John 2

Address—R. Bauman
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Came from Godhead's fullest glory down to Calvary's depth of wall. Now on high, we bow before thee streams of praises, ceaseless flow #179.
Brightness of the internal.
Traveled by Great Thy Daughter's Life.
Well, look at John's Gospel.
Second chapter.
I'm going to begin with verse 11 more or less set the stage.
What's on my heart? This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee and manifested forth His glory, and His disciples believed on him.
They believed on him because of who he is.
Not the miracle.
Manifested His glory. If you look at the 14th verse of the first chapter and you'll see this, the Word was made or became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as the as of the Only Begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. This is His inherent glory, His intrinsic glory, as the eternal Son of God.
I had a glimpse. Well, we'll never, never enter into it fully. We'll never exhaust or see fully that wonderful glory that he always had before anything was. But he reveals it. We will see and share in a sense, his acquired glory as man. Son of Man will be one with him, and like him we'll enjoy that. But this glory he had before the world was.
His intrinsic glory is what he reveals.
And unless you see him as the eternal Son of God, the word of glory, you can't be saved. Miracles will never save anyone. And so it was because He manifested His glory that His disciples believed on him. But in the 11Th verse it says this Beginning Americans, you know, it's interesting to see this. We could almost say it's the first of miracles in a sense.
Actually, it's the beginning of the first of the miracles that can be listed, and if you look at the Bible dictionary, you'll see there's 35 of them listed and characterized, but they're teaching miracles.
These are teaching miracles. We have here a teaching miracle because God never does anything just for that reason to display His power.
It always has a deeper meaning and a fuller effect in its teaching, and those 35 miracles are for that purpose. But in the broader sense, everything Jesus did, becoming Incarnate man and going through this world as man always. Yet the eternal Son of God, everything was a miracle. What is a miracle? Well, you know, a miracle is described in the dictionary as a sign or a wonder.
Or the power or mighty work of God in display before men. That's the thought of the little definition of a miracle. Well, when Jesus was here.
His very existence as God in man, as divinity in humanity is America. And everything he did was a miracle. You know, if we looked at John Two and let's look at it for a minute, John Two, I'm sorry, Luke 2, Let's go to Luke Two. We have here in the in the.
For the sixth verse.
And it came to pass that after three days they found him, Jesus in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them and asking them questions. And all that heard him were a zombies at his understanding and his answers.
These are the doctors of law, the ones that knew the scriptures. Here he was 12 years old. He was sitting in the midst of them and they were astonished and his answers when they asked him questions. And you know, if you go a little earlier in the second chapter of Luke, you'll find that in verse 25 on there was Simeon, who was a godly man and honorable devout man. He was waiting for the consolation of Israel.
The Holy Ghost was upon him verse 25 And he was told that he should not see death before he had seen the Lord's Christ. And he took up in verse 28 the child Jesus in his arms, and blessed him, and when he did that, he had in his arms.
One who had in his power the control of all the heavenly bodies of this earth.
In him that faith even that child was still the ordinances of heaven, the governing bodies of heaven. He had all the power.
He never ceased being the eternal Son of God. And that's the thought I have when we speak of a miracle, because everything Jesus did was a miracle. I want to look at March 6th, just for a minute to get this across. March chapter 6 and then verse.
The very end mark 6 verse 54. At the end the last three words they knew it. This was Jesus.
And they ran through the whole region round about began to carry about in bed those that were sick, and where they heard he was, and Withers, whoever he entered in the villages or cities or country, they laid the sick in the streets. And the Saudi that they might touch, if it were what the border of his garment, and as many as touch if or if it should read, were made all woe.
It's an interesting portion. This is what I'm trying to get across.
As he went through the countryside, in the villages and towns and cities, when they heard he was coming, they put the sick in the streets. They laid the lane with the halt, and it was crowded before him as he and his disciples walked. And when they touched the hem of his garment in faith they were made old. And so it was like a magnificent St. sweeper. You look back, it's clean. And they were all thick of the story of each one of them.
As they touched him, as he walked through this world, miracles, miracles, everything he did, and I was thinking that the end of John's gospel. I want to read another verse because it's so important to get this in view. And John?
So 2020, fifth verse of the 21St chapter.
And there are also many other things which Jesus did the which if they should be written everyone. I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen. Everything he did was a miracle. His very being here in the flesh Incarnate man was a miracle. The power of God in all the heavens was here walking in this world. So when we say.
The beginning of miracles, or the first miracle, let's remember, is a teaching. Miracle is designated that way for that purpose. So we're going to look at this chapter, and I've sort of feel this chapter divides itself into four divisions. Sort of Naturally, verse 1 to 11 brings out what I call the source or the basis of true joy, true joy versus the joy this world can provide, which is empty.
And not lasting and not real true joy. And you know, in verse 12 to 17 we have another division. It's religion. It's religion. Empty perfection. Christendom in a sense. And in verse 18 to 22 we have the church, His body, how beautiful. This is the whole purpose of his coming into this world, to redeem a heavenly bride, to have a bride for himself forever.
And in 29 or 23 to 28 to the end, it's reality, It's believers and also those who profess or pretension only.
You know, it says in the very last verse.
The Lord needed not that any testify of bad He knew what was in man. That's the beautiful thing. As it says in Nahum 1/3, the Lord is good stronghold his day of trouble. He knoweth well, He knoweth them and trusted him. So what's real now? We're going to look at this chapter a little bit in those in that sense of motivations. And I mentioned when you get a teaching miracle, when you get anything of the word of God.
It's inexhaustible. The reason? It's inexhaustible. Everything has purpose. Every word has meaning, numbers included. Every phrase is important. God doesn't write anything without purpose and meaning in such deep meetings. We can't fathom it, but we can grasp a lot of it. And so when you get a phrase, or when you get a name, or when you get a number, that's meaning. God can only write with purpose. You know, it says.
As I have thought, says the Lord, so shall it be. You can't even have an idle thought. Every thought will be, will happen. We can't even grasp that. But anyway, this is the reason. Now in the first verse, at the very first part, we have the whole setting and the whole basis, the whole purpose of what we're going to speak about. And the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee.
The Lord speaks a lot in a little. You know, when we're thinking about marriage, we're thinking of obtaining a bride. And that's the thought here of marriage. The Lord came from heaven to lay down his life so he could have a heavenly pride. And of course the work of the cross also undertook for his earthly bride. But a heavenly bride is the purpose of the Spirit of God here today.
Still in this world.
This world of pride for Christ, so a marriage, and the third day gives us how he obtains the bride. That third day expression is so beautiful. If we look at Genesis 22, where you get the first time the expression comes in. And by the way, when you get a phrase like this, it seems to penetrate the word of God from beginning to end. In 22, where we have the cross in view, where we have a beautiful picture of God offering his Son, we have.
This thought.
At the middle of verse two, I don't want to take a lot of time. Get the end of the land of Moriah. That's Jerusalem. That's the place. And notice this. Abraham rose up early in the morning, now at the end of the verse, and went under the place of which God had told him. Then on the third day, Abraham lifted up his eyes and saw the place afar off.
At the end of verse 12 Thou hast not withheld thy son thine only son from thee. The expression the third day speaks of what we have in our chapter here, the death and resurrection of Christ, Isaac in type. So beautifully Abraham received embark for the offered him up, he did so fully, but God didn't allow him to drop that knife. But it was the beautiful type of what we have so the third day.
Speaks of how Christ obtained his bride. I'd just like to mention, you know, in First Corinthians 15, three to three to four, it says.
The gospel by which you were saved speaks Paul how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures. He was buried and he rose against the third day according to the scriptures. So you have it brought out so beautifully there. And I'd like to just turn to Mark's gospel for one, because the Lord always spoke of this wonderful truth. The 10th chapter, the 10th chapter. Many times he mentioned this.
Verse 32 At the end he took again the 12 and began to tell them what things should happen unto him, saying the whole we walked in Jerusalem. The Son of man shall be delivered on the chief priest, and under the scribes They shall condemn him to death, and shall deliver him to the Gentiles. They shall mock him, shall scourge him, shall spit upon him, and shall kill him. And the third day he shall rise the gate.
Well, as you can tell, I could go throughout scripture. What about Jonah? 3 days and three nights in the Great Fishes Valley until he rose by the grace of God after he asked for salvation. A beautiful type. And notice if you remember Luke 24, the 2 door of the way to obey us. When the Lord himself walked with them, they told him fully why their hearts were so sad and why they were so discouraged. And they said, and today is the third day.
The third day Lord was walking with them, resurrected. This is the third day. So when we have the third day for a marriage, it tells us how he secured this pride in church, his body. And then it says in Cana of Galilee. And I just like to mention Cana means two things. It has two meanings, one is acquired and the other is zealous. And you know the Lord was zealous in acquiring his pride.
He set his face as a Flint as he went towards Jerusalem. He was zealous for this purpose and he were not be satisfied until we're with him either. This is the wonderful truth of of the body of Christ, the church. And I was just thinking, this is brought out so beautifully in the Old Testament. I'm going to use just one place, the sounds here to bring this thought out 19 Just go to 19.
And it's lovely to see it. In Psalm 19 we speak of the heavens declaring the glory of God. We speak of the firmament, His handiwork. We speak of all this that God created. And notice what He says in the end of verse four of Psalm 19 In them this marvelous creation of the heavens. Has he said, a Tabernacle for the Son? Now notice 5 which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber.
And rejoices as a strong man to run a race, he was zealous in acquiring this prize. We haven't just brought out so beautifully throughout the scriptures, and this is the thought here I believe we have in Cana Cana of Galilee.
Galilee is a beautiful meaning to complete our picture. Galilee means circuit all around, and so the Lord is taking his pride from the whole world, Jew and Gentile alike. It's so beautiful to see The Spirit of God is here doing that now, completing the body of Christ the Bride. So in this first verse we have that lovely setting of what this is about in this chapter.
Brought out right away.
Now notice in verse 2, Jesus was called to the marriage. That word called is a little strong. I believe J&T has it invited.
And I believe that's the floor. You know, marriage is his institution, but it's an institution of marriage to manifest what we're talking about here. The wonderful truth of the bridegroom is the bride, Christ and his church.
And it's beautiful to see. It might be nice just to read a verse on that in Ephesians chapter 5. I'll just read 2 verses, Ephesians chapter 5, because this is a beautiful thing of the scripture. And in verse 31531. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife. They too shall be 1 pledge. This is a great mystery.
But I speak concerning Christ into church. The mystery revealed now by Paul, the mystery in the purposes and thoughts of God before anything, was a mystery only because it wasn't revealed until now to us how beautiful that is. But it's the type of it is. The wonderful type is the man and the woman in the marriage relationship. As we're going to be that close to Christ in glory. So we have that here.
Jesus was invited to the marriage. How wonderful it is when a couple marry in the ward. It's a rather rare thing in criticism today, it's sad to say, of this world. But when they marry in the Lord, they're manifesting this beautiful truth of why Christ came. They're manifesting their wonderful truth and they can invite him to that marriage. How wonderful when the Lord is excluded and invited in the marriage today.
It's so precious. Well, they invited Jesus to the marriage. Now notice in verse 3.
They wanted why, you know why? Typically speaks up at the word of God, joy. That's why I say these first verses speak of the source of true joy, speaks of joy in the Old Testament earthly joy, because they were his earthly people. We would expect that, would we not in the New Testament heavenly joy. We're heavenly people. But that's typical of wine. That's what wine speaks of.
And it says they wanted wine. Actually, there's no joy.
Apart from Christ, there's no real joy. Apart from Christ. But when you have Christ, it's joy unspeakable. It's joy unspeakable. It's something you can't even tell others about it. They don't know him. It's something that's there in spite of circumstances. And circumstances have nothing to do with. And so they wanted wine. And the mother of Jesus saith unto him, they have no Why? It's like she's telling him to take care of this.
Now notice the answer in verse 4.
Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee by an hour is not yet come.
Sounds like a little harsh, doesn't it?
This is beautiful. My hour has not yet come.
The Lord at no time for earthly relationships, natural ties. He came now to do His Father's win. He was a perfect obedient son, the perfect example for Joseph and Mary, and for all others his brothers and sisters. But now He must be about his Father's business. And so he says, What have I to do with thee? This was not the time. It's beautiful to see that when they said to him.
Thy mother and thy brothers and sisters are knocking, asking for you, he said. Who is my mother?
Who is my brother and sister?
They that hear the God word of God and believe they are my mother and brother and sister, it's a whole new thing now. So that expression by Alpine hour has not yet come is so beautiful. If we look at John, just go back to go on to chapter 12 and we'll see this.
In chapter 12 and verse.
Now is my soul trouble, And what shall I say, Father? Save me from this hour. But for this cause came I under this hour. This is what he's Speaking of by an hour, the whole purpose of his coming into this world. You notice what he said in verse 2023? Jesus answered. The hour is come, the hour is come, that the Son of Man should be glorified.
Verily, verily, I say unto you, except according to wheat falling to the ground, and die in a bite of the loan. But if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.
The hour is coming now. If you turn over to John 19, John 19.
And if we look at verse 25 now there stood by the cross of Jesus his mother.
Verse 26 When Jesus therefore saw his mother and the disciples standing by, who beloved, he saith unto his mother. Woman, behold thy son something very beautiful about this. This is his hour. This is his hour. This is what he was speaking about in John 2.
My daughter has not yet come. The cross is dying for his mother.
Is dying for all.
And he says to her, Behold thy son.
I believe he's saying this is the hour. How beautiful. She needed to save you. Mary needed a savior, just as you and I. And so the beautiful truth there of John 2 verse four. What have I to do with thee? My now is not yet come.
He at that time on the cross, provided for his mother too. He said John to John the Apostle.
Take care a whole thy mother. And from that time John took him, took her to his own home and cared for Jesus mother, oh, how lovely it is to see this, but at this point.
What have I to do with thee? And so in verse five his mother says to the servants Now whatsoever he sayeth unto you, do it.
You know what this is. This is Faith. This is.
Faith and the Lord Jesus always acts on faith. He kept act on faith.
Whatever he says, according to his word, you do it. Now he could act. And so we read in verse 6. And by the way, the sixth verse is really the key to this whole portion. Sometimes we have keys in Gospels or keys, and there's a key to the Old Testament, a key to the new. You probably know the keys, the key to the whole word of God. But I feel this sixth verse is a key to this portion right here, and I'm going to handle it that way.
I'll read and there were set there 6 water pots of stone after the manner of the purifying of the tubes containing two or three firkins apiece.
When his mother said, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it, This is the very next thing we have, and I like to see these wonderful expressions and words that are used.
Set, SET. There were set there, set there. That word is so beautiful. And I'm going to take you to 1St Corinthians 12 just to show you why I believe it's so important. First Corinthians 12.
And we'll look at verse some. This is the one body chapter really. The bride in manifestation and and the operation. And notice in verse 18 of First Corinthians 12. But now have God sent the members, every one of them in the body as it has pleased him. That word said is so beautiful. It means purposely placed. It means permanently placed.
It means something that's enduring. That's the thought of set. It's not just placed, but it's purposely done. And so we have first there were set 6 water pots of stone. Now that number six is very precious. Every number has meaning.
Number six has this meeting. It's the number of incompleteness 1 short of perfection, heavenly perfection and completeness One, children and you know.
There were six cities of refuge provided in Joshua and mentioned to Deuteronomy in the land 6 cities of refuge or anyone could go, having killed another unawares and be safe from the avenger of blood. But six is that #1 short of perfection. And we know where the 7th city of refuge comes into. We not it's a cross. Christ is a refuge for every Sinner. Isn't it wonderful to see it and remember in Ruth?
Boaz was a beautiful type of Christ. Boaz provided for Ruth 6 measures of fire. That's lovely because she said claim me, take me for thyself. Thou art my near kinsmen. Beautiful, isn't it? She wanted to belong to bonds like you want to belong to Christ. He gave her Six Nations. That's one short. 1 short. The 7th was Boaz himself.
The 7th was Boaz himself. Like, right. I think it's so beautiful. But she had Boaz. She was in the congregation.
But she was a Moabite.
In the Moabites, like a Sinner, shall not come into the congregation of God forever.
Once she became the wife of Boaz, she's no longer called Ruth the Volvites. She's called Ruth the wife of Colette. And she's in the fact. Well, it's beautiful to see that seven. Now here's 6 because it means it's not complete. It's not complete. I think the 6th speak of each one of us in type, every believer in type. They were set because we've been set in the body as it please. The Lord must never forget this.
Every member in the body is a member, in particular in the same chapter of the 12Th of First November. In particular, I think it's so beautiful. Now notice 6 water pots.
Well, you know, of stone, it's vessels to hold water. Is that what we are? We're vessels to hold water. It's lovely. Water typically speaks of the word of God, and it's wonderful as an assembly, as individuals, as a family. We take in the word of God, we hold it. We're vessels for that. We hold it. We're vessels for that purpose. And then we display Christ. We're walking epistles of Christ.
Known in red of all men is because of the word of God that we have. So it speaks of water plots, but notice of stone water pots of stone.
We look. Let's turn to on this. Let's turn to first Peter, First Peter and chapter First Peter and chapter one. I'm sorry, it'd be chapter two, First Peter, Chapter 2, verse five. Ye also as lively stones.
Are built up a spiritual house and holy priesthood to OfferUp spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. That's the thought of stones. You notice the word lively. I know it's brought out several times in the first chapter and and here in this chapter and every time J&D has changed it in his translation to living. And we are living now because we have the life of Christ. But this is the one place.
I like to see it lightly. You see, the root word could go either way, lively or living. And I like it. As we're priests, holy priests, we should be lively, because lively is necessary living, but living is not necessarily lively. And I like it here. Lively. But the thought is stones. We are stones. We are stones in the temple of God. How beautiful. This is the body of Christ.
Living stones, lively stones as priests. And so it says they were set there. 6 water pots of stone. Oh, it brings us in so beautifully, brethren. And notice after the manner of purifying of the Jews.
Must be clean, must be pure. We must be holy. We have that life that our topic of practical things. We have a life, brethren, that can't sin it. We have the life of Christ that's holy. And you know the Lord said in first Peter 116, Be ye holy. If I am holy, This is the .0. How wonderful it is to be in that sense, separated from the things that defile in this world so that we can be usable by him.
So it speaks of sure of us here you must be holy, these water pots of stones containing two or three firkins of peace.
Does that expression two or three bring a note?
Matthew 1820 Where two or three are gathered together, other by name, thereby in the midst. This is the thought, I believe, of this verse. This verse brings it out so clearly. It's those that are gathered under His precious name. For he could be in the midst, and the Spirit have liberty, and the truth can go out. I think it's so beautiful. The expression two or three is so precious to me. It is right there in the midst or two or three.
Are gathered together under my name. There am I get the midst. Another expression is very precious. Is in the midst.
In the midst. I believe we have that thought himself. In the midst and the Spirit having liberty, I want to turn for that to John 19. I think it's worth looking at just a minute.
John 19 and verse 18.
Where they crucified him, they crucified him and two other with him on either side, one and Jesus in the midst. You know when God uses a phrase like this?
He starts at the beginning and he goes right to the end.
Did you ever notice that this precious expression that means so much to us, began in Genesis? Began in Genesis? Where was the tree of life, which is Christ in paradise? It was in the midst, in that beautiful in the midst. Second Chapter 10.
And if you go all the way to Revelations and go to the end of Revelations, where is the tree of life now? In the Holy City? In that wonderful place of glory? It's in the midst.
Find it. It's the same thought and you know in Revelations 55 where we often speak of the lamb. Where is that Lamb? It's in the midst of the four and 20 elders, Speaking of all the Saints in the midst, just as it is here. For two or three are gathered together under my name, thereby in the midst of them in this part here in 1918, Jesus had to be in the midst of sinners before he could be in the midst of Saints today.
But that expression is God's expression, and I think it's so beautiful. And you know, we have in Daniel.
Where we have Meshach, Shadrach, and Abundigo, those faithful brethren cast into the burning fiery furnace. Where do you find the 4th? Like the Son of God? In the midst, Beautiful in the midst. He's with us that way. In the midst has the sense of the predominant, predominant one, or the preeminent one. That's the 4th. None like it. He's in the bits. He's the featured one. And you know when Moses turned aside to see that burning Bush.
In Exodus chapter 3.
In the midst of that Bush came Jehovah's voice. Who is Jesus? It's lovely, isn't it, to see that. Well, I want to turn over to 21 just to show you this thought. In verse chapter 21 of John, I'm sorry, chapter 20 of John, verse 19/20/19. The same day and evening being the first day of the week when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst.
And saith of them, peace be unto you, Notice verse 26. And after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas with him. Then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood his amidst. And said, peace be unto you. I believe we have that thought with the two or three. Here in John 2, verse six. It completes the picture. I believe we have that beautiful thought of those that are gathered under his name, the remnant testimony. God has always had one, always been faithful to have a random testimony.
And now or the Lord can be in the midst, and when he's in the midst, the truth can be enjoyed in fullness. Now notice verse 7. Jesus saith unto them, This is the word of God. This is important, Everything according to the word of God. And he saith unto them, Fill the water pots with water. You must have the word of God. And I believe, brethren, that's the wonderful truth of this little portion rundown.
The first part here of John Two, it's where the word can be enjoyed fully by the Spirit of God, making it good to our souls, where the Lord is in the midst.
I'll notice, he said. Fill the water pot with water.
And they filled them to the brim, and they're beautiful. You know, it's so wonderful to be where there's no limit. To be where the truth could be enjoyed in the fullness doesn't make anything of us. It humbles us that this is the fact. But we can, by the grace of God, enjoy the truth. In fullness. We can enjoy the fact that any moment we may be going home. We know what we're going to do when we get there. We know what we should do while we're here.
We have the beautiful truth in fullness.
He says to the bread they filled them to the bridge. The whole truth, it can only be found where Jesus is. I believe that's the truth of verse 6. And you know, in John 717 the Lord said, he that will do my will shall know of the Doctor. That's the point. To the Prince, to the Prince. In John 1010, the Lord said, I'm confident they might have life and they might have it more abundantly.
I believe that's the thought of to the prayer, that's his desire that we be where we can be fed fully. You know, in John 1039 we have Mary.
Who, having sat down at the feet of Jesus, was listening to his word and wasn't very filled to the brim. Didn't she even know that he was going to die for her and he wouldn't be there? He'd rise the third day. The only one of the women that wasn't there, at the sepulchre early in the morning on the first day was Mary, who was filled with that truth to the brim. Isn't that beautiful? She wasn't there. She wasn't there. She had done it before because of his burial. She had done it before taken care of it in Matthew 26.
And he's so cherished it, but, you know, turn to Deuteronomy 33, Deuteronomy 33, I think this is so beautiful. And Deuteronomy 33, there's one verse there that brings that out for being 2 for us as an assembly.
In 33 verse three I think it is.
Deuteronomy 33 Three Yeah. He loved the people, all his Saints under thy hand, and they sat down at thy feet. Everyone shall receive of thy words as the thought fill the water pots with water, and they fill them to the bridge. Everyone shall receive a light word.
I think it's beautiful to see that we have a lovely principle in Matthew and Mark. Two. I think it's Matthew 13. Whosoever hath him more shall be given, and he shall have more abundance. But he that hath not, that which he has will be taken away. There's no standing still in the word of God for a believer or not.
We're going to go on and be filled to the brim or we're going backwards. That's it.
But if you have and you want to go on, you're going to have it upon this week. That's the thought of they were filled to the bridge. You know in Matthew 6, I like this too, where he fed the 20,000 fire men, 5000 men and all the others.
It says they could all eat and they were all fulfilled.
For Jesus is providing you're filled to the prison. Well, there's one other thought. I think it's in Luke 6. Good measure. It says press down and shaken together and running over. Sometimes that's wonderful, isn't it? It goes out to others. That's the only way you can go out to others in the fullness of the truth. So we have that thought there. And then he said, verse 8 draw out now and bear to the governor the feast and they bear it. I'm going to go down to verse 10.
For time now and.
Every man at the beginning does set forth good wine, said the governor. And when men have well drunk, then that which is worse. But thou has kept the good wine until now. This is the the wonderful truth. If you want to have that joy, it has to be based on the truth, the word of God. There's only one way to have that full truth. That good wine, that's to be where he is at the base, to be where he is. And the Spirit has liberty to fill us to the brim, the whole truth.
That's the source of true joy, lasting joy. He acknowledged it. But you know, there's something very well. That's the highest note, isn't it? It's the highest note in Romans 5. There's so many high notes in Romans 5. But the highest notes, verse 11, Not only so, we also joy in God.
Also, joy in God. That's just when you have the blessed truth and the knowledge of Him who's in the midst. Now notice the good wine was kept until now. That's the source of it. But you know the Lord did mention you can't put this new why in the old bodice?
The bottles break and the wine is lost and spoiled. You put the new light in new bottles. And so, as he told Nicodemus, you must be born again. That's the thought. You have to be the Lords to be even in this setting where there's the water pots of stone, holy because he's holy, and then have that privilege of being where he is in the midst. Well, now, that's the first part. Lovely to see it, isn't it?
This wonderful beginning of miracles.
Verse 11 This beginning of miracles. It's a teaching miracle. Did Jesus and Cana a Galilee and manifested forth his glory and his disciples believed on him. You know a miracle will never bring one into heaven, though they believe it never. We read later in John's gospel. I think it's the 12Th chapter. Probably verse 27, though he did so many miracles before them, yet they believe that of him.
A miracle can't take you into heaven, but a miracle can teach us so much. And it's beautiful to see it, isn't it? Now look at the second part here, verse or 13 on down to 17. The Jews Passover was at hand and Jesus went up to Jerusalem and found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves and the changes of money sitting. And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple.
And the sheep and the oxen, and poured out the chasers, the changers, money, and over to the table, and said unto them, that so dogs take these things, else take these things ends.
You know what this is? This is religion. This is man's way of thinking. He can approach God or getting credit from God. This is a terrible thing that's going on in full blooming kisses of the day. But here it is. When the Lord was here, he found them doing all these things in the temple and he had to cast them out. He had to say take these things hence. And we were reading some of these things. You know, it's interesting. When I was reading it in Mark, I think it's Chapter 11 if you look at it.
In the way he said it, Mark 11, I think it's quite interesting to see the difference. Verse 15 and 16, I believe Mark 11 and verse.
Yes, 15 And they come to Jerusalem, and Jesus went into the temple and began to cast out them that sold and bought in the temple and overthrew the tables of the money changers and the seats of them that sold dollars and would not suffer that any man could carry any vessel through the temple. You know that that emphasis here of selling dumps speaks values. You know the man that could afford a Bullock for a land.
Or Ram. He was all right, but the poor could bring 2 turtle dogs. The poor could bring dumps instead, but they were making the money off of the poor selling the doves. But the worst part is his first 16 and I first thought about this word vessel.
You know, there were the holy vessels in the temple, and I was mistaken. When I first read these things, I thought, what would be wrong with carrying the vessels. But in the other translation?
Whether Darby has it packages and I believe it gives it brings it out an awful this was and they desecrated the temple of God the holy place like that because it was at the center and when they went to the marketplace, the fish market and all the other markets.
They went the shortest route, right through the temple, tracking all things right through that holding place, carrying their packages. And you see how awful this would have been to the Lord and glory. And that's what we have here in our little portion. This was religion. I didn't even think think about him, it says in verse 13. The Jews passed over was in hand. When this was instigated, it was the Lord's Passover. When the feasts were instigated, it was the Lord's feast.
But now it's the Jews Passover and the Jews feasts. If we look at chapter 4 of John here and verse I think 23.
Chapter 4.
Not sure of the exact first.
Sorry about that, I know it mentions it here.
Well, I will look at chapter seven. I think it's also there Chapter 7 and verse two probably he has narrow the Jews. Feast of Tabernacles was a pain. You'll find this expression throughout the word of God because it no longer was the Lord's peace. A large Passover. It was a Jew celebration dates. And I want to show you why this is so important. It shows you what religion does. It turns things into manslaughter.
A man's weight. If we look at Luke, I'm sorry. If we look at Leviticus 23 when these things were instigated, instituted. Notice how it was Leviticus 23.
Verse two speak under the children of Israel, and say unto them concerning the feasts of the Lord, which he shall proclaim to. Behold a convocations, even my feet notice in verse four, These are the feast of the Lord.
And whenever you know this down to verse five in the 14th day of the 1St planet even is the Lord Passover and I would just move over to verse 37.
These are the feasts of the Lord. Oh, I could read on verse 44 Moses declared unto the children of Israel the feast of the Lord. That's the way they originally That's what they were. These were the Lord's feats, the Lord's Passover. But now it has become the juice Passover and the juice beast. How solemn it is. This is what you have in religion. This is what they had at that time when the Lord was here. And what was it like?
The Nehemiah state turns back to Nehemiah. What was it like then, after the Lord in Bibleist grace restored A remnant testimony in nearby his time in Ezra and brought out of captivity a small group for a testimony of the truth that we've been enjoying? 13th chapter I believe of Nehemiah and after giving them the altar and the temple restore and the wall for separation so they could have this wonderful privilege again.
Nehemiah came back and this is what he found now about 430 years before Christ was born and noticed in verse verse 11 of chapter 13. Why is the House of God for Satan? Said DMI. Why is the House of God forsaken verse 15 in those days for I and Judah some treading wine presses on the Sabbath day, bringing in chiefs and laying ***** has also wine grapes and things.
In all matters of burden.
Which they brought into Jerusalem on the Sabbath day, and I testified against them in the day when they sold the jewels, there dwelt men of tire also therein, which brought fish in all manner of where, and sold on the Sabbath under the children of Judah. And in Jerusalem. Notice verse 17 at the middle. What evil thing is it that you do and profane yourself? That's what the Lord had after all the grace of restoring a testimony.
Rather testimony to him. And then what about Malachi's day? After all the prophets were raised up of Isaiah and Jeremiah, the minor prophets, so they can be brought back to the Lord and have the blessed. Well, if we just look for a minute in Malachi the last prophet apostasy really had gone full bloom. And notice how sad it was in chapter one. Now we're 397 years before Christ and others the condition.
In chapter one and verse 7.
He offered polluted bread upon my altar. And you say wherein, if we pollute deep in that you say the table, the Lord is contemptible. If you offer the blind for sacrifice, is it not evil? And if you offer the lame and the sick, is it not evil? Offer it now unto thy governor, will he be pleased with thee, or accept thy person? Sail the Lord of hosts. Notice verse 10. Who is there even among you, that would shut the doors for God? Neither do you Kindle Fire my altar for not.
I have no pleasure in you, says the Lord. Neither will I accept an offering at your hand. Finally down in verse some.
14 My curse would be the deceiver which half in his flock of male and followed, and sacrifices under the Lord after. For I am a great king, says the Lord of hosts. My name is dreadful or awesome among the heathens. This is what the conditions were right at the end, after he restarted a faithful remedy, testimony for himself. And what was it like in the Lord's day? We read a few things about it, but notice in Matthew 23 you'll see what it like.
Was he changed in Matthew 23? Notice in verse 2.
The scribes and Pharisees who sit in Moses seat, that's those leaders who took the place of authority in things of God. That's the ones in those days. At the end of verse three they say and do not notice. Down in verse 723. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees hypocrites. You play tithes a bit, and Anna's and coming, and have omitted the way dear matters of the law of judgment, mercy and faith. No faith.
These ought to have done.
Not leave the other undone. Finally, in verse 27 woe unto you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites. Ye are light under white and sepulchers, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead bands, bones, and all are cleaners Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous under man. Over there they are, full of hypocrisy and iniquity. Outward shall only that's what it was when he was here. So he said.
Take these things.
And verse 16. Solemn, isn't it? What is it in Christmas today 19190 years, 18 now even though we have the same kind of conditions and brother, we have to bow our heads. We're part of Christian, but we have the same kind of conditions. Convenient worship because they wouldn't open the door of the temple without being paid. Even convenient times to worship man's time and not God's. And you notice as you travel around, I do in the bigger cities especially.
As you begin the summer season, you find these signs change and it says worship service on Thursday night or Wednesday night for convenience of the weekends. You know it's solid to think of this, isn't it? Not Lords Day. I notice they have the guitar mouse. I even saw a poker mask advertised man's religion, man's days, man's celebration and I thought moneychangers, Well, enough said, you've seen it.
Las Vegas Days at the church with the wheels and all to make money. Bingo and drawing from each field carnivals.
Take these things. Hence says the Lord. Make not my father's house a denim merchandise. So that's the second part of this precious chapter that tells us really what religion is and how that goes without Christ in the Spirit of God. But notice how the 30. By verse 18.
What answered the Jews? And said unto him, What signs show us Thou unto us see that thou hast thou doest these things? And Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple in three days. I will raise it up. Destroy this temple in three days I will raise it up. Then, said the Jews, 40 and six years was this temple, and building wealth thou rear it up in three days. Oh yes, He's faith of the temple of his body, and how beautiful that is.
It's the same truth we had in First Corinthians 12, the body of Christ, the church in three days. That church was then a reality. It is being completed. But he had his temple raised in three days. I want to just turn to Ephesians one. I know that we're right there now, Ephesians one, for this is so beautiful. They he said. I will raise it in three days and this is what is happening now. Notice in verse 20.
We are built, I'm sorry, chapter 2 of Ephesians verse 20. We are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the cornerstone in whom all the building fitly framed together, growing under a holy temple in the Lord, in whom ye are also also are building together for a habitation of God through the Spirit. This is what the Lord was Speaking of when he said I were raised up in three days.
In three days, and we'll just finish now with the last part that I see now. Verse 23. When he was in Jerusalem at the Passover in the Peace day, many believed in his name when they saw the miracles which he did. But Jesus did not commit himself unto them, because he knew all men and needed not that any should testify of man, for he knew what was in man. They may have believed, because of the miracles, that that's not the same as being saved seeing who he is.
See who he is. That makes all the difference. I will just end with a verse on that John 6 John chapter 6.
Verse 64 The Lord said. But there are some of you that believe not, for Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not. And then verse 66 From that time many of his disciples went back and walked no more with him.
Then said Jesus under the 12 Will ye also go away? And Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou has the words of eternal life, and we believe in our sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God.
Jesus needed not that any should testify of land. He knew what was in man. Oh how wonderful it is to realize the truth of this precious chapter forever.
We can be filled to the bridge and overflowing because by His grace. By His grace, we've been gathered under His precious name, and we claim that promise. He's in the midst. He is in the midst. Let's sing #109 #109.
For us.