Walking in Truth

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YP Address—W. Blennerhassett
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Can we open our meeting by singing #2 in the appendix?
Lord, thy loves unbounded, so sweet, so full, so free.
During these special meetings.
One has.
Notice that there has been much said.
About walking in the truth.
Walking in the truth.
Now we know.
That the enemy of our souls.
Will not hinder us too much in talking about the truth.
Blessed and necessary, as that is, in our reading meetings at home.
And on occasion such as this.
But all we know that the thing that he is watching.
The thing that he is determined to hinder at all costs.
And that is our walking in the truth that has been given to us from God's precious Word.
Oh, how we need to be exercised as children of God in the closing days of the church's history.
That we seek to walk in the truth.
Because we know that if we do not walk in the truth.
We will lose it.
If we do not seek with His grace and help to walk in the truth that has been delivered to us.
Our hearts become hardened to it, and the enemy has gained the advantage.
All one field in his own soul and for himself.
How necessary this is?
And how at times, how little of it there has been, may the Lord exercise us that as we leave these meetings, there may be that spirit of dependence.
And the deep exercise to walk in the truth that has been ministered to us so preciously.
One was thinking of an incident that happened some years ago.
A party of explorers were up in the Arctic and they left their ship.
And made this trip.
Quite a distance and after they had taken the the information that they wanted from the ground that they had covered, they started back towards the ship.
But they hadn't gone far when a fierce Arctic storm swept down on them, and oh, they with great difficulty, were able to make their way the wind and the snow.
The force of it just seemed to drive them back.
Well, they kept plotting on but one amongst their number in particular.
He just didn't seem to have the strength.
The energy to continue that journey, and he kept falling and they would help him up and he would struggle on and he kept falling time and time again. And finally he fell and they just didn't seem to be able to rouse him. His energy was gone. His strength was gone. He just wanted to lie there and rest and sleep.
Oh, they were in the quandary. They knew what that meant.
They knew that if they left him behind, if a certain death.
Well, they noticed something that had fallen out of his coat.
And here was a leather wallet and they opened this wallet.
And in the center of it were pictures of his wife and his family.
What? They managed to revive them and rouse them, and they put this down in front of them, and he looked at it and looked at it, and finally he made a great effort and got to his feet. Oh, there was no more trouble. He managed to make that ship in safety.
Oh, he had had before him those ones that were dear and precious, whom he loved, and that gave him the energy, the strength, the desire, the purpose of heart, took it back to that place of safety, that place where he would see his dear ones again.
And surely during these meetings.
Our hearts, our treacherous hearts, have been revealed afresh to us. How weak we are, how failing. How far short we fall.
Of the wondrous position that grace has brought us into. But oh, as we have been reminded of what we are in ourselves, and that's blessed to learn. Blessed to learn what we are in ourselves.
But we are ruined.
And that it's all of grace. But oh, as we have in these meetings, been reminded of what we are in ourselves, even as children of God.
We have been reminded from his precious word what his heart is.
What he is towards us and his love.
And so one desired to speak this afternoon.
A little on walking in the truth.
I'd like to read a well known portion.
In First Samuel, the 18th chapter.
First Samuel 18.
And the third verse.
We won't go into this in detail because there are one or two other portions that I would like to read from.
Then Jonathan and David.
Made a covenant because he loved him.
As his own soul.
And Jonathan?
Stripped himself of the robe that was upon him and gave it to David.
And his garments.
Even to his sword and to his bow.
And to his girdle.
What a beautiful picture we have here of one whose heart.
Has been completely won.
Completely won.
Jonathan and David made a covenant because he loved him as his own soul.
Oh, as you and I look back on the day when we were brought to know that blessed Savior is our own.
When we learned that, we couldn't save ourselves.
When we learned our peril and our need and we were brought.
To realize in his presence that we were lost, guilty, and undone.
And then by the Spirit of God.
It was revealed to our hearts that there was one.
One who loved us unto death, One who met our need on Calvary's cross.
And was waiting without stretched arms to receive us.
Oh, what joy.
What peace? What songs of deliverance filled our hearts?
Always we look back on that blessed occasion. What a happy day it was.
And with.
Many. I'm sure there was that desire.
To walk, to please the Lord.
To walk in the truth.
And I'm sure that Jonathan's desire towards David.
Was similar.
And it tells us here that Jonathan stripped himself of the road.
That that was upon him, and gave it to David and his garments.
Even to his sword and to his bow and to his girdle.
Well, that was a great deal, was it not?
Oh, some might say. Well, it looks as though he gave us all. He gave all to David.
But sad to say, that's not quite true.
There's one thing that is missing here.
One thing of utmost importance.
And we notice that there is no mention that he gave David his shoes.
Oh, how important it is.
That we as children of God.
That we give our David our shoes.
That there be that earnest desire, that purpose of heart.
Not only to give the Lord much of what he has given us.
But to walk in the path of obedience.
I have found in my pathway as a child of God.
That one of the things that was the greatest hindrance to me.
Was a distracted heart.
A distracted heart. A divided heart.
Have you found that to be sold?
Oh, how these things come in, By the way, we have a wily foe. He knows our weaknesses.
And if he can get you and I to be satisfied, to give.
David our robe and garments and sword and bow and girdle, to give him almost all.
But if he can get us to keep back the shoes?
Oh, he's quite satisfied because he knows that no matter how much truth we have.
And how precious it is to us. And how much we love the meetings and how much we love.
The Lord's people love to honor, the Lord love to seek to.
Serve him in measure if there isn't that heart of obedience.
If there isn't that walking in the truth.
All we know that it will soon end in ways that are dishonouring to the Lord.
Dishonouring to the Lord.
O may we in His Grace.
Be given help if we haven't given our shoes to the Lord Jesus.
If there isn't that earnest desire to walk in the truth.
To walk in the path of obedience.
To yield it all up to him and to have.
Our feet in that path, that safe path.
That path where he can guide us with his eyes, he has told us.
He said. I will guide thee with mine all the rich provisions that are made.
For every step of the pathway. But I found in my known heart that stubbornness, that self will, that unwillingness.
Let the Lord have his way with me, some of us want to hold.
Old little back. Oh yes, we want to please the Lord. We value and esteem the fellowship.
Of our brethren, but we just want to hold a little bit.
Oh, how blessed it was with the Apostle Paul. And he could say this one thing I do.
All one trusts that with himself and with each one of us. That may be increasingly true as the result of these meetings well.
What a wonderful start. What a wonderful start Jonathan made. But oh, it's the end of the journey that counts, The end of the journey. And you and I, as children of God may start off.
On our way to that heavenly scene with Songs of Deliverance in our heart.
Praise and Thanksgiving going up to him, but if we do not learn to.
Give our David our shoes. We.
May end in shipwreck. Let us look.
In the 20th chapter.
And verse 42.
And Jonathan said to David.
Go in peace.
For as much as we have sworn both of us in the name of the Lord, saying, the Lord be between me and thee, between my seed and thy seed forever, and he arose.
And departed and.
Jonathan went into the city.
And Jonathan went into the city.
Oh, how sad this is.
Here again, we see that heart of affection for David, but again, that unwillingness to walk in the path of rejection.
Was the rejected 1 David?
We soon find them in The Cave of a Dalam with others.
In like circumstances, and though, it could have been Jonathan's privilege.
To have shared that rejection with him.
But instead of that it tells us.
And David arose and departed. David went out into that path.
That was appointed to him.
That path of blessing.
The path.
Two of rejection.
And Jonathan went into the city well, as we read a little further.
It tells us society where Jonathan was slain on the battlefield.
His unwillingness to walk.
And fall, a rejected David cost him not only.
Everything he had here but his life as well.
Oh dear St. of God.
How solemn this is.
And how it should speak to my heart and to yours, because.
We have had mentioned in our meetings several times that we are following.
A rejected Christ, A rejected Christ, and until.
That is made good to our hearts. Why there is no rest for our feet if we're seeking to go on in any measure.
With things down here.
The current of the world.
Seeking to go on one foot in the world and one foot in the things of God.
Will find that the result will be.
Shipwreck. Shipwreck.
All one thinks of David.
And how he was a man of God, but all at times he trusted in his own understanding. He trusted in his own heart.
And we know the sad results in his life.
But finally, in the 119th Sam, he lifts up his voice and he cries. Hold thou me up, and I will be safe.
Hold thou me up, and I will be safe.
Oh, how blessed it is when we seek to walk in our pathway down here.
Whether as young people or as older ones.
As dependent children, isn't that a good prayer?
Isn't that one that we?
Can well adopt.
Hold thou me up and I will be safe. Now let us look at Jeremiah, the 10th chapter.
How long it has taken some of us to learn these lessons.
Oh, what stubborn wills we have, what unbelieving hearts we have this precious book.
That gives us the wisdom of God, directions for every step of the pathway. And yet so often we lean to our own understanding. We're not walking in the lightning council of God's precious Word. There isn't that occupation with the Word and being on our knees in prayer. And then we find ourselves.
Like Peter.
Tells us of Peter that he followed afar off, and then there were the steps downward. We find him in the enemy's palace, warming himself by the enemy's fire and then denying that precious Savior. Oh, may we be given grace as we sang in that hymn, O Lamb of God, still keep us close to thy pierced side.
Well, in the 23rd verse here we have something.
That we need to learn as children of God.
And until we do learn it, that we have no wisdom, no strength.
Of our own and all our resources are in Him. Why there is that in our lives, That is not to His praise and glory.
Oh Lord, I know.
That the way of man is not in himself.
It is not in man that Walketh.
To direct his steps.
All was an important lesson to learn and how necessary.
If we desire to walk in the truth.
O Lord, I know that it is way of man is not in himself.
Know those poor, treacherous hearts of ours.
Will lead us further and further away from that blessed Savior. And unless there is that walking in the truth, that occupation with His love that sought and found us and brought us into His banqueting house, unless there is that hour by hour, day by day.
We find that this verse is sadly true of us.
It is not in man that Walketh to direct his steps, and so we have emphasized in this verse that if we are going to walk to his praise and glory, if we are going to walk in the truth.
If we are going to have a heart of affection for him, if when we come Sunday morning to proclaim him the worthy, 1.
All we must not, we cannot.
Go on.
In any of our own wisdom, our own strength, or our own thoughts.
It must be all of himself and all from himself.
Oh, may we ask the Lord for help that we may walk as dependent children? I've often told the story of this brother in Montreal who used to delight to take his granddaughter for a walk and.
They would start out and she would be holding his hand tightly, but it wasn't long before she let go and she ran on ahead.
But a dog came out of the driveway and started barking and she ran back to grandpa and held his hand again.
And on they continued, But then she let go.
And she started off by herself again, and soon something else came along and startled her, upset her, and back she came to that place, that one who could protect her. Well, how much that is like you and I, how true that is of you and I. At times we seek to go on for him, and then perhaps he gives us a little blessing.
A little encouragement and we have an increasing enjoyment of his love and his affection.
And we forget that we are dependent children and we let go of that hand.
And then we find, oh, we can't take one step.
It is not in man that water to direct his steps. Oh, how blessed it is when we learn, like that beloved disciple, to lean hard on our David, to lean hard upon him, and to trust him, and to be in that place of intimacy, as John was that place of nearness and intimacy because.
If we are not walking in the truth and walking with God, how can we know His mind and His will for our pathway if we're following a far off?
It is not in man that Walketh to direct his steps. Now let us turn to the 22nd of Acts.
And we find in the 10th verse the beloved apostle Paul recounting.
How God dealt with him when he brought him to realize?
What he was in himself.
And what a savior Jesus is the 10th verse.
And I said, What shall I do, Lord?
Oh, how blessed that is. What shall I do, Lord?
You know, that is a point to which we must all come as children of God if we're going to have His blessing, if we're going to walk in communion, if we're going to have guidance and wisdom for our pathway.
Beloved Apostle Paul, a special instrument chosen of God.
And saved in this miraculous way.
Oh, that was the first thought.
The spirit of obedience was in that beloved apostle Paul.
What shall I do, Lord?
Well, you know, I found with myself.
It took me quite a long while before I learned that lesson. The lesson of obedience.
And it is the only path of blessing. What shall I do, Lord? Now, in speaking to the young people, one would like to ask this question.
Is that your prayer?
Is that your desire?
In the.
Problems and exercises of your life's pathway as to your work, as to your life's companion.
As to everything that comes across your pathway, you look up to him and say, what shall I do, Lord, is there a desire to know his mind and his will?
On your part, Oh, this is blessed.
And it's a lesson that we all must learn if we're going to walk in the truth.
And to walk with God.
What shall I do, Lord?
Well, we see here that the answer wasn't long in coming. And the Lord said unto me, Arise, and go into Damascus, and there shall be told thee of all the things which are appointed for thee to do.
All the one who is walking independence, he can be certain of this.
That he will receive from the Lord that guidance.
That wisdom, that direction that he needs.
One often thinks as we see so many young people starting off in their life's pathway.
And we occasionally hear some of them talking. We remembered when we talked the same way.
About our prospects, about our jobs, and about what light held for us.
Oh, we look back sometimes and remember how little there was in it of the spirit of obedience. What shall I do, Lord?
Is it your desire to have success? Is it your desire to be in a position?
Where you'll be successful.
And have a big earning capacity.
Well, if that is your desire, you're on the wrong track.
Yes, you are, because the word of God says, Seekest thou great things for thyself?
Seek them not.
That's a verse worth repeating. Seekest thou great things for thyself? Seek them not. But we are told we're not left in the haze. We're not left in the fog. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. Acknowledge him in all thy ways, and he shall.
Direct thy paths. So the apostle Paul Here right from the earliest days of his conversion, there was that spirit of a obedience and dependence, looking up and saying, What shall I do, Lord, Or when it comes to a question of your work.
Of your life's companion of the many other decisions. Oh, just look up to the Lord and he'll tell you what to do. Because it's not enough in our work, you know, just to have that which we think would be suitable. No, we want to have His mind. We want to be in a position where we can be happy in our souls.
Free to go on with the things of the Lord free.
To serve him. And it's not enough, as I seek, or as you may seek a life's companion, to say well.
There is one. There is one that I am thinking of, a child of God.
Gathered to the Lord's name seems to want to please the Lord.
It may be a marriage may be in the Lord.
But if we look up to him and say, Lord, what shall I do, then we'll know.
That it will be of the Lord.
Then too, as I go on in life and I choose a home, do I think well now?
I know what I want, I know what I want, and I have a certain thing in mind.
Something that I feel will be very suitable and perhaps it's at a great distance.
10 or more miles away.
Sometimes that can't be hindered.
There may be circumstances, but generally speaking, the principle of picture tent hard by the Tabernacle is good. Seek to have your home where you can be of service to the Lord and to His people all. When you think of that home, think first, as in each of the other questions. Is this what the Lord has for me is do I have His mind in this step? Is this what He wants me to do? Or if there's that spirit?
What shall I do, Lord? You'll get the answer and you'll get the blessing. And you'll be able to walk in the truth. And you'll be able to walk with God. Now let us look in Ephesians, the 5th chapter.
And the second verse.
And walk in love.
As Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us.
An offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savour. Oh what a verse. This is to encourage our hearts and walk in love. And then we have the example. How are we to walk in love as Christ also hath loved us and hath given himself for us? Oh here is a heart that is filled with affection.
And devotedness for that one that bore our sins, that one that came down here.
And endure the weight and the load of our sins. Here's a heart that's going out in affection and love to him. Oh, may that be true of us. It's not enough. We all know it that outwardly there would be that appearance. Perhaps I'm at all the meetings.
And as far as my brethren can see, there's a desire there to go on for the Lord. But all what He wants above everything else, is our heart's affections, devotedness to himself.
You know this verse has been read in connection with forgiving one another and walk in love. And that's what we should do.
We should forgive one another.
All can I expect to come into the Lord's presence on Lord's Day Morning.
If there has been anything in my life as to my brethren that is unjudged, has someone spoken to me and I'm offended as someone?
Hurt my feelings?
And I haven't.
Taken it from the Lord and left it with the Lord. Oh, if that is so, if there is anything unjust.
In his presence. How Solomon is, one was thinking this morning as we gathered around.
The Lord's table with those emblems in the midst, but with that precious Savior in our midst, here to receive our adoration and worship and praise. Oh, is there anything in my heart that's hindering that outflow of praise? Am I harboring?
Feeling towards anyone?
As to what they may have said to me or about me, oh, if that is sold, the Lord has allowed it. Let me get down on my knees and judge it. But in this verse and walk in love as Christ has loved us, it's a great deal more than just forgiving.
A great deal more than just forgiving. Oh, it's that heart of devotedness to Christ. First of all, if those affections flowing forth to him, those divine affections, and then we see those affections flowing out to one another.
I remember some time ago when Mr. Clifford Brown was in Montreal, he was speaking and he said, you know, it's a wonderful thing in the gathering to see those.
That are lubricators. Lubricators. Oh, they they show that love of that affection, that desire to go on to keep the unity of their spirit. Their lubricators. Are you and I in our gathering? Are we known as being touchy? Are we known as being easily offended? Or do we have that blessed privilege as of being?
A lubricator well.
The Walking here, The Walking in the truth.
The Walking, communion, walking in love as Christ also.
Hath given himself for us. Oh, as we think of how dear each heart is to himself, then we'll have no trouble, no trouble at all in going on with our brethren, no trouble in seeking grace to forgive.
No trouble in showing those divine affections, and oh how blessed it is when in the gathering.
We see those divine affections flowing forth sometimes, I have complained.
Sometimes perhaps you have complained. There doesn't seem to be any warmth in our meeting. There doesn't seem to be any affection as we would like to see it. And oh, when I've stopped to think of it and ponder it, I've wondered how much am I showing? How much warmth and affection?
Am I showing to my brethren, or am I expecting it all to come from them? Oh, let us seek to walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us. Oh, if our hearts are occupied with Him and His love for us, and the price He paid for us.
Then we will hold each one dear that belongs to him, and even though a word does slip out.
That hurts and sometimes hurts deeply. We'll seek grace to take it from the Lord.
And leave it with the Lord, and also to be exercised as to why.
He allowed it and walked in love.
Now let us look at Colossians, the first chapter.
The 10th verse.
That she might walk worthy of the Lord unto all, pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God.
That she might walk worthy. Oh, what a blessed exhortation this is.
To walk worthy of that blessed one, To walk worthy of the Lord. And the only way that we can walk worthy is by having him before us, having him in our hearts, that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith, or that Christ may be at home in your hearts by faith.
That ye might walk.
Worthy of the Lord unto all.
Being fruitful in every good work and increasing.
In the knowledge of God.
Oh, there is no standing still as a child of God right now, right at this minute.
You and I are growing in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Or we're slipping back. We're slipping back. Folks may not even see it. You may not even realize it. But if there isn't that exercise.
In your heart and in mind to walk in the truth.
If we are holding it lightly, that is what is going to happen. We are going to slip back and all the eggs. The exhortation here is to walk worthy of the Lord, Walk worthy of the Lord. Oh, and we think of the one with whom we've been associated, the one who has made us the object of his heart's affections.
How it speaks to our hearts.
Quickens our affections and increases our desire to walk worthy of the Lord.
Unto all pleasing nothing is left out here.
Nothing is overlooked. The slightest act, the smallest duty, whatever it may come.
Whatever may come across your pathway and mine, is it all pleasing to the Lord.
All pleasing.
Oh, you know, our greatest difficulty is just being half and half. Just being half and half that lack of purpose of heart. The enemy coming in and distracting our attention, distracting our hearts, occupying us with things.
That take away the place and the portion that is his, and then we find we don't have the spiritual energy needed.
To walk all pleasing to the Lord.
Being fruitful fruitful in every good work.
In every good work, or you and I exercise as we seek to go on for the Lord, that there might be fruit for his praise and glory.
You know, recently in Montreal.
The Brethren were exercised there as to our Gospel meetings.
We have three gospel meetings, one in our main hall and one in Verdun, and another in a place called Saint Michelle. And one has gone to all of these meetings throughout the year and so often after meeting, say, my wasn't that a wonderful word? Didn't we enjoy the gospel of the grace of God? Oh, wouldn't it have been nice? Wouldn't it have been blessed if there had been some there?
To hear some unsaved ones there. To hear that wonderful story of redeeming grace.
Well, we regret it, but how much do any of us seek to be exercised about it? And so the brethren in Montreal, they got together at a special prayer meeting for the brothers, and they were much cast on the Lord. That here we have This hall in Montreal must be about this size, and the other two halls in Verdun and St. Michel, and the servants of God, seeking to tell forth the riches of His grace. And so.
Very few, sometimes. Some nights you'd wonder if there's one.
Stranger there, one unsaved person.
Oh, is that not a matter?
For you and I to be exercised about.
And the suggestion was made that if each week, each week.
Down in their knees and ask the Lord say, Lord, help us.
Help us to bring sinners in, to hear the riches of thy grace. Open the way for me to bring in some friends, some relatives, some neighbor.
And that was our prayer throughout the week. That was our earnest desire. It wasn't just something that we'd given an occasional thought to, but it was an exercise. I'm sure the Lord would open the way, open the way for each of us to bring someone to the gospel. We might not be able to do it every week.
But if there's earnestness and purpose of heart and exercise.
If the nearness of the Lord's coming and all the events that are crowding in around us.
Point to it. Oh, how earnest we would be in seeking to bring in friends, relatives and neighbors. And it was pointed out that it was a good thing to make a list of all the folks we know that we think we could invite to the Gospel Meeting and then to start speaking to them about it, Perhaps invite some to supper. Well, this is something that young people can do. This is something.
That young people can do with their friends and school and from college and from work and their neighbors. It's something we can all do, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.
Well, one further verse in First Samuel.
The 12Th chapter.
And verse 24.
First Samuel 12 and verse 24.
Only fear the Lord.
And serve him in truth.
For consider with all your heart.
Consider how great things he hath done for you. Oh, what a wonderful exhortation for us in these days of weakness, these days of indifference to his claims. These days when evil is abounding on all sides, and is coming as near only fear the Lord, Oh, may that be true of us. May we not only seek to walk in the truth, but to walk in his fear.
And to serve him in truth and serve him in truth.
That's important because today, all around us, we see the truth being given up.
And some might suggest to you that here is a way that you can serve the Lord.
It looks attractive, it's very appealing, but we know it's not according to the truth that has been ministered to our hearts.
From his precious word, oh, let it be in truth, and serve him in truth.
If it's not in truth, it won't have his approval because we're told.
Of those that are going to receive his approval, it's well done now, good and faithful servant.
Not well done, thou good and successful servant. Well done, thou good and faithful servant.
Serve them in truth with all your heart. O again we have that.
Question of a heart for Christ, affections for him.
Devotedness for him.
And today the enemy is seeking by all his power to cross away, that our hearts won't be devoted, that we may be lukewarm. He doesn't care if we just drift along, but he does care if there's a desire.
To fear the Lord and to serve him in truth with all your heart.
And the thing that will keep us.
For consider him. For consider how great things he hath done for you. Oh, if our hearts bear in mind what he has done for us, the place that he has brought us into the price that he has paid.
Our hearts are occupied with him and the fruit of his toil and Calvary's cross.
It will keep us close to, it will keep us in paths of obedience, keep us walking dependently, and there'll be that fruit, that eternal fruit, for His praise and glory, Him 256.
Praise the Savior. He know him. Who can tell how much we owe Him? Gladly let us render Him.
All we have and learn.
While we run in him.
In his faithful changing never neither force nor wildest ever old people.
Around him.
He's by the glory.
To myself and still he's leaving till the Oriole.
Promised joy with thee.
Then we shall begin where we brought faith. Then we shall be what we should think.
Things that are lost now, Lord, must be 7 shall be.
Our own.