John 15:1-3

John 15:1‑3
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General meetings, Ottawa, April 1973 First reading meeting.
Step #2 in the appendix. Oh Lord, thy love some bounded.
So we so full soul free.
Mind your nose is all transported when I think on the two in the back of the book.
The Lord God of Israel, the barrel of meal, shall not wait.
Neither shall the trees of oil fail until the day that the Lord send us rain upon the earth.
On the land and did according to the saying of Elijah.
He and her house did he.
Monday and the barrel of meal waited. Now neither did the hooves of oil fail, according to the word of the Lord, which is?
By life.
Hello Lines in the gym. We just thank that.
Suggest that the subject.
I thought that says the Lord and believe it, where they rather hear.
There was line with the skin all keep my soul and Jesus.
Filled with.
How much we need?
A bit of Christ.
In these days.
I'm glad to.
The the wheel that never failed or recruit the wall that didn't survive, that didn't waste for the crews of oil that didn't fail.
Reverend, abiding with Christ to defend the journey will not fail.
And with the bed until then that the 15th of John, my dear studied.
That the Lord has passed the view of the generally.
That we've had before.
My father.
Never threatened to leave in the marriage.
That it may bring forth more fruit.
Now you are clean to the word which I've spoken unto you. Abide in me and I and you as a branch, cannot bear fruit of itself. Accepted, abide in the vine. No more can ye, except ye abide in me. I am the vine, ye are the branches. He he that abideth in me, and I in him the same bringeth forth much fruit. For without me you can do nothing.
If a man abide not in me, he has cast forth at the branch, and is withering, and then gathered them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned.
If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, he shall ask what you will, and it shall be done unto you.
Herein is my Father glorified, that you bear much fruit, so shall you be my disciple.
As a father hath loved me, so have I loved you. Continue ye in my love.
Did you keep my commandments? You shall abide in my love, even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in His love.
These things have I've spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.
This is my commandment that you love one another as I have loved you.
Greater love is no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friend.
Ye are my friends, if you do whatsoever I command you.
Henceforth I call you not servant, for the servant knoweth not what is Lord doing. But I have called you friends. For all things that I have heard of my father, I have made known unto you.
Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you that you should go and bring forth fruits.
That your should remain, that whatsoever you shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it to you.
These things I command you that you love one another.
If the world hates you, you know that it hated me before it hated you.
If you were of the world, the world would love his own. But because you're not of the world, but I have told you out of the world.
Therefore, the world haters you.
Remember the word that I said unto you. The servant is not greater than his Lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they have cut my stains, they will keep yours also.
But all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake, because they know not him that sent me.
If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had been, but now they have no cloaks for their sin. He that hateth me hateth my Father also. If I had not done among them to work with none other man, did they have not had sin. But now have they both seen and hated both me and my Father. But this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law.
They hated me without a call.
But when the Comforter has come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of Truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me, and ye also shall bear witness, because he has been with me from the beginning.
This is a part. Part is often called the Upper room Ministry of the Lord.
That Withers disciples before he went to the cross.
And one of the gospel refined the Lord very little with his disciples.
Moral testimony through the world.
Until we get to the.
13th Chapter Thirty, 17th chapter.
We find a large.
Entirely with his disciples.
Preparing his disciples for his departure.
And there's a medical order in those chapters.
Bothering one upon the other.
And the 12Th chapter we get the cross, where they have a large path to accept the corn of wheat, fall into the ground, and die, and divide us alone. And also I if I be lifted up from the earth, we draw all men unto me.
Well, the class is expensive through everything.
But after we have come to Christ and have received forgiveness and salvation.
Because of his worst care at Calvary.
Then we moved his breakfast along the way. So in the 13th chapter you have restoration to communion.
The working of the food, that is, which we come in contact to this world, and that leads to release to communion, which you find in the 14th chapter, taking us right up to the Father's house.
And then in the 15th chapter, we have a Biden in Christ.
That results in Communion or Pillsbury.
Then in the 15th chapter we have.
Testimony. And lastly, in the 17th chapter we have the Lord's Prayer for those to whom he had revealed his mind and instructed and told them of the coming comfort who had abide with them forever.
I suppose understand what the Lord is bringing before us here I am the true vine. If we look at Isaiah chapter 5.
Isaiah chapter 5 and the first verse. Now will I sing to my well beloved A song of my beloved touching his vineyards, My well beloved half a vineyard in a very fruitful hill.
And he fenced it, and gathered out the stones thereof, and planted it with the choicest vine, and build a tower in the midst of it, and also made a wine press therein. And he looked that it should bring forth grief, and it brought forth wild grapes. And now all inhabitants of Jerusalem, and men of Judah judge, I pray you betwixt me and my vineyards. That could have been done more to my vineyard, but I have not done in it. Wherefore when I look, that it should bring forth great.
Brought it forth mild grapes and the seventh verse, for the vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the House of Israel.
And the man of Judah his pleasant plan. And he looked for judgment, But behold, oppression for righteousness, but behold a cry.
Can we see that Israel was set to be the vine and the earth? That we should have produced fruit for God? And so it says, What more could have been done in my vineyard that I have not done in it? That is, God did everything that was possible. If fruit could be produced from man in the flesh, every opportunity was given to the nation of Israel. They were tutored and cultured of God. They were given me temple and all its ritual. The power no doubt refers to that.
They were separated from the nations. They were fenced about. Everything was done. But what was the result? There was nothing but wild grief. There was no fruit for God, and now isn't a blessed deterrent. And see here one has come into this world to produce fruit for God.
He could say I do always those things which please him. Every motive, every action, the tone of his voice, everything was perfect in the Lord Jesus. And now the great secret that is brought before us in this chapter is a countless fruit He produced in the lives of those who are believers.
Because it tells us in John's epistle he that says he abideth in him on himself also, so to walk even as he walked star, has no lower standard than his beloved sons. And so there is a way, set before us, as our brother remark, abiding in Christ, that there can be thy fruit, but there's no fruit from the first man. It's entirely rejected and set aside. And so it's very lovely the way this chapter presents to us Christ as the true vine for Israel failed.
In fact, we learned in Isaiah that the Lord takes the place of Israel.
It says, aren't my servant, O Israel, and whom I will be glorified. But they didn't glorify God. But now the Lord Jesus came and took the place of Israel, and he glorified his Father. He is the true vine. And so it's lovely what is brought before us here in connection with ourselves as believers, that there might be that fruit, that precious fruit of the Spirit.
Produced enough in our walking ways.
When the church has failed as badly as Israel, when you come to the last phase of the church scene and layer the Pierce is there that the Lord says well, it suggests by the Spirit have the.
The first world witness the beginning of the creation of God when the Church has failed as a witness for the Church was put here as a witness for a glorified fight that this world is cast out and rejected.
And the failure of the Church has been a spread of the failure of Israel. And when their history is safe, then comes in this word, that the only social witness.
Is that blessed one who is the true vine here the the one who takes the place as the perfect president and Israel had failed as dog servant as you get in the 14 nights chapter. I believe this of Isaiah.
Israel is 19 to 3 trees and scriptures and not providing the peace tree and the olives.
Brothers jump straight to my firefighting. I am brought forth while great the fig tree was.
Baron from the olive tree failed. In contrast to what we have here, I am the true vine. There is no failure in this slept person.
And I think we get a nice picture of that, perhaps of bearing fruit in the 25th chapter of Exodus.
The connection of the golden Candlestick.
Getting at birth 31.
Announced to make a Candlestick of pure gold.
Of speech and works on the cattle sickly made his sharp and his branches he sold his mouth and his flowers shall be of the same.
And six Francis don't come out of the sides of it. 3 bronches of the candle stick out of the one side and three bronches of the Candlestick out of the other side. Three bowls made like onto almonds with enough and the flower in one bronze and three bowls made like almonds. In the other branch of the muffin of flour stone the six branches that come out of the Candlestick and in the Candlestick.
Itself shall be 4 bowls.
And they like unto almonds to their mouths and their flowers.
This Candlestick was made in the Microsoft tree, depicted both life and life and fruit, I believe.
So we have here the cattle stick itself for four bowls, but the Bronx is only three. So we can never bear the same amount of fruit that Christ did, but we can bear the same kind of fruit finds grace and health, and I think we find that in the 17th of Jeremiah.
That we are able to bear fruit for the Lord.
Jeremiah 17.
Beginning of verse 7.
Well, we should agree from verse five that set the laws for us to be the man that trusted in man, and make his flank his arm and to his heart departed from the Lord.
He should be like the seas from the desert, and shall not see when good cometh, but shall inhabit the past places in the wilderness.
Southland are not inhabited now the contrast, blessed or happy, is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose help the Lord is, for he shall be as a free.
By the water and that spread about the roots by the river.
And shall not see when this cometh but her leave shall be green.
And shall not be careful in the year of Drought, neither shall sink from yielding fruit.
By thank you to those who are trusting in the Lord and have received them as their Lord and Savior can bear fruit for Him down here.
So it's not like the Lord is himself.
This chapter is often spoken now primarily as giving us the trust of truth bearing.
And I believe that we should consider it.
And it's most important thought, and that's abiding in Christ.
That stops the spirit of God with teachers in this chapter.
Important of abiding in Christ. And if there is abiding in Christ, there will be that fruit that the Father is looking for.
Which he finds his favor and delight.
Let me say the Lord has two things in mind here.
One thing is your government, the Bible in Him, and that his word might abide in our.
We got in the 70s.
If you abide in me, and my words abide in you.
At 3:00 AM, listening to the chapter being read is 3 things.
That you have abiding in you.
And one keeping his word and abiding in his love.
It all ties together.
The Spirit of God, of course, is Christ, who himself is instructing us.
Will bring this important subject before of abiding in Christ.
I believe we should say that we have abiding in Christ brought before us in two different ways here, that which is real and vital, and there is fruit bearing. But then there is also the thought of those who take their place by profession, For instance, the sixth verse. If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch and is withered.
Gather them and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. Now this was never a real believer at all, and I think they thought of connecting it with what we have in Isaiah helps us to understand what is really being brought before us. That is, there was no fruit whatever from the natural man, nor is it enough, brethren to process faith in Christ. There must be living reality. There must be that vital connection with Christ, by which alone there can be fruit bearing.
And so this is in a natural vine. There are many shoots.
And they partake of the what comes from the vine, but there's no food at all. And there are those who have partaken of the blessings of Christianity, have lived in a Christian land, have us in the 6th chapter of Hebrews in that sense, in partakers of the blessing that has been brought by the coming of the Holy Spirit. But they're not saved. And eventually it's manifested that there's no divine life and the task force is a branch withered and that we have a end in the fire in judgment.
But the word of encouragement to the true believer is, having been brought to know the Lord, a savior, and being associated with him, that now by the power of the Spirit there would be that fruit bearing for him. Son going back again to the vine supporting that there is a branch. It's not one of those Shields that just has leaves, but there's one that's really bearing good fruit. So you cut it off. Oh, now you cut it off from its source of supply.
And instead of bearing fruit any longer, why the fruit bearing stops because it has been separated from the vine. And this can take place in our lives as believers, that if we do not abide in Christ, there will not be that fruit bearing with their fruit which is so pleasing to God which he is looking for, because my father is the husband.
I think in order to really draft the meaning of the subjects that we have here about the bond.
That primarily the Lord is Speaking of himself and his disciples.
Well, one of those disciples was killed. Well, therefore, children not to be real at all. He was not a true believer.
And he was taken away on the end, just as we find that after he had decayed, the Lord.
He cast the money down his punch and smiled himself. And then he went ahead and hanged himself.
Well, now we get that clearly before it will save us from getting confused and a false doctrine that would try to make being a part of the vine a vital thing I was talking on time to.
Zero 70 Adventists and all 70 heads. That's my words mixed up. I was talking to.
Salvation Army Captain Bill Christian used to visit the Sister, but every time he saw me, he taxed me on the panel security. So you believe in once They've always saved. I say I certainly do. And I quoted to him John Kim.
My shape shall never take. Guess what he says. The Lord says in the same gospel in the in the 15th chapter, that ever branch of death, not 30. Take it away. So then he was going to satisfy the security of the believer by using another script here as the thing to teach him. At least that should be saved and lost again. Well, let's get this clearly, because that is not.
The subject of what is vital here?
It's the subject of bearing fruit and as our brother has brought out that it's the house to deal with profession as well as what is real and genuine.
A true believer in the Lord Jesus will bear fruit.
It may be very limited, it may be hindered, was brought out of the branch, has a nice abundance of strips and cut off like cut off from the store, but an unbeliever, one girl has never born again.
Could never bears any fruit at all. Impossible for him to bear fruit, and that's very important because it has to do with divine life.
And her professor. He may make all the outward profession of being a Christian. You may attend the meeting that might even break bread, and yet not be born again, a true child of God.
And there's no proof whatever. And the time comes when it will be manifest, and it sows to see the sort of judgment being brought in in this way.
Comment about that scripture. You bought it in Philippians. In in Revelation 3 about Philadelphia, it says the beginning of the creation of God. We know there are those that use that verse to teach that the Lord Jesus Christ had a beginning.
Now we should be very clear about these things. The Lord Jesus is from all eternity. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God is going forth with the mold from everlasting, we're told in the Old Testament in Mike, I believe it is.
But when it says the beginning of the creation of God, it simply means that new creation began with a person. Now that is the first creation that was ruined. Adam was the head of that creation. He brought in the sin and as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin.
And then in God's account, there's another man, the 2nd man, the Lord from heaven. And that person is the beginning of the creation of God. Now, that is, He's the beginning of new creation. So we read in 2nd Corinthians 5, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. Or the new translation is if any man be in Christ, there is a new creation. All things are passed away. Behold, all things will become new.
South blessed to see how that there is this new creation, and because we are part of that new creation, why there is fruit for God.
But as our brother remarked, as far as the first creation is concerned, the scripture is very emphatic. They that are in the flesh cannot please God. And no matter whether it's under the tutoring and culturing of Judaism or under the wonderful privileges of Christianity, the flesh is just the same. There's no fruit for God, and it's only by new creation.
That new creation began when Christ rose from the dead.
That's right. Yeah.
Or where are the first folks of that new creation?
In verse six, if a man of five not in me, he is.
Task force as a branch and is withered. And men gather them and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. This is profession. As you were saying, Brother Barry, let us turn now the First Corinthians, the third chapter.
And here we find.
That which is real, but there's also burning here. It's the fruit of the.
1St Corinthians 3.
But we'll read verse 14.
If any man's work abide which he has built thereupon, he shall receive reward.
If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss, but he.
Self shall be saved yet those by fire. So do we not have a different fear?
Between professionals and that which is real.
Brother Glenn has exposed to his *** giving out the view of a real believer before the judgment seat of Christ, and everything will be manifested manifested there. And it's a question not of his soul salvation, but a question of his work. For it says if any man's work survived, doesn't say he'll go to heaven, you might think they have good.
Being a teaching, that is salvation, were a work for them, this man would go to heaven because his works are good.
But it says nothing about he's going to heaven, but if any man's work abide, he himself shall be.
If any man's work abide, he shall receive a reward. It's entirely a question of reward in heaven. He's only viewing their true believers. Then in the next case, if any man works or burns, he shall suffer loss. Where you say if it's a question of DC by work or there's a man that goes to hell.
But it doesn't suit that at all. It says, Yet he himself shall be saved. Yet so as my fire, that is the fire in that case burns up the.
Furious work that the man himself has saved.
But if you charge the subject on further, if any man desire the temple of God, him shall God destroy. There's a fatal case, one that is not a true believer, a professor, and not only a professor, but a leader who introduces false doctrine among the people of God and such a one. No question of his getting a reward is getting saved or anything.
Perception one is lost, but in our subject here in the 15th of June, where the subjects there are being burned, is entirely a mere professor like Judith that never was real, although he preached and healed the sick and had the same privileges as the other disciples. And yet the Lord said he was a devil.
And the and the beginning of his ministry never was a true believer.
Now that's in one it's not a question of his work to fall, but it's a question of his soul and such, and one will perish in a lost eternity.
There are fewer, I believe, that we can really say we know are in a lost eternity. But Judas is one. He went. He went to his own place.
As you can just mention too in this passage in First Corinthians 3 that 17th verse, if any man defile a temple of God, him shall God destroy. For the temple of God is holy which temple ye are.
This this is not the Spirit of God dwelling in the individual body of the believers. This is the Spirit of God dwelling in the processing House of Christendom.
When the Spirit of God indwells the body of a believer, he'll never leave, it tells us Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby you're sealed under the day of redemption, but on the day of Pentecost, when the Spirit of God came down, he not only took his place in dwelling the believers, but he filled the house where they were sitting. And as a season 2 tells us that we're building together for inhabitation of God through the Spirit, that's the collective thing. And so in the processing House of Christendom, the Spirit of God dwells, and one who brings evil doctrine into the.
Processing House of Christendom is much more responsible than if he brought it into a heathen land.
He's bringing it into the place where the spirit of God dwells. He's bringing him into that which is responsible to be the pillar and ground of the truth.
And so here is a professor bringing in something such as we know the one who will say, founded the Jehovah's Witness, will just think of the evil teaching that he brought into a Christian lamb, into a Christian circle. And so he is satisfied the Deity of Christ. He satisfied that glorious finished work. And all this right into the processing house. Well, it's solemn.
Such a person will be cut off in judgment.
But the subject in First Corinthians 3 is the judgment of that was professes to be the House of God. And as our brother remarks, true believers who have labored according to the mind and will of God, has revealed in his words, there'll be a reward.
Are those who throw to believers have not been serving according to God's mind and will is revealed in His words. They will still be saved, but their work is lost. And then the person who defiled the temple of God, an unbeliever in the professing house, he's cut off in judgment.
I hope that there's not too much of A digression, but the comments made a while ago about the old creation and the news.
It makes me think of a structure that helped me a great deal in that, and it confirmed what puzzled me for a long time, that is, the continual reference to Isaac as being Abraham only son.
Take now by some thy only from Isaac to thou lover in Hebrew.
11 He even called Abraham's only the doctrine son, and this was a bit of a puzzle because it was evidence that Abraham had another son whose name was it failed.
And I just consented myself with the fact that God by inspiration could do such terms and it was not our right to question it. However, I believe it might be an illustration of this very point, that is, that we do not stand before God both has fallen sons of Adam, and as new creatures in Christ Jesus, one comes to an absolute and completed end than the other stands alone.
And so we see it. Mail so completely banished from the family and household of Abraham. He seems to be left out of the denial of the altogether, and I think stands alone with that wonderful statement.
Only son, so that although there was a tie when he was fallen, sons of Haddon part of that.
A creation from which no truth whatever could be found. We now stand before God as new creatures, and only as new creatures in here.
Even in connection and this may be far better, but I don't think it is.
In connect with Gideon, through whom the Lord was about to deliver his people from the Midianites.
Idiot was all the night before the victory to take.
Now that's not unusual, but this time, and as far as I know, it's the only time he is told quick for us to take take the second bullet of seven years. So that's rather unusual, the second bullet.
Of seven years.
There was 1 preceding bullet which was completely packed by with no use. He was to take the second one, and that second one was seven years old. I believe it points to new creation again a complete setting aside of that which might otherwise have been chosen. And the second full of seven years of perfect number is offered upon the altar, and Israel is delivered.
So we stand by the grace of God in Him who are the first of that new creation.
I wonder if other Barry did mine give us, giving us the definition of.
Where we have the fruit of the Spirit, 9 fruits that are mentioned in the 5th chapter of.
And in the 5th chapter of Galatians you have two subjects. You have first the work on the place.
What is that the 19th 1St? Now the work for the place are manifest. Which are these? So And then you get in the 22nd verse. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleman, goodness, meekness, temperance. Against us there is no law, and they let our Christ have crucified the place where the affections.
And love. If we live in the spirit, let us also walk in the spirit.
Then said and write this said, that our bedridden Christian can bear all nine of those fruit.
To go over it carefully, you'll see. And it doesn't question carrying on a missionary workforce hey type of activity that would be seen and and faith or and have a lot of respect among God's children. But it's back five.
Learning for Christ. And it may be different truths that are broken up here on the left. Just one way, Brother Smith. We could think about proof and we know it's what the followers.
Are thinking as he looks over the vine and sees the branches.
Producing well? Is it something that is really manifesting?
What is in my beloved Son? For anything that delights the heart of God must be in subtle weight or reproduction.
Of that which we see in our blessed Lord and Savior. And so I think, yes, He went over those proofs of the Spirit, whoever loved His Christ, whoever had the deep joy that He had in His first place.
Whoever went on and kept peace in his.
So if I leave with you my peace, I give unto you, and all long-suffering, How wonderful, how precious to see the Lord long-suffering with his disciples, and indeed with.
He was a beginner and finisher of Faith Meekness Temple.
All those things are seen in Christ and beloved. Again we would say that the state trick and the only possible way to produce those fruits is by abiding in Christ. Then the food is there, and as he brings out that the vine, the branch, cannot bear fruit of itself, that is a branch doesn't go all over the.
Doing, deviling things and showing it and just playing itself. The branch has just engaged in one thing, and that is in keeping its plate in the vine.
And giving it plate in the vine, the fruit is there. You don't have to be occupied with the amount of fruit we're bearing. Indeed, he says that he thinks about much food, but it's all a result of abiding in Christ.
Not thought of as Congress not to read my message.
At what convert?
And that isn't very the true definition of.
Have concluded, of course.
A person doesn't even need to be saved to produce Congress, do they?
I'm thinking of some who have.
Preach the gospel who were never saved. They might have Congress.
Our first thing is saying that fruit is the evidence of divine life in the soullessness.
We cannot see fruit from them, a dead tree or dead person, and by nature we all dead in trespasses and sins.
But after we have life, then there is fruit.
By the grace of God. So there is the evidence of.
Divine life as the evidence of fruit, rather, is the evidence of divine life.
That's the third of the light in the 5th after the season.
Where you lead in the eighth verse. For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are you light in the Lord walk as children of the light. Now the bear cancellation is the ninth verse, or the third of the light is in all goodness and righteousness and truth. And that's the searching word for our consciences. Are we walking in the.
Holy light.
All right, just and just God. God is light, and in him there's no darkness at all. So that if you're not looking in communion and belonging, any of that evil that belongs to the old nature to have any place in our lives or in our thoughts, well then of course the the defense will not be there.
So when that piece is in all goodness and righteousness, it produces.
That which is consistent with the light.
Doesn't make any noise in bearing fruit either, does it?
Nothing looks worse than a neglected vineyard.
The violence there but is not friend, not thrown, and soon goes wild. The weak, the colder and all might get a little.
You know the father in the husband, and he looked after the truth. He looked after the time and he knows how to swim it.
You have to know the fact the Deadwood out because it's no use because only the.
Too much worthwhile cut down, it goes ramp and it grows in the leaves and long vine, but it doesn't produce fruit. It's gotta be sparring.
Another season small, I got to be cutting easily.
The cause of producing a more fruit and they can't bear and the fruit gets too small, never forgot to be quite more severely and therefore the wonder best food. You wonder why they Christian got so many trials and the second card is about her.
The father is the husband and he knows how to use the knife and it's not for injuries for the bare more fruit.
Fine. It speaks of the fruit of a spirit, not fruit.
I suppose it looks about as one cluster.
Just one. One cannot do without the other.
We were noticing in the reading back home last evening.
At the first of the fruits listed there is love, and this is the first thing that the Lord brings to the attention of Ephesus in revelations after two thou hast left thy first love. There seems to have been a great deal of activity still going on, but the Lord noticed and was grieved over the fact that they had left their first love, the very first one of.
One of the fruits of the spirit man.
Fruit of the spirit of their brother in mind.
This isn't a matter of maturity.
Grow but any believer.
The youngest as well as the oldest and abiding Christ.
I suppose, to put it as simply as we could put it with seeds, living near the Lord, judging anything that could come between our hearts and Him, and seeking to have our thoughts engaged with Him, and avoiding those things that turn off our minds and affections away from Christ.
And we have to deal with things that are powerful and sad. But there could be immediate return to the secret of all true happiness and blessing and joy. And that's being in the immediate trailer. Blessed Lord, we should covet that. We should speak that.
I was thinking, and like him, we were singing. We know that was J&B Kim and he all has encouraged me that he was the one that wrote. No infant. Changing flavor is like my wandering mind. How often we have to experience that, how our minds wander away from those things that are most places and we desire to be occupied with.
And there was nothing too. I just looked back at the.
Well that the riders of the hymn and in day and days him I believe the data set.
Since he was born in 1800, well then the King was written in 1845 and that was a time when.
Those gathered to the Lords name were shaken.
Division that caused the unfold sound exercise, however, that he could write again at a time like that, that he was seeking to keep his mind above the trials that were so perfecting and distressing among God's people.
Nice to notice what it says here. Every branch that bears fruit he purges that that it may bring forth more fruit. Thinking of what our brother mentions, my father is the husbandman. If I were to go and try to prune a vine, I'd probably cut off ones that were very useful and perhaps leave ones that were not so useful because I don't know how. But the it's lovely to see that the pruning is carried on by the one who knows perfectly.
My father is the husband and and so whatever difficulties or trials may be allowed in our lives, by surely we know the one who is allowing them. And his ways are perfect. That's what the Psalmist said. As for God, his way is perfect and when a lie he was talking to Job, he couldn't put his finger on why God had allowed that trial to come into the life of Joel, but he said to Job that he ought to ask God.
Which I see not keeps our knees. And then he went on to say, well, I put it in my own words, Job, did you want me to correct you according to the way you thought or did you want it to be according to my mind? And that's very noticeable in the 34th of Job, that the question was whether Job wanted the correction to be as what he thought was necessary in his life or what God thought was necessary in his life.
Well, God saw something in Job that was necessary to be corrected, and Joe didn't at that point see it. But it's lovely to see that it isn't one who's not bearing fruit here who is purged, but one who is bearing fruit. And Job was, God could say of Job, there wasn't a man like him in all the earth, but he wanted more fruit. And so this Job passed through was the means that he was using to produce more fruit.
And the latter end of Job was more than the beginning, but there certainly was a lot of cutting back. You think none of us have gone through trials that would in any way measure to what Job passed through to looms his wealth and to lose his family and to lose his health?
And to be misunderstood by the friends who were nearest to him, all that that God saw necessary is passing through to bring him to the realization of his own nothingness, so that he could bless him according to his own heart. So it's really encouraging. If you don't mind, I'll just read this in the new translation, because in our translation the 34th of Job is not quite as clear, but in this 34th chapter of Job.
And the.
31St verse.
Like to read it as it is in the new translation.
I'll read in the 24th and 25th verses, and then the 31St, For he does not long consider a man to bring him before God in judgment. He breaketh in pieces mighty man without inquiry, and setteth others in their place.
Since he knows their actions, he overthrows them in the night, and they are crushed. Now the 31St verse, perhaps he said unto God, I bear chastisement. I will not offend, but I see not. Teach thou me. If I have done wrong, I will do so. No more shall he recompense according to thy mind. For thou hast refused his judgment, for thou so chooses to not I.
Speak, then, what thou nought.
The Job had asked that he could be put on trial before God and that God was given the hearing and that he might set his case in order before the Lord and allow. You said that's not necessary. God doesn't have to hold a hearings because he knows everything. When he wants to deal with a man, he deals according to his perfect knowledge of all things, of all kind of action. And so he said the job you need to ask the Lord what he sees.
Because he sees something that is for which he is causing this, and then he mentions this the job that her job really didn't want it to be according to God's mind. He refused God's judgment about the case. And now he said to now speak y'all and it's very lovely in the end to hear Job speaking and saying I'll stop speaking, I'll put my hand in my mouth and ask God to speak to him and tell him.
What he had to say to him and then he got the blessing.
Well, it's very lovely to see. This is part of what is spoken of here, I believe as the purging process. And in life it wasn't for some particular sin, because he was a very fine living man, but there was a great deal of religious pride if we could speak in that way. In his heart he he was full of himself, though, a true believer. And the Lord often sees this, and he knows just what is necessary in his ways with each one of us.
I think that's the third verse. Distinctive cleansing there.
Now we are clean.
The word which I've spoken unto you.
I suppose the application of the Word by the Spirit of God is a cleansing effect upon our hearts and souls, like we have in some 119 Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way by taking heed there to according to thy Word? If the Word of God applied to my heart and conscience does not produce self judgment, how can I bear fruit?
Business though? Yeah, and that's still with subtle request in a supervisor the Lord intended the disciples who literally carrying out footworking. The Lord doesn't say now you're swinging through the water or what's your feet with?
But you're clean through the world which I've spoken unto you.
Definitely, the Lord said to Peter's birthplace. What I do around North snob now, but thou shalt know hereafter.
And in fact, as we go on with this chapter, the Lord tells His disciples that He had many things to say to them, that He couldn't favor them, couldn't say it to them at that time that when.
When the commentary comes.
While he was going to reveal all these things clearly so that now we are not only in possession of the Lord.
Construction to his disciples on the very eve of is going to the cross. But we have now the Spirit of God dwelling in us, so that we're brought into the the understanding and the lessons that.
Are intended for God's people of all time.
Where the fruit tree for three years.
The part here they were seen for the praise of the Lord and the 5th year they found people to eat.
The 23rd to the 25th person.
Perhaps you could suggest that the Lord said that he thought, Those can't be yourselves as hard and rest a while, and this is the ordered in the creation, that there should be a time of rest for the land and for the trees and for the people. So a little poem puts it nicely.
Never asked of us that busy labor as leaves no time for sitting at his feet. The waiting attitude of expectation he often counts to service most complete, and so there is that time that's necessary. Martha had neglected that to her own loss, and we might choose. And perhaps the thought in the three so often mentioned in scripture is going back to Calvary as we often speak of it. What the Lord Jesus passed through the ground of all our blessings.
The motive for all proper service is what the Lord Jesus did for us when he died for our sins, was buried and rose again the 3rd day according to the scriptures.
Another bad word heard.
We are thinking it is pruning. They are I believe 3 or 4 words in connection with faith thing that begin with the letter P.
Permanent Air and Preventative and the Parrot the territory.
And all have to do with the care in connection with this topic of bearing fruit.
Of course, when it's punitive, it has to do with failure.
Is given in Hebrews in Hebrew 12 has scourging.
As opposed we could say in this spirit verse, Now you are fleeing through the word which I have spoken unto you. In the 13th chapter of John, to which attention was called, we have the Lord saying to the disciples that He is to wash needeth, not say to wash his feet, but it's clean every whip.
And the washing all over was never repeated and.
The working of the seed was something that went on continually. I was thinking of Titus chapter 3 where we have that washing all over brought before us when it says the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ. Now that has been made heirs according to the hope of eternal life. Now that is when a Sinner comes, he is lost all over. Not only are his sins.
Ways before God through the blood, but he is lost all over so that he is pronounced clean. He's a new creature in Christ Jesus, seen in the new.
Position. In that position Judith was never seen because of the Lord said in that 13th chapter of God you are clean but not all that Judas had never been washed all over. But then what needs to take place constantly in our lives?
Is the last thing of a feeling, but that has nothing to do with our acceptance as to our position. We're washed all over by the washing of regeneration, once for all the same in the.
Chapter of Hebrews where it says but a strong ear with a true heart, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. There again we have that which takes place once for all but any defilement that takes place in our lives as believers.
Requires the washing of the feet. And that's the application of the Word to our walking ways in order that we might walk in communion with the Lord. And that's why the Lord said, if I wash thee not, thou hast no part with me. That's communion, brethren. I mentioned this because what is referred to in this third verse is not the constant necessity of the washing of the feet, but that would take place once for all, which makes us clean.
As before God, in a perfect place of acceptance before him.
123 being born again. Not a flexible season, but.
Corrupted by the word of God, live within the fight of forever, and that's fair the same.
What I have here tonight rather than.
Glad to have that hair being bathed all over once and for all our brother just mentioned in exhibition Connections of.
They were faith or low, and that was never repeated. But before they went to the Tabernacle of a congregation, ever washed their hands and their feet, didn't they?
Here in the John 13 and the feet Only, I think I saw a simple illustration of that truth in the West Indies, and I'd rather help us to know well.
Referring to in Marvel Roads, I looked out of the window one morning and saw an old nurse bathing 2 little children in the pool in the garden.
Alfred's convenience sake with fool and John and Mary one of the little boys, the other girl. So this old nurse picked up a little Johnny, put him in the pool and he stood in the middle of the pool and the nurse got a pail, filled it with, wore and fought it all over his head and body two or three times. And the little boy enjoyed it. She didn't want to come out, but then Mary had to get her turn. So this owner strictly little boy out and said, Now you stand here, don't you run down the gravel park and get your feet dirty.
Watched all over, but that was too much for Johnny. When Mary had put in the pool, Johnny started running down the gravel path and turns on his feet there. So the old nurse ran after Johnny brought him back and put him in the pool again. But this time she didn't use the fail. He'd been bathed all over once. Now she just washed his feet.
I thought it was a symbol. Yeah. There's a little space of the truth we have here.
Being bathed all over once and then our feet need to be washed constantly and people from the filament. We need the word of God. I was thinking of that verse in.
Psalm 17 and four concerning the works of men. By the word of Violet I have kept me from the paths of the destroyer. Hold up my goings in my path, but my footsteps flip. Not all how we need his precious words to keep us clear of the farmers. We're in a scene that is marked by the farmers. But here the word of Violet. I have kept me from the paths of the destroyers.
We know his precious words will cleanse the defilement, but how often through the neglect of reading his precious words and meditating upon.
We've seen our feet flip.
Into the path of the Destroyer, and we've seen somewhere this has been.
So, sadly, evidence.
Discipline I would like to send very briefly to the 12Th chapter of the Book of Evil.
And we have three very important ways that in connection with discipline.
Which is our brother's already mentioned, is punitive because of a failure and sin, and there are three worries that they are very important to notice beloved better.
Verse 5 where there were 12Th chapter of a Hebrew we have these very significant.
And the two boys that the very significant to notice on that word.
And you have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you is unto children, my son, this is a song, despite our discussion of the Lord no St. when thou are rebuked of him. Now we have two boys here that that very important to notice in connection with disciplines.
We can, despite it, and what a fair thing that is when we do this fight the chastening of the war.
And then the next word is that we can become discouraged.
Saying well, these are two things that they're not going to prove. The blessed effect in the life of the believer doesn't.
Leader to despise it when we are chastised or being the color. But then we have another blessed word, and he found on verse 11 over the same chance that a rebuilt well.
And it's Tuesday and on our chastening.
For the president seemed to be joyous, but grievous, and do.
Nevertheless, as the word is yielded the feasible fruit, now here we have proof. And again one must say this is not proof of the gospel, it's the truth of the life.
And to them which are exercise thereby. That's the blessed effect that you have in our lives, isn't it? This is in connection, of course, with discipline, because of a failure and sin. Then our brother mention also preventive, and I believe that that you'll find it in the 12Th chapter of the Second Corinthians. There you have a case. I remember, dear brother, many years ago, the fork and the seed of comportion and the three different kind of disciplines. And here you have the next one in Second Corinthians chapter 12.
In connection with the Apostle Paul, is that Satan verse 7?
Because of the abundance of a revelation that he had received God the Lord, that the Lord allowed the turn of the flash and message it of a Satan to bark at him.
Last, he could be exhausted, exhausted above measure.
And then he says that there is a.
That the apostles holy prayed three eyes and the Lord says no, I'm not going to take it away, I'm going to keep her there.
And this prevents the Italy brother that's prevented. And then in the 15th chapter of John, that's in connection with fruit bearing and I wonderfully to know that it's our father.
That our father and what of why does the man he is he knows just what the God. And you know if I often I have used an illustration I have seen I come from a country where we have lots of violence and if the violent he was able to speak humanly speaking like you and me would say oh that hurt but it was necessary was necessary and in connection discipline in the 15 chapter and then.
How nice is to see that God?
Must need to cut off on our life many things that will not happen to bring truth unless they have to be.
So that's very blessed to see these things in the dealing of God with us. And I notice I'm going through our chapter conference. So every branch that bears nothing, he take it away. This is an unbeliever and this is him.
Particular with easy or something was going to take place with easier as our brothers already mentioned that those who reject the blessing that it was going to be cut out. But then you see the Congress have to believe it and every branch have better put him back he Persia and I believe that this is not one thing that is done once and forever.
The other man needs to purse the right thing. Every year, Every year.
And so this is a process that goes unconfigured. Easily done.
They'll never get to the end until we have the glorified body with the blessed Lord Jesus.
The washing of the water by the word is that.
Thing we have there.
Are we in nature perhaps looking at the proving instrument?
If we always were conscious of the fact that this is the husband and who is true, we.
Right there. A little better, even though we're painful, but sometimes these.
Shall I say, through some circumstance involving my neighbors or perhaps my brethren, I find myself being proved, I'm very, very liable to look at the instruments and get quite upset.
But when the Lord directs me also I use the illustrator. Both lightning struck my holes. I couldn't blame it on my neighbors. I couldn't blame it on my brother. And I could told that I would have to say. I wonder what the Lord is teaching me in this.
And I feel that we are liable to look at the.
Instead of the husband. But he is blind at birthday and there should be that. Through that we are modest. I was thinking of three individuals, instructors who reacted so differently to the hand of the Lord upon them, Naomi said. The Almighty have dealt very bitterly with me. That's a pitiful reaction. The Almighty had felt very bitterly with me. That was all he could see in the hand of the Lord.
Job, on the other hand, said something like this. Shall we receive goods from the hands of the Lord, and shall we not also receive evil? That was a little improvement over Naomi's attitude, but it still was far from what ought to have been. In other words, the Lord has been good for me, and now, if this time he's bringing something that Joe calls evil, Job, in a social sort of way, accepted it. But all, as we have just been reminded, recognize the hand of the Lord in this pruning and.
After having been exercised there by he says most gladly, therefore, will I rather glory.
In line infirmity.
Let us not be like Naomi, or even like Bill, but by the grace of God, rather like Paul, who would benefit from the food.
In the life of the he lies the High priest.
Family. But then at the end the the very gracefully say it is the law to let him do it whatsoever he please. And nice to see that in the state that we live.
Like your your father said one time, a young sister.
Complained an older sister. And was somebody scared about something very nasty?
The Lord must have lots of pride in your heart. Let you hear that.
That's a few men.
The instrument was resentful, but the history uses that from the Lord.
Play your way more.