John 14:3-31

Duration: 1hr 1min
John 14:3‑31
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All right. And is that so? I shall be your wife's eye, son. Is this the grace which he has one?
Father of Laurie thought beyond all songs.
It was on last five times a month #18 in the appendix.
Upon me and Thyroid day forever.
Now my word land. Today's grill happened to me.
Gloria, glory of whatever.
They can grow.
Light on the rise and crowd.
By a storm.
Yeah, right. It's all I love that. Now again for that we're in the library and beginning of the very beginning for anyone.
That gives love and so on. And all my chairs.
All is coming after the.
Long run.
Of the runs all friends greetings.
In the end of the round and deserve when you're going shopping.
Look on Spiritual Songs where all of his hymns are. There is 1/5 stanza to this hymn. I just have it with me just to read it. I don't know why it wasn't included.
The heart is satisfied, can ask no more.
All thought itself is now forever or Christ is unmingled object fills the heart and bless adoring love this endless part.
I would think we got to the third verse, would you?
But I would suggest then that for continuity you start with verse one. It's nice to hear those words again from the Lord.
John chapter 14, verse one.
Let not your heart be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you, I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself, that where I am, there ye may be.
Lord, we know not whither thou goest, and how can we know the way Jesus saith unto him?
I am the Way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto the Father, but by me. If he had known me, he should have known my Father also.
And from henceforth you know him and have seen him.
Philip saith unto him.
Lord Joyce, the Father, and it sufficeth us. Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? He that have seen me hath seen the Father. And how sayest thou then Show us the Father, Believe us, thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me. The words that I speak unto you, I speak not of myself, but the Father that dwelleth in me. He doeth the work.
Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me, or else believe me for the very work's sake. Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me the works that I shall I do, shall he do also in greater works than thee shall he do, because I go unto my Father.
And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, if the Father may be glorified in the Son.
If he shall ask anything in my name, I will do it.
If you love me, keep my commandments.
And I will pray the Father and he will send, He will give you another comforter, that he may abide with you forever.
Even the spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him. But ye know him, for he dwelleth with you and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless, I will come to you.
Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more. But ye see me, because I live, ye shall live also.
At that day you shall know that I am in my father, and ye, and me and I in you.
Caloric spoke. These were.
This is inside his last 24 hours.
And I think that what you had in mind before him and the verse two and in verse three was Calvert's cross.
You think of what price you pay to make a place for me in his father's house.
Setting his precious blood to wash my sins away.
To bring me into the place of last thing we had in Romans chapter 5 justified like that.
Put us in him close up with close up, close us with garments of salvation. It's incredible.
Just recently I finished reading a book called Lincoln's Last Day, and there were certainly momentous events that took place in connection with.
His death and assassination.
But it fails compared to what we have here, doesn't it?
Might pay the cross was going to prepare us for the place.
And the moment he stepped into the glory and prepared the place for us.
Sometimes, uh, the thought has been expressed that umm, the Lord went.
In the second verse in my father's house are many mansions. They were already prepared. So the preparation, as has been remarked, has been it, it, it speaks of it. And quite frankly, I think we've had a profit for us in two aspects right there, umm, Robert and Stephen. One is that the preparation and going to the cross, and the other was the Lord entering.
The glory himself.
There were two men that left this world and, uh, were taken to heaven without dying. One being Elijah and the other being Enoch.
I remember being at a funeral one time many years ago when John Burton took the funeral and he said what happened to those two men.
They didn't die here, they were taken off without dying.
And the expression he used in I feel is the right thought that God disposed of their bodies.
They entered the heaven like uh umm, their spirit and soul went like the the thief on the cross to be with the Lord in paradise. But the Lord is a man was the first one who entered the glory.
Is that a correct thought?
And in her glory as a man, I mean.
So I think there's a question.
About what you mean by the glory.
But I thought I take to mean Philippians 3 verse 21.
We're looking right now for the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall change our vile body, that it might be fastened like onto His glorious body.
He has today, as a man in heaven, a glorious body, doesn't he?
Is that what you meant?
By him entering heaven like that.
I believe so.
And he had that when he rose from the dead, right?
The Spirit hath not flesh and bones, as he see me have.
Said the recycled.
And that's how he ascended into the glory.
Did the apostle pause, please happen of the glory when he went to the 3rd heaven and he could, he said he saw unspeakable things.
The Lord going to be with the Father.
That means I I've just been reading a pamphlet in the in the commentary is that the glory is.
The body is glorified.
Entered in His glory.
You're not being glorified. But where did he go? Did he go to the Father? Did he go to the throne?
Baby John, 17 and.
Verse 5.
And now, O Father, glorify me with thine own self, with the glory which I had with Thee before the world was.
And then John Chapter 7.
And verse 39.
But this fake key of the Spirit, which they that believe on Him should receive for the Holy Ghost, was not yet given, because that Jesus was not yet glorified.
They said to those that looked in the tomb, He's not here, he's risen.
So he was.
Raised from the dead.
But it wasn't until he entered into.
Heaven that he was glorified I believe. I'd like to advice that needs to be corrected. Be happy if someone would say but I think.
Glorified is connected with.
His entrance into that place raised resurrection.
Umm, when he was here, but he was not yet glorified and.
Until he entered into that place, and that's when he sent the Spirit of God down from the dead. Pentecost when he was glorified.
But I think John 17 would tell us that.
It's uh.
With the father.
But you also get 110 palm.
We currently look at that.
From 1:10.
The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit at my right hand till I make thy enemies.
Thy footstool.
And so there is.
Another aspect to his entering into that place. Verse four Also the Lord hath sworn and will not repent. Thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.
And that's quoted again as.
And Hebrews are the subject of the Lord's high priesthood is taken up, Peter says, he being by the right hand of God exalted.
So I wouldn't say it's just the father.
But uh, you see them in in the 110th Psalm at the right hand of Jehovah.
And you also have Peter Sandine by the right hand of God, exalted so.
Perhaps it it was narrowed a little bit to say just the father.
That's the subject here, though, isn't it and John brings the father before us just thinking also the 13th chapter. There's a couple verses there and when we come to that term glory or glorified we you can't have a one-size-fits-all because glories of Christ are are many and there there are different character, but just to notice these two verses here in the 13th chapter in verse 31. Therefore, when he was gone out that is due to his scary have left the room.
Jesus said Now is the Son of man glorified?
And God is glorified in him, if God be glorified in him.
God shall also glorify him in himself and shall straightway glorify Him. Well, here we have different expressions of being glorified, but it's not all in reference to the same incident. Now, is the Son of Man glorified? What is this in reference to? This is in reference to the cross. This is in reference to the Lord Jesus, the Son of Man. When, uh, we sang that hymn 39 Son of Man, His incarnation opened first, this pale of grace.
And we see in the life of the Lord Jesus, culminating in his death, everything that man should be. The moral glory is excellencies displayed so fully and completely there at the cross. But not only was he glorified in that sense, all of His moral beauty shining out, but God was glorified in him. And all that was displayed in his obedience to the Father's will, and even into death. And so consequent upon that death and his atoning sufferings, it says, if God be glorified in Him.
God shall also glorify him in himself, and shall straightway glorify Him. God's answer to the atoning sufferings is the immediate glorification of the Lord who glorified him here on this earth. And so, just to notice, he shall straightly glorify him if we can turn to second or first Peter rather.
Just to make a contrast here to clarify, if we may.
First Peter chapter one and uh, just verse 11 in reference to the prophet searching into the Scriptures, it says searching what or what manner applying the Spirit of Christ which was in them to signify when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ and the glory that should follow, or as the Darby renders it, and the glories that should follow.
Now those glories have not yet arrived. This looks on to his Kingdom glories. This looks on to that day when the Son of Man who was once rejected and scorned, when he comes back and he'll, he'll be displayed in glory. The multitude of glories, His Kingdom glories, His official glories, they have not yet arrived. And that's God's answer to his suffering at the hand of man. How he rejoiced to see and look on to that day when.
The heaven and earth will be valid before him. That's still future. It's an answer to his sufferings. But here in John, it's the glorification of God's Son in himself. And I take it here, it's an answer to his atoning suffering. There's not a weight 1000 of 1002 Thousand years. It's immediate and prompt. And so here it does bring before us, especially, uh, the relationship now as he brings us in, uh, to the Father.
Is that the same? Umm.
As in Luke at the end of Luke, where he says ought not Christ has suffered these things and entered in his glory. Now would that be the glory that's still coming, or is that?
As you already have here.
And you guys refer to the prophetic scriptures there.
I'll be praying brother. I've had the same question because.
Took from the context that it would be the glorious his Kingdom glory that are being referred to there, but I don't believe it says glories there so I.
Water. Maybe it is in reference to uh, to the glory we have here. I for myself, I can't say what was the reference in Luke?
Luke 24.
26 first 26.
They questioned whether he was going to set up the Kingdom at this time. He thought that was going to happen immediately and.
So it almost seems that it may be connected, but I certainly wouldn't limit to that.
The Kingdom of the Son of Man.
Is when he returns, right? That's the that's the problem right now. The Lord is in glory, but he's not on the throne. He's he's on the right hand of the Father.
He's on the throne. His investment in the Earth will be realized one day when he returns.
And they become the Kingdom of the Son of Man thought.
In all the world, the oldest glory.
I remember being at a conference many years ago when.
I was maybe in my teenage years.
And a brother asks a question where he was trying to.
Get specific as to, uh, what the meaning was of a particular verse.
And brother, don't Roger, don't take this the wrong way, but another brother, an older brother who was kind of blunt, the way he said it, whose name was Harry Hayhoe, he said don't try to pigeonhole Scripture.
And umm, I umm, you know, I think you can, I welcome your thought and whether you want to think about it in terms of the Lord entering into his glory there now or his glory that his future, I think we can allow both thoughts and leave it there.
I think we get on to, uh, rather dangerous ground if we start trying to partition out this glory or that. There are some that's quite clear, no doubt that we need to be very careful as you say that.
Scripture said is what it says.
In Genesis chapter 45, there's a very.
Constructive words and verse 13 that you shall tell my father of all my Lord.
There's nothing limited. There is all my glory.
And I'm sure that takes in everything that we've talked about today.
Joseph was on the throne.
That would include that, and it would include many other things too with.
I'm sure Joseph's brother.
Probably remember that coat of many colors too, that the father had made it provided for him.
And that foreshadow?
I believe that that would bring before us the essential Boris of the Lord Jesus.
And basically, and again, I don't want to limit what we have in chapter 45 and verse 13 to be acquired glory.
But some have felt that.
This would correspond to that in the Lord's pathway which brought glory to God the Father, and it would correspond in a certain sense, but it not to the burnt offering that we have in Leviticus chapter one.
It went up to God first and.
Why don't we try to go on brethren? We only got 1/2 hour left in this meeting and we're not very far.
Just to stay with the same subject and share a thought for a second.
Spending time thinking about that coat of many colors and the glories and the things we've just thought about the kind of body the Lord has where he is right now.
It uh, puts me in mind of Song of Solomon chapter 5 and verse 10. I won't read the whole thing, but uh, just verse 10, the whole from there. Then the chapter is interesting, but it says my beloved is white and Ruddy the chiefest among 10,000.
Every one of those glories is worth meditating on. Thinking about place. God's brought him to parable.
You know the disciples in this chapter asked some questions too that aren't real yet.
And uh.
But you know, they had a wonderful occupation in spite of their need of instruction and maybe the lack of understanding even in the question. They have a better occupation than Judah said that evening. They were occupied with Christ in the way He was out organizing. There were those who were organizing a band to come and take the Lord. Try to see.
When verse seven and eight there, what do we learn from this? If he had known me, he should have known my father also, and from henceforth ye know him and have seen him.
It was just free to gain the 8th and 9th Phillips death unto him. Lord show us the Father, and it suffices us. Jesus hath unto him. Have I been so long time with you, and yet has thou not known me, Phillip?
He that hath seen me had seen the Father.
And how say it Thou then show us the Father? What truth is it that the Lord is bringing out here?
Could I read one verse the other day and John one?
Verse 18.
No man hath seen God at any time. The only begotten Son which is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him. So. We only know the Father through the sons. Only He perfectly manifested the Father, didn't we?
The expression in verse 6 where the Lord said I am the way, the truth and the life.
That's a really fundamental to Christianity and it's really what makes the problem for the rest of the world and the rest of the world's religions that the Lord Jesus had said I am a way, I am a truth, I am a life. Nobody would have had any problems. But he claims to be the only way and he is the only way. He is the only truth.
And that, that, that doesn't go down well with that human nature, does it?
In a special reference to the Father. If I can just add comment where the standard that 18th verse.
And only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, sometimes we may say or may use the expression, He left the bosom of the Father. But that's not quite right, because it's perhaps not understanding what the bosom of the Father is. It's not here a physical thing that the Lord left when He came into this world. But is there an expression, the eternal dwelling place of love?
The sun was ever in the bosom of the Father before incarnation, and he did not leave that when he came into incarnation, which is in the bosom of the Father. The Son as ever the Father's delight, whether eternally or incarnation. And so it's that that dwelling place of love, and it's that one that dwells there that's declared the Father. Who but the Son could declare who the Father is?
We read in Hebrews one and there it's God. It's not the Father in Hebrews because it's not the subject of Hebrews, but it's only it's it's God the Son. If God reveals himself in the sun, who but God could reveal himself? And who but the Son could reveal the Father?
I thought of this too, and maybe just turn into a Matthew 12, not to take us too far afield.
But when the Lord Jesus came, God manifest in the flesh.
And then umm.
Matthew 12.
And, umm.
Verse 24.
And when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow does not cast out devils, but by the ills above the Prince of the devils.
Umm, it's going on to verse 20. But if I cast uh, double S by the Spirit of God, then the Kingdom of God has come unto you. I just a couple thoughts What?
When the world saw.
The Sun.
In the complete demonstration of the power of the Spirit of God, work miracles, they said. That's the power of the devil.
So the Lord Jesus, the Son of God, he completely demonstrated the power of the Spirit of God and what he did, and he completely revealed, uh, the Father to us. And so the world, how far man was in darkness. And then we saw that. We saw the work of God and absolute form and said, that's the work of the devil. And then you think moving forward in that coming day, when the man of sin, the embodiment of sin, the Antichrist, he's worshipped as if he's God himself.
How far a man is from God. And again, I don't want to take us too far astray, but it's only the sun that can reveal the Father. And he revealed him perfectly, so much so that he could say he even have seen me, have seen the Father. So when the world rejected the Son, they likewise rejected the Father.
All in Colossians refers to him, the Lord Jesus, as the image of the invisible God.
Also in connection with being in the bosom of the Father.
Uh, to someone who want to comment on the fact that the Lord Jesus said on the cross, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me as opposed to my Father? My Father, why hast thou forsaken me?
Well, expressive thought by answering a little part of a John just brought up there about the kidneys at the invisible God.
Man Genesis 1 created in the image of God, right and.
And you failed. I'm representing God.
Are you seeing coming in corrupted that image of God so that the world could not see God through us anymore. We were we were spoiled as you sent out of the garden. You go to Hebrews chapter one and you get this about Christ, his Son, who being the brightness cursory of his glory, the brightness of the glory of God and the express image of this person when that sun came that man, he was the express image of God.
Representing an absolutely, totally perfect way.
He picked up where we failed as he picked up where Israel failed, he picked up Herman failed and the AMD. The ultimate expression of Sean.
And and so would this man knows all about God, the person of God, the entity of God, by looking at the sun in this chapter is brought a little closer because now he's speaking to his disciples. And so his relationship is now not just God, but his father. So he has revealed the Father in that beautiful relationship.
I've got that part and I forgot your question. My brother, I'm going to tie try to tie it in. He wasn't forsaken by the father, but.
Oh yes, it wasn't forsaken by the following, because that's I believe that relationship as a word was ever, ever there. He was never mistaken with the Father, but God himself, as it were, had to, had to.
Hide behind the darkness and allow Him to look at the cross in obedience.
Anyway, that's the only thought that I have. How much ingenious is 22?
In connection with Abraham and Isaac, it says they went both of them together. Wouldn't that illustrate that, umm, the Father never perceived the Son but as man? Uh, he was forsaken of God because he was a sin bearer, Is that correct?
Holy ground we get on and do when we discuss these things, isn't it?
I believe what you say is down.
There's a comment the Lord makes which I find interesting in verse 11 in connection with who he is, who he represented, the connection between himself and his Father. And that is he says believe for the very work's sake. And it's an interesting thing just to go through and see what the Lord Jesus did. So for example, the Lord Jesus healed and gave sight to a man that had never ever seen in his life before.
And absolutely incredible miracle.
That's that particular miracle reserve was reserved for him, and it's a prophetic connection to all the healings. You think about what he did for.
John the Baptist, when John the Baptist needed faith, encouraged that period of miracles that he did on that day for John the Baptist.
And the all those things that just show who he was and reveal the heart of God to bring blessing to a people that had turned their hearts against them.
That's what he brings forward.
Believe, believe the work brings that as evidence.
That he and the father won.
Just before the Lord went to the cross, he could say.
John 16 and 32 Behold the hour cometh, yay is now come.
That you shall be scattered, every man to his own, and shall leave me alone.
Yet I am not alone, because the Father is with me.
Abraham and Isaac were both together.
Thought that it had been the father. Never forsook.
God had to forsaken her our sins.
Pleasantly our sins upon the Lord Jesus.
Father ever for something, son?
Is that a thought you had bruised? Yes.
As always, and that father son relationship always in the bosom of the father.
It's directing us here onto the Father.
Just thinking of the the Lord Himself came as a man, and in John 316 you know the verse where the Holy Spirit came down and and dwelt upon him. And if you go to the book of the ads.
In the 10th or 11Th chapter.
And you'll notice this, maybe it's a little help as to what's behind the thought here. Introducing this other comforter that's going to come in and John Center 10 and verse again, this is holy ground, you might say.
Verse 37 That word I say you know which is published throughout all Judea and began from Galilee after the baptism of John, preached how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil, for God was with him. So question is why would God have to anoint the Lord Jesus with the Holy Ghost?
Another place you could stay. He said nothing and did nothing on us directed by God through the Holy Spirit. So in the sense we haven't see it as as as a man here. He had laid aside that ability also have knowing everything as if he had to be instructed. I believe that he did from God to follow through the Holy Spirit that was given him.
To do and go. Why did he rise early in the morning and pray? Why would the Lord Jesus have need to do that?
Renew everything. So he didn't. That's the thought. He said blade that's laid aside in that sense as a man. So he had to be totally dependent upon his father through the Holy Spirit. And so now he's about to leave and go back and he's saying.
I've been your comforter, but now I'm going back to the Father. My work is done to work at the cross is finished, but there's more work to be done. But it's not gonna be done by me. God is gonna stand. I'm gonna send the Holy Spirit in this world.
And just as he directed me and everything that I did and what I said, he can now direct you. He will indwell you, will fool you and direct you into into all that needs to be done. That's the comfort. I I think as soon as chapter he's trying to turn across, we have the same source, the same comforter that he had, the same one, the same power that was given to him is now given to me. I'm going to access it, but it's there. It's like someone give me a sweater and saying, you know, it's my comfort.
And I said put it on. It's got no comfort, right. So that's where you spoke earlier about stirring up the gift, the Holy Spirit. Why, why just begin dwelling doesn't work. It can be a stagnant thing unless there's exercise behind it that I have to exercise myself by the Spirit to love my brother, to see, not see your, you know, your frailties or your these things like the book past that and trust your mind too and and go on. It's an exercise.
So I believe we have the suspense. So we have these things now and the Holy Spirit is going to come. He's going to the same column that the Lord Jesus himself has many new that there's a work now, work the Lord Jesus was for us and that's complete. But now there's a work in us which is not complete and won't be complete until the day of redemption.
That's some possible.
We should order too if the Godhead isn't there.
God the Father and counsel.
The Lord Jesus was the one that carried out the counsel of God and the Holy Spirit with the power by which they were carried out.
I know that we don't pray to the Holy Spirit without us to do that, so there's an order in the Godhead.
That we need to follow.
And, umm.
The Holy Spirit is sent down and He he is He is our guide, but He too takes direction from.
God the Father, and so He guides us into all truth. But.
He he waits upon.
Uh, you might say God who?
In his time.
The way that we learn things from scripture, we don't learn everything all at once.
The Holy Spirit at the right time.
Opens up our hearts.
For our minds to take in certain truth at the right time.
So I don't know.
We should be, uh, too liberal with talking about.
The Holy Spirit is.
In that way, I'm not uh, I don't know, maybe some other brother might have a thought on it, but.
That verse she referred to Derek in uh, in Acts chapter 10, umm, now God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power. I, I wonder if that isn't connected with Matthew 3 when, umm, when the Spirit of God came when the Lord was 30 years of age and he was anointed for the ministry? Really for the 3 1/2 years?
There's no.
In the Trinity there is three or one and one is 3.
And, uh, you can't say that that that, umm, the Holy Spirit is inferior to God the Father, can you?
Umm, just one again. I, uh, we need to stand back, I think a little, uh, when we discuss these things.
Again, that depression holy ground. I I think of any connection with Moses, you know, take off the shoes from off your feet to the place you stand is is holy ground.
He dwells in the street, tilts about the Lord, that He dwells in the light that no man can approach unto, nor can.
So that's referring to the Lord as the the.
Need to be careful I think a member of brother saying years ago there is that part of the Godhead that you'll never know for all eternity.
Maybe we could look at that verse if that'd be alright. And I think it's, uh, First Timothy 6.
Umm and uh, First Timothy 6 and verse umm.
14 that thou keep his command with those spot and rebukeable, until the occurring of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Which in his time he shall show, who is the blessed and only potentate, the King of kings and Lord of Lords, who only have immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach, undo whom no man hath seen, nor can see. To whom the honor and power everlasting.
I always think of our brother Gordon commenting on that and saying that there is a that.
Uh, reverence, respect that we need to give to the Lord as the Son of God that we that he in, in knowing that he dwells with the Father and in that light that no man can approach under nor can throughout all eternity. We sing it really in the 100% of the 150th hymn, the higher mysteries of thy pain, the creatures grass transcends.
The Father, only thy blessed name.
Of sun can comprehend.
Refer to one verse and the third of John.
And the Lord speaking to Nicodemus.
And verse 11.
He said verily, I said to you, we speak what we do know, intensify what that we have seen and received, not our witness.
There is uh.
A beautiful illustration for us.
And the Lord's garment that they took from him at Calvary, it says it was woven from the top throughout. It didn't have any pain anywhere. And they couldn't pair it up like the other pieces of clothing. Umm, And divide it among themselves, between the soldiers until they catch loss for it to see who it would be, You know, that garment must have been, uh.
Quite a, a, a piece of handiwork and just, uh, not long before they took the Lord's garments, he had been in that house in Bethany and Mary had poured out that box of alabaster.
Alabaster box of white men upon him, and no doubt that ointment is refilled. The whole house with its odor ran upon that garment, and that garment must have smelled, uh, just wonderful.
And I was helped by, uh, an expression a reverse in the 45th Psalm. It says all thy garments smell of myrrh, and half in Alice.
And the Scripture presents the person of the Incarnate Son of God.
Both in his Vietnamese.
As well as in his manhood.
But in a way that you cannot.
Discern a scene, as it were, between the two.
And the only way we can take it up in the right way is just like taking up those garments.
We wouldn't rent it. The soldiers wouldn't rent it. They were crude men and they wouldn't even rent it. And how much more for us who are believers to take up that garment that speaks of the Incarnate Son of God, both God and man, woven together from the top throughout, without pain. We can take it up with holy hands and smell the fray.
And it's wonderful.
And we can see his mantra.
And we can see it and we can enjoy both aspects. That perfect dependent man who received all from the ball, fresh instruction every day for his past. And that one who said we know what we testify.
Perfectly new falsehoods and he received none of their services.
That man who walked in every step of the way.
The Spirit of God being the power of all that he did.
And yeah, he will call himself.
So if we look at each aspect and we just lift up those garments and we say just what a wonderful phrase.
But there's no sin. And if you try and render what did happen to the garment that's woven from the top throughout, if you run it, it just falls under little pieces.
Not any of them are worth anything. You know a regular piece of sauce? You can pair it up and you you get smaller pieces you could use for something. But a woven garment? If you rent it, all the threads fall out, all that weaving falls apart, and it's not good for him.
There can't be so I I've enjoyed that in connection with the way we take these ends up. Not that we say I we don't take them up because they're presented to us in the scripture for for our hearts, but to take up in reverence and to realize there's no discerning.
And a seamless torment would be an even torment too, wouldn't it?
And I was thinking in connection with the the need or the meal offering that we have in Leviticus too.
Where since his offering shall be of fine power.
Well, that's fine. Four, I believe, would speak of the evenness.
And balance of the character of the Lord Jesus.
There would be no one quality that would be in excess.
And at the same time, there was nothing that was lacking.
Perfect with this.
Sometimes when you have a scene, it creates an unevenness, doesn't it?
But it wasn't so.
Connection with the Lord Jesus.
We have often been instructed, and rightfully so, that each of the four Gospels has a distinct character. Matthew, of course, the Lord is presented primarily as the king, the king of the Jews rejected.
Mark brings the forest, him as the prophet's servant, the one who, uh, the details are always done in service of God perfectly. But I'm thinking of Luke and John in particular. Luke, of course, brings before us the Lord Jesus as the dependent man.
We, we find the beginning of that gospel, it doesn't begin with this genealogy or a servitude. It begins with conception and it takes us all the way to his ascension. The Lord Jesus is the dependent man. John, we have no, uh, it's, it's easy eternal one. There's no mention of his birth. There's no mention of his, his, uh, his ascension. He's the eternal one. But the, umm, the point I believe is important for us to see in some of these distinctions. Look, primarily gives us the Lord as the dependent man.
So we see him tempted with the devil, and how does he meet it? He meets it with the word of God, the very thing that we need to meet the temptations of the enemy with with the word of God. But in John, the glory of him as the Son of God from the first chapter, for he set forth, all things were made by him, and without him was not anything made that was made. Who but God the Son could do this? And you have these different expressions throughout John's Gospel that emphasizes deity. And even when he says there's nothing I can do of myself.
It's not because he was helpless. It's not because he was, umm, he, he, he was in weakness, but because he was so linked with a father that for one to do with the other was to do it one with the father. Even in John's Gospel there when he goes to the cross and the other gospels, you find Simon Cyrenian carrying his cross. But in John he buried his cross, went forth. It's in John that you have the cry, it is finished. It's in John you have the bloodshed. And there are these beautiful nuances through this.
This gospel that that keep the preeminent glory of Jesus as the Son of God before us. I think it's just been helpful to me to consider the context or consider the book that it's in to help us to understand the portion because as all these glories wrapped up, he is the dependent man. But in Johnny's the Son and sonship is not connected with dependence. He was the one in the booze of the Father, one with the Father, and it was the son that became man and took the dependent place.
But his Son, there are those that when he said that the Spirit of God would write, they said God was his Father, making himself equal with God.
I hope that clarifies a little bit in in in reference to, uh, John's gospel versus Luke's gospel.
The verse in the First Epistle of John, chapter 2, verse 23. Just read it and Mr. Darby's translation.
Whoever denies the son has not the father either.
He confessed his son has the father also.
And the Lord said to the disciples here, no man cometh to the Father. But by means there's many today who will take up and speak of the man upstairs or speak of God as Father in some sort of a vague way and speak of God kind of in that character of things. But they have no use for the sun. They have no use for Jesus Christ.
They don't have the there's only one way to come to the father. There's only one who's revealed the father. There's only one way to have the father, and that's what you have, the son.
Outside of the sun, you cannot have the father at home at all in any way.
Brother mentioned #150.
All right. And that I was thinking of, that person says.
In the most perfectly expressed.
The Father itself.
I wonder if we could just stand with the same suggestion like that.
And the Lord and see God. I'm on the Word who I'm who I'm bringing away.
Yeah, maybe change somewhere around every day.
And not really there's got, it's not going to sound.
Dream and.
For a meal of God.
That everything is doing it.
You love the name of the world and cause.
The bride.
Of God in the Lord.
And one and everything in your heart.
Uh, and they were all there was no.
The eternal baby was great and then did they ever have anything on everyone who were hurting your life from God?
Every minute.