John 3:16

John 3:16
Listen from:
Gospel—C. Lunden
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God loved the world of sinners lost and ruined by the fall.
Salvation full at highest cost. He offers free to all.
All to his loved was wondrous love, the love of God to me.
It brought my savior from above to die on Calvary #7.
What's my last breath?
Why is there anything in the world?
Breaking down.
Come on.
His life.
By my way.
The Gospel of John and the third chapter.
I shall have to confess that I have what, one verse before me tonight.
And so that will have to suffice.
John, 316.
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son.
That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
You know, we're living in a land where I suppose that almost every.
And grown up can quote this verse.
We're living in a Christian land, so-called.
And yet we find that men who know this verse well are still rejecting the Savior.
Children, Young people who can quote these verses in Sunday school.
Are still rejecting the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior. What a solemn thing.
You know there's going to be differences in judgment in that coming day.
We are told in the Word of God that he that knew his master's will, did it not, shall be beaten with many Skypes.
But he that knew not his master's will shall be beaten with few strikes.
And So what a solemn thing it is, my friend, to sit under the sound of the word of God and not bow to it.
There are two things you know particularly that harden men's hearts.
And one of them is sin.
And the other is to hear the word of God who refused to act on it.
And we've been sitting in these meetings now, most of us here, and we've heard many things.
May God give us the grace to act on the truth we've heard, otherwise it may harden our hearts.
And especially the gospel of the grace of God.
What a solemn thing it is to see souls come in.
Week after week.
Never confess that precious name of Jesus.
And So what do we have in this verse then? The first word is for. What does that refer to? Oh, I'm sure it refers to the previous verses in some way.
And what do they say?
As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, Even so must the Son of Man be lifted up.
That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.
Oh my friend, what a message for our hearts.
Yes. So turn with me to Numbers now, the book of numbers in the 21St chapter.
This is a part of the history of the people of God, the children of Israel.
The fourth verse and the journey from Mount Horror by the way of the Red Sea to compass the land of Edom.
And the soul of the people was much discouraged because of the way.
And the people spake against God and against Moses.
Wherefore have he brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? For there is no bread, neither is there any water, and our soul loatheth this light bread.
And the Lord sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people, and much people of Israel died.
Therefore the people came to Moses and said, We have sinned, for we have spoken against the Lord and against thee.
Pray unto the Lord that he take away the serpents from us. And Moses prayed for the people.
And the Lord said unto Moses, Make thee A fiery serpent.
Set it upon a pole, and it shall come to pass that everyone that is bitten.
When he looked at the Pirates of the left.
And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole.
And it came to pass that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived.
Well, this account then tells us.
Of a case of those who have been bitten by the serpent.
Now, my friend.
God never hides anything. He tells us the truth.
Have we learned from Scripture that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God?
It was not only the people of Israel that spake against God and spake against Moses the leader.
No, it's true of all men.
Because man's heart is at enmity against God.
He doesn't want God.
And it is only when God by His grace, can breakthrough.
And reach man's heart.
That there is any blessing at all.
And we find here that it's God who provided the remedy for those who were bitten by the serpent.
You know man loves to cater to himself and his abilities.
And that may be all right in the things of this life, but my friend, it will never do.
When it comes to salvation.
No, there is not one thing that you have that can bring you into the presence of God in righteousness.
And should you have righteousness, my friend, which you do not have, it still would not be that divine righteousness, the righteousness of God, which only comes by faith in Christ Jesus and through that redemption which is in Christ Jesus.
And so we find that these four Israelites who had sinned against God.
There was a simple provision made. I say simple for them.
But all what it means to us as we read the truth of it in the New Testament.
To them, all they had to do was to look.
Live Oh my friend, tonight we want to present to you Jesus as the Savior.
All you have to do is look and live.
Look and live.
Yes, and all your sins. There that man lay bitten by that serpent.
Perhaps swelled up with the poison and someone raises his head and he sees that serpent, Raisin serpent on the pole.
Yes, and he looked and he lived.
Oh, how simple for you the gospel of God's grace is.
Received it. It's just that simple.
And so this word for, what does it mean?
Oh, God was moved.
We learned that in Exodus. I have seen.
I've seen the affliction of my people and them come to deliver them.
If it hadn't been God who had come to deliver my friend, there would never be one soul ever saved.
No, God himself came.
Came down in the person of Jesus.
And now it's simply for you to look.
And to live.
But we have more truth than the Gospel of John than we have in Numbers 21.
Because we learn in the Gospel of John that it isn't simply living.
In the wilderness a little while longer.
But what we read in those verses previous to John 316 was eternal life.
And you know, eternal life comes through the work of Jesus on the cross of Calvary.
And it's when the Lord Jesus, the serpent on the pole, gives us a picture.
Of the Lord Jesus having been made sin for us.
That's the picture.
He was made sin for us, the one who knew no sin.
That we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
So you see, my friend, it's a question of substitution.
It's a question of that blessed Savior taking your place in mind before a holy God, because this is what was necessary.
God can never compromise with sin. Sin must be dealt with.
Either you must be the victim, and you will if you reject Jesus.
Or another will have to take your place.
This Jesus did for all who believe as we have been having in the meanings, He is the probitiation for our sins.
And for the whole world.
And so the gospel goes out tonight to the whole world, whosoever will may come.
Four, that's the reason God was moved, when he saw the need of his people.
And the next word is God.
I would like to ask you, my friend, do you know God?
And you say he is my God?
Turn with me to the 43rd Psalm.
And see if this can be the language of your heart.
Judge me, O God, and plead my cause against an ungodly nation.
All deliver me from the deceitful and unjust man, for thou art the God of my strength.
Why dost thou cast me off? Why go? I am mourning because of the oppression of the enemy.
All send out thy light and thy truth. Let them lead me, Let them bring me under thy holy hill into thy tabernacles. Then will I go into the altar of God.
Unto God.
My exceeding joy, yeah, upon the heartful, I praise Thee, O God.
By God.
Where art thou cast down on my soul, and why art thou disquieted within me? Hope Indiana God, for I shall yet praise him who is the health of my countenance. And my God, is this your language tonight?
Oh dear friend, can you say he is my God?
Or do you sit there tonight with terror as you think of the coming judgment?
When you will have to stand before God to give an account of all the deeds done in the body?
Turn with me to the 23rd chapter of Luke for a verse.
The 40th verse a part of it.
But the other answering rebuked him saying dost not.
Thou fear God.
Oh my friend, tonight, do you not fear God?
Do you know that you will have to do with God either as your savior?
Or your judge.
Tonight you can have the Savior, God and the Person of Jesus.
Tomorrow he may be your judge.
God would have always had to be a judge, my friend, unless Jesus came and died and shed his precious blood.
But now that Jesus has died, there's a way.
Of life.
So that the vilest Sinner might come to God, have all his sins forgiven.
Because of what Jesus has done, all my friends, it's God.
For God.
So loved the world.
It is the God, the one who is going to judge.
All unrighteousness, the throne of God and what it stands for, that great white throne.
It's before that throne you'll have to stand, my friend, unless you know God.
In the way of this 43rd Psalm.
And you can say, my God.
My exceeding joy. You sit there in that chair tonight and say he's my exceeding joy.
What's the matter? All your soul is estranged from God.
You're in your sins.
Don't you know the?
In the book of Isaiah says it's your sins that are separated between you and your God.
That he cannot hear.
Are you still in your sins?
All my friends tonight.
Are you in your sins without God?
Are you going to die in your sins without God? Or you say I hope not?
That you will.
Yes, you will if you don't accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior.
For God.
So love.
Now what do we have?
We have a measure brought in so loved and what is this measure? Can you measure this measure?
God so long.
How did they laugh?
Oh, my friend, you know the story well. You live in a land where you've heard these things over and over again. The truth is literally fallen in the streets.
God so loved, and what's the measure of it?
Yes, as we look at that cross of Jesus, we see him hanging there.
The one who was forsaken of God.
God's only son.
There we see the measure of that love.
And why did he do it? Oh, it is for your precious soul and mind.
You know, in this creation of gods.
One might have thought that he could have found something.
In which his heart could delight in. I am speaking now of the creation.
We know his heart always delighted in his son.
But one would have thought possibly that there might be something in that creation that was good.
That his heart could delight in.
But no, there's only one thing it seems that God can find his delight in.
In this creation, what is it? I'm Speaking of the creation now.
It's for vile man in all his.
Wretchedness. That's what God finds delight in.
There is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over 1 Sinner that repents.
All my friends tonight, are you going to make heaven happy?
By repassing.
By turning around and owning the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior. Are you going to take that place tonight?
Yes, God binds his delight.
In the repentance of his creature.
When his creature turns around and owns God.
As his God.
Through that precious blood of Christ, that's the only way back.
Yes, my friend, God has provided a way.
As the writer says in the Old Testament, we must all die.
God has provided a way whereby is banished.
Be not expelled from his sight.
And we like to speak of that way my friend tonight that you might to find that way.
Yes, there is a way.
It's not found by natural intelligence.
Not by works of righteousness, which we have done, no. There is a way, though.
God has provided that way.
And it says so love God so loved.
And there we see the way provided when the Lord Jesus could say.
I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
And now, my dear friend, have you come in that way?
So that God might be your exceeding joy.
Or are you still in your sins on your way to a lost eternity, and this knight may decide it for you?
Yes, it may.
I suppose as we hear the the sad report of one and another taken.
We inwardly say, well, it couldn't be me.
But my friend, it could be you this very moment.
Pass from time until eternity.
This very moment as you sit there in your chair.
Yes, there have been many already that I know of Indiana, the little meeting rooms that have left this world sitting in their chairs.
In the meeting rooms.
You can leave too, in just that way.
But my friend, how will you leave?
Will you leave with a savior or will you leave lost without a savior?
You're going to look and live tonight.
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent Me hath everlasting life, shall not come into judgment, but is passed from death unto light.
God sought for God so loved the world.
Or you may say, well, I know he came to the Jews.
And I know the Gospels are written to the Jews. Oh yes, that's true. One would not deny that.
Determines me to the 16th chapter of John and we'll see.
The 28th.
I came forth from the Father and am come into the world.
There you have it my friend.
Now what? Again I leave the world.
Go to the father.
And so we have that circuit.
Of the Son of God.
Leaving that place on high positionally leaving it.
Coming down into this sad world.
This world.
Not just among the Jews who came into the world. If she says so.
And that is how he can say whosoever, because he came into the world.
But then he left the world.
He went back to the fox.
And now what does that tell the believer? Oh, this is a precious truth, that we won't dwell on it.
Simply this.
That when Jesus went back into the glory, he went back as a man.
Of precious truth.
And that's the assurance for our hearts, each one, that you and I as men will be found in the glory of God with Jesus, because he went back as a man.
Yes, he went back as a man and he said I go to prepare a place for you.
For God.
So loved the world.
But now we noticed in that verse that we read in the 16th chapter of John.
The father's name.
If you'll turn with me to Proverbs 30, reverse.
The fourth verse.
Who has ascended up into heaven, or descended?
Who hath gathered the wind in his fists?
Who hath bound the waters in a garment?
Who hath established all the ends of the earth? What is his name?
And what is his son's name, if thou canst tell?
Yes, my friend. What is his name?
It was not known in the Old Testament.
This is a new revelation that God has given you in this very age in which you lived, and He's going to hold your responsible for it. What is His name?
And what is his son's name?
Or you say, yes, I know his name was Jehovah in the Old Testament.
Yes, indeed it was.
But what is his name?
What is the ultimate purpose of God to reveal Himself?
His father isn't that.
Oh how precious the truth we have with this. Oh, and how it brings us to the very heart of God.
And this is so important in connection with John 316.
Because it is here, beloved, that he reveals himself as Father.
Turn to the 17th of John.
In the fifth verse.
And now, O Father.
Glorify thou Me with thine own Self, with the glory which I had with Thee before the world was.
I have manifested thy name unto the man which thou gavest me out of the world.
There we have it.
The Lord Jesus manifested the name of the Father.
When he came into this world.
Are my friend, and he sealed the truth of it with his own precious blood.
When he died in the Cross of Calvary.
The eternal Son of God.
Yes. Then what is his son's name?
Turneth me to the first chapter of Luke's gospel.
And the 35th verse.
And the Angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee.
And the power of the Highest shall over shadow thee. Therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.
That's his name, my friends.
The Son of God.
But now turn also on the same page to verse 31.
And behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth the Son.
Shall call his name Jesus.
Oh, my friend, there's never been a more precious name on human lips than the name of Jesus.
Yes, that's his name.
His name is the Son of God.
Yes, and we better keep the 2000 faces too.
The 2000 faces He is the Son of God. He is the eternal Son of God.
And of him and of Him alone it was said, that holy thing.
Never of Adam. Never. Or of any man.
The just the Son of God.
But when He is revealed to us as the Savior, His name is given to us as Jesus.
Yes, that's the name that he took down here in manhood.
Jesus, and that means Jehovah.
Savior, Oh my friend.
What is his name? What is his son's name, if thou canst tell?
Thou tell it, Have you confessed that precious name on your lips of Jesus?
Because if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus.
Believe in thine heart that God has raised him from the dead. Thou shalt be saved.
Oh, my friend, are you safe tonight?
If you confess that precious name.
What is his name? What is his son's name, if thou canst tell?
Are you willing to confess it tonight? Your own savior?
Where God so loved the world.
That he gave.
Big game, you know we have in this verse.
That he gave, and then we have later on shall have.
All, my friend, I trust that these two things might be brought together in your life and your heart tonight.
What God gave and now what you have.
Because if you receive what God gave, you will have a seat.
He gave. Yes, God gave.
Yes. What is the gift?
You know when the Lord Jesus stood there at the well Sicar's well in the 4th chapter of John.
And they were speaking together of the water.
The Lord Jesus could say, if thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that spake to thee.
Yes, if thou knewest the gift of God.
Oh, what a precious gift.
And the apostle as he writes about that gift in the book of Corinthians.
He stops and he says, Thanks be unto God.
For his unspeakable gift.
Oh my friend, there's no way to measure this what God gave.
Now God so loved the world that he gave.
The game. And here we see the heart of God reaching out to the center.
As we read the Old Testament and we see the law and all that it demands.
We think of the people who are under it and unless they got the spirit of David.
Or of Daniel, or of others. And they could see through the myths by faith, and could see that God was a God who was a giving God.
Poor souls never understood what it meant to be saved or to have any light whatsoever.
But now, in a day when we have the full revealed Word of God for us.
The truth of God. We see God's heart opened as the Father.
Because the Lord Jesus came from heaven to reveal what was in the bosom.
God yes to reveal it to the poor center.
And so now he's Speaking of what God gave.
Game. This is not natural to man.
Man wants to do something to get credit for what he does.
But my friend, if you will come to God, you must come God's way, and you will have to accept what God gave.
And who wouldn't want to accept this, my friend?
Would you not want to accept what God gave?
God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.
Oh, what a gift.
And you know this gift. Sometimes gifts are given between friends.
And they're remembered for years, and they're brought out from time to time to remember that friend.
And Oh my friend, this gift that God gave will be the central theme.
For all eternity.
God so loved the world that He gave His only begun Son.
Is that going to be the theme of your delight for all the coming ages?
What God gave.
God gave.
His only begotten Son.
You know.
This is a special term of endearment, but connected with his coming into this world.
His only son.
His only son. Think of it.
In the 12Th chapter of John we have one part of wheat.
Just one.
Upon that corn of wheat hangs the destiny, my friend of every living soul that will be saved.
That that carnival wheat. Unless that corn of wheat fell in the ground and died, it would abide alone forever.
It is said in Luke's gospel of the Lord Jesus that the time came for him to go up.
And that blessed Savior, the Lord Jesus, could have gone into the heavens a man alone.
What did he do? Turn his face Flint to go to Jerusalem?
Is there he was to die?
He might be the savior. He would not go alone.
No, my friend, if you look and live tonight, you're going to be with Jesus in those courts of glory.
Because of that precious blood that was shed on Calvary's cross.
But if you reject the Lord Jesus, you will never see light.
Nothing but the blackness of the darkness forever.
Go, friend.
Do you know the Lord Jesus?
As your savior.
Only begotten Son.
This is the means that God used to bring salvation to you and me.
Was there no other way?
No, there was no other way.
There was number other man.
Joel said. Is there no man? No, there's no man.
I looked and there was number man. Scripture says no man.
And then mine arm wrought salvation.
All blessed Savior.
He looked and there was number Man.
So he came down and became man.
He took a place down here as man so that he might go into death.
To pay that penalty that you and I owe.
All blessed and Savior.
He identified himself with Abraham's seed, seed of faith.
Yes, he came into this world.
The Savior.
That whosoever.
Oh, what a marvelous expression this is.
My friend, there's no one here this evening, but what comes under this?
Not one.
It doesn't matter how vile you are, it doesn't matter how many sins are piled in your history. It makes no difference.
No. Oh, this precious, precious word, whosoever.
Yes, you can come tonight in all your defilement, all your sins.
And the Lord Jesus will receive you.
In fact, he says, I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
And the apostle could say, when he was old, and he knew something of his heart, he could say that he was the chief of sinners.
And yet Jesus not only died for him, but he raised him up to be a pattern.
For those who afterwards should live godly in Christ Jesus.
The Apostle Paul, who's.
Who is the bitter enemy of the Son of God?
And an enemy of the Church of God.
Speaks of himself as the chief of sinners, and yet the grace of God saves him.
Yes, the blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanseth from all sin, and it can be the vilest Sinner, but it will cleanse from all sin.
What's your case tonight, my friend? Are you the vilest Sinner?
Well, God knows your heart.
Whatever it may be.
There's room for you within within that door of salvation tonight.
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever.
And now what's the way that you can't all you say you told me to Through the blood. Yes, it is through the blood of Christ.
Because without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins.
But what does this verse say?
Believe us, have you?
Yes, for with a hard man believeth unto righteousness.
With the mouth, confession is made to salvation.
That's simple, isn't it?
There's nothing complicated about this friend with the hard man. Believeth unto righteousness, righteousness.
Fit for the presence of a holy God.
And the word of God tells us that he is my righteousness.
Yes, Jesus is that.
The righteousness of God which is found in Christ Jesus. You have that.
Don't come to God and say I want to bring my righteousness.
Just come to God and say nothing in my hand. I bring simply to thy cross, I think.
That's all.
All the cross of Jesus.
The work that was finished there on the cross when he hung there as my substitute, was he yours?
Yes, you can confess his name tonight.
And have that same salvation.
Believeth in him, it's a person.
It's a person. Oh how this excludes all the reasonings of man.
When God speaks of believing, he adds in him.
There's only one that you can believe in for salvation.
It isn't a question of doctrines, no.
I suppose literally it's on him.
But just casting your soul upon the Lord Jesus himself.
Believe it.
In him.
Should not perish.
Oh, how faithful God is.
And you know when we get a part of a verse like this, shall not perish. Oh, how it stirs the soul. What does it mean to perish?
Does it mean annihilation?
No, it doesn't mean annihilation, my friend.
Because you have a soul that's going to live forever.
Yes, and you will have to give an account to God for everyone of the deeds done in the body.
Besides that, the word of God says God requires that which is passed.
That long list of sins.
Guilt before holy God that you will have to give an account for in that day.
Oh, my friend, have you thought of it, Aries? What does it mean? It means the change of state. That's what it means.
Here you are sitting in prosperity. I'll give you an example, the 16th of Luke.
There's a man who fared sumptuously every day.
As he sat to his table each day, there was spread everything his heart desired.
But one thing one day everything changed.
And the next picture we see the man in hell.
In Hell.
Now what does he want? He wants some water to cool his tongue.
Is that going to happen to you to this very night?
There was a brother in Canada.
Who was crippled?
And a relative of his came to see him, who was a Hale and hearty man.
In the prime of his youth.
And as I understand the story.
This man who was under who was unsaved.
Hale and hearty, but unsaved, as he stood in the presence of his cousin who was saved and his cousin was giving him the gospel, he dropped dead with a heart attack.
He had everything here.
In hell, He lifted up, his eyes being in torments.
Is that going to be your case, my friend?
And the very thing his heart desired here he lost it all for all eternity.
The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Shall not perish. Do you want to perish? Do you want to perish? Friend shall not perish.
Jesus and His precious blood is the only way that can stand between to keep you from perishing.
Some years ago.
There was a ship built.
You all know the story of the Titanic.
It is supposed to be an unsinkable ship as far as man could make it.
And people rushed for reservations. The wealthy.
The people who are in.
In places of position they were going to have the first ride on that unsinkable ship.
Little did they think that that ship would ever sink.
Oh, how foolish man is with his soul, his precious soul.
But you know that ship had not gone far into the icy northern waters when it struck an iceberg.
And then tore the bottom out of the ship.
And all these various compartments were flooded with water.
And as that ship sunk under the waves with the hundreds, perhaps thousands, I don't recall the Lord.
There those people stood, terror stricken with their gold and their silver and their jewels on their dresser tables and their statements.
Now they were all They're well.
What good did it do them in that day, my friend?
And what good will it do, my friend of the day, when the men will call for the rocks to hide them from the presence of a holy God?
Oh, it's true that as that ship went under the waves, the band was playing. Mirror my thought to me.
And all how near our souls were brought into the presence of God that night.
Yes, but I wonder how many of them?
Savior as they went under those cold waves of death.
You say it can't happen to me.
Friend can happen to you this very night. Do you have a savior? Are you sheltered under that precious blood?
Are you going to a priceless raid?
Shall not perish, shall not perish.
Some years ago.
In South America and Chile.
There was an earthquake, perhaps in the 20s.
You can read the history of it.
It was a mighty earthquake.
And after the earthquake, a tidal wave.
The tidal wave was so great that it took a ship, a battleship, 2 miles inland and left it on the shore.
And as that wave swept in through the city, it uncovered the graves.
Of the those who had been buried on the side of the mountain.
The mountains were made of limestone and they've been cut out.
In seats, as it were, and the people were buried in sitting fashion.
And as the waves washed away.
All of this ashes in which these bodies were left.
It left the people sitting as though they were sitting before the Great White Throne.
And the officer of the ship who was in the harbor described this, and in his language he said it looked as though doomsday had come Doomsday.
We know what he means.
We know what men mean when they speak about doomsday.
Because that's all they know of the wrath of God that's coming when they'll have to stand before God to give an account of their sins.
Oh, a terror that struck the heart of those officers as they view that.
That scene where the waves had washed everything away from those bodies. And my friend, there's a day coming when every soul has died. Their bodies will be raised from the grave and death will be destroyed.
And every soul will stand before God to perish.
To perish because it will be the last resurrection.
Blessed and holy is he that part of the first resurrection on him the second death can have no power.
Friend, do you have part in the first resurrection? Are you going to perish? Are you going to be there at the last one, when death will be destroyed? Passed in the lake of fire in you too?
Read with me in the Book of Revelation.
The 20th chapter.
There we have the next whosoever, my friend.
The first one we have in John 316. For God so loved the world.
He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish.
Here we have the 15 first and whosoever.
Was not found written in the Book of Life. Was cast into the Lake of Fire.
Friend, we're preaching tonight the truth of God.
Are you going to have a part in the first resurrection?
Or are you going to have a part in the second one?
Are you going to perish because you've rejected Jesus Christ as your Savior?
Oh, the marvelous truth of God, that he sent a Savior, a loving Savior.
Reveal the heart of the Father.
You know the Lord Jesus when he he died.
It was said then restored I that which I took not away.
And you know the Lord Jesus could have restored man just to the place like he had been in the Garden of Eden.
That is where man as creature would be surrounded with temporal blessings down here.
And happiness on the earth.
But you know, according to the law, there was a little clause added that anyone who had stolen.
If he was found out, he not only would have to restore all that he took away, but he would have to have the 5th part to it.
And that blessed Savior, he added the 5th part.
Not only did he restore that which he took not away, but he added the 5th part.
And now He can reveal to us the heart of the Father.
He's made known the father.
And you won't be placed in the Garden of Eden if you're saved, my friend. No, you'll be in the paradise.
You will be where Jesus is, in the Father's house.
Where there will be no more.
There will be no more nature.
Ever to dishonor God again.
No, because man has sinned and fallen from the glory of God. Never again will that occur because we're found in Jesus and Him alone.
That precious Savior who is everything our life is hid with Christ in God.
About your life tonight.
And so in closing, we have in this verse.
But have eternal life? And what kind of life is this, friend?
Do you know something of eternal life? Oh, you say, I know something of this life. Yes, you may know plenty of it.
You may know about his joys and sorrows.
But up there, there will be no sorrows, my friend.
But this life that we have spoken of in this verse.
Revealed, I suppose, for the first time in John 3, because it's only when the serpent is seen.
Raising Serpent le pole.
Then when you have eternal life opened up.
And what kind of life is this?
Oh my friends, God gathering his children to his bosom. That's it.
Is that where you want to spend your eternity?
In the Father's bosom we can lavish upon you all that we're told about in the 22nd, the the 15th of Luke in the Father's house. Bring forth the best role. Put it on him, Ring on his finger, shoes on his feet.
Everything provided.
There are the prodigal son. No, it's so dishonored. His father brought back in the blessing, and now his father's lavishes upon him all the blessings, but in the place where himself lives.
In the glory.
To be associated with the Son, the Lord Jesus himself. Oh my friend, is that where you want to spend your eternity?
Or do you want the blackness of darkness forever? All my friends do not have plead with you. You're unsaved. Don't go out of this room tonight. Unsafe.
Take Jesus, your Savior.
I remember once.
A sister coming home from a gospel meeting, 60 years old or more.
She'd been coming to the gospel meetings for at least 40 years.
She said to her husband. I'm lost. I want to be sick.
There may be someone here tonight who's been coming to gospel meetings year after year.
Never yet confess that precious name of Jesus.
Won't you confess that name tonight?
Perhaps is your companions that's keeping you. Perhaps it's your habits. Whatever it is, my friend.
Do you want to spend your eternity?
With God.
And his son, Jesus Christ.
Or do you want to spend your eternity?
Where you'll perish.
For God so loved the world, he gave his only begotten Son.
Whosoever believeth in him should not perish.
Have your last.
Same #2.
Come till Jesus gently calling.
Ye with care and toilet press.
With your guilt, however, falling, come and I will give you rest #2.
God bless me.
And praise you.
Why don't we start God? Happy birthday.