides with us forever.
The spirit of God is leading home that the lamb is bright and like the servant that led Rebecca across the desert and presented her to Isaac, he'll go go back with the church.
He'll leave the world with the church. She's the one who restrains the powers of evil. The world little knows that. What's holding back the outbreak of?
Terrible times in this world is the presence of the Spirit of God here in the Church.
But all what a spoon to the crisp to have the spirit of God here of Biden kisses.
By which ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.
You can't grieve the Spirit of God away, contrary to what some people say.
Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed under the day of redemption. Can't say anything about grieving them away, whereby ye are sealed under the day of redemption.
He's going to see us all.
What's the thought for? He dwelleth with you and shall be in you. Well, he wasn't indwelling the disciples at that time. They had to wait the day await the day of Pentecost for that they enjoy the latter now. Yes, when you was in the Lord himself, it was the full display among them as one of one who was walking in the power of the Spirit of God. Everything He did was in the power of the Spirit.
Very blessed to know someone to see someone the weights of the Spirit in US. For instance Romans chapter A and verse 26. I noticed that the Spirit helps our infirmity and sometimes we don't know how to pray and he helps along that line make an inclusion for us.
This is one of the wake of the citizen house, isn't it? Have you ever, brother gotten down on your knees feeling a burden and you didn't know how to express it?
Well, we know that while we're there, we know not how to speak. We know that the Spirit of God is making intercession for us according to God. Not just the will of God, but according to all constructs first.
Party for God, how good it is sometimes, you know, we're we're so busy, we run and we drop on our knees. We say what we have and off we're gone again.
Abraham, you know, entertained the Lord.
And it says Abraham continued thus before the Lord.
Do we ever stop to Terry before the Lord?
I Sometimes we forget. Maybe he didn't intensify long enough, either.
Brought the number down pretty low, but he didn't bring it down to two or one. It's very remarkable. I like to connect with that the verse. I think it's in Jeremiah, where he was told running through the straits of Jerusalem and if he found one man that executed truth, God would spare the whole city. That's lovely how that God showed his willingness to spare the whole city of Jerusalem for one man. But Abraham and his intercession didn't go down that low, did he?
He didn't know the heart of God stopped the 10, didn't he? I believe he did, yeah.
But perhaps that was the mind of God for this, that with the city.
He he couldn't spare it its wickedness. And why so great?
They must destroy it.
What you were saying about Wilson in the eighth of Romans without?
Likewise, the bridge also helped with our infirmities.
And he makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. I say Sometimes we come to the place where we get on our knees and we're so burned about something we don't know how to pray.
But we can be sure that the Spirit of God is making intercession for us in the right way.
He reads our hearts. He knows the burden is that.
And we have. We have one that enters into it all, and he's making intercession.
About our wealth from the spirit here is Pokémon, the spirit of the truth. I had a woman coming to my house in connection with voting in the connection of the liquor and stopping it. Then I think if you were in the spirit, you'd go and vote.
Spirit of what?
I told him that the beard was spoken of in two ways, as the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of truth.
According to the truth, I couldn't go.
That not right.
Your business is not to clean up the world.
And you're not here to police the world and keep a man from drinking.
Get that verse to get that term again, brother current 26 birds. But when the Comforters come, whom I will send unto you from the Father.
Even the Spirit of truth, who proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me.
And he shall bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said.
He shall take of the things of mine, and reveal it, and reveal them unto you.
What a wonderful food we have that the Spirit of God would occupy us with Christ.
And how often he brings before us a verse of Scripture that just sets our hearts at peace at rest.
Well, we cannot. He cannot bring before us that which we never read.
And some Christians neglect to read the scriptures and so he doesn't bring that he can't use that.
All to be read the Scriptures and then the Spirit of God can bring them before us.
As we need them.
My mega suggestion here was verse 17, which is very important. I think the connection with those that deny the personality of the Holy Spirit that they say that it's only influences Brother Wilson mentioned yesterday. You know in verse 17 the Spirit of God. He's brought before us as a person 5 * 5 times in 24 hours as a person. He says here because we see him now that is the spirit.
Neither knoweth him.
Holy Spirit, But you know him, the Holy Spirit, but he dwelleth with you, and shall be with you by time. I think it is mentioned as a person.
And if a man tells you he's filled with the Spirit, you can tell him he's not.
Because if he's filled with the Spirit, it'll be filled with Christ, and he'll be occupied with Christ and not with the spirits. For the Spirit will occupy you with Christ and not with himself.
So the man that says I'm filled with the Spirit, we know he's occupied with himself rather than with Christ, and we are not to pray to the Spirit neither. Thank you brother. That thing is coming in all over.
People praying to the Spirit of God, We pray by the Spirit, we worship by the Spirit, but not we do not worship the Spirit of God. He has never presented to us as an object of worship.
But he was occupied with Christ, and He would lead us in inward.
That's very important. Remember, the doxology is wrong.
Praises to the Holy Ghost.
We our Him is more correct when it says praises for the Holy Ghost sent from heaven.
There is a determined effort today to deny the truth of the spirit of God. Down in New Brunswick, where we have the tent meetings, there's a group of evangelical Pentecostals who call themselves Jesus Only.
And we have We have the truth of the Trinity all through the Word of God, do we not?
All through, right from Genesis on, I was thinking of Isaiah 48 and 16 Yes, come me near unto me, Hear ye this I have not spoken in secret from the beginning, from the time that it was there alive. And now the Lord God and his Spirit has sent me.
There there we have the three persons of the Godhead.
What's the other name for that? Jesus Way. Jesus only? Oh, isn't it Jesus way Business. Two by two, two by twos? What? What's the name of the better designation for?
That's another thing, is it?
Possible of Canada? Well, they probably are an offshoot if you can trace their origin.
Do they not also make very little God the Father? Exactly. Jesus only? Well, that's one. That's one of the characteristic of the Konyites, too, yeah.
It's Satan coming and woke as a sheep and wolfs clothing.
As a wolf in sheep's clothing partner, I hope you know what I said mean when I nice to think of that 27th bird. Brethren, we started out with, Let not your heart be troubled. Verse 27. Peace I leave with you. My peace I give unto you, not as the world giveth give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, and neither let it be afraid. There we have doing.
Of conscience and the peace of communion.
My face is the peace that he had in this troubled world doing the Father's will. My.
And then he says I give not as the world. How does the world give? The world gives you something that has that, much less itself.
He gives him and he hasn't lost anything.
Doesn't the world give you something? Hoping to get something from you?
And they end that much less.
In the 24th chapter of Genesee we have a very blessed demonstration that the Spirit never spoke of himself. The ceremony rather never spoke of himself to the bride. But he was occupying the bride was Isaac. Isn't the recycle. Yes, he told her all about the glories of Isaac. And he said unto him his Father's given all of the act.
And they lead you across the desert to him. I'm satisfied that what he talked about on that trip was the glories of Isaac.
She was all prepared to write off the camel to go to Iceland when she saw it. That's the present wake of the Holy Spirit, isn't he? Yes, Or one of the authors. Anyway, one of the remarkable things about that chapter is that the the servants name is mentioned.
Yet we're quite sure it was Eliezer of Damascus, the story of Abraham's house.
The Long dissertation Who are there not 500 miles? Yes, it was, but the reason his name isn't mentioned it's type of the Spirit of God who is gathering out unseen the bride for Christ.