John 6, Jesus Himself, If God be for us

Duration: 1hr 2min
John 6
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Open—G. Hayhoe, D. Hindsley, C. Little
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OK umm, I'd like to turn into the Romans chapter 8.
Romans, chapter 8.
And verse 33.
No, I'm sorry, sorry. Verse 3031 begin at verse 31.
What shall we then say to these things?
If God be for us, who can be against us?
Have you ever asked yourself that question? There's a little word there. I.
I have in in times of distress trial perhaps?
I've asked myself, is God really for me?
And I'm sure each one of us in our trials and difficulties which we all have and to some degree particularly in the last few months.
Then we asked that question.
If God be for us.
What shall we say to these things? If God before us, who can be against us?
Well, beloved things have gone. He is for us. You don't need to question that at all. Of course, when the trials come, we become and people buy it. We begin to look around, we begin to look within. We begin to look at others, we begin to look at man. But that little phrase?
If God be for us, who can be against us? And I, I don't want to go into I want to go at the end of this chapter, but just notice is God for us.
He certainly is, because we find here so many verses that could be read. But I want to turn to a few verses in the Psalms to fit in with this. But it says either spared not his own son in verse 32. He that spared not his own son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall He not?
Give us all things that is not what it says.
How shall he not with him give us all things?
In the trials, do I forget his matchless and marvelous grave?
Have I forgotten all that he went through and on the crossing there where he suffered those untold agonies for my sins?
You know your your Saints of God, God could not give you or me anything apart from the fact that we belong to Christ. And it says he is feared not his own son, but delivered him up. First of all, how shall he not with him really give us all things with him. That's right Mike, it's with him and no one else.
To my soul, this is exceedingly precious.
Because this poor individual couldn't have anything apart from it.
The Lord Jesus Christ. But there's there's many more verses that could be read here because it's a challenge, isn't it, to all that might come in the pathway of which we found even as of today, we find in our pathway many things that that concern us. We find many things that discourage us. But as we look up, we see that blessed one still on the throne, still there, and he's there without one of your sins.
All right, they're gone.
Does he love us? He's proved that love in so many ways. I think sometimes when we think of this, we think of this. Sometimes we repeat these things over and over. And sometimes I think we we forget the the preciousness, the the eternity, the glorious work that the Lord Jesus did on the ground for us, but not only so this very moment he's living for you.
And for you?
I don't need that. He he hasn't forgotten this at all. He isn't for us, not only in his death. I I think of that I was going over this sometime back. He's for us in the death of his son.
He is for us in the resurrection of His Son. He's for us also in the gifts of the Holy Ghost.
For us in presenting to us is precious Word and the Spirit of God, and goodness is God for us.
Indeed he is. And if you go to the end of this chapter, we find that everything is challenged. It says Verse. The first thing is who is he that condemned?
Have you ever been, uh, some have condemned those that keep people on the road? Have you ever been condemned by that?
But who can condemn them? It says Christ.
Who is he that condemned? It is Christ that died. Very interesting too to know that you will never have peace until you see not only did Christ has died for you, but if you have died with Christ, that is people. That's the difference between life and people. I look at the cross of Christ and I say He died for me.
That's the red thing.
But then they come to Georgia, and I crossed that Georgia, and now I say I died here. That is peace. That is peace, peace for the soul. And so we see here not only it says he that Christ died, but rather that is risen again, Who is even at the right hand of God, who now he maketh intercession for us. And then he speaks. He brings up the thought of separation, who shall separate us from the love of God and anything, And he challenges all this tribulation.
Depressed persecution. Have you ever had these things? I have. I'm sure you have too.
Can this separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our heart? No, no.
Nakedness or parallel persecution or or famine. We have the outer things and then we also have the inward things, the inward powers that come in. And I believe we are affected by that also. The outward thing, tribulation, distress, persecution, family, nakedness. Those are outward things, aren't they? Not too much, not too many of us know much about that. But now we come down to verse 38. Verse and it says, for I am persuaded.
That neither death, nor light, nor powers, nor principalities, nor powers, nor angels, nor things present, or things to come. These are the end. These are the inward things, are they not? And they separate us from the Lord of God. Now you know not at all. Well, I just want to go over to Psalm 56. You see David here in in his his distresses.
I'm 56 and the reception behind the received position upon.
Uh, Jonathan and so on. Umm, a mixture of David when the Philistines took him to Gap and David cried, he cries and he says, be merciful unto me, O God, for a man would swallow me up.
What what pride is this Here's David and it was literally So what David wasn't a man seeking to swallow him up and is it not so that there are the powers of evil that would keep to deter us and turn us aside and give us discouragement and disheartening in the very world in which we find our lot past here and the Lord Jesus is our precious savior and Lord he said for man would swallow me up. He's fighting daily oppressively.
Beloved Saints, the enemy will never give up. Never, never give up instead of.
David could stay here. He's fighting daily oppression. Our dear brother, we're speaking about breakfast this morning. No, our our work there is not a furniture. Remember this beloved thing. And as we go on, some of the younger ones here, as you go on in the truth of God, if you're desirous to please God, you're going to find that it is not just a skirmish that you can have today and tomorrow go on without any further troubles or cuts.
To take it is one.
Long battle. It's warfare.
Statement attacking from every enemy and he's attacking those that were desired so don't be discouraged by by that and think that it has to be one of the victory today and tomorrow. Well, it's all over for tomorrow. No, that is not so it's one that it's one warfare going on all throughout halfway here and it will never end. So the Lord Jesus comes as we our brother's been reminding us the coming of the Lord could take place this very day.
No, you'd be free of all these objections and all these things, but I just want to point out here a few things in connection with David. I don't want to take all the time, but it says my enemies would daily swallow me up, but they'd be many to fight against.
Crying to God, he's trying to crying to Jehovah. Help me you know, and he had he literally had enemies. It was it was always saw his life. He was thought as because of the partnership upon the mountain.
And the enemy would seek to turn upside. This is the same. We don't find the same persecution behavior. Umm, not in this plan at least. We're not threatened with the, with a machine gun where we, we're, we're threatened by the, by the cleverness of the enemy, because the fiery darts that are getting in and taking the turns aside. But I just want to show you here that the Lord then David begins to see he's crying here. He's just.
Verse 3.
What time? I'm afraid I will thrust in the I like that. I think that's beautiful. He comes back to thought for the lock, the thought of God. At what time are you free? Are we doing that? Are we fearful of the enemy's work? Well, let's cross the border. Let's go back, get back to the basics again. That precious truth. We've been reminded the others of that precious name, the name of Jesus even. Is he left? No, he has not.
He's not, He's still there. He's the gathering center. And so David here, he says I at at what time I'm afraid I will trust me in God, I will praise his word in God. I have put my trust. I will not fear what flesh can do under me. Every day they rest my words. All their thoughts are against me. Isn't that a picture? Isn't that a picture of what we find even in our own lives, in our own pathways today?
In a different way, of course not. They're not seeking us with again with guns, but they're seeking to count aside from following the Lord Jesus in the past year because they want to get us occupied with men but just go down.
Again, I see here go down to verse. Umm, there's much more could be said about this verse 10 in God will I praise his word in the Lord will I praise his word in God have I put my trust and I will not be afraid of a man who wants me. What a construct isn't it? Isn't this encouraging? It is my own story that I can I can not only God, I put my trust. He is my state, he's my friend, he's my glory.
What a what a what confidence is this and and not nothing to turn to the side unless we get looking around. But then notice what it says verse 12 my divorce upon me, O God, I will render praises unto me. It's interesting that David as he prized the Lord for mercy, he begins to see that he begins to look at the Lord and then he says, I will render praises unto people and notice the last of the 13th.
For thou hast delivered my soul.
That's he that for us, as he turns out, has delivered my soul from death. The Lord Jesus has already been through Calvary's crop. We want to work for me and if I look at that cross, I say the Lord Jesus Christ we're in all for me and he's my favorite and my Lord. Each one of us will confess Lord and take them as our Savior. Is he not able to keep our peace in the past, But again, I go back to our brother's thought of assimilating, making the Lord.
Putting the Lord Jesus first, to whom shall we go?
He is able not only not only he was able to save me from death, but he's also.
Able to deliver my seat and call.
That I may walk before God in the light.
Of my soul. These are just depression. They're they're very simple things. But I think as we read the precious word of God, we see how that we would just be encouraged if we see not only that Christ died for us, that he rose again and he seated in God's right hand. He's living for us, coming for us, and he's keeping us in the way. Remember Moses said, show me now thy way.
Show me not allowed.
And the Lord said to Moses, Come over here and stand beside me on this rock.
Here's where I launched it. You love it Seems that's where they're going from. On the spot of the rock table, he turned the loop. Jacker, 24.
Brother mentioned that cycle the way to Omega. We brought so much Christ before us.
But that we continue and continue on the same page. Luke chapter 24.
And all I've got to do is pick out some crazy.
Verse 15.
And it came to pass, that while they communed together and reasoned, Jesus Himself drew near and went with them. Verse 27. And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them, and all the Scriptures, the things concerning himself.
Verse 36.
And as they must speak, Jesus himself stood in the midst of them, and said unto them, Peace be unto you.
Don't turn to it, but I just want to call your attention that First Thessalonians chapter 4 and the Lord himself shall be changed.
I guess you get the feed now. The connection is Jesus.
First, here are these disciples.
Don't hump your dash saying hopes that it was he that was going to redeem Israel. They had hoped that the Kingdom was going to be established. Even James and John said Lord one on the right and one on the left hand. They were so expecting that the Kingdom was going to be at that time and now all our hopes are dashed. He did and we've heard reports that he's alive, but still things are not clear with them and all they're heavy hearted.
And Jesus himself drew near.
Is Jesus in our *?
I don't know what I told you this before, but one time I was helping out with Hitler and he went to a place called Black Harbor.
And at the house that we were staying, the lady said, you know, had an awful occurrence down the road a little bit. Just mainly committed suicide and funerals today or whatever it was. And so.
What had happened was that his father had given his son on his 16th birthday a year before this, or some month at least.
A moped, a motorbike, whatever. It was something of that nature.
And he went out within, I think, a very short time of possessing him.
And he cracked up and was killed.
The father brooded and brooded, and finally he took his life.
I walked by the house, there was a freight on the front door. I paced up and down. I wanted in the worst way to go and knock at the door.
Speak of some help and, uh, very timid as we are sometimes. Finally the Lord gave me enough strength to go up and I knocked on the door and the widow and several members of the family came and I said, I said, well, I'm with the tent.
Over on the other side of the town. And I said, I heard about this awful thing that's happened. And I said, I wanna come to you and I wanna tell you one thing, right? Because when John the Baptist in the Bible was beheaded, the disciples went and they told Jesus.
And I said, And when Mary and Martha and their brother was sick, now to death, they told Jesus.
And I said, and so now I said I would tell you at the time of your sorrow and hearty Jesus is the one that you could turn to, the one that can comfort and sustain them. And I left a couple of gospel tracks. They thanked me for coming. They were Roman Catholic in the background. Leave it with the Lord, add to the results. But all dear friends, the heartache and the sorrow that comes to us as the people of God, we're not immune to it.
But what? Where can we turn? So I can remember one time we went away. We lived in Wilmington. And my son Bobby, at that time was small and he played with another little boy, Bobby, in the neighborhood. And when we drove back up to the house and we've been away for a week, the kids in the neighborhood ran up and they said, Mr. Heissley, Mr. Heifing, Bobby Brown, the other little Bobby.
He drowned, in fact, that that reservoir, all three and drowned were either a relation of mine or friends. Three kids drowned in that same reservoir. One of them was uh, my uncle's son and two other friends of ours. But anyway.
That father when? Absolutely for sure.
They weren't believers, they had nothing to turn to. He just went for sure. If they put him in an institution, they let him home for a while. Tribute to the family.
What's that? But all for you and I, You're on those who are redeemed by the precious blood of Christ. We have someone, we have a great high priest. And remember the garments of a high priest and how that on those two shoulders, those Onyx stones with the names of the children of Israel, 6 on 1/6 on the other, and then the breastplate with the names of the children of Israel, and then the Urim and the thumb. Just how they worked, I do not know, but they gave wisdom and determined to the high priest. And I believe it was Mr. McIntosh.
Who made a comment something like this? Can we not trust the Lord no matter what comes in our pathway? He is omnipotent in His power. He can change things anymore. He's unerring in His wisdom, He doesn't make a mistake and He's eternal in His life. Can we not trust such a high priest in our circumstances and trials? Here 16 in the appendix.
And the third standard is exceedingly precious to my soul. We were talking about these hymns where they're so lovely. And I enjoy the fact too, that I can pick up the symbol and sing and just feel that it's, a lot of it is a language of scripture. I don't have to, is this scriptural? Is this accurate? We can hear some things on the radios and different music of the day. And there's a lovely tune on one of the flowery park scene. And then I, I, I was listening to the tune. I wasn't listening to the word.
Of a sudden, the word's gone on me that thou my God did die for me. I said, no, that's not true. God is God cannot die if it just sit down. My Lord had died for me. But so I say there's, there's a lot of things they sing all about the king and my king and, and no, he's the head of the church. He's a bridegroom. He's a king over all the nations and in a, in a deity way, maybe he may be called the great king.
But anyway, here in 16, in the appendix and in that third stanza, what fills my heart with gladness to thine abounding grace? Where can I look inside but Jesus on my face? My all is thy providing. Thy love can dare grow cold. Indeed, my wrecking tide. No good broke down the cold. So, dear one, if there is a trial, if you are passing through it at this particular time.
We would tell you to turn to one and one alone who can sympathize, who can sucker, who can help, who can sustain Jesus himself, Maybe your portion. And then in the second instant, in verse 27, beginning at Moses and all the prophecies founded unto them, and all the scriptures of things concerning himself. Oftentimes we have heard it again. I may have said it myself, I wish I could have been there.
As I stop and think for a moment, are we the losers because we weren't there to hear that explanation in the scriptures that they have been turning himself her brother's read. When he the spirit of truth is come, he will guide you in the office. He will take up my things and make them known to you so that now, even now we've got the word of God and we've got the spirit of God that indicted those scriptures in dwelling up and consequently as we read.
The Scriptures we have made food to our own souls that Christ is here and there and there again and again. And the Old Testament in Genesis 3, God as it were, begins immediately to begin that. Shall we say a promise that his Son would come. And there in Genesis 3, it's the seed of the woman that should bruise the serpent's head, so that we might say it's a very wide scope of things. And then he calls Abraham out of her Chaldean, and he says, and invite feed to all the nations of the earth, be blessed.
And so the seed of the woman, and now it's a particular line of people, it's the Jewish line, so to speak, or the seed of Abraham. But then in the 49th chapter of Genesis, there's a 12 tribes. And the Lord says, Judah, now thee shall be coming, and Shiloh, and unto him shall the gathering of the people today. And that was the royal line. And so we have a seed of the woman from Abraham, from Jacob. And ending Second Samuel 7, we get it narrowed down. And God says to David, who wants to build him a house, that of his seed he would raise up one, and of his Kingdom there would be no end.
And so can we not see Christ then as the one of whom needs prophecy are all Speaking of, and the the sufferings of Christ that we had before us. So visit the common again. My God, my God, why has God forsaken me in Psalm 22? In Psalm 42, all thy ways and thy billows are passed over me. Psalm 69 I think in deep mire, where there is no standing, the waters are coming onto my soul and Zechariah.
Awaco starred against my Shepherd.
Monster Shepherd and the sword of divine justice was Unchained and found its lodgement in the bosom of the Lord Jesus Christ on the in those three hours of darkness when he became sin for Austin, for the judgment of God, All dear ones, as I say.
Time and time again, all through scriptures, you take, umm, those sons, those first four sons, for example, of Jacob, it was Ruben, Simeon, Levi and Judah. Because I don't see Christ there. Oh yes, you can. Yes, you can. Reuben is a son.
Sending it here. Levi is joined and Judith is praying. Now do I have to give an explanation of them, so to speak? Can you not always get the hint of how Christ is there in Reuben? My son, this is my beloved son, in whom I will be the eternal Son throughout all the ages of eternity that brought joy to my and your life to the heart of God, owned the Son of God when He came here in manhood.
Manifested declared the Son of God by resurrection from among the dead and he opened my ear. Isaiah chapter 50 a heater as a learned all through his pathway. Here he did nothing of his own as it were, but what the Father gave him to do. His ear was ever open to the voice of God the Father as he walked in the evening and depended and confident and then the Rubens and Levi joined and what a marvelous thing we'll never comprehend.
The fact that in that basin that is his Manger, truly man, body, soul and spirit and yet God joined in one and we can't dissect and we don't dare try to dissect the person of Christ, but like our next one there, Julian. He's worthy of all our praise. We just praise and worship and adore praise worthy of it all. We don't try to dissect and get into the arc as it learned and it distinguishes it where those in nature. We just look along the door.
You know, we could just go on on now with this subject and then all the scriptures.
Christ is there, but let's move on and we'll take this next one in verse 36.
Jesus himself still admitted our brother's already touched on the this and how lovely if Jesus in the midst of John 18. He was in the midst there on the cross of Calvary. There was a thief there and thief there and all the marvels of God graced both of them reviled at the beginning didn't make it, but then grace wrought in the heart of one of those things and he said that we he confessed his own sinfulness. We might say we're here indeed justice. We're getting what we deserve, but this man has done nothing in this.
He infected sinfulness. He confesses the Lord Jesus sinlessness.
And then he does what's necessary for salvation in Romans 10 to thou shalt confess with thy mouth, Jesus as Lord, even thy heart, that God brings you from the dead, thou shalt be saved. He says, Lord, Remember Me, I promise in my King. And so there was salvation God for that man, but the other one perished, the other one perished, went out Into Darkness, and it'll be darkness forever.
Well, Jesus was in the midst on the cross, and now we're two or three are gathered under my name.
Again, I'd like to develop this a little bit more, but I'm going to stop right there and just say this is Jesus in the midst only on Lord's Day morning.
You know if you want different blood pressure, we have occasionally.
Visit around in different meetings.
And if you go on Lord's Day morning?
Say there's 40 in fellowship. It might be.
And if they have a reading reading on Tuesday, you might see 20 and they have a prayer meeting on Thursday, they might be dead.
Maybe not that great of a radio in difference, you know, but.
My brother's saying, you know these things should grip our souls. We're two and three are gathered under my name. There am I in the midst and each assembly meeting to the eye of faith, the Lord Jesus is there Every time the assembly calls a meeting at the park, the Lord is in the midst. I want to be there.
If I'm sick, if the work situation is as such that I can't get out of it, there's there's, you know, there's some reason. But if, well, I don't wanna be a thumbing on a meeting Christian.
The Lord is in the midst of our souls and all of the assembly meetings and a desire to be there and with the eye of faith and joyous presence. And know that one day, according to our next verse, the Lord Himself shall be sent from heaven with a shout, with a voice for the Archangel and the dead in Christ. Arise first, then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the class to meet the Lord in the air.
So shall we have a beep with the Lord comfort one another to these words? Where are we? How close, how near to the assembly shell?
In Daniel, here's the image, the head of gold babbling, It's come and gone. Vito Persian Empire is off the scene. Alexander and the Grecian Empire is off the scene. The old Roman Empire, the Eastern and Western division, it's off the scene. And we're down to the 10 toes of the image and at that 10 toes. Then he sees this stone cut out of the mountain without any hands.
And it comes down and it smashes that inning. It becomes that great mountain. It fills the whole earth. We're down to the 10 toes, as it were, and the nations of the Europe and that common market now maybe its final stage, but we're that close. The Lord comes before them was up.
The revelation two and three emphasis Smyrna, Pergamus, fire tire or Roman Catholicism coming on the scene. TARDIS, a Protestant Reformation, the Philadelphian state of things related to see it with all of its modernism. We're down at the end. We're down at the end In Matthew chapter 25, the midnight cry goes out. There's a little interval. He comes and the wise go in.
To have the oil, The others are left out, the door shut.
I say, where are we here? One in God's word.
Cannot our souls really be and momentarily expectation that at any moment?
The one who helped us and gave them so for us will say, Arrive my love, my favorite, and come away. Then we shall be where we would be, and we shall be what we should be. No more. To view thy chosen few by selfish, by divide, the faith of God, every one of them fully conformed.
To the image of Christ, both physically and morally, to go in, to go out no more. And as we mentioned earlier, the Lord Jesus, he likes to serve and he's going to minister to us the joys of his Father's heart and home forever and ever. All of our hearts might indeed be high, and that the Lord Jesus Christ himself might occupy and fill our hearts and our God.
Just look for a few moments. Left John. Chapter 6.
It's not in chapter 6.
The 44 liters.
No man can come unto me except the Father which hath sent me. Draw him, and I will raise him up at the last day. It is written in the prophets, and they shall be all thought of God. Every man that hath heard can have learned of me. Come up under me.
And passing on to the uh.
5050 Third verse Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye the flesh of the Son of man, drink his blood, ye have no life in you. Whoso eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath eternal life. And I will raise them up at the last day. For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed.
My flesh and drinketh my blood.
Dwelleth in me, and iron Ham the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father. So he that eateth me, even he shall live by me.
This is that bread which came down from heaven. Not if your father did eat manna and our dad eat a eat of this, of this bread shall live forever. These things that he and the synagogue asked, He taught in Capernaum. And he therefore of his disciples, when they heard this, that this is a hard thing, who can hear it? When Jesus knew himself that his disciples murmured at it, he said unto them, A Thistle fend you.
I don't know if you shall see the Son of man ascend up where he was before. It is a spirit that quicken us. The flesh process nothing. The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are light. But there are some of you that believe not. For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not, and who should betray him. And he said, Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me, except if we're given him of my Father.
From that time many of his disciples went back and lost no more with him, and said Jesus, unto the 12 Will ye also go away? And Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life, and we believe in our sure that thou art that Christ, that the Son of the living God. Jesus thanks and said unto him, And when I chosen you, 12 and one of you as a devil.
The faith of Judas Iscariot, the son of climbing, for he it was that should betray him.
Well, I thought of this, our brother mentioned it this morning and it was also mentioned in prayer in the later on. The flash profit was nothing. How the Lord was leading his disciples to realize that they must have their eyes upon him. Brem, I believe the Lord is bringing us all to that point too. So we must learn that very important, that very needed lessons that we have to have him before us.
Tells us here that he was a true Brad that came down from heaven, and then he sat in his 44th verse. No man can come unto me, except which except the Father which has sent me, draw him, and I will raise him up at the last day. Every one of us must acknowledge, even in our salvation, that it was a problem work of God. Not one of us in this company this afternoon.
Would belong to God but belong to the Lord Jesus. It would have to be the God in his sovereign grace. Pick this up. Oh how they have to humble us and make us realize our own nothing of brethren. It's only because God in his wondrous grace brought us to him. And then it says in the 45th verse it is written in the prophets and they shall be all proud of God. I believe that's a very important thing because.
We spoke this morning about feeding upon the Word and I believe it is very important because we can listen to things that are said in this meeting and in other meetings. We can get a great deal of head knowledge, but it's only ours as it's taught to us by God himself. They shall be all taught of God. We can say sometimes you can say to the young people they don't want you to go away and say, well brothers, so and so said that.
If you can say, well, the Lord showed me something, then that would be very nice. And so it is. We can listen to things that are said in the meeting. We can receive them because we have confidence in the brother who may have made the comment. But it's only ours as it's taught to us by God Himself. He makes the truth good in our souls and He wants us to be willing. He says any man will do his will. How if any man will know that? If any man will do his will.
He shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God and whether or whether I speak of myself. God is not just seeking to increase our knowledge of divine things. He's teaching us those things that will make Christ more precious to our hearts, that will give us a deeper desire to live in this world according to His will, and so on. These meetings appear ready here. It's only what God by his Spirit.
Reveals to your soul that really becomes yours and gives you the power to walk in US. And so then the Lord goes on and speaks of.
And the 53rd verse and Jesus said unto them, verily, verily, I say unto you, except you need the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. You know that there's a system that teaches that this refers to the sacraments when you know the sacrament is only I remembrance, remembrance, the Lord's body given.
Of his bloodshed. But what the Lord is Speaking of is that it's only as we make the death of Christ our own that we are really is that is the reason he says eat my flesh and drink my blood is because as long as your body is sustained with the blood in it, you're alive. But when the blood is separated from the body, that's death. And so it's appropriating.
Price in death.
That give life to the soul. Many people believe in Christ as a good man that walk down here in this world. But if we're going to be brought into the family of God, we need to realize that Christ died for our sins, That he shared his precious blood.
The remembrance of this that we have in the Lord's comfort, but it's the reality of it made good in our soul, that is salvation. And if there's anyone here.
Who has not received the Lord Jesus as your Savior, not seeing him as the one along that process, Calvary or the judgment of God for our sins. And then when that work was completed, the Lord Jesus had Christ. It is finished. The blood flowed from his dead side and learning that we see how that is Christ in death. That is your salvation on mine. So I just say if there's anyone here who's not saved.
So it's a wonderful opportunity today to make Christ your own. You know, eating a thing is how you make it your own. There's a lot of nice food set in front of us at the table by by eating it, we made it our own. And that's what the Lord referred to here. He that he is my flesh and drinketh my blood is making Christ in depth our own, claiming him as our own personal failure, that we have eternal love.
And then he goes on to say, so even though he defeated me, even he shall live by me. What's the things of that our Christian life? Well, we have a little bit of it this morning. It's feeding upon Christ. It's earning more of him through his word. It's a wonderful thing that we pick up the word of God that he is in Christ reveals to us from the Scripture as the Lord Jesus went with those two and the road to Emmaus, it says.
He expounded unto them in all scriptures the thing.
So may I say it's a good thing to make it a habit when you're reading, reading the word of God. Just let clients be Christ. He's presented to us on every page. Sometimes said the Bible is a history of two men. The 1St man a complete ruin has by one man spin entered into the world, and death by sinful death passed all men because all his sins. And don't we see that?
From beginning to end we see the heart of man betrayed, unchanged, He brought before us in the Garden of Eden, reaching out before the forbidden fruit. And the right to the very end should see man in his natural faith, not receiving Christ and losing his heart, but the Lord revealing himself in his personal response. First man because of the earth early. The 2nd man is the Lord from heaven.
So we came down here to do his own will, not the will of him. That's thinking you and I sitting upon his right. When we read his word, do we speak to get a little more applied? So I'm told the story perhaps is very repeating about man who is very busy in his study. And the little girl kept coming in and laundering him, talking to him, and he wanted to have a little bit of peace. And so he thought of monopoly idea and he opened his priorities and sold out of a piece of.
Old map that he had and he said out here, here, put it together. He thought this would really take a lot of time for that child to put that map together.
You know, the child discovered something that he hadn't done on the other side of the map was a man's thing. So she didn't work it from that. She didn't know anything about geography or road map, but she worked it from the other side and in a few minutes why she was dead.
He expects to be at all enough, but he worked over all perfectly together. Plenty of people have difficulty understanding the scriptures because they try to put together what they can't understand apart from the Spirit of God. But when they see that divine hand and inspiration, when they work it as it works and God decides, we see it in all the scriptures, the things concerning himself, every piece properly together.
Because you saw that hand overall, may we see that hand in scripture? Another thing that was sometimes said, you can test any doctor that's presented to you. I just asked him one question. Does this line of teaching exalt man that is exhaust Christ? You'll find that the basis of every false teaching is something that gives glory to man.
And you'll find the the so I think everything that is the truth of God. It puts you high in our ways, right? Everything is perfect. That's what it tells us in John 16 it says.
There it says OK, we should read it.
On the 31St and the 16th of John, albeit when he's a spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth. We shall not speak of himself, but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he see, and He will show you things to come. He shall glorify me or and He shall receive of mine, and show it shall show unto you.
He glorifies Christ and He leads us into all truth.
Because the proof is wrong, exhaust and glorifies Christ. So he says he doesn't even he shall live and find me. I say again, it's appropriating Christ in death that is salvation. It's feeding upon Christ as revealed to us in the Word, that we grow in the things of God and it's what we need day by day. And we will show you things to come. Only Christian has an intelligent outlook.
I'm going to see what's going on in the world. Think of a wise man of this world. You don't know what to think. They see the breakdown of everything, even the very environment. There's no concerns about everything. Who is? The mother has an answer, The one that believes what God has said. He tells us what is coming. We can look into the future with absolute confidence. We expect things to get worse, but we know that there's one and we're going to set everything right. And we wasted time.
And what we see in the movements we're making is just God working towards this Lord of them. When the earth is full of the knowledge of the laws, the waters covered with the when Christ has his rightful place, Edith, Edith, me even he shall live by me.
Says here then in the 60th verse, many therefore his disciples, when they heard this, they said this is a hard thing.
Who can hear it? Oh, that is, they didn't want the truth of God. And we find the man naturally rejects the truth of God. Moreover, I'll say this, that the flesh, even in Christians, will resist the truth. For as we had this morning, the old nature is unchanged and unchanged. All those horrible things that we read about in our chapter this morning are in every one of us, if we don't judge.
They're right there.
And so the flesh profits nothing.
So the Lord said in the 63rd verse, it is observed that quick enough, the flesh profit of nothing. The words that I speak unto you, they are Spirit, they are life. What we often have difficulty in understanding the Word of God because the flesh is at work. Is that true? I've often said I believe the gospel, the Bible is written for a willing heart.
The Bible isn't written like a lava. It's written for willing heart know if you're writing something in legal matters, you have to cover every point carefully. But if you have somebody that loves you, you don't believe in killing every detail. You just simply make a request knowingly understand it. And David said, oh, that I had a drink of the water is the best we have. He didn't say I want somebody to go and do it, but they were hurts there that we found it.
They eat, they they realize that he thought it was a difficult thing, but their hearts responded and they risked their lives to draw the water for him. Is there some birds you're having a difficulty above and I'm having a difficulty above? Perhaps the reason that we're arguing reasoning is because our hearts are not willing to do this. Any man will do his will. He shall know of the doctrine.
Whether I speak with God or whether I speak of myself. Another verse in Philippians 3 says. And if anything, you'd be otherwise blinded. God shall reveal even this unto you. I asked you this question, Is God willing to make known his mind and will to human me? Yes, if there's any hindrance. I love God's part. It's on our part, Oh brother, and as we think of what the Lord has done for us.
We think it is wondrous love. Doesn't it constrain our heart? SO wants to know His will and to do His will so that we can please Him with Him a little bit sometimes, and we may in some small degree return. I love again.
Then of the Lord spoke these words it says in the 66th verse. From that time many of his disciples went back and walked no more with them.
Why? Well, I believe it was because you said your brother commented this morning. The flesh crosses nothing. We'd like to hear the flash a certain place, not only in our personal lives, but even in spiritual things. We tend to like to give the plush complex.
That's the question. What goes on in Christmas is an appeal to the flesh. But I am spiritual things. The flesh process nothing. The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are right.
So the the Lord was giving them a straight line.
That young man that our brothers spoke up this morning had got a great knowledge of the word. He might have felt very popped up very proud that he knew quite a bit. But the Lord Jesus said, the Lord Jesus said, the man thinketh that he know of anything. He know of nothing yet as he ought to know. I believe that simply being said in learning the truth of God doesn't humble. It isn't learned in the right way.
How could I learn about God's love? How could I learn about the character of God? How could I learn about the truth of Christianity without being humble that he should pick up a family name and bring me into such a place of office? The truth of God humbles us and it exhausted, puts him in the right place. But what did Christmas become? Where the brown used to say Christmas doesn't have become a vampirina.
Where a man's thrives belongers to himself, isn't it true to her? Read a couple of books that you don't have before the book begins. A little write up about the person who wrote the book and the degrees he got service to the abdomen's life. And there's a little blow for man before you even start the book. Thankfully, many of the precious books that we know of ministry and all we see is initial and overall about the manual.
Why? Because the truth of God is in our right place for nothing. We're just we're just instruments that have the privilege of telling out that which exhaust the Lord Jesus Christ. Many of his disciples went back and walked no more with him and said Jesus unto the swath. Will he also go away?
Someone has said he didn't say. We'll have to make a little plan. We'll bring these ones back.
And it's not only now he asked for one to remain for he also all right, Reverend, we are tested, but he also go away and he's lost many have lost loved ones. They relax, right. They should feel it. What the Lord says would he know what to go away. My brother used to say your family in a long time. No, we haven't reached out.
We looked at very, very important.
Why am I there? Would you also go away?
I see answer Peter gave. He said that Lord, to whom shall we go? Where should we go? But to whom shall we shall we go? And you and I truly gathered to Christ. Are we there because we believe that the Lord is in the midst, and that He has got in His own around himself?
Well, the first gathering around the Lord was in the stable, wasn't it? And the Lord Jesus was born and.
Shepherds went to see where he was. It says it's on the Bay, it's widely closed, flying in danger, nothing very attractive. What's the time of the Lord? That was everything. They saw him and their hearts were filled that they went back rejoicing and talking about what they had seen. Could they talk about a nice building, a nice crowd of people?
No, so they could talk about one who was there. How did he come down in the person? That's what made him everything to them. I'm sure it's about a dying day. They never forgot that glorious life, the Lord's glory there. And to whom shall we go? Thou hast the word of eternal life, and we believe in our sure must be persuaded of the truth in your own soul, if any of us are floundering or not sure.
We're going to be tested more and more. Why am I there? Have a nice gravity well. They are nice friends. Be relevant. We love all of us.
Tested us and whether you're there because the Lord is there. You know, I used to puzzle why the Lord answered Peter in this way because in the 16th chapter of Matthew and he said sour to Christ the Son of the living God. The Lord said to him on that occasion, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona, for flesh and blood hath not revealed unto these of my father which he had made.
These no wonderful answer and he told him about I will build my church.
Why'd he ask you a whole different way on this occasion? I believe this doesn't the Lord, the real things appears, appeared here. If you're here because I'm here, then don't look at the crowd. There's another disappointment to him, he said.
Have not I chose you 12 and what you the devil If you think you're remaining with a perfect life, you're going to be like.
They have to be there because the Lord is there because they have 100 disappointments if you're looking at me or anybody else. But if you're looking at the Woolworths and you're there because the Lord is there and that's he'll keep you because that's what's gonna make him. Haven't the street of gold. Not the case for Pearl, not the glorious companies that are going to be there, but the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb. Thank you all in that little.
Portion of the 5th chapter of Revelation.
Was December the crowd that number of believers and angels on the mystery of the throne Lamb that had been played he was the better Oh my God for being chested. The Lord is allowed against to come that tested every one of us and we're going to be tested more and more because.
Things go down nearer to the Lord's coming, but he's going to call his own way. We can expect the enemy to attack more and more because he doesn't want to see.
And your personal life and mine, the manifestation of the life of Jesus and he doesn't want to be in this world. A group of people who are dead for no other reason around the Lord Jesus himself and to see no man save Jesus only I say again, if you say, oh the storm is over, it's not over. We're going to have difficulty in the world. We shall shall have tribulation. If you have good cheers have overcome the world.
And so as we wait that glorious day, it's kind of why we can count upon the Lord. I think what John said with companions.
In tribulation and in the Kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ.