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General Meetings Ottawa, April 1973 Last Reading meeting.
Lead on, Almighty Lord.
Lead on to victory.
Encouraged by Thy blessed word with joy, we fall thee 312.
15th chapter of John.
We have had abiding in Christ.
And love for the brethren.
And in the rest of the chapter we have the entity of the world, which, as our brothers just prayed, if there is The Walking in the truth, we'll know more of the enmity of the world.
And I was wondering if the brethren would be happy to go on with that part of the chapter, and then if time permits, we might also read the 1St 14 verses of the 16th chapter.
Strong Gospel.
Chapter 15.
And verse 18.
If the world hates you, you know that it hated me before it hated you.
If you were of the world, the world would love his own. But because you're not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. Therefore the world hated you.
Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his Lord.
If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.
But all of these things will they do unto you for my name's sake, because they know not him that sent me.
If I am not come and spoken unto them, they have not had sinned, but now they have no cloak for their sins. He that hateth me hateth my Father also.
If I had not done among them the worst, which none other man did, they have not had sin, but now have they both seen and hated both me and my father.
For this cometh to bounce, that the word might be fulfilled, that is written in their law. They hated me without a cause.
The one that Comforter has come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of Truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me, and ye also shall bear witness, because he had been with me from the beginning.
These things have I spoken unto you, that you should not be offended, they should put you out of the synagogue.
Day the time cometh that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God's service, and these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me.
These things have I told you, that when the time shall come, you may remember I told you of them. And these things are said not unto you at the beginning, because I was with you, But now I go my way to him that send me, And none of you asketh me. Where there goest thou? But because I've said these things unto you, sorrow has filled your heart.
Nevertheless I tell you the truth, it is expedient for you that I go away, or if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you. But if I depart, I will send him unto you. And when he has come, he will reprove the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment.
Of sin because they believe not on me.
Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and you see me no more.
Of judgment, because the Prince of this world is judged. I have many things you're saying to you, but you cannot bear them now. Now probably when he, the Spirit of Truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth. For he shall not speak of himself. But whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak. And he will show you things that come. He shall glorify me, for he shall receive a mind, and shall show it unto you.
When we consider.
That is the hatred of the world towards our Blessed Lord that we are called upon to bear.
And we do need to be careful in our walking ways that are we are not disliked by the world because of our inconsistent war.
The enmity of the world towards us should be purely because we are following Christ. We're seeking to live for Him. We're seeking to walk in obedience to His word. Then there'll be happiness in the soul, even though they'll be persecutions and trials in our pathways.
Or that the case with Daniel, perhaps, when they sought to find The Cave and against him, but could find no cage, and except it was concerning the law in God. He was, you might say, was too religious for them, but apart from that they could find no fault with him.
And with the Lord Jesus it says, The reproaches of them that reproach thee are falling upon me so that is, he was reproached because he perfectly represented his Father here upon earth.
He that he could say, he that hath seen me, have seen the Father. And what we have in the end of this chapter is just as though the world were to say, well, this is what God is like. We don't want him, because here was one in this world who perfectly revealed the Father. And so it's lovely for us to think of it in this way. That's why we can sing that little hymn. There are no stranger. God shall meet thee.
That is, God has been perfectly revealed in Christ. Do we wish to know what he's like? Trace the pathway of the Lord Jesus here, and we see God manifest in the flesh. We see one whose every action, whose every motive, the very tone of his voice, were always perfect.
So that he could stand before those who accused him, and say, which of you convinced me of sin. And when they asked him who he was, he said altogether that which I said unto you from the beginning. In other words, his life had fully corresponded with what he had said, who he had said he was.
You'll notice here there are two kinds of love in this chapter.
The 17th verse, these things I command you that she loved one another. Then the 19th verse, if he were of the world, the world would love his own. But because you're not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. Therefore the world hated you. So do we crave, or do we seek the love of our brethren? Or do we crave out to the love of the world?
Well, we're seeking after the love of the world. We surely are not seeking after the love of our brother.
And just think, beloved, what that means to have the love of our brethren. I don't know of anything.
So to speak that we have.
More experience with an awkward thing than the love of our brethren, what it could be in the most desirable place in this world, the best climate, and just have everything that heart could desire. And you had no fellowship with your brethren.
Would you be happy in those circumstances? I think everyone here responds, No, it isn't circumstances. It isn't the present advantages. Of course the enjoyment of the Lord's love comes first, but we do have and we do.
We are privileged to have the love of our brother, and let's seek in every way to cultivate that.
And to do nothing to hinder that love.
In the first chapter of Hebrew and verse three we have something very important to consider in connection with the Lord Jesus himself. And he is our example. Isn't it Hebrew? Chapter 12 and verse three says, for consider him that in due to such a contradiction of a Senate against himself, last he be weary and fans in your mind, and you have not resisted unto blood this time against Him. So the Blessed Lord Jesus, the word of suffering.
The attorney software that we have on 1St Peter Chapter One where stands.
In which the Spirit of God brings before us that precious food, that search in what? For what manner of time? The Spirit of Christ, which within them did. See, if I, when a testified beforehand, the suffering of Christ and the glory that you follow, but as a mother of suffering for him, That is two of us to Italy, beloved brethren, his suffering, and then blood.
In what is also in this 19th verse. But I have chosen you out of the world. Therefore the world hated you.
The Lord takes the people right out of this world.
Well, we could ask the question then, especially for some of our younger believers. What is the world? Well, the world is used in three ways in Scripture. In one way it's looked at as a sphere, this dog on which we lived. Then another way it's looked at as the people living down here.
That's what we get in John 316. God so loved the world. That is, he loved all the people.
On this globe, then, in another way, we have the world as a system that man has built up down here in his efforts to make himself happy without God.
And during the world in that Way, we find it began with Cain, who murdered his brother and went out until the earth with music and Song built is this his Song Built cities and they tried to make.
A desirable place down here. So we might say that sin began without, but the world began with cave.
And the theme this this system that we're talking about.
Has a more solemn character today than even in the Old Testament times. As this chapter teaches us, the world has not only gone on in its willful disobedience, violation of God's.
Purposes and.
And God's order. But it has murdered his son, so that comes in farther down.
Before it says.
If I had not spoken among them that was under them, they had not sinned, But now they have no cloak for their sin, that is, they have not only gone on independent of God.
That they had committed the awful sin of having crucified the Lord of glory.
Now that's the character of this world, and we're all living here and having to do with this system. And when you consider how man has improved this system, yeah, truly takes in every phase of life.
If it's politics, the world has its politics. If it's social life or the world has that to meet the social.
Ambitions of man and the world even has its religion. There is many phases of life that the world hasn't some provision made for it, but we're entirely taken out of this world.
And they were asked me to remember that, beloved, what the Lord is here. But I have chosen you out of the world. And the very fact that till we have been taken out of the world is what brings the enmity of the world upon God's people.
When we find a Christian enjoying the friendship or the love of the world, you find them, you hear? Well, here's their unsaved relatives, their unsaved old friends, and they're enjoying their company. Why? We know that they're not going. They're not abiding in him.
So the only way that we can love the brethren and.
And find that the love of the world has no attraction is we find that in first Peter, the first chapter and verse 22.
Seeing you purified your soul in obeying the truth.
Through the Spirit. Now what is the result? Unto unseen love of the brethren. See that she loved one another with a pure heart, fervently. Oh, what a snare this has been where dear Christians keep up their friendships. I'm not talking about that which might be meeting relatives at an occasion when it's necessary or or speaking to friends, but finding company with these ones enjoying their company.
Which is in which is enjoying the friendship.
Or the love of the world. But if we're seeking by His grace, seeing you purify your souls in obeying the truth through the spirit unto unseemed love of the brethren, see that she loved one another with a pure heart, fervently.
The Christian position in this world is something like an ambassador as we have in 2nd Corinthians 5, and an ambassador in another country is there to represent his own, but he's not part of that whole system of things in that country. But he has a responsibility to his own government to represent his government in that, in that particular place and any attitude that is toward his government.
Is taken out on him because he's their representative now. That's the Christian position here in this world.
And we're to be willing to bear that reproach because it's the attitude of this world toward the one whom we represent here. We're his representatives here in this world, the teaching man to be reconciled to God and there at enmity with God. And that's why it tells us here in First John Chapter 5.
First John Chapter 5.
And the fourth verse. For whosoever is born of God overcometh the world, and this is the victory that overcometh the world. Even our faith, who is he that overcometh the world? But he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God, that is, we have a life that is entirely contrary to the whole system of things down here.
Our brothers spoke in the young people's meeting about laying hold on eternal life for what is really life.
Well, our life associates us with an entirely other scene, another world as he brought before us. And so that's where our life really is. We lay hold of those things down here. By faith we walk in the good of them. And that is how it says here, Whosoever is born of God overcometh the world as we have a life that is different from the man of the world. And more than this, who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God.
So it's not that we say, well, this is wrong, or that is wrong necessarily. Perhaps some of the things are not wrong. But if it associates us with our system of things, then we say, well, what did this world do to the one whom I love the most?
Supporting The people on the street where I live murdered my wife. And then they asked me to come over to their home for a social evening. And they say we're not going to do anything that you would disapprove of. Oh, I say, but what did you do to the person I love the most? Well, that's the that's what causes us to overcome. And it's a very simple thing when we look at it in this way. It's not that we go about condemning this or that.
But we see the system as a system of things.
That is associated with those who are still saying in their hearts away with him.
Away with him and our hearts have been drawn to love Him. We've been born of God, and our position in this world is such that we find that we're a contrary to this whole world system. And I was quite struck by what it says in that 20th verse.
The servant is not greater than his Lord. If we expect better treatment in this world and our Savior, are we not putting ourselves as being better than him?
He is the Lord of glory. He's the one that died for us. We know the kind of treatment he received. And if we say, oh, and I don't think the world should treat me like that, what am I really saying? But I think I should get better treatment than my savior. Well, the Lord said, are you thinking you're greater than your Lord? If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they have kept my thing now, they will keep yours also. That is in the measure in which we represent Christ and present His word to them.
They will reject the testimony. And I remember a brother gave a a track to someone and spoke to him about the things of God and he said that this person in reply said, oh, I don't believe those things.
He said it's not what I say. You don't believe. It's the word of God that you're telling me you don't believe. Well, that's true. They're rejecting because it's not our word. When we tell a man there's a heaven, when we tell them there's a hell and he says, I don't believe there's a hell, It's not our word they're rejecting. They're rejecting the word of the Savior. And we're just the instrument to present that word to them. And as they rejected him when he spoke those words of his Father.
So we must expect that kind of treatment. But, brethren, the thing that keeps us is the enjoyment of Christ. It would be hard for me to perhaps refuse some invitation to someone who was having a little gathering if if they hadn't treated the one I love that way. But the more I love that person, the less I want to go. And this is the thing that settles it for us. And the victory that overcomes the world is our faith. The victory that overcomes the world is we realize who it was.
That they cast out the Son of God, and the Son of God loved me and gave himself for me.
There's a very subtle effort to find and christen them today is to more or less go along with the world and the hopes that to wield.
Wind souls for Christ.
It's a popular Christianity that's more or less sweeping the country.
That is, well, you can go just so far. Maybe you might go to a good show if you could have an opportunity to talk to one who takes you about his soul.
But does not the way the large sticks of its cure settle the whole thing? He says. But I have chosen you out of the world, And he tells the father the same thing in the 17th chapter.
In the sixth verse he says, I manifested thy name unto the men which thou gave us me out of the world. Thine they were, and thou gave it to me, and they have kept thy word.
There's all kinds of leaning towards popular movements today that.
Are not going on in true separation from the whole course of this evil age, or less imitating it than putting on the styles and the ways and the manners of this ungodly scene that's becoming more and more increasingly ungodly.
Well, do we not have to avoid just that character of things?
That's a real danger for us.
All the truth I'm sure, that we have known and enjoyed through these years that have separated us through the Lord and brought us into the place we believe where He has put His name.
Doesn't have to be improved on. It doesn't have to be brought up to date. The truth that we have is the truth that our forefathers were instructed by.
Beloved, let's not give in, at least in the least to any popular movement in this world that is seeking to get a religious.
To get people.
Maybe with a true desire to get people to accept the Lord, we need to walk in that path of separation that God has revealed to us that the Lord instructs us here about.
Perhaps you could turn to the passage that is used because it's First Corinthians 9 that it's used, and I think it might be helpful to read it First Corinthians 9 and verse 19.
For though I be free from all men, yet have I made myself serve, and unto all that I might gain the more. And under the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews to them that are under the law, as under the law that I might gain them that are under the law.
To them that are without law, as without law being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ, Could I read that, as it is in the new translation, hearing not without law to God, but legitimately subject to Christ, that I might gain them that are under the law to the weak, became I as weak, that I might gain the weight I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some, and this I do for the gospel sake.
That I might be partaker thereof with you. There are certain things that we can and should go along. That is when Paul came and was laboring among the Jews why he sought to reach them in that way.
And when he was laboring among the Gentiles, and he sought to reach them, and he didn't place them under law. So the thing that ought to decide many things for us is being not without law to God, but legitimately subject to Christ. If we have to do anything that's disobedient to the word of God, it would be wrong. But I'm sure that there are times when perhaps some who are serving the Lord go into very poor places.
And they were dressed accordingly. They would realize that a certain way of approach was right and proper under those circumstances. And I think the great test or criterion for us in this is, can we do it and still be subject to Christ? Now that is the thing for us to decide. Do I have to disobey the word of God to accomplish his work? Never. But if there are things that.
Supposing that they're supposed to be. Supposing that here was a person who didn't.
Think he should eat meat on Friday? Well, I sit down with him and I have the same kind of meal as him, and I say nothing about that. I'm there to talk to him about Christ, and there are things that we should recognize what the Bible says he that winneth souls is wise. I say this because there is a certain measure of truth as to how we should become all things to all men. But the careful qualification and guard is given here.
That we're never to do it without having a responsibility to God and being subject to Christ.
I think a little of this when I see the case of Peter being found in the wrong company and eventually betray or not yet denying the Lord Jesus that he had been previously known so much as a faithful follower and disciple of the Lord Jesus that they recognized him as one who really didn't belong in their company.
Now, God forbid that any of us should ever be found in that kind of company. A theater was.
But three times over he was recognized as though you don't belong here among us, you're not one of us at all. You're very speech betrayed you, and we know that you're a follower of the Lord Jesus. Sort of. What are you doing here? Well, May God grant that our testimony may be such that here. And I say again, God forbid if we should be found in the wrong kind of company, they would immediately recognize.
And sort of say, what are you doing here? You don't belong with us at all. I know who you are. You're one of those Christians.
I feel there is that without to exercise us, our testimony should be sent that wherever we are.
We will be known as one who is a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Brother is not true of every child of God that we can say they are not of the world.
In the light of the tube here, on a sense, for instance, if he were out of the world, the world would lock his own. Well, every child of God looked at his ways, looked at here is not of the world. Is that not right? I was thinking of a connection with what we get in the beginning of the 13th chapter.
There it says.
His hour was come that he should be passed out of this world unto the Father, having lost his own, which were in the world in love.
Them unto the end. And so it is that we are in the world, but we are not of the world, and the world lost it all while the Lord Jesus ensued love his own though it says having lost his own which were in the world.
He loved them upon the end and when we come to the 17th chapter, the Lord Jesus in his prayer be against us in the 16th verse. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Now sometimes you are saying our walk may not evidence this, but nevertheless this is true. I believe revenue everyone was young and older belong to Christ, and he even goes on to say in the 18th verse of that 17th after.
As thou hast sent me into the world.
Even so have I also sent them into the world. I believe it's been illustrated as often, if we can figure it that way. As if the moment we were saved, the Lord, as it were, took us to glory and sent us back into the world. We belong to heaven now. We belong to places. It's going to be our home. But we're sent into the world. But never, never are we looked at as of the world. Is that right?
Certainly yes, as singing. Some of you brethren like you Brother John, have had more experience than making a living in the world and yet seeking to maintain separation from the world.
The only one that could help our young people on that subject. See, I was a farmer and I never had too much.
Occasion to really rub shoulders with the character of the world.
We know it today.
There's also a verse in First Corinthians 7, First Corinthians 7 and verse 31.
And they that use this world as not abusing it for the fashion of this world passes away. I believe another translation is not disposing of it as it were our own. We do use up to a certain extent the fashion of the world. Most of us here went to the store and bought our clothes.
And in that sense we do use the fashion of the world, but we're not to do it as though it were our own. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost. And so if we find something in connection with the fashions of the world, and that is inconsistent with our Christian testimony for them in faithfulness to the Lord, we say, well, my body is not my own. I seek to glorify God, or should.
In my appearance and everything.
But we can be very thankful that we don't have to wear a particular type of clothes because we're Christians, unless there is something in those things that is contrary to the Christian testimony. I say that because we know there are those who have gone to the extreme of making a certain mode of apparel that everyone must dress this particular way because.
They belong to this group. No. The Christian goes through this world. He's in it, but not of it. He uses the world, but he's he's not to use it as his own. And he sees everything as something that he doesn't live for and strive after, but something that's going to pass away. And his heart is set on things above. And that the whole character of his testimony here in this world is not to attract attention to himself.
To attract attention to the one whose name he bears. So I believe we need to be scripturally balanced in the way that we go on through this world. And I believe that the Lord will give us the wisdom and grace to maintain, according to His word, a proper Christian testimony if we really want to please him.
West Corinthians chapter 10, verse 31. I think that's a good balance that we find here in this very precious portion as the brother brought before us. First Corinthians chapter 10, verse 31 Says whether therefore we eat or drink or whatsoever, you do, do all things to the glory of God and it's very blessed Beloved brethren when I do something and speak to my own conscience.
Jesus for the glory of God.
Basis for the glory of God. I think of that when I picture the Queen of Sheba in her visit to King Solomon. Everything that she saw there seemed to reflect on the glory of King Solomon. And among the things that he saw and that were recorded were these very things, the meat of their table, the apparel of those who attended him. All these things attracted her attention, and they all reflected to the glory of King Saul.
To me, it's very beautiful that she wasn't taken up with the various things that he saw for their own sake, but rather for the manner in which the very immediately table and the apparel of his ministers all reflected to the glory of King Thomas.
Our blessed is the beginning of this verse 20 The Lord Jesus very graciously, and what an encouragement must have been to their hearts and to our heart without this afternoon. Remember, says the Lord Jesus Remember.
If they have made it to me, that will help you too. And then the Apostle Paul uses the same expression in Second Timothy chapter 2 in connection with persecution, doesn't he?
Second Timothy Chapter 2. The Lord Jesus. The Apostle Paul reminds us Timothy to We have something, I believe, from that chapter this afternoon and yesterday in birthday. The Apostle Paul reminds Timothy remember that Jesus Christ of the seed of David was raised from the dead according to my gospel, wherein I suffer trouble at the neighbour door.
And you know, they're all the reason why.
Steven was strong to that because he saw that blessed one of the glory, the Lord Jesus and the glory, and they gnashed their feet against them, and they saw him to death.
So it's very blessed for listening, remember?
If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sinned, but now they have no cloak for their sins. He that hated me hateth my Father also.
Well, the sin of the rejection of Christ.
Is looked at as a sin, as it were, that swallows up all other sins. It's so terrible. It's so serious. It's so awful. And that was the sin that the Lord is Speaking of in connection with those who had rejected him down here.
And think of how he'd come and spoken unto them.
They model that the gracious words that proceeded out of his mouth. But as soon as their pride was touched when they said, Is not this the carpenter's son? Well then they were ready to throw him over the brow of the hill to destroy him.
It's noticeable that there doesn't say they have not had sins, but they have not had sins. This is what the Lord or John the Baptist has said I believe. Now also the axe is laid to the root of the tree. Now that is now man's nature was going to come out.
The law discovered that man was helpless. He couldn't measure up to God's claims. But the coming into this world of the Son of God showed what the root of man's nature was. Might illustrate it like this. Supposing you see a poor man with a shabby pair of shoes.
And you tell them while those shoes are worn out and he says, well they're the best I have, I I haven't got any better shoes. So you go and buy them a nice new pair of shoes and give them to him. And he punches you in the face and says I don't want you or your shoes or anything to do with you.
Oh, you said I felt sorry for the man. That was the best he had. But now he's showing what kind of a man he is. And this is the thing about the Lord Jesus. He came into this world not to condemn, but to say a woman was found taken in adultery, and he said neither do I condemn me. It isn't that he didn't that poor sin he abhorred sin far more than any of those who brought him or the woman herself. The Lord abhorred that sin, the costumes.
A great drops, as it were, of blood falling down to the ground as he sweated the Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane.
But he hadn't come to condemn. He had come to save. And so he didn't go about condemning. He he came. He went about showing the heart of God and the purpose for which he had come to save man. And what did the world do? Why? They showed what the root of their nature was. They said we don't want him, even though he has come to give. We don't want him. We don't want what he has come to give.
And that's why it says the root of man's nature has now come out. It hadn't come out before, and now they have no clothes for their sin. They can't cover up what their nature is. They've done this to the Son of God, and the natural heart is still saying the same.
And Pilate said, What shall I then do with Jesus, which is called Christ? The answer was given, and the heart of the unregenerate man is still the same today. We don't want him. Well, how wonderful. God has given us a new life where we wouldn't be any different from the crowd.
But let us just notice this. It's not sin here that we're being spoken of man. It's sin many times before.
But his nature was displayed. Now I think we should.
Remember in connection with a woman of the 8th of John that the Lord didn't let that woman go out of his presence without saying go and sin no more. He didn't in any way excuse that sin, and God doesn't excuse sin in any way. It's a horrible, it's an awful thing and an awful sin.
That led them to bring her there into his presence.
But there's this to notice too, about that woman. All I had to say is left, and she was in the midst there. She could have fled in their shame and disgrace, but she didn't. He definitely went in her heart, and the Lord could send her away now to go on not in the life of sin that.
Had brought her there, but delivered from it to walk in a path that was that was clean.
From that life that she had lived before, and I think the same way with a woman of the 4th of John. She came from a home of this grace too, and she brought her picture to carry some water back to that house. So what about that picture? She left that picture and let the tale about the one that had met her at the well. And her testimony was come see a man which told me all that ever I did is not just the Christ.
He didn't go back to that home to live that life of sin and shame anymore. Same way with the rehab.
You know, when they kill with the two young five that went to her home, they were the ones that took her out of that home and they took her into the company of Israel. And the Scripture definitely says there she is unto this day.
There was number going on in the company of the Canaanites. As a corruption and ungodly woman, she was separated. She was saved from that life of sin.
Yes, we're tall. She gave up that kind of a life. She got married and she married right into the wrong line.
Yeah, but it's lovely to see in that woman in the 8th chapter of John how the start for her, shall I say, for her Christian life was. Neither do I condemn me. And this is blessed for us, that is, to know that when God pays us, he puts us in a position of no condemnation before him. And this is the power to live a life that pleases him. He never says now, he didn't say to her.
If you don't send anymore, I won't condemn you all. That would have put her to work, to do something for her own righteousness, but instead he imparted righteousness to her. Now she was given a righteousness that she didn't have. Neither do I condemn me. And because she had this position of favor before God, now she had a new life and a new power, and he could say, go and sin no more and still remember dear brother and all Christian life and testimony is founded upon what we possess.
It's founded on the position in which grace has placed us and never attaining that position through our own works.
It's a very God bless you to notice that every time you have a conversion in the gospel, you'll find that the person immediately use that expression.
Law or the Lordship of Christ. And the answer with this woman to the Lord Jesus is no man.
Lord, he found the lordship of Christ. Even the thief on the cross is a Lord. Remember Me?
And that was the expression of the apostle Paul version, who are the Lord. And this is with one of the keywords that the user in connection with the gospel, that thou shall confess with thy mouth Jesus as well, and believe in thine heart of God a raise in front of death thou shall be saved. How many times we find that verse. I enjoy it. Present love. No man love, I suppose he had left to learn this woman.
So do I, but especially to notice that immediately he owned the lordship of Christ and the Lord to say to her, you go send no more.
The same way of a woman whose daughter was possessed for the devil. When she said, Thou son of David have mercy on me, the Lord didn't answer. If he'd acted as son of David, he would have had two of them. He'd have a broad judgments because David was set up to judge the the Canaanites and she belonged to that cursed race. But when she says, Lord, help.
Oh, then what a change that brought in.
Then then the Lord could tell her that which.
Brought her to all her condition.
Or he says he does not need to take the children's bread in the cast of the dogs. Then she said truth, Lord, she owns him. Lord again that the dog beat of the crumbs that falls from their masters tables. Then he says old woman grilled as thy faith.
When she took that low plate, but she had to own him as Lord before she could be brought to the plate where the Lord could bring the blessing to her.
That Joseph branch going over the wall of Jerusalem, of the Israel listening, yes.
I suppose there is the other side to that too. Not everyone would set under me, Lord, Lord Julinder and the Kingdom now the five foolish virgin said Lord, Lord.
Have to make a mistake shutting this out.
Well that was something. Work with the Spirit of God, convincing them that he was Lord. I just merely addressing him, so to speak as a man you've made a mistake. I'm just miracle virgins just like the others. You let them in the shutters houses. So if we can only call him Lord by the Spirit, isn't that right? Yes. I haven't called me Lord by the Spirit because I'm trying to remark the thief on the cross was definitely letting guided by the Spirit of God.
To recognize who that person was in the middle Cross.
Corinthians 12, isn't it?
Glad even no man can call Jesus Lord, but by the Holy Spirit and have the words before me, I'll read it. Wherefore I give them to you to understand that no man speaketh speaking by the Spirit of God.
Called Jesus accursed and that no man can say that Jesus is lost.
But by the Holy Ghost and the Holy Spirit.
Very important isn't it? They probably noticed the bowl at the instance our brothers spoke of and also the instance I think it's in the 6th of Matthew where the Lord again deals with professors and they say not just Lord but Lord, Lord. And the scripture says use not vain repetitions as the heathen do. People can say things in a parrot like way and think that a certain amount of repetition is going to gain something before God.
But the instances where there was real faith, it wasn't a matter of repetition. That was the expression of the heart. And so he just simply said, Lord, I think there is that difference in the Scriptures. I was just going to say too, in connection with this 24th verse, if I had not done among them the works which none other man did, they have not had them. In the Gospel of Matthew and Mark we have.
The unpardonable sin as it's spoken out, and that was attributing the works of the Lord Jesus Christ to the power of Satan.
That is, when they couldn't deny the work, they saw that there was a power that was above man that was working. And then they said that those works were by the power of Satan. And that was the unpardonable sin, as it tells you very clearly In Mark it says because they said he has an unclean spirit. And that was the that's why, properly, according to the sense in which it presented, the unpardonable sin could only be committed when the Lord Jesus was here.
And again in the millennial age to come, and that's what it means in Matthew when it says hath neither forgiveness neither in this world.
And the proper word is neither in this age nor in the age to come. Now that is when they saw those marvelous works of the Lord Jesus, so perfect in every way, and they couldn't deny them. And they said, well, it's by the power of Satan. And then God had no further testimony for such here was the Son of God among them. Here were those works of grace, and they attributed them to Satan. Now the reason it cannot be committed today. There is apostasy today.
But not what is spoken of is the unpardonable. Sin is because we as Christians are not perfect representatives of Christ or of God. We fail. And people look at me and they see mistakes, they see failure. But when they looked at Christ, they rejected the perfect testimony. And so to attribute that to the power of Satan was unpardonable. This will again be repeated in the millennial age when Christ reigns in power and Satan is bound.
And so they won't be able to blame Satan. They won't be able to say, well, Satan led me to do this. Man will display what is in his heart apart from Satan and in the presence of goodness that the world hasn't experienced before. Just thank the inhabitant will not stay in that day. I'm sick. The lion will lie down with the lamb. It'll be a marvelous time of blessing and stayed in bound, and then in such a time as that to turn around at the end and follow Satan.
It's unpardonable and it brings down the judgment of God. I say this because sometimes even true Christians who've lost the joy of their salvation begin wondering, have I committed the unpardonable sin? But let us remember the way it's presented in the scripture. The sin of apostasy is giving up Christ, and no true Christian would ever do that. I remember being in a meeting on time where there was a brother that.
Was teaching.
That to reject the gospel was the unpardonable sin. Other different Brown was in the meeting, was in Des Moines, and he asked the brother, he said, did you ever go to a gospel meeting and leave the meeting unsaved? He said yes. Well, he says, how is it that you're saved? Now, if that had been an unpardonable, then why then you'd be doomed. You'd be lost. You couldn't be saved. Well, it cleared the whole thing up. But that is not the unpardonable sin.
Although it's often used by gospel preachers, now, if you reject this gospel while you've committed the unparkable sin, it's more or less saying this gospel I preach. If you don't accept it, why then you committed the unpardonable sin. They had us the worst thing you could ever have done. But that isn't the subject at all, as you brought out so well, I think that's very important, Brother Barry, because I love her brother. Now who is?
Going around telling people that a man is not lost until he rejects the gospel.
Well, that's not the truth. A man is loved as soon as he's born. He's born in sin, shape and iniquity.
John Newton.
Preacher of the faith at once the soul to destroy. And how are we fought against the gospel, That man? I understand John Luther.
John Luther.
But we sailed. The faith at once is so to destroy. But we say that the most terrible or the greatest sin a Sinner can commit is to reject Christ.
Can we say that? I suppose all the better happens To continue and to go on rejecting and to refuse ever to accept Christ would be in the end, I hope this case, wouldn't it do. One would have forfeited everything is salvation that brings in another thing. And I think it's important that some have said it's not the same question. It's the Sun question. But that's not accurate, Brent. It's bull.
It is the same question. And when sinners stand before the great white throne, it says, they are judged according to their works. Every idle word that man shall speak, he shall give an account thereof in the day of judgment. And there are many scriptures that speak. In Romans, for instance, it talks about these things, who, knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but a pleasure in them to do them.
God is going to judge according to works, but the crowning sin is the rejection of Christ.
And when one turned in repentance, then God in his merciless grace, puts away every sin through the precious blood of Christ. And the man is clean, so clean God can't see a spot. But if he dies rejecting Christ, then he's accountable for all his sins, all he's done in his life. And so I just mentioned this because I think it's important to put the truth in a scriptural way.
And there is a judgment of sin. And that's why the Scripture speaks of how much sore punishment supportive He that delivered me unto thee hath a greater sin. There are degrees of sin. I've heard * ****. Even Christians say, well, we have no right to say one sin is worse than another. Yes, we have scripture for saying some things are worse than others. There is a difference. And God judges according to people's works, and we must keep the things of God.
In their proper place. Now, because God is holy, His grace is manifested in the gospel. Grace that's greater than all our sins. Grace that will pardon everything. But it's a solemn thing to have to do with God according to man's works.
And there is the government of God For the believers, he goes on in painful ways. God is a holy God. God is lightening him. There's no darkness at all. And if we take our own way and say well and save them.
Come indifferent about our wealth and think God, we can be saved and indulgent in sinful things. We'll have to experience the government of God down here, and it's a very solemn thing to consider. Should make us most careful and watchful for God's government. Is there no light thing when we consider we're saved from the eternal judgment? But still there is that side of things they government of God in this life.
Well, two things are brought together in First Peter 1, past the time of your side, during together here in fear for as much as you know that you are not redeemed with corruptible things of silver and gold, that is the fact that we have redeemed, been redeemed by the precious flood of Christ.
Doesn't in any way lessen the solemnity of the governmental ways of God. And we need to fear that if we go on carelessly and in our lives, judgment begins at the House of God, doesn't it?
I suppose when we say we have been redeemed, not only applies to believers, doesn't it's a difference between the Lord buying the field and redeeming it?
If they can feed the person of those who deny the Lord that bought them well.
Bought them with his own blood. He's paid the price for everyone, but all do not accept the purchase price, they reject it. It does not say in B does they deny the law that redeemed them but the Lord that bought them? So there is a difference between being bought and redeemed, isn't it?
It says here that they have hated both me and my father.
Is very popular in the world today to address God, even the.
The Congress and the States and always open with prayer, but you find that it's always addressed to Almighty God.
Till to deny the son or to justice.
Well, leave your mouth.
Lord false.
John, chapter 2, verse 23. I have the same thought in mind, brother. Oftentimes you find people they say, well, I believe God.
But I don't believe in Christ and not as what the Word of God has to say here. First John Chapter 223. Whosoever denies a song, the fame have not the Father. It's very common listening.
I was thinking in connection with the.
10 virgins in connection with the five Goonies virgins were just being thinking about They said Lord, Lord, open to us. We do not hear the wise virgin saying open to us.
The Lord had already opened the door to them. They went in with him to the marriage, and the door was shut. But the foolish virgin said, Lord, Lord open to us.
Well, he says I'm the way. So that's the proof that they hadn't received him by asking him to open to them.
How many said, I know you're not from. The Lord can never say that to the least of his own.
The selfless believer, the faintest believer, The Lord would never say that. I know you not.
You notice in the 26th verse, when the Comforter has come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of Truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me well in the 14th chapter.
The Lord says there, I will not leave you comfortless, I will come to you. And then in preceding that, in the 16th verse of the 14th chapter, I will pray the Father, and he will give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever.
And then when you turn to the 16th chapter, you read.
In the eighth verse.
See, when he's a spirit of what is that first 13, Albeit, when he the Spirit of truth has come, he will guide you into all truth. So you see the in the 14th chapter we get the Father sending the Comforter.
In this 15th chapter the Lord sends the Comforter. In the 16th chapter the Comforter comes in his own right, and I doubt not that there is a reason for that. For in the 14th chapter it has more to do with there being left orphans and He would pray the Father he wasn't going to leave them here. As orphans you'd ask the Father and he would send him another Comforter to abide with him forever.
But I believe in the 15th chapter, he said.
Whom I will send as you, it's in connection with that testimony.
So he He sends a comforter for his disciples in connection with their testimony for him in this world.
Then in the 16th chapter, when he the Spirit of truth is come, he comes with all his rights to convince the world of sin of righteousness.
And of judgment. And it's important to consider that because the Holy Spirit is just as truly a divine person as the Father or the Son, sometimes we say the first person of the God hits the 2nd and the 3rd. But if we use those expressions, it never should be used with a thought that one person has the inferior in any way to the other.
Persons of the Godhead, they're all equal in authority and position and.
One is as much God as the other.
I was thinking Brandon of the contrast in the testimony of Peter the beloved apostle. He denied the Lord Jesus. He denied the precious Savior three times. But then when we come with the second chapter of Acts, he speaks football Gunners. What is it that made the difference?
Hi. Good evening. Christianity, descendant of the Spirit of God, of this what we have here, don't we? Well, he shall testify with me for Wizard of difference. Ye shall receive power from the hive with the coming down of the Holy Spirit. Christianity. Isn't he proud? Now that's lovely there in that last verse. And he also shall bear witness, because he had been with me from the beginning. That is the apostles who journeyed with the Lord in his ministry down here.
Would bear witness of his humiliation. But there was also another testimony that's and that was in connection with his exhortation and glorification, and that for that the Holy Spirit has spent to bear witness. Now this one that has lived this light down here, a life of rejection and persecution is now up there in the during.
So see and Steven, one who bore witness by the Spirit of that glory that he saw as he gazed up and said, I see Jesus standing at the right hand of God. There the Spirit was bearing witness to our Blessed One as the Glorified One. Of course, that was more especially Paul's ministry, wasn't it? Because he knew him now in his life down here.
Peter and John and the other.
Apostles could bear witness of seeing him.
Scourged and persecuted and stood upon.
And all that they could bear witness of. That you know, Peter speaks a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and a partaker of the glory that should be revealed.
Whereas Paul was the witness of the glory and desired to share in the sufferings of Christ.
In connection with what you said about the persons of the Godhead, I think it's very important that I fully agree. I just wanted to add this that there is no recorded prayer in the scripture to the Holy Spirit. And I think it's important because there is a thought that some people have that they should pray to the Holy Spirit.
But we never see such a prayer as this recorded. It speaks about praying in the Spirit. And we see here that the work of the Spirit of God is to glorify Christ. He shall not speak of himself. And so we are really going beyond the Scripture when we pray.
The Spirit of God, because he occupies us with Christ, and he is the one who sheds abroad the love of God in our hearts. But we never find such an example of this, and it's very important that we follow the things of Scripture as it says which things. Also we speak not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth. Comparing spiritual things with spiritual M 131 verse three puts it very nicely.
Praises for the Holy Ghost sent from heaven at Pentecost. Tis through him alone we live and the precious truth received. It doesn't say praises to the Holy Ghost. It's for the Holy Ghost.
And even our worship in Philippians chapter 3, verse three. The verse from the proper translation is for we are the circumcision which worship God by the Spirit and have no confidence in the flesh and rejoicing crisis. But it's very blessed to know it that our worship is by the Spirit and not to the Spirit, but by the Spirit. Well we can discern what is of the Spirit.
In this way.
Christ, I heard that Brother Potter got hurt and tell us having a talk with a man that said he was before the Holy Ghost. He talked and talked and talked on. Finally he stopped him. He said that I don't what you say is not true and he was very indignant. How do you know? He said well you've never mentioned the name of the Lord Jesus. You've been just talking about being filled with the spirits and that proves you're not filled with the spirit because whenever the Holy Spirit is in, is operating in the sink.
Is bringing out something to the glory of Christ.
He shall glory by me, he shall take of the things of mine, and show them unto you.
Yes, I want to sometimes said we can make a simple test of any doctrine that is presented by just asking this Does this exalt Christ? Does it glorify him? Or does it exalt man? We find very much that man is introduced that glorifies man.
Say such a thing as the doctrine of being saved and lost. What is that but a subtle way of getting some glory for men? He says. Well, the Lord has saved me, but I have to do my part now to keep saved, and that's a little glory for himself. If I say that water baptism is necessary to the salvation of my soul, what am I saying? But some men have to do some act upon me to fit me for heaven and all. The Scripture is very clear that all it has to do with the salvation of our souls is all in the hands of God.
And the work is all his. These things have their place. Responsibility definitely comes into our lives. But the way of salvation is only through Christ. And the Spirit of God occupies with us with Christ and exalts Christ.