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General Meetings, Toledo, November 1971. Third reading meeting.
Who can tell how much we owe him? Gladly. Let us render to him all we've had an arm.
Jesus is the name that charms us before conflict, bits and arms us. Nothing moves and nothing harms us while we trust in Him 256.
Praise the Savior.
The first eighteen of our chapters.
John's Gospel, chapter 17.
Converse big beans.
There is no send me into the world, even though have I also sent them into the world.
And for their sake I sanctify myself, but they also might be sanctified through the troop.
Neither pray I for these alone, but to them also, which will believe on me through their words that.
They all may be one, as thou father art in me, and I am thee, that they also may be one enough that the world may believe that thou has sent me.
And the glory of which thou gave us me, I have given them that they may be one, even as we are one.
I and them and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and has loved me, loved them, as thou hast loved me.
Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am, that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me, for thou lovest me before the foundation of the world.
O righteous Father, the world has not known thee, but I have known thee.
And these are known as ours sent me, and I have occurred unto them, Thy name and will declare us, that the love wherewith thou has loved me may be in them, and I in them.
Someone might say that because the Gospels are written to the Jews.
Primarily, that Christ didn't come to the world, He came to the Jews.
But if you'll notice in the not only the verses that we started reading, but in the previous chapter.
In the 28 first I came forth from the Father.
And him come into the world again. I leave the world and go to the Father. So he came into the world.
Now I believe this connects with.
Going back a moment into the 11Th verse, may I ask the question? Perhaps someone can help us? Are there not more than one unity spoken of in this chapter?
I believe that there are three onenesses or unices. You have in the 11Th verse Keep.
Through thy own names are those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are.
There it's it's oneness in communion.
Then when you come to the 20th, first he says neither pray are for these alone, but for them.
Also which shall believe on me through their word, that they all may be one, as thou father art in me, and I and thee, that they they also may be one in us, that the world may believe that thou has sent me there.
Oneness in testimony, then in the 22nd verse, and the glory which thou gave us me, I have given them that they may be one, even as we are one, I and them and thou and me, that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hath loved them as thou hast loved me. There is communion and glory.
And I believe that one leads to the other. That is, oneness in communion leads to oneness in testimony, and oneness in testimony leads to oneness in glory. Perhaps so as we continue with our chapter reaching the.
Verses further down in the chapter it will come in as the special subject of the reading.
The reason I mentioned is in connection with the 11 verses, because he's no longer in the world, but he says that these are in the world. And so when we're down here, it's very important for us to realize these three things. Is it not communion first, then testimony, and then the glory?
Well, taking the verse where you suggested starting reading the 18th verse.
Says there, as thou has sent me into the world, Even so have I also sent them.
Into the world.
Now we have before that where? He says.
In the 16th verse, they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
It's just as all of the Blessed Lord takes his own completely out of the world now, he says. I'm sending you back into the world in the very same way that I was sent into the world and testimony down here. So it gives a very high and holy character.
To our testimony in this world.
We are taken out of it in spirit. The Lord Caesars has not connected with it any more than He's connected with it, for it couldn't be anything more complete than to say they're not of this world, even as I'm not of this world. Well, where is the Lord now? He isn't down here, and our belonging or being of this world is no more.
And true of us, and it is of him in his glorified place.
But now he sends us into this very world where where he was.
Here in his father's business, their testimony for him down here.
That's where we get the expression that he's often used, don't we? That we're in the world, but not of it. So we're spoken of as being not of it in the 16th verse, but in the verse before.
It says, I pray not that thou should have taken out of the world, but that thou should keep them from the evil. That shows that separation isn't shutting ourselves behind the Stonewall, but it's the thing that works in the heart. And so we go in and out amongst men, but we're in heart. We're separated from the world and all connected with this great world system. While still here we have to work with them, but we're warned not to form links with them.
Have been out unequally yoked together with unbelievers. Still we have to be in it. And that's where the 17th verse comes in. Sanctify them through Thy truth. Thy word is truth. There is a positional sanctification, and then there is practical sanctification. And so that were spoken of as being sanctified by the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.
In Hebrews chapter 10. So the work of Christ has set us apart. We're no longer part of the world, no longer part of the whole system of things that was represented in Judaism, The camp where apart from all that positionally. But we may not be part apart from it practically. But as the truth lays hold of our souls, it produces A practical separation, so that there is the positional side of things and there is the practical side of it.
Are sometimes used a very simple illustration like this. Supposing I were to go into a store and the storekeeper has 10 baskets of apples on the floor and I say that I'll take one of them and I buy it and I pay for it.
And he puts my name on the handle of these baskets and I tell him I'll be back in a while to pick it up. Well, it's paid for. It belongs to me. But a little while afterwards someone comes in and picks the same basket and he says I I'm sorry, I can't tell you that when it's sold little while after a second person does it, then he realizes there's confusion here because a lowest spot and paid for it hasn't been.
Practically set apart.
So he takes it out and puts it in the back of the shop. Well, it was just as much mine while it was there with the others.
But the fact that it had been bought and paid for now has a practical effect of putting it into a place of separation.
Well, as we sit in these meetings, the truth of what we are as being belonging to Christ is being no longer part of this world lays hold of our souls. And as that truth does get hold of us, we're set, as it were, in the back of the shop.
We become, in a practical way, separated in hardened ways from the world, and I believe that's what the Lord is praying for here.
Joy connect with this John Ruffle chapter one.
Verse 9 and 10.
That was a true light.
I believe it should read, which coming into the world lightest every man he was in the world. The world is made by him, and the world knew him not. And then also in John 20.
And verse 21.
Then said Jesus, then began peacefully unto you, as my Father has sent me.
Even so, send I you.
So Lamar was sent here into this world by his father, and as he was sent in the world, even, so is he sending us now into the world as a testimony to this world? We're not part of it, but we're sent back into the world.
As the Lord Himself was here, so are we not a part of it, but as a testimony to this scene.
Grateful to the Lord rather than the Bolivian Saints from ecumenism, they have been through deep waters because of it.
It's a group of quite a numerous group, as you know, and so they were set upon by the the ecumenical group to join up with them and to hand over a certain quota, an amount of money so they could all be won.
That was a trial for them, and I'm so grateful to the Lord that they.
For about 150 of them came together for special meetings on this point. It was a brothers meeting of course, and.
They wrote over the whole business separation. That was a real relief.
Well, we're not plagued with that, you know, but that was a real trial for the Brethren bear that they wanted them to link up with that unholy business.
I suppose we have positional sanctification in West Corinthian 6 doing that and verse 11.
And such were some of you.
That she are watched, but she are sanctified.
But she are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus by the Spirit of our God.
2nd Thessalonians, First Thessalonians Rather, Chapter 5, verse 23.
This identity is practical sanctification and the very God of peace sanctify you wholly.
And I'm praying God, that your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. That's so.
Is really progressive sanctification, isn't it? I remember one brother, he was trying to prove that he was sanctified and he got the temper over. He got in the temper over.
Well, he didn't. He was taught differently after a while.
This is progressive sanctification, John 17 Seven, Sanctify them through thy truth. Thy word is truth.
I don't suppose you would say, Brother Gordon better.
There's some teach absolute sanctification. I've never gotten beyond professional. There. You get it in post Corinthians one, don't you? The Saints sanctified in Christ Jesus.
That's positional, isn't it?
The old nature will always be with us. So as long as we're here in this world, I mean here in this world, so as long as we're here in this world, we need this exercise, this continual feet washing so that our in our walking ways we would be separated from the defilement soon.
What are you thinking, Brother Smith? That perhaps where it says is the God of peace, sanctify you wholly? That they would take that for some speech That.
They they call it absolute sink of the king.
But this means the spirit, soul and body when it says holy, doesn't it?
When the Spirit of God presents God's thoughts about holiness and separation, He can only give us the highest thought, and that's full conformity to Christ.
We'll never reach that full conformity until we reach the glory, but we're there to be.
We're reaching out with that before us.
And we're never to lower the standard in any way to say, well, we can compromise a little because we make so many mistakes. No, God never compromises. He never lowers the standard in any way. He keeps that continually before us.
I think you get something of that in the first chapter of Philippians.
It says in the.
And the ninth verse. And this I pray that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment, that ye may approve things that are excellent, that he may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ.
Well, to be without offense is surely not complete here. Until we see Christ and our liking, even in our glorified bodies. You get the same way the apostle speaks, Or rather, Dude speaks the end of his.
Here's a vessel.
The 24th verse now on him that is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory, was exceeding joy. Well, when we reached that state August before, but it's before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy. And yet he's praying here that they might be kept in that state of soul. Well, that's before them.
They're the wrong per person to say.
Well, I'm only human.
Because the Lord Jesus came in a body and he glorified God at every step, and we have that same nature and we are given the the Spirit of God indwelling us, and so it would be very wrong for us to hide under an expression like that.
Wasn't that expression be making allowance for the flesh?
Or not to make any provision for the place to fulfill it in the lust thereof?
Brother Wilbur, you had something in mind in that verse 23 of 2nd Thessalonians 5.
As to the sanctifying holy had you.
That's practical, of course, isn't it? For you? Sure it is.
We would have another case in point.
In the First Corinthians.
Chapter 2 and verse 16.
1St Corinthians 2 and 16.
But we have the mind of Christ.
Well, that would be the positional. That would be our condition. Every believer. And then in a practical way, in Philippians 2.
And verse 5.
Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.
Every believer is in that wonderful position.
Of First Corinthians. But now in a practical way it's carried out in obedience. We can let this mind which was in Christ be enough, and practical living it out.
The work of the Spirit in us now is to bring our state up to our standing. Our standing is perfect, and God, by the Spirit is seeking to work in us that which would produce in a practical way that which is our standing. And so even when it's Speaking of a believer sinning in First John chapter 2, it doesn't say when any man sins, but if any man's sin we have an advocate with the Father. It's never looked upon as a normal thing for a Christian to sin.
But provision is made for us. If it wasn't for the grace of God, we fall. By the way. That's why it tells us in Peters Epistle, when speaks of the wilderness, if the righteous scarcely or the other translation, if the righteous with difficulty be saved, where shall the ungodly and the Sinner appear? That is, if it wasn't for the continual priesthood and advocacy of Christ, we'd never get through the wilderness journey.
But thank God that goes on. But let us, as it's been remarked, never use this as an excuse for sin.
Their soul provision to keep us. And then, if we do fail, now, does not look upon it as a normal thing, but immediately come to the Lord in confession and be restored.
God will never have to judge our standing, will he? But he may have to judge our state. I was thinking in this chapter we have these, this expression twice. They are not of the world, As if the Lord were seeking to impress it upon us. We do not belong here at all, and we should not act as if we do. And then in Rome and vague we're told we're not in the flesh. But in 2nd Corinthians 517 we're told we are in Christ. That's a perfect standing in Christ.
We're not of the world. We're not in the flesh. The flesh is enough. We're not in the flesh. God sees us in Christ, and that's very precious.
Very elevating to think of that dear brother gladding. Our life is skid with Christ in God, and that takes us above all of these reasonings of the mind that did not we see our position, Our true position there were perfect holiness is.
That's where our true position is, brothers. Eric Smith was speaking about progressive sanctification, and I believe that that springs a subject of great importance before us, and this verse would certainly be in line with that. Sanctify them through thy truth. Well, where is the truth?
There's word that we are holding in our hands.
Thy word is truth, and if we're to be really set apart from the ways of this world, of course the things around us, it will be through the daily.
Reading and meditation. Remember that, brother. Not only the reading of the word, but meditating upon the Word. As Paul says to Timothy, meditate upon these things.
And give thyself wholly to them, and then we see the positive results of.
Of this being sanctified, this progressive sanctification, take that passage in the end of the third chapter of First Corinthians.
For a second Corinthians traffic.
We all are the last verse. We all with open face. It should read or unveil face. Beholding the glory of the Lord are chains into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.
Chapter, third chapter of Second Corinthians.
Beholding the glory of the Lord are changed into the same image from glory to glory. Oh, that shows that there is progress from glory. We see one glory in his blessed person, and that leads us to contemplate another glory. And so all this progress made.
Well, that's very important and very blessed too.
They're more and more separated, aren't we? Then, in spirit from what's around us?
This is what is brought before us, that in this 19th verse of our chapter, and for their sakes, I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth.
I think we should be clear as to what it means. Where the Lord says I sanctify myself, the word sanctify simply means to set apart. And the Lord Jesus the ever perfect and holy one. Now where is he? Well, he's apart from this world. He's gone up on high, up there in glory. And that I sanctify myself is the position that he has taken there now, has set apart from this world altogether.
At the Father's right hand, and there is our high priest that we might be sanctified now, that is, he's interceding for us. Do we have to meet a difficulty that is liable to lead us into failure? Well, there's one who has set himself apart from this world. He's gone up on high.
And as we avail ourselves of his intercessory work, we're set apart in a practical way down here below that they might be sanctified through the truth. So it isn't merely that we get hold of in head knowledge the truth that is being brought before us.
But there's a real man in the glory interceding for us, and perhaps some truth is ministered in the meeting here. And we think of the difficulties of trying to carry this out when we return home and have to meet things in business and in our homes and so on. Well, the truth has been brought before us, but then we can look up and say, well, there's one up above who will supply the grace to fulfill that which is his good pleasure for me.
And so he supplies, as the captain of our salvation, that strength to carry us through the wilderness.
Don't you think that off time was that one who has separated himself in heavenly glory? That he'll bring some scripture to our minds in a particular?
Danger or problems? Suddenly a scripture comes to our minds. I believe that's the Lord's work and glory in our behalf. And we need to remember to this beloved friend.
That if we sit down and neglect reading our Bible and allow other reading to absorb our time, the Lord or the Spirit of God hasn't that material to make use of. God isn't going to perform a miracle and suddenly just fill our minds full of scriptures so that we can use it in a time of special need. But it's the daily consistent reading, and in humble dependence too, because when we read the Word, we should feel that we're in the presence of the Lord Himself.
That he's speaking to us and it's his word, addressed to our consciences and our hearts.
To exercise us in His presence as well as fill our our our minds with joy and Thanksgiving.
We have that brother Barry, I believe in principle carried out in the Lord choosing the apostles in Mark chapter 3 all in one verse.
Mark 3 and verse 14.
He ordained 12 That they should be with him, and that he might send them forth to preach.
First, there is the necessity of being with him and for us. Certainly that is communion with him over the word and meditation and then the going forth. Is that right, brother? Yes, that's very lovely, brother.
David recognized this, one said. Thy word am I hid in my heart that I might not stand against me.
Very lovely, isn't it?
And his head there. And it's in the heart and the place of affection, isn't it?
This takes us back to doesn't to the third words.
This is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou a sense.
Salvation isn't some When I say a package that we have and we have it now and we say, well, I'm saved, that's all there is to it. But this is.
Wonderful intimacy now into which we've been brought to know the only true God and Jesus Christ. And thou sin, How do we come to know Him? More while through His word and obedience to it. And this brings us into the consciousness of that great love, of that true God and that Son whom he has sent. So it's progressive, isn't it? And knowing this blessed one, Paul could say at the end of his life that I made no hint.
Well, surely the Apostle Paul must have known the Lord. Well, he did indeed, but the more he came to know him, the more he desired to know in the second chapter of.
The Epistle of John. We have a similar thought. The fathers, do we not? You have known him from the beginning.
Or that is from the beginning.
It was a continuous enjoyment.
Of the person that brought that maturity.
The fathers mentioned there.
Well, this is not what some teach its perfection.
A lady came to me and said Mr. Smith. I've never sinned in my life.
Well, I said. Isn't this a remarkable case? Now you have sinned now because you told the lies.
So we must, must not mix this up, brethren. Some of the younger people might be thinking, oh, we're going right on to perfection here.
Well, that day is coming, but it's nice, this service question of sanctification, the progressive side of it, I like that rather term. I don't know whether you like brethren. I don't like that word progressing, sanctification.
It's a daily enjoyment of the Lord Jesus.
Which is solemn necessary. Isn't it ingrown?
My little poor sister. She she thought that she had reached the the pinnacle of perfection. She'd never sinned in her life.
Well, she told a lie that she said, right?
Now our brother Smith, you referred to that verse, and I've been thinking about it in 2nd Thessalonians 5 and 23, and it's very practical. That's part of the epistle it it brings before us several things. It mentioned rejoicing evermore and praying without ceasing, and everything's giving thanks and.
In verse 22 abstaining from all appearance of evil.
I'm sorry, first Thessalonians 5 and.
From verse 16 I was quoting.
And I recall something that's been very precious to me and I passed it on. It was aged for our agent, Brother Hammond.
Of long ago the artist PBS is taking up this passage and he said, you know, we are triune beings composed of bodies, soul and spirit, but it's here in the inverse order, spirit, soul and body because.
The spirit is the highest part of our being, and it goes progressively downward to the body. And he said in regard to sanctification in the practical sense, this the Spirit is preserved.
The soul will be preserved and if the soul is preserved, the body will be preserved. And if you think about that it it's very helpful to us and in a practical way, in a very practical way.
There are so many things to come into the affections that will turn this aside.
And if our affections are kept straight and in communion with the Lord, then our soul, that's that's part of our intelligence, will also be kept from dabbling into things that are not for our good spiritual, at least ecclesiastically. And if we are kept safe or preserved in that respect, then the body itself will be preserved too.
Because it's liable and to.
To fail and become entangled.
Really. What you say?
Someone else I want to refer to this verse. I didn't, but I certainly enjoy what you say.
In connection with that, I think what we this goes along with the few verses that go before that.
Rejoice Evermore.
Well, we can rejoice.
But it must be independent on the Lord that we have our enjoyment and join the Lord Himself so it's rejoice every morning. Pray without ceasing. Let the Eastern Thanksgiving.
And then crunch not the Spirit. Well, we certainly don't. It isn't our desire as children of God to go contrary to the Spirit and hinder the Spirit.
And the connection with the quenching, not the Spirit. There is also the despising, not the word of God, presented to us despite not prophesying, that is the Word of God.
Applied to our own consciences.
But at the same time.
To test by the word of God that which is presented to us, prove all things, the whole fact of that which is good. So we hold fast as that which is good, and reject the evil.
And they obtained from every form of evil, I believe it should be.
Going on in a path of practical or progressive sanctification.
And then again, the result is a very God of peace.
We're saying there's very gotta be sanctify your holy and I pray God your holds spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless under the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
So we need all this together in order to enter into the very good of what we.
20th 1St refer to this present company here today did include it.
Those that should believe on their word. Don't you think? Father Mundine, That's bad. First, in a special way, refers to Pentecost.
See on the 11Th verse, the largest especially referring to his apostles, their oneness with him.
Now in this 20th verse it says, neither pray I for these alone, but for them also, which shall believe on me through their word. Well, on the day of Pentecost cedar freaks and 3000 were saved up to that one sermon of Peters, and here is the result.
That they all may be one, and thou call the heart of me, and I indeed thee in I and thee, that they also may be one in us, that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.
Well, there was a oneness there in Jerusalem at that time that has never been seen before, Since they were all of one mind, neither called any man ping his own. They that had the lands and houses sold them and laid the money at the apostles feet, and with great power gave the Apostles witness of the resurrection, and they was great joy.
Where, well, there was never such a testimony as that, and the world itself was compelled to own that this simply was of God, just like.
Demilia said, If this is, this is of God, why we're fighting against God to oppose it. It was too mighty a testimony for even the natural mind of man to say that it wasn't something.
That must be a work of God. So that really is the is the primary thought here. Although we can see that wherever there is even a little testimony among God's people today, where there is that oneness going on with with the Lord, that there is a testimony that will go out and.
Speak to the consciences of sinners.
Something like you get in the 14th of First Corinthians that the one who came into the assembly and they all prophesied why he would fall down and say God is with you of a truth his his conscience is convicted.
So whenever there is that happy unity among God's children, it speaks more powerfully to the unsaved than any other character of testimony, I believe. Is that right?
Put himself.
Excited to whom? He wrote.
Under the blessing that came to God's people on the day of Pentecost.
As you would see in Titus.
Chapter 3.
Verse 5. Not by works of righteousness, which we've done.
But according to his mercy, he saved us.
By the washing of regeneration.
And renewing of the Holy Ghost.
Which he shared on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior.
Would that be true?
Well, there was a special display of the the pouring out of the Spirit of God at that time, wasn't there?
The oneness that is spoken of in Paul's ministry has to do with oneness in the body of Christ, doesn't it? Whereas here it's rather oneness in life, oneness in the family that is spoken of. Of course, everyone who is a member of the body of Christ is also one in the family of God. It's just a different thought that is brought before us. But it's helpful to see the difference because.
The truth of the church was not made known until it was revealed to Paul. And then he brought it out. As he says, the secret that was hid from ages and generations have now made manifest. In fact, I believe we could say that oneness is spoken of in three different ways.
Here at the Oneness in the family is possessing the same life in Paul's ministry when it says by 1 Spirit we are all baptized into one body and that we are members one of another. That has to do with Oneness in the body of Christ. And it's by the Spirit who did not come until the day of Pentecost that all believers are united in one in the body of Christ. Then when we come to Hebrews chapter 2.
It says for both he that sanctifies, and they who are sanctified are all of one, for which 'cause he is not ashamed to call him brethren. Then he goes on to speak, that he didn't take the nature of angels, but he took upon him the seed of Abraham. There is oneness in kind.
Now that is, there's a real man in the glory, and we are men. And so as the leader in that day that we read of this morning, he's going to.
Associate with himself his brethren, He as a man will be the head, but associated with him are those that are not angels but men, one in kind. And so as we sing, we can with exaltation, saying He wears our nature on the throne, that is.
As being.
A man on the of course, the perfect man. But I believe it's noticeable that there are those three different things. And here it has to do with the family, and therefore it has to do more with as individuals entering into and enjoying the thoughts of God. And then there is a collective testimony when this is so, as you remark, when the believers are enjoying the Lord in communion.
And then there is a powerful, united testimony.
I suppose you'd say as much the same ministry of trying in John's Gospel in the 10th chapter of John, where the Lord says.
That he had other sheep which are not of this, fold them all. So I must bring, and there shall be one that should reflock, and one shepherd.
While John was not giving us Paul's ministry, about, as you say, the.
Oneness of the body of Christ. There is more thought of the flock, isn't it? That is, there'd be no longer that barrier between you and Gentile, These other sheep that is the Gentiles would be brought in. And it's a very precious thought, one flock. So you take these different views of oneness it brings.
Very precious truths before our souls.
Think of the shepherd, and think of his care over his own, his sheep.
Well, he sees the mall at 1 Flock, and he's the center of that Flock 1 Flock 1 Shepherd, caring for them, feeding them, and watching over them in all their dangers as they go through this scene.
But the bar you were just bringing out something I think is very lovely in connection with the oneness of the.
Testimony is being so important. Would you mind just going over that again and maybe expanding a little bit? How important to the display of that oneness is? I'd like to hear you, brother Barry.
I just enjoyed so much that you said you just say that again. Well, I said it in a feeble way, but when gobs, dear children, we're thinking this moment.
Those gathered to the precious name of the Lord Jesus.
Christ and when we're going on with one desire to please the Lord.
And to walk in his ways.
There is a definite collective testimony that speaks to the consciences of the unsaved, just like the man coming into the family at Corinth. He says when you become into one place, that shows that God's thought has always been to gather his people to one center. And of course Christ himself is that center and you all prophecy. That is, there was perfect unity and connection with the.
Character of the of the testimony there has looked at in that way why even the unbeliever coming in, why he is so convinced in his conscience that he falls down? He says God is with you of a truth. Well, brethren, surely we should be exercised about this and if there's any selfish.
For us to disagree with our brethren, while we should be very careful.
Not to allow any selfishness in our own heart to cause any friction or a divided state among our brothers. Now of course we want to stand firm by this that if there's anything that comes in, that concerns the.
Glory of Person of Christ or his perfect work we cannot compromise in any way.
And matters so serious is that even if it does cause friction, we must stand firm for what concerns the glory of Christ and even his authority. For were not only gathered to his name as a center, but gathered thus we have the presence of the one whose authority we must own, that the Lord himself is in the midst, and when.
The exercise discipline in the assembly at current in the 5th chapter, First Corinthians, the apostle says when ye become together.
When you I better read it so as to get it absolutely as the word gives it the 5th chapter of First Corinthians.
In the fourth verse he says, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ when ye are gathered together, and my Spirit with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ to deliver such an one unto Satan, so on. And so later on he says, Therefore put away from among you that wicked person.
Shows that in the discipline, it belongs to the assembly where the discipline is exercised, and it's done in the name of the Lord Jesus. Of course, we have no apostles now, so Pauline says with my spirit. We couldn't have Paul's spirit in the same way that they had their incurrence, but we are left with that same authority of his name in the midst.
But there are those things you know are not the normal state of the Assembly. The normal state of the Assembly is to be going on in peace, seeking to build one another up in their most holy faith, to encourage and strengthen one another. And if I get my toes stepped on because I'm not given a place of some other brother is given, I shouldn't be grieved over that. We should always be thankful.
Whenever the Lord is ministered and whenever His Saints are encouraged and built up, that's the important thing that we should earnestly desire above all things. And the more I believe, we go on in humility and are willing to be nothing, absolutely nothing, before the Lord.
That the more the Spirit of God is unhindered to carry on this unity, that.
Is brought before us.
One in US that the world may believe.
The father and the son had mentioned, isn't it?
One in the.
World may believe that thou has sent me.
Well, how much stronger that is than just words then?
As much as said today, many voices, but this is.
Power. Isn't it the testimony?
Well, it's lovely and my follows to look on to the time when it will be perfect, isn't it?
For there is a time when not just a little company gathered to his precious name.
But the whole redeemed company gathered around the Lord Jesus. And so it tells us in the 2 verses that follow, and the and the glory which thou gavest me, I have given them that they may be one, even as we are one eye, and them and thou and me, that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and has loved them as thou hast loved me. There's going to be a display as we.
Noticed in first, second Thessalonians chapter one.
When he shall come to be glorified in His Saints, and to be admired in all them that believes and saw, a little hymn puts it nicely, Thou shalt to wandering worlds display that we with thee are one. The Church has certainly failed in the maintenance of this testimony.
And surely we, as gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus, have to put down our heads too, and acknowledge our failure. But there's a day coming when those blessed councils will be carried out, and when all are redeemed will be there, and when will be made perfect in one and the world, Looking at the redeemed company coming with Christ will see nothing but perfection. It's striking no to notice that in the end of the 21St verse it says that the world may believe.
And in the end of the 23rd, that the world may know now is the time, even although the Church has failed, that the opportunity is given to believe the glorious message and to be saved. But when that time comes that the Saints will be displayed with Christ, it will be too late. Then the door of grace will have been shut upon Christendom. So they'll know, but it'll be too late then to believe.
So may the Lord encourage us in these days, in spite of failure and weakness, to seek to go on in the unity of the Spirit and the uniting bond of peace. There is a testimony to be born that can bear fruit that we won't be able to do in that day when the Lord comes with us, because that will be to execute judgment.
You notice here, he says in the 22nd verse.
And the glory which thou gave us me, I have given them that they may be one, even as we are one. And then in the 24th verse he says, Father, I will that they also, whom thou has given me, be with me where I am, that they may behold my glory.
Would we not say that there's two distinct glories there?
There's certain glory is that the Blessed Lord will share with all His redeemed their other glories that we will see and we'll see the Lord and the.
Display of those glories, but we cannot share with them as we can in those glories which He has given us. Well, the glory of redemption is 1. Isn't it ought of glory that is to think that the one that this world despise and gave the cross and Shang to as to be displayed.
In that scene as the Redeemer, As the Redeemer, we are to share his glorious redemption work, and His work and resurrection glory will share that resurrection glory with Him.
And they're seated on the throne. What he has gained by his faithfulness, so that the Father has said, sit at my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool.
A coming reign of Christ we're going to share with him, sit on his very throne with him. How many glories we could enumerate that we're to share with him?
But then there are these glories that we're going to see, I suppose one of those glories that is spoken of.
There's the what he tells about in the first of the chapters where he says.
And now will bother the fifth verse. Glorify thou me with our own glory, with the glory which I had with thee before the world was well. That's the glory we'll see.
We'll see Him in that glory as the Creator of the vast universe. Wonderful display of glory that will surely be. But then we can't. We can't share that as we can Redemption's glory, He the Redeemer and we the Redeemed.
Remember our brother Potter and speaking about glory?
He spoke of it as revealed excellence and he said the nearest.
Illustration that he could think of was a setting sun. Sometimes we've all seen the most beautiful sunset when all the colors of the rainbow are displayed in the most magnificent way. Well, that's in a very, very feeble way, of course.
Would give a suggestion of what those coming glories will be. When we have left this scene as beloved, we couldn't dare. We couldn't enter into those glories in the way it's brought before us here. While we're in these temporal bodies down here we must be in bodies of glory so that we can realize and enter into.
The lower is that lie before us. I believe in the prayer of the Apostle. In the Ephesians there were two prayers, and the first one perhaps would suggest more the outward display of things.
Whereas in the third chapter.
We have a little different line of things, but if you look at Luke 9.
For a moment.
In the 26th verse and near the Spirit of God brings it to the conscience.
As it is so in the Gospels.
Luke 9 and 26 For whosoever shall be ashamed of Maine.
And of my words of him shall the Son of man be ashamed when he shall come in his own glory, and in his Father's and of the holy angels.
Now I suppose that this is set before the disciples.
Is that which they look forward to as those that have taken the place of rejection down here because we learn elsewhere that not only.
Will we be associated with him as you spoken of in that glory? Thanks for the redemption, but.
Will be associated with him in his place above the angels.
But then that's more what we have in the seasons, one where he is head over all things. But if you'll notice that Ephesians 3 is spoken of a little differently and I think it's most precious because there.
We have the richest spoken of the riches of his glory.
In the.
16 first.
In the 14th verse, he's bowing his knees under the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom every family in heaven and earth His names that He would grant you according to the riches of his glory to be.
Strengthened with might by his spirit in the inner man. Now this is not the outward display of glory, but this is rather as something connected with the inner man, that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith.
It's something like has been before us today, that our hearts might take in these things, not merely an outward display of things.
What was mentioned in the 4th chapter of?
Our third chapter of Second Corinthians from glory to glory.
It's taken up with the person of Christ, and with the love of Christ and that which effects the heart directly. I believe this is the line of things we have in Ephesians 3 and to know the love of Christ, whose path of knowledge And so the Spirit of God takes us on into the riches of his glory and joy in the inner mass. So we have really the two sides of glory, do we not?
We also say that there is a glory that we will never be able to behold, for it says in First Timothy chapter 6 in the 16th verse. So only hath immortality dwelling in the light which no man can approach, unto whom no man hath seen, nor can see to whom the honor and power everlasting. Amen. The Lord Jesus place in the Godhead will always be beyond our comprehension.
And we must always remember that that the glory will be displayed to us, the glory now that that we'll share and that which the Lord Jesus has as man. But I believe His place in deity He has never left and never will. And there is a glory connected with that which will never be able to see.
We can see something of this thought and I know it's not very clear perhaps.
But it tells us in the Exodus chapter 33 that the Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaketh to his friends. But then when Moses said, I beseech thee, show me thy glory, in the very same chapter the Lord said, there shall no man see my face and live. How could it be said in the chapter that he talked to him face to face? And in the same chapter there shall no man see my faith and live.
Oh, when we're Speaking of God, it always must be with that holy reverence.
And realization that there is that connected with God and the Lord Jesus, God the Son, which is beyond us and will always be beyond us. So we have to speak with the great reverence. When we speak of these glories and that which has been made known, we can rejoice in but there is that which is beyond us, and we just bow and worship as we think of it.
Our mistress of life, fame, the creatures grass transcends, he only thy blessed name a son can under comprehend.
We're utterly unable even to comprehend that which is finite. Any area of golf handiwork that a man wants to investigate, he finds at the end of his lifetime that it's 10 times more complicated than he thought when he began. And this is finite. So when we think of the person who brought it all into existence and the glory connected with him, it's no wonder that we just are really privileged to look up and realize there is such a glory, even though we cannot possibly take it in.
I've heard you say.
Two things. At other times on the uncreated glory, I'd like to hear it again.
I don't recall what it might have been except this that Paul was caught up according to scripture into the 3rd heaven.
And I think it's interesting to notice, at least I believe it to be sold. And in Genesis one we do read of the creation of at least two heavens.
The atmospheric heavens, I believe, called the firmament, and the heaven, which I believe refers to the vast and immeasurable creation of heavenly bodies, both of which are specifically spoken of as having been brought into existence by the Lord. But Paul was caught up into the 3rd heaven, and there's no indication in scripture as to the origin of such a thing as the 3rd heaven.
So I take it to be that Paul was actually taken completely through those two heavens which are mentioned in Genesis 1 into the 3rd heaven.
The very presence of God.
Those means of uncreated glory. Now don't ask me to explain that because I'm very sure I can, but I hope I have liberty to use the term uncreated glory. And I believe this is where Paul was caught up. And I believe this is our home.
And connects with Matthew 25 verse 31. We get there when the Son of Man shall come in his glory.
All the holy angels with him then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory. Where this has to do in connection with the judgment of the nation? That's rather interesting there.
He speaks of him, Then shall he sit upon the throne.
Of his glory. There are many aspects of it. Then in the 1St Corinthians 2 he is the Lord of glory there.
To I think it's verse 8.
He is the Lord of glory. These are wonderful and and in Acts 7 I was noticing in verse 2 using Garden Floyd.
God, Lord, oh, these are wonderful. We find ourselves frustrated before him in adoration when we think of it.
You're not the next one, Brother Smith. Would you say that the 60th of Isaiah would be the glory of his grace and the 63rd the glory of his judgment?
And he switched on his throne.
What portion of that brother Lundy a 60 would be a rise? For thy glory is caused. And Isaiah 63 is who is this that comes forth and glorious in the Pharaoh and so on. It's it's when the judgment is over In Needham. You just finished that judgment, that awful judgment. So they're both spoken of as glory. You get it in the 66th of Isaiah as well.
What greater contrast could there be?
With the weakness, our weakness here on this earth despise and rejected it. We're following the Lord. What a what an example of weakness. And yet, just to think, beloved ones, of the glory that is before us.
Opening up to our eyes, blessed one that has occupied us today to be in this presence forever. What a contest.
When the Lord speaks in the 13th of John after Judith has gone out to remember, he says now is the Son of man glorified and God is glorified in him.
Now the Lord is speaking there of the cross.
Where the cross was immediately before him, the beloved. Could we think of anything that would be so? Absolutely.
Contradictory as were, as we naturally think of things, to think of the Lord beaten and bleeding, and wearing the crown of thorns, and then nailed up to that cross. And yet the Lord speaks of that as glory, now as the Son of Man glorified.
So while we have had those higher glories of His fame, as it were well for us to think of the glory the Lord has acquired through thy shameful cross, and I believe when we sip the whole matter down, there's no place or no occasion where the glory of God was so displayed when that Lolly 1 bore that cross.
And was hung up there between 2 Thieves.
And the heavens grew dark, and God forsook him because of our sins.
That is in glory that excels, as it were, all other glory. And while we'll never see the Lord.
In his suffering, wearing the crown of thorns, we shall see him as he is, but Beloved will have the memory of that glory with us through all eternity.
What is meant by determine the moral glories of the Lord Jesus? You tell us, brother. Some people I would like to have someone else.
Brother Billet has written a whole book on the more moral glories of the Lord Jesus. Very beautiful there was the glory is that.
We're not outward of the slaves, that is, the Lord veiled his godhead glory in becoming a man. Not that he gave it up, but he veiled it.
They called him the Carpenter's Son, and he went through this world as the lonely stranger sitting on the well, a hungry, thirsty man.
He veiled those glories, and he veiled his official glory too. Because he wasn't come here to reign, he was caught. He had come here to suffer. But those moral glories could not be concealed, They could not be veiled.
So we see that all through his blessed life, and John, in his first chapter of his epistle of his gospel, he said, the Word was made flesh and dwelled among us, and we beheld his glory, the glories of an only begotten with a Father full of grace and truth.
That gracious man in his ways down here.
You'll find that when the Lord met the funeral procession at the gate of the city of Maine, that he'd walked 20 miles through a rough country to get to that that city where he knew that poor widows, broken heart would be seeing her son carried out to the grave, he was there. Well, there's a moral glory, isn't it? That shines out.
They go, the Lord humbly talking to that poor woman and and getting her interested until he reaches her conscience.
And then?
Leading her to the place where she says we know that Messiah comes.
Winning her poor heart well all through his life and ministry, those moral glories could not be hid, although.
His Kingdom, glory, His glories, their Creator, were not seen and yet.
Those glories were seen all through his life and ministry, of course. I think they were occasions when his divine glory broke out.
Like when he still the storm there on the Sea of Galilee, and commanded the wind and the waves to be still.
Every once in a while his glorious Divine Person broke off, as it were, through the veil that he had taken to conceal himself as a lowly man in this world.
What about this?
To last the expression regarding those whom the Father had given him in the.
24 Verse that they may behold my glory.
Are you jealous, Brother Smith?
We've been speaking about it, haven't we? About that?
Character of the glory that's to be.
Revealed to us when we get home, is that it? Yes, I'm sure What we've been Speaking of in connection with the moral glories, then, would be that.
Gives nature and his character were revealed down here, but that whole glory.
Of his person, that is that he is the Creator, that he's the head of all things.
That'll be in display then. It isn't now, but it will be in display then. But his nature and his character were seen here on Earth as our brothers just been Speaking of.
It was a great importance for us too, because we see the Lord in every circumstance possible that we could meet in our pathway as we often sing all the paths the Saints are treading trodden by the Son of God. And so in every circumstance we see the Lord Jesus displaying the character that divine life here below the character of God His Father.
He couldn't be any less than perfect.
He acted perfectly under every circumstance that he met. He always spoke in the right tone of voice. He never didn't seek his own glory, but the glory of his father. And so even his enemies had to say, never mind speak like this man. Well, it's I thought of it in connection with the Tabernacle.
And the top covering of the Tabernacle was the badger's skin, which perhaps represents to us the Lord Jesus humanity here.
But as a person walked around the Tabernacle, they saw that hanging of fine twine linen all around. Well, the fine twine linen is practical righteousness. And so they saw that in the Lord Jesus and everything as the Tabernacle here amongst us now there were those perfections that were seen, that spoke even to his enemies.
But when they came around to the front, to the entrance, then they saw something more. The gate wasn't just fine Twine Lennon, it was blue and purple and scarlet and fine fly linen. So those who felt their need recognized in him more than a perfect man.
More than perfect moral glory, they saw something else and saw the blue and the purple and the Scarlets speak of to our hearts and those glories that attracted us to himself. Then when they entered, as we know, there was the brazen altar God had provided a way of approaching to His presence through the sacrifice. Well, all this is very beautiful. And then when we see the Saints in glory.
It says.
That to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white. That moral glory that was seen in the Lord Jesus in his pathway, so perfectly will be seen in the Saints when we are displayed there. The bride will be presented in that way.
Well, it's lovely to see that in Christ and then manifested in us when the old nature is gone, and there's nothing but the same divine life in us too in that scene.
I just wanted to make this remark. I was thinking that we've been talking in these wonderful things. What a transformation has come upon us who have passed from death unto life. I thought of Isaiah 53, where the prophet says and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire.
Well, this is about the way we see things as a man in this world. This is what the world is looking upon. There's no beauty that we should desire him. But I was thinking of the contrast in the Song of Solomon where in that 5th chapter toward the end, his mouth is mostly yeah, he is all together lovely. We've been talking of glory. You could say the same thing of beauty. We have to ponder these things and see things as God sees them. And what a transformation.
It's to me it's the most wonderful to think of this.
Is one verse that hasn't been mentioned the 26.
And perhaps someone could, before we close, just give us a thought on the 26th verse. Let us not forget the 23rd brother.
The father's wonderful love for his own.
Yeah, and we have the measure of the Father's love.
And precipice of John chapter three first verse we have the manner of his love and we call the children of God. Here's the measure of his love, isn't it?
Could we say that that 23rd verse is connected with this 26th? And I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare it that the love were with thou hast loved me, may be in them, and I in them. So not only has that love been perfectly displayed, and is ever toward us.
Power for enjoyment has been given to us, so that it says here that the love were with others. Love me may be in them and I in them.
Person might know his love and yet not be in the enjoyment of it. But, brethren, we have the power to be in the enjoyment of it, because Christ dwells in our hearts by faith. And if we will just allow the Spirit of God working upon the Newman to occupy us with him, that glorious love will be shed abroad in our hearts so that the love is toward us. If we're not enjoying it, it's because.
We're not allowing the Spirit of God to do His blessed work in occupying us will His love. Failure in our lives will be the hindrance. And that's why when we come back and own it and confess it, the hindrances removed and then again the Spirit of God can do his work. But it's often been said that the Spirit of God does not witness to a careless walking Christian. And one is sometimes remarked, a Christian can be the most miserable person on earth.
Are the most happy. He can be the most miserable because he can't enjoy the world again.
He's not enjoying the Lord. He has no portion at all.
But if he's allowing the spirit of God to do his work, he's the happiest person on earth because.
But higher portion could we have than joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the reconciliation.
Thank Lord of Glory, we authority.
Lord of glory, we adore thee. Christ of God ascended high heart and soul we bow before thee, glorious now beyond the sky. Thee we worship thee, we praise excellent in all thy ways.