John 3:1

John 3:1
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No 13 verse one.
Now, before the theme of the Passover, when Jesus knew that His hours would come, that His hours would come, they should depart on this world under the Father. Having loved His own, which are in the world, He loved them under the end.
And suffer being in the devil, having now put into the heart of due to the scary diamond towns to betray him. Jesus knowing of the Father to give all the things into his hands and that it would come from God, and went to God.
Your eyes are coming up. And laid aside his God and took a toll and buried himself.
After that he poured water into a base and began to walk the cycle and the white sand with the towel were living with her. Then cometh thee to sign the seeker. Then Peter said from the Hilton Lord just got washed my feet.
See the fans in Saturday. What I do thou knowest out now but I got no of your ***.
Lord, have never washed my feet.
If I walk again, there was no part with me.
But also my hands and my head.
Please accept on my head he doesn't want needeth not faith to wash his feet. What is clean everything and we are clean but not all.
He knew who should betray him. Therefore, said he, we are not all free.
I have taken his daughter. I'm going to step down again, he said. Other way, no evil I have done.
He called me master and Lord, and he say, well, for so I am. If I then you're a Lord and master, I've lost your feet. You also ought to wash one another's feet, for I have given you an example that you should do as I have done to you.
There very I fail you. The servant is not straight into his Lord, neither he is spending.
If we know these things happily if we do this.
Watching this chapter, Brother Barry, do you feel linked with the capture we had this morning?
What came before me was that in the first chapter of God we get a new birth, we get eternal life.
And they have the success that that eternal life is the character of life now. But a man has been lifted up on the cross.
So the life of the believer possesses in that Blessed One who went to the cross, drove again because that we are associated with Kim's.
As a glorified man, God's right hand.
And I was thinking in the 10th chapter of John to get the verse that they might have life, they might have it abundantly, that more abundant life that the Lord thinks of. And there again in connection with the.
The death of the Good Shepherd Good Shepherd laying down his life for the sheep and in the 12Th chapter of John.
The Lord says there I am, I be lifted up from the earth will draw all that under me. That is, the Lord becomes withdrawing center.
For his people as the uplifted Son of Man.
Well, it seems to me that in the 13th chapter we have the Lord preparing his own for that thing.
He is soon to take them if they hold nothing, if we, I believe, if we lay hold of it.
Is preparing a people morally or abusing of glory at heavenly feet of the Lord refers to there in the 13th and the 3rd of John where he says if I tell you of heavenly things.
Contrast there the earthly thing that is the earthly Kingdom.
That required the new person to see or to enter. I bring the heavenly 5 things and he is preparing our people or the heavenly glory which He himself has already entered.
So that you have in this chapter.
Jesus the third word. Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into his hand, and that he was come from God and went to God.
He is going back to the power he prepared the people to be associated with him.
And that place that he takes when he returned to the power.
Taking it into the 17th of John, isn't he rare there that there may be one as I.
That that goes right on.
The Upper Room ministry and what I felt about it and the death in this chapter, that there is such a need in these closing days.
When there is so much earthly mindedness.
So much prosperity in the world.
Growing the hearts of the things.
To object down here.
We might have that before.
Which would direct our forth from affection to that thing to which we belong, and to which we're through to soul.
For the battery and like the passing marking connection with verse 10, which I think tightened into the preceding chapter.
In the first tenant, Jesus messed with him. He that is washed. I think that's all over the Washington regeneration.
He does not seem to wash his feet, but is clean every whip. And God would go to the chapter preceding this.
That we find the character of those who are at the Lord's table. Those have been washed all over. We find that in virtue. There they meet in the supper. That's the supper.
And my concern? What labyrinth was one of them that sat at the table with him?
In verse at chapter 10, the Lord worked with the Sinner is finished, but he says this of his own sheep. They shall go in and out and find pastures. They go in. That's very fortunate. They go out, Martha has service, but they're at the Lord's table like Lazarus.
Beating at the table, those three things are brought out. That's professional.
But what we have here is the practical application of these things. We're fitted because we're washed all over. But here it's a question of our practical walk in the scene. That's country, desire, and every principle of which is in opposition to God's people. We do titles together in that way. Very nice.
Brother Amazing.
And there's a certain sense, perhaps, that we might speak of this 13th chapter.
As a little picture of the assembly that is the heavenly families here on earth.
Judas goes out, of course, just before.
We learn in Luke.
The cup, but it is a picture, I believe a little glimpse at least of of that heavenly family on earth. And we have the exercises that go on both the washing of the feet, but also the exercise towards one another. All that's brought out in this chapter principle, I think.
Are you serious after Oprah? Well, when Jesus knew.
The desire will come that he should depart out of his world of the Father, having loved his full which were in the world.
He loved them unto the end, going back to the office and his love for his own who will fill the and best. Well it hated him and was about to crucify him.
Didn't then the least diminished?
Because he was about to leave and behold, or he would be above.
That love goes on to the end.
And it's very precious for our hearts love it to meditate upon that love them onto the air. May, and we all do fail sadly far away, but it never changes the Lords love.
If heart goes outwards they have here is full and he could have no part with it, but still that doesn't change.
Love in his heart that will go on.
So the journey of complete as long as we're in this thing. But I believe that that first verse really opens up the captain doors, the Lord going back to the flowers his own left below during the time of his absence.
And his great world to his people, that never diminishes, that goes on as long as they're here, until he has them with himself. Love.
It is connected as, if not with the speech of the Passover. It's now before the feast of the Passover. He had that infusion. And then we have the service here, the washing of the disciples feet. Well, isn't that?
His care for His people here in the same. And how can we play hold upon what Passover really means, and what it should mean to us, unless we've had this care of the Lord in the washing of the waters of the Word?
Lovely hope everybody got that brother, everyone had just met that the Lord cared connection with the past and as we know the pass over the death of Christ and so for our poor heart to be in communion with him about.
A precious death of all. That death has a conscious force. We need thy peasant purpose.
But he's carrying on through his old wall that we're down here.
In this 4 miles.
Where he has been, for which he has department and gone back to the following, he would have us in communion with the various themes into which he ran.
That right for the letter happened. Yes. Lovely if you have them before.
I just been enjoying when her brother Eric very rich.
I'm sure we don't enter into the heart, feelings and thoughts of the blessed Lord as we come to this first verse of our chapter.
All what was going through the heart and mind of the Lord? What were His feelings when he was thinking about the time that he would have to leave this word and go back to the Father and leave it old down here?
We're still here. And what is his feeling about it while we're here? All we only knew how. His heart goes out to us.
His heart of love, how he cares for us, watching every move, every detail of our lives.
Our brother and the young people meeting was talking about following his steps or he's watching us and he would love to have us follow his steps and if we're going to have peace that are fit to follow his steps, they'll have to be washed feet and that's what he's thinking about.
Our pathway through this wilderness seed. He knows what it is to walk down here.
Or it was an awful place.
For the blessed Lord to come to walk through this scene, this defiled scene, we know He wasn't defiled by it and we know it let it be in the washing, but all He must have felt it when he was walking through this being. I wonder if we feel it.
Like he felt, at least in some measures, like he felt.
And can we really appreciate his feelings about ourselves as we're walking through this scene? All He knows better than we do how we need this wash to the water by the Word He feels for us. And he's our high priest now, at the Father's right hand, the interceding for us. And we thank him that he's able to save to the other most.
All that come unto God by him.
Able to take us all the way home. But all let's think about what he's feeling about us. He's feeling taught us. What is he thinking? Or he's going to leave the disciples now. And his heart goes out to them. His heart goes out to us too. It was not only there on the ground that his heart went out to us, but his heart still goes out to us while we're down here this evening.
I was thinking children connection with that second person ever began as the devil, having now put it into the heart of Judith, Maryland done to betray receive a heart of Christ, we find the work of faith brought right here before.
So when the Lord is thinking of his own faith in his busy, he will betray and honor.
I blessed one, and how civil the enemy is indeed to being right in the very place where the Lord was eating the passport with his department.
So we have to be on our guard continually. As Paul says, we're not ignorant of his devices. We can never.
Be having one more.
We have to be dependent, watchful, prayerful. They have to be much over the word or speaking will get into the pack and the children have been lending himself to Satan service. Before then he was a thief and had to stay well. Now a Satan gives him then a special.
Carry out he puts them in these parts afraid of the Lord, but he has his heart Satan before and it's a very serious thing to be the attackers with the power of Satan.
If the demo here isn't that, I mean it's not just the spirit, but it's the power of Satan itself.
As all through John seems the the devil himself is is attacking and this is the end of the course. That is not for Judas.
It's it has started long before and according to Hebrews, we have the three steps in the third chapter. First, the hardening of the heart. None of our brothers mentioned the earring of the heart that is the.
He became a thief, and then this is the wicked heart of unbelief that departs from the living God at the end of the course. And so when one begins him stand.
Just to show the passage it takes in the prophecy and giving up the truth because Judah certainly had it. That is, he had the opportunity today of hearing the words from the Lord Jesus. A buddy hardened his heart against it. And when we hear truth, rather than harden our hearts against it, we do act on it.
This is the result.
And then the next step will be the.
Earring it may not be taking the place as a thief, it might be something else, but then the following will be I'm speaking now one is unsafe will be the wicked heart of unbelief that departs from the living God.
During recess, Mother, I had a letter give me three. I want to read it again, but it gave me to realize the solemn fact. There was never a time in the history of the Church, seems to me, when Satan was more active as a manual of life.
This letter gave me the few words and at the pleasant time.
I want to read it again.
The great point in the chapter here too is though, are those words part with me. That is what the Lord desired was the company of his own. He was going about and there's a place prepared where we're going to enjoy His company forever, but he wants us to enjoy His company down here.
And what he is bringing out is how we can enjoy his company down here.
During his absence, and it's a lovely thing, I was thinking of the.
8th chapter of Nehemiah.
The 8th chapter of Nehemiah.
At the 9th 1St.
And Nehemiah, which is the tirshatha, and as to the priest described, and the Levites to talk, the people said unto all the people, This day is falling under the Lord your God horn, not in their weak. For all the people left when they heard the words of the law. Then he said unto them.
Go on your way, eat the fat and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them, for whom nothing is prepared. For this there is poorly unto our Lord. Neither be ye sorry, for the joy of the Lord is your strength. And isn't lovely in this chapter, that it opens with those words? Having loved His own which were in the world, He loved them unto the end.
Brethren, surely these are days when, just like in the time of Nehemiah, there's much to discourage.
There is much to try, but he loves his own unto the end. Nothing changes that love. The word of encouragement given to those in in Philadelphia is, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved Thee. And no matter how weak and feeble, things are, perhaps enough to move us to tears.
Isn't it lovely to know he loves us all to the end and he finds joy?
In a feeble field who desire to meet together in obedience to His Word, seeking to go on in the path of faith and faithfulness. And there may be, and there is with each one of us, things that the Word of God needs to be applied to our walking ways. And if we're sitting here in His presence, our people will walk through this afternoon.
Each one of us. This is not just some great sin body, it's that little company in Nehemiah.
It was the word of God led to them that moved into tears and he said, oh, that's going to have a good result. The Lord is finding his joy in this company here. And I believe this afternoon if we allow the word of God to speak to our hearts and consciences and know his love toward us and his joy in US.
Why lead to a closer walk in communion with Him that we will have part with him? And if we want to have this communion, brethren, it's important that we should allow Him to wash our feet this very afternoon so that we might continue in this precious enjoyment. I suppose because that's what you've been speaking. It would be the 14th chapter, wouldn't it?
I say that because we often speak of physicians, and it has its place, but we have it in the 14th chapter as well as here. Do we not be preparing them here in the next chapter? Is really that position that we should enjoy as in chameleon?
But it's not put in the sense of the term that we use this position, but it's really just that. It's the enjoyment of the Father's presence. In the next chapter, the Father's house, now eternal life, will be enjoyed, and it's full of sins in the Father's house up there.
But what he's setting before us, no doubt in this chapter also primarily, is that we might have that same enjoyment now and communion and so.
We speak a position, but there it is. I'm thinking that the marveling thought there in the first verse gave us, knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he would come from God and went to God. He riseth from supper, and laid aside his garment, and took an owl and burning himself, and then he agreed that he began to work with his heartful.
I'd like to adjust all attention to.
What it says that the Father had put all things into his hands, and then the Lord lays beside his charm, encouraged himself with a power washing the disciples feet.
Of wonderful love, marvelous humility, that is, or any of us was withdrawing into the highest place in the whole land. How would we do? Wouldn't we try to go over in some way the dignity and the importance of the importance of greatness of the position in which we're brought?
Well, when the Lord was given the highest place that any man was ever given, and if that man that the Father put all things into his hands, that of displaying or showing some greatness or importance, the Lord takes the place of the plague, they will find his garment to have him laying aside his garments and begging me.
Thomas again, that is the Lord in connection with the washing of the feet of his back of of his disciples.
It doesn't have a teacher, but as taking the place really of a bond slave, lowest place that he could take.
And his love for his disciples, well, that's what the troubled leader. He couldn't bear the thought of being his Lord, so humiliated in his presence. But let's remember in beloved, in connection with the large precious services carrying on.
For his own, when the Lord has to come in, as He does continually, that it means that He takes that lowest place in love and interest in our, in our spiritual welfare. In a way, I suppose we find an example of this.
Or picture of it in Joseph dealing with his brethren down there in Egypt.
We know that Joseph is the type of the Lord Jesus Christ and not forgetting that the brother he's dealing with our type of of Israel, but yet there Joseph is in his dignity. He's next to Bell on the throne.
But as you watch Joseph dealing with his brethren, he's yearning over them. He weeps. He has to turn away.
And hide his face from his brethren because he weeped over his heart his yearning that there might be a resurrection there. And he doesn't do it all in one day. He works with them, detail by detail. He seems to be using wisdom in dealing with his parents, but all the time.
He's yearning over them, he's yearning for their restoration, and it doesn't seem that Joseph, even though he knows his exhausted position, is trying to humiliate them.
Nor we see a point there that he's trying to restore them. He wants that blessed communion and fellowship there between himself and them that there ought to be as being members of one family. And so he continues to deal with them until there is restoration or it's lovely to see that. And of course, when we think of the Lord Jesus, it's much more so.
Because the type can never come up to the thing that it's illustrated.
And then he wept over each one of his breathing through his arms around the window of the.
With full reference and confession of their guilt, when Judah, the leader of the of his brethren, said, God hath found out the iniquity of my service. Well, it wasn't merely that Joseph had found it out, but God had found out whenever a soul is truly restored.
It's because they got into the large presence and have the thing out with him.
All that lens is the path to Joseph and all that the work has been accomplished. What has Peter's difficulty? Is there anything to indicate that some particular thing that was being corrected in theaters this time not to think further run things.
Something is more difficult here, in fact.
What we have here is.
Work as advocate.
As our education all he restores our soul. We haven't any man spent. We have an advocate with a father in Jesus Christ to raise if it's there, Of course that there were things first man. They didn't need it to be directed, but the whole subject is typical because the Lord says here that what I do thou knowest not now, but thou shalt know hereafter.
For those who literally carry out the washing of the feet early have never.
Accepted what the Lord says and what He was doing. Then they couldn't understand that time. Well, they could surely understand one taking a base and washing another seat. That was an easy thing to understand. So the whole subject here is the difficult subject.
Well, there's no no question that Peter neither.
A work in his soul, because already as a Lord and that very mind had the warning.
Are there the seven specific things that the Lord did here? If we just meditate on them, probably someone can give us a little instruction on them. The seven specific things that He did show us the perfection of the work that He did.
The first one, first of all, he arrived from supper.
He laid aside his travel.
Took a towel and girded himself.
Before it quarter into a vacant.
The disciples speak, and he drives them with the dog.
Probably if we meditated them on their little sections that they are might have been helpful to it.
I'd just like to say before this though, that in connection with this third verse, Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into his past. The Lord Jesus was the perfect man of faith and at this time in which we had before appear, the cross was before him. He knew that all of the disciples earthly hopes were going to be dashed. They had expected the earthly Kingdom to be set up.
And now the Lord was about to tell him that he would be rejected, and he's introducing them, as it was remarked, into the heavenly side of things and saw in the 14th chapter and the the 14th chapter in the first verse. Let not your heart be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's mouth are many mansions. If it were not so, I would.
Told to I go to prepare a place for you. That expression, if it were not so, I would have told you, is that the the Lord wouldn't have called upon them to follow Him in the path of rejection if He didn't have something better for them than they had anticipated.
They have looked for the earthly thing, and now the Lord Jesus, as the perfect man of faith, looks beyond the cross and sees that they're going to have richer, fuller blessings than if the Kingdom had been established then. And brethren, it may be that in your life and mine there's some difficulty presents itself. And we might say, well, what good is going to come out of this?
Why, if we allow the Lord to speak to our hearts and the water to be applied to our walking ways, it's maybe He's using that very circumstance that we know from earthly things.
For it was just remarked, was it something particular in Peter's life? Well, it isn't a particular said necessarily, but what is it for Evan, that keeps us from the enjoyment of heavenly things? Is it not because our souls are taken up with earthly things?
That is what made a person speak dirty while walking on the earth without shoes. And if you and I have our spiritual shoes on, why we'll be kept from the department of this thing. But if so little traits of earth for little things that show that were part of this earth, perhaps not positively sinful things, but earthly things that they're hindering us. Well the Lord Jesus.
And his touching love for his own looks beyond all that they had anticipated and seeks to lead their souls into the enjoyment of better things.
May I 13 brother, we may have come to some situation in our lives and we say, oh, it's difficult to see anything good or think of the Father's house. Think of the glory that's before. Think of how these various things are making us realize that our rest is not here. It's up there with Christ and glory. And the result will be that we will have the enjoyment of what Peter was learning to enjoy.
But the last and sometimes hesitate like him and don't want to have our feet washed, something we don't want to give up perhaps and it just hinders us having part with him.
Not only that, it's not only that he washes their feet here, Bubba, No.
Wonderful that he made, but who? He was girded with a stall and he took that towel and wiped their feet. After washing their feet. He would have to feel comfortable and happy in his personal. Yeah, I like for others to hear that. So I'll repeat it for you, brother Joel. I'll repeat it for you. Some don't care about.
That, well, my my voice hasn't failed me yet.
I can speak louder.
I say it was not only the fact that the Lord Jesus washed their feet.
Not even good. It was a cow, and he takes that cow wherewith he was girly and they wiped their teeth. You know, if you wash your feet by then, you forget to wipe them with a towel, they'll have a kind of a sticky, unpleasant feeling with them. He wanted that his disciples to feel comfortable and happy in His presence.
So he writes asking you, you remember what Bubba to say about that? Bubba Barry. He said no. Why? Because his people, the club, didn't they? It's not a long distance operation, brother. No, you can't wait for your brethren. See the long handle mop.
It's a close down operation, they've got to get on their knees to do it.
Yes, Bubba Blanc used to make that the mark often.
It's supposed to tell you all to remember that Robert Hunt.
To close down operation, get down on your knees if you want to wash your brother thing.
It wasn't anything the Lord wouldn't do for the blessing of His disciples, whether it's getting down on his knees and Washington feet or even going to cross the Calvary and bearing machine.
Nice to know that still I felt having that he began to watch the disciples feet. Never felt that he seemed to wash their feet and neither has the Lord ever ceased to watch. In fact, the only reason that we're here this afternoon, any of us.
Enjoying the precious things of Christ because of that faithful service that he has carried on.
All through our journey down here, because there's so much in this theme in files and go on our way. The Lord is continually engaged as our advocate and cleansing us from the depound of this world that we passed through.
Now the water that we have brought before us here is surely typical, isn't it? We it's typical in the third of John as well.
Notwithstanding all the contradictory statements that we find in Christians on 2000, the watering the third of John is not baptism, but it's the Word of God. And we have ample scripture to show us that the water that is meant is the Word of God. There is one, especially in Ephesians chapter 5. It speaks of the washing of water by the Word. Well, there are the waters linked together with the Word.
And we get it also in Ezekiel and other scriptures. Well, isn't it nice to see that in the chapter we have before us this morning? But the water is the word, and here again it's the Word, is it not?
And then the Lord says, now you are clean after all of the war I wanted to beat with but through the word which I have spoken unto you. That's in the in the 15th chapter. That is important. We need to.
Be reminded about how necessary it is.
To be over the word of God. Never allow a day to go by that.
We don't care for the Word of God and we need to meditate upon it. After we read the portion, we should think it over and see how it applies to our walking waves. And that's the waves of our Flanders, of which, if possible, for our being to be going on with something we've never been exercised about.
And it's leading us away from Christ. It's wrong.
And define our soul welcome word reaches our conscience and we're checked up to see that it's not pleasing to the Lord. We tend to see and in that way that's our Peter Flynn, you know, in the 17th chapter of.
John's Gospel where the largest friend to his father.
The 1000. The 17th, 1St.
We ought to read the 16th verse first, though. They are not of the world, even as I'm not the world.
Let's take a latter moment.
The Lord was no more of the world when He was down here than He is now. Glory.
And he says that we're not in the world no more than he was of the world. Doesn't say that if we're walking consistently, if we're walking in separation, but that's the position into which he is brought in association with himself. And then he says sanctified and through thy food.
Sanctification and separation.
Then he says thy word is true. That is the truth of God is found in the crisis word. Then notice the next verse, as thou hast sent me into the world, so have I also sent them into the world. Well, there's a marvelous truth that just as all the Lord took us completely out of this world and where he is.
And then sends us back as a testimony to himself.
In their faith many pairs and the 19th verse, and for their sake by 25 myself, that they also might be sanctified to the truth.
However, the Lord, letting Himself apart in heavenly glory in order that we might be set apart, separated Himself in our pathway down here.
So again we have the Lord for His own while He has been glory, and we are here below.
We are not bad at what happened in the 19th December. Valley and Canadian believe things that rewarding demolition.
Brother John fell it in the 19th of John 19th of numbers. You get the fault of the word of separation.
I for your thinking brother, touching those things that are unpleasant.
Of being occupied with them in any way.
Even if they.
Yes, or a full I'm the one that would apply of the water of separation my first applied to himself.
Yeah, yeah.
I was just remarking that.
We have the company together and it's a it's a nice talk. We're here together this afternoon and the Lord and the myth and there is that which brings us and refreshes from his word. Now, I don't think we should look at this barely as a doctrine, do you, Brother Whitaker, In the sense that it's for someone else at some other time, but it's right now.
In this afternoon in this room that we have the word of God before us, we can claim his presence and the men and there is that needed in our lives.
And I trust that we each will go away refreshed as well because we have the two things do we not brought out here. The the water does is cleansing and it refreshes and it should be so with it.
I was going to say, notice where I believe the presence of Judas in their midst.
The devil having now thought into the heart Jerusalem scariest Simon son to betray him.
Jesus knowing the Father and him all he did in his hand.
We go down to.
And 1St.
He says unto him, He is what he is not making. Wash his feet, but he never whipped. You are clean, but not all, for He knew who should betray Him. I was thinking present computers in their midst was defiling, defying their walk.
They needed spending for our prayers. They used the Internet.
There's so many times.
We all have to do is bring in this life deprived of soul and soul We have to see. We have to be constantly and continually on our side. Now when the Lord came to Peter.
Peter says to the Lord, Dost thou wash my feet?
He loves ******* and said to him, What I do thou north, north now without help, no hereafter.
Either that on the end thou shalt never wash my feet, Jesus answered him, If I washed enough, thou hast no part with me. No, he doesn't say no part in me.
There was.
Peter belonged to the Lord and every believer in the Lord of Jesus.
Is in Christ for God, but within that subject of communion.
The Lord is setting forth here that without this service, without our beeping watch, we can have no part with Him, cannot go on with communion with the Lord if we allow things.
Unjust in our lives.
Or an awful sense need to keep the border councils off. We don't want to be out of communion for an hour or a moment.
Thing has been permitted. If there's an unclean frog or some unkind feeling towards someone, we should judge that thing immediately. Or if we don't, why we get out of chameleon with the Lord.
How important that word is. Have no art with me or beloved. There is nothing in this whole life.
No matter how successful we may be, what a good position we make get in this world, and what a fine home we may own someday or our owning at this time, there is nothing, I repeat it, there is absolutely nothing.
And compared to the lake where they going on in communion with that blessed 1A little vastly of little wall with greater blessing and happiness that was ever admitted or a man in this state. One of the one of the exploited this way brother Barry.
The progression of our souls.
Is 1 eternal link with Christ that can never be broken. That can never be broken. And that's what Peter was trying to do here. He went to the LXP. Stay here on earth. 9 Not only my feet, but my head, my hands, and my head also. Well, that had already taken place already at the salvation, isn't it? And so our salvation is 1 eternal link, so that can never be brought.
But the link of a communion, they claim that they're very, very thin one.
And can very easily be broken up and needed to be constantly restored. That's the correct brother question. Mention that this morning we were in the third chapter of John.
And the Spirit is brought in there in connection with the water.
And when it's the salvation of a soul, it's very definitely the work and the spirit of God.
And the word when it comes to communion, the Holy Spirit is there too. And the apostle Paul said, grieve not the Holy Spirit, for by your shield unto the day of redemption, not grieve the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit can be grieved, grieved by our sin, grieved by our going on in a bad way, grieved by our.
Fraternizing with the Word and going in for the things of the world.
The Spirit of God can be grieved while the Spirit of God has been grieved. Then the Holy Spirit cannot occupy us with Christ. He will have to occupy us with our failure. And what does that say for the Lord mind, His Spirit, to have to occupy us with our failures? Well, it's necessary.
That there might be restoration and that the link of communion might be restored.
That we might be happy because the Lord is interested in that, but we should be happy. But I just thought that we might bring in here the man of the Holy Spirit too, in this connection, because the Holy Spirit is involved in this matter of going on with the Lord in happy communion.
Protection with our brothers remarked here before about Judas being present there and then being defiled. I think we should make this comment though, that we're in a world of sin and evil with defilements all around us, but there is a path by which we can walk through this world of evil and not be defiled.
So in the 19th of numbers mentioned, every vessel in a tent where there was death became unclear.
Except there was a covering bound upon it. If there was a covering bound upon it, the vessel was then cleaned, even although death was in the tent. Now we'd have to go out of the world altogether if we were going to get away from the fileman. But our precious Savior walked through this world, and He was never defiled by anything that was here, and He has given us His life. The reason we become defiled is because we allow the old nature to act.
So let us not to blame circumstances, but blame ourselves when we get these files, whatever condition we may be in, unless we go into it and self will, but in whatever condition we make the end the Lord is able to keep us. Unless I say we go into it in South, well then it's the will ourselves in ourselves that brought us into the department by its action.
But how blessed that a middle world like this.
There is a path in which we can walk in sweet communion with the Lord. Enoch was an example of it. Everything around him to discourage, everything around him to cause him grief, and yet he walked with God.
Mary, you referred us to the 17th chapter of John.
And the first verse.
Of that chapter.
Louder brother the 17th chapter of John of the first verse these words think Jesus and lifted up his eyes to the Father and said Father the power is coming. In our chapter chapter 13 verse five it has been pointed out his eyes are on the disciples feet.
And you give us a little thought on that.
I read something lovely from brother Phillip years ago.
And it would be what you're suggesting. That is 13th of John. The Lord is looking down at the wild feet of the disciples, and in the 17th chapter is looking up to heaven and addressing the Father. Oh, from the five feet of the dispatchers all the way to the Lord.
Absolutely where where the Father is, where we have the Father, where the Lord is occupied with his own. It's something like that. I read. Perhaps you read the same ministry. Yes, I enjoyed the thought very much. 17th chapter of John, where the love gives to the Father.
And the Lord returns it to the Father of our safekeeping.
As we go through the scene when I'm the 13th chapter, the Lord is caring for us, but then in the 17th chapter were transferred to the Father's care.
Could we say on the 17th of John, it's the Lord my priestly prayer, and that if we are availing ourselves obvious priestly work up there for us, we'll be preserved from failure, but it's because we don't avail ourselves of His high priestly work.
Therefore, we need his advocacy, and that is what is brought before us in this chapter.
How much happier than we should be availing ourselves of His present work for us on high, looking up and seeing Him there, feeding upon Him as you were bringing before. Then why we are kept. And that's what the Lord was bringing before them, I believe in the 17th chapter.
In connection with his present High Priestly work, Would that be so? I believe so.
I'm not only so.
In that 17th of John the Lord did who he was, could speak of things, could speak concerning things that had not taken place as though they had. Now He sits there, and that's in connection with His work down here.
He says I have glorified thee of the earth, I have finished the world which thou gavest me, that I should do it well. He was looking beyond the clock.
As a finished work here he has glorified God, both Ashley Ashley's walk and Ashley's whip. I have glorified me on the earth. I have finished the work. That was the work of redemption, was it not?
Well, it says in Hebrews, such a high priest became us, who is always harmless, undefiled, and made higher than the heavens. So that's what the Lord is Speaking of. He glorified his Father in every step of His pathway about the whole question of sin too. And now he's up there and such a high priest becomes us. He settled the question of our sins.
He passed through every circumstance in the pathway.
And so he had glorified the Father in such circumstances. Now he can sympathize with us in our infirmities and in what we have to pass through.
He is nor we in this world and my dyslexia specifies with rubbish earlier Morton in connection with fire with me. The whole purpose of speak wisely is that we could walk through this world as Christ walk. His feet were always clean. I therefore our feet are washed.
So that we might be in moral conformity to Christ and a man might be Christ enough. As we walk through this world, I think it's important to see that that's the purpose of Feet Washington, so that Christ might be seen in the same walking through this defile world.
The only question is, are we willing to have our faith in the Masters hands? Peter objected to that. And sometimes there is rebellion in our own heart because the old nature is not being controlled by the president of the new nation, and the old nature is always.
Opposed to the things of God so that if we're not watchful.
The Lord seeks to restore our growth where we can oppose the very worst that is so meaningful and so necessary and so important.
The brother once said he was in the break and I just thought out it isn't my own RRC in the Master's hand. I'm sure if we think of John beloved his fight.
I'm sure you'll see one who sees indeed were in the half of in the masters half because we find that he was leaning on the press with Jesus and when the disciple of Reno disturbed to pull the one was the Lord.
Thinking of the one that should be trained by John was leaning on his breath so he could get the mind of Christ either turned back into him.
Well, how lovely it is. One is near enough the blessed Lord to have his mind when things are so perplexing and distressing and disturbing to the hearts of the faith. And that isn't just.
Doesn't matter getting.
Getting him the large threat, but it's a continuous thing, having our feet of a master's hand, allowing the Lord to ever.
Be restoring our faith, never resisting that work of His grace.
We've often heard it mentioned that there's no substitute for communion. I was wondering, is there a thought regarding that in Revelation 2 and 17?
We find there the Church settled down in the world.
And to get the connection I might read the.
12Th and 13th verses of Revelation 2. Revelation 212. And to the Angel of the Church in Pergamon right these things that be which have to start towards the two edges. I know thy work, and where thou dwelleth, where they defeated, And thou holdest back my name, and hath not denied my faith.
Even in those days where Antifa's life was my faithful martyr, who was laid among you where they dwelleth. Then the 17th verse, he that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says under the churches.
To him that overcome will I give the heat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth said in heed that receiveth. It is their thought there of communion by the very. I'm sure there is a pretty grimly that might say the reward.
Back with union.
The White Storm, they play the.
In those days when they voted, they had earned from the those who voted.
Picked up a white stone. They had a pile of white stones. Here were these different earths representing the different candidates. They pick up a white soap and drop it in the earth.
The candidate for which they were voting.
October that is the Lord. The light to show is the school to those who are born on separation to Himself. The verses of address Wow where thinking well shows that it was a time when the church had had both parties.
That that they had got into the world so the world is safe to speak and those that.
William Lord Kickstarter overcome the whom he gives the white soul are those that are warm in separation from those worldly influences and it come into the church or if you can apply it anytime to preparation from what is on the earth.
And you see, the Lord shows in the school and he gives us a special name on the stone, showing that it's a special interest that the Lord.
When one goes on faithful to him, separation from that which is around.
I suppose in this chapter we have the state of freedom soul. We deal doing that and in the previous chapter we had the state of Mary's soul revealed. In the previous chapter we find Mary at his feet and spirit of worship and so that reveals her state of souls. She was enjoying Christ and telling him as you.
But here we find that the law was asked to disciples be just reverse order. This, I believe would reveal me to state assault because it's necessary for the laws to stood down to wash his feet. That's what a difference one is the Lord feet. And now we see the Lord in his infinite love and grace as a disciple.
So I believe we have those two examples of sustained soul and one chapter right. Mary was at his feet and pouring a coin from upon him. But we find here that the ball was that sweetest feet revealing his face at all. It's not necessary for the Lord to be a merry speech.
That it's been manifesting her love and walking the Peter was manifesting the state of soul toward the war.
Very precious in Luke Chapter 7 and verse 24.
That he turns to the woman instead of silence. Dear salvage woman, I entered into thine house now, gave it to me. No water to my feet, but she has washed my feet with it here in question with the hairs of my head. What do we have on this portion here?
In comparison with our chapter.
Are they the poorest sitter there from the street that came in wiped his feet with her gears for center from the presence of the blessed Lord and the in order to her, the Lord satisfied him with her. Many are forgiven by faith and faith all in.
The center of the feet of Jesus, isn't it?
Mary of the Brother Gladden was speaking off with Mary A Bethany.
One who had, I'm sure, long been Faith, and found her delight in being in the large company, sitting at his feet and hearing his word, then at his feet, and her sorrow on the 11Th chapter of John Lennon had his feet anointing them with the ointment.
As a worshiper is filling all the house for the odor of the ointment, and we give refreshment to the Lord by that, in that way indeed we can.
Also reply to us here. In our 13th chapter, we receive refreshment as well.
Well, Mary, in a way, following the Lord out to the cross when she was anointing his feet, those very feet that would carry the Lord to Calvary, they were the ones that she was interested in. They were the ones she anointed. We read in other gospel lessons his head was anointed, but here in John's Gospel.
It's the feet that would carry her to Calvary and I'm sure that if we were more occupied.
With the pathway that the Lord went when he went to Calvary and the work that He's done and all that He went through there, we would be kept and we would not need so much of the washing of our feet.
What you say brother? Fighting them and connecting with your comment.
If if we neglect what we find in Mary sitting at business and we'll have to have the Lord in our feet.
That's true. Sitting at the feet of Sea was comparing his words.
Just Meyer and confirmed Mary it should be characterized everything of God or we should continually be over his word and at his feet on the objection willingness to listen to his voice.
And feel subject to his blessed words. I feel that you're quite there. Brother Barry is very important submission to the word of God.
Always being willing to listen to what the Word has to tell us and to bow. Do it. Oh, it's so important. That is what we find. The opposite of inspections and generally speaking today, not submission to the Word of God.
Every man doing that which is right in his own eyes, not being sensitive to the word, or we should be exercised about that very thing being submissive submission to the word.
We see in the 7th chapter of Luke keeping us.
You remarked Brother Anderson, that same line of things that I think is very nice to notice this woman, although she's never yet heard him say Thy sins be forgiven me. She has full confidence in the Lord, and she is dependent upon it, and He has nothing evil to say of her.
But to Simon, he said, I have somewhat to say unto thee. Now we should be very careful when we judge one another. The woman was the Sinner.
Far as Simon was concerned, and everyone else, but she was in communion and to have gone strong, and so it says in one of the epistles, I don't recall which, that we should be able to admonish one another. There must be a state of soul.
If we're able to perceive, and sometimes I suppose there's Washington feed without the person who's doing it knowing he's doing it.
These perhaps is used to bring the scripture before another that will reach the conscience. But sometimes I'm afraid that we're apartment to judge and take the position of Simon where we see the Lord have nothing to say to this woman. But He did decide.
But isn't there It is mundane's not really a Sinner with the barn. See, he passed to her thigh. Sins, which are many.
First, sins, which are many, are forgiven during the Lord didn't diminish or he didn't.
He doesn't make the light in any way of what she was finished, but all the lovely thing is that he could forgive it all. One that loved came to him through a broken heart was deceased with her tears crying while deep with fence. Oh there was a level.
Got the flow forgiven and he doesn't say that washing his feet was washed finger. He says I faith go into the woman. The woman in the 7th moved there. She didn't know she was washing the feet of the war, but he gave her that credit for it. She knew what became her in his presence and he a creditor that was Washington state.
I'm rubbing into the spring before us the.
Way the Lord prepared himself to offer.
The feet of these dear ones. I was thinking of our 14th verse. Sometimes we seek to wash the feet of others, and we find that.
We haven't been able to accomplish that which we desire, and isn't this that there hasn't been?
That state of soul and that humbleness of spirit.
Seeking the minister.
Two others. Sometimes, as before, we make the water far too hot. I suppose it's what our brother Jones was breaking before in connection with numbers 19. That water has not been applied to us, perhaps sufficiently or in in the proper way. We haven't really gotten into the presence of the Lord so that we thoroughly judge ourselves and.
Not able to help anyone else.
The first step is arises from supper. There is spiritual energy. Everything the Lord did was done by spirit. Now is why what I seem to do in Washington is done in the energy of the spirit and the Spirit of God are operating in me causing me to do it.
Then the next is we have is the government.
Is there anything that I have on? It's going to be a heaven and that's I have to be divested on. Those are the point that I thought we might.
Now in Romans chapter 15 and verse 14 we have something of that where's the part of the verse was already forwarded.
And I myself also am persuaded of you, my brethren, that he also are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge, able also to admonish one another. So we see two things there.
Full of goodness, that is, we need to have the heart of God toward His people, and then we need to have the knowledge that His Word imparts to us.
There may be those who perhaps love the Saints but don't have very much noise or spiritual instruction, and so they're not wise in the way they handle a situation. But we find the two things there full of goodness. There is to be the heart of God toward His people, but also that the fact the Word of God imparts His knowledge as to how we should act in any given situation.
Well, in that way then, they were able to admonish one another.
The Lord Himself was the perfect example. Having loved His own which were in the world, He loved them unto the end. And then surely He had perfect knowledge of what was in the heart of God for His own. He had come to reveal that and the Father's mind, and so He was able to do it perfectly. And only in the measure in which this is true a lot will there be the practical power to be able to carry this out.
The heart should always be full of love.
Simply, whether we're able to show it or not, just like children. When Jordan spoke roughly to his friends, it wasn't because there was any lack of love in the economy, but he couldn't show it at that time. And so he had to treat them just like enemies until they were broken down, and then he could show the love that was in his heart over time.
Well, at the very time that he spoke roughly to them.
Why he went off and wept over them all, that we should never allow Harden to park or any of our breath, although we may not always be able to show the love and the longing that's in our hearts. And like Samuel, even when they had rejected him.
And that they must have a good, he said. God forbid and I should spin against you by facing the prey for you.
Never cease to pray, no matter how they treated him, how bad their condition was.
And the importance of opinion. Communion, isn't it? This has been very important to be in Communion. Italy present.
We know that the need for this service of love will soon be over. Soon will all be home of the glory.
But all have blessed to realize and enter into that while there will be no further need for fencing from the founding. His service of love never ceases, does it? I was thinking of the cross chapter of Luke. Is just one verse there.
Golf chapter of Luton.
This will be our portion.
37 First, blessed are those servants whom the Lord, when he cometh, shall find what?
Verily I send you that he shall gird himself and make them sit down to me, and will come forth and stir it. What a process.