Joshua & Caleb Pt. 1

Duration: 1hr 13min
Address—N. Berry
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Our God is light, and though we go across the trackless wild.
Our Jesus Footsteps Ever Show the Path for Every Child 275.
Our God is.
Light and lonely.
One day is our God.
Our hearts in the Lord.
The better.
'S alive.
I was telling Leo that.
The subject is 2 parts, and.
I was going to just take up one part tonight.
As I've been sitting here I was, it was kind of expanding in my in my thoughts and if you won't don't mind I'll go ahead for maybe 1/2 an hour and then stop it for 10 minutes, do an interval and then we'll go on because it just is a little bit too much to cram into the hour and I would have to go too fast. So if that's agreeable to us, we'll stop and and when we do have the interval.
Intermission. I'd suggest that you would walk around and it's easier for them to to go on. Let's turn now to Exodus Chapter 6 to begin with.
Exodus chapter 6.
And we'll try to remember that this is probably imagine.
The story of the of the children of Israel as they travel from the land of Egypt into that promised land.
And it took them a lot longer time to get there than had been anticipated, and it was because of unbelief.
And God outlined to them.
In very specific ways what he was going to do while they were still in that land of Egypt and we'll remember that all this is so very important for each one of us here tonight. Who knows the Lord is our savior because in in First Corinthians 10 and verse 11 it says now all these things happened under them for in samples.
Or types or shadows. And they are written for our admonition upon whom the ends of the world or the ages are coming. All this that we are going to read up. All that is in the Old Testament concerning the children of Israel. They every act that those people went through, it was all acted out for you and for me, so that it could be written down. Not only happening, but it was written down under the word the Old Testament.
Is not now for you and for me a textbook of the law keeping, but it is the most magnificent illustration of the truth that we have in the New Testament. Unless I get the keys from the New Testament, I don't understand the pictures of the old. And if I just look at the pictures of the Old, I'm liable to be using my imagination as to what they need. So they are interwoven completely. The keys.
In the New Testament, the illustrations and the Old. But the illustrations are in more detail and have more teaching than the text of the New. The text is the teaching. And say also this, that we don't learn Christian doctrine or teaching from the Old Testament. We get it exclusively from the New. But the Old Testament is the illustration of the teachings of the New. But we must rely wholly on false teachings for our Christian government.
Now then, in Exodus chapter six, it was written by by Moses, but as I said, it was before they had even experienced I'm. I'm not going to go into these details of the stories because you all are very familiar with what happened in that land of Egypt, how that they were delivered from it through the blood of the lamb. This happened before.
This was written before.
Before and trying to remember this because you and I are on a similar journey. This Egypt is a picture of the world and the promised land. Israel is not when we get to heaven, but it is for you and for me to be enjoying the Christian teaching today. And so many people think of crossing the Jordan as getting into heaven, but that's not good Christian teaching.
The teaching is that you and I, beloved ones, are to be enjoying the fruit of the land now, and that land is glory, and that is for you and for me. The Apostle John, when he wrote the Gospels four times in his Gospels, he says that your joy may be full now. I just don't know whether you are enjoying your Christian life or not.
I can't tell by your face, you can't tell by mine. But trying to, I know that the word of God tells us that if you and I are enjoying, we are going to be a separated people from this world, because the illustration is they went out of Egypt. If you and I are still kind of drifting back into the world, we haven't learned the lessons that the Lord has for us. What for? To make us happy.
He wants happiness for every one of us.
And we are the ones that have dragged our heels, if they say, and stay back in the land of Egypt. And so may the Lord help us to see that. I hope I'm not preaching at you, but I want to bring before the conscience of each one of us, myself included, that these are practical instructions for us with the guarantee, the word of God, guaranteeing us that he's going to do what he says.
So now we'll look at Exodus Chapter 6, and we're going to find seven I wills there, only God can say I will.
Say this that I will is the determinant of tense I shall is the future tense. We are the only ones that can say I shall, but God can say I will. He will carry it out. And so here 7 times he says I will, bearing in mind now that when this was referred to, it was while they were still in that land of Egypt. So the first one is in verse 6.
Here is the I will of deliverance, seven of them. Here's the first wherefore say unto the children of Israel.
I am the Lord that was the foundation of almighty God, but Lord in his relationship title.
I will bring you out from under the burden of the Egyptians.
The first one I will. God says I will.
They didn't know how it was going to be done. You and I don't know how salvation is going to come before we're saved, but God says I will, and when he says it, he will. And when he says he's going to save our souls. Anyone who puts our trust in him, we know he will. So we can preach the gospel and say whosoever will may come. It's a definite statement. So there's the first will I will of deliverance.
That's the basis. That's the process I will bring you from under the burdens of the Egyptians. Now here is the second one, and here is the I will of liberty, and I will rid you out of their *******. That is what has happened to every Christian. We have been delivered from the ******* of the corruption of sin. Romans 6 tells us that we heard dead. Now to the power of sin.
There's no more power over us. If I let it, it's because I will. My will starts to come into force and I start to do again what I want to do. And therefore I forfeit not my blessings, but the enjoyment of my blessings. God's telling us now what he has, what he will do. So there's the second one that I will of liberty. I'll rid you out of their ******* or slavery. You know what they did?
They put those people, and they were certainly slaves, as you and I were before we were saved, slaves to sin.
Now then, the third one. Here's the third one. I will of power and I will redeem you with a stretch out arm. There's the arm of Almighty God.
I will, with an outstretched arm. Just think of that. The mighty arm of God outstretched. That's the power of beloved ones that has saved your soul and mind. I don't know whether this is reaching our souls and our hearts or not. I just trust that you're not picking on delivering a sermon.
This is for you. I can only say it, but if it reaches into your heart and conscience, you're going to be blessed and you're going to be encouraged in your Christian life or not. Now of course, I know you may have heard some of these these things before, but I just want to lay this on our heart and on our conscience that if we make these truth, this truth, our own, then we're going to be able to say I have is we only have the truth we walk in with.
Luke, 18, says.
Take heed how ye here to him that hath shall more be given. I only have. You only have the truth that we are walking, not what we know in our heads. And This is why we are weak and so often, because we're not walking in the truth that we do have. Or then it says, and he that hath not, but don't walk in the truth that I have, it says from him shall be taken even that which he seemeth to have.
I might seem to have the truth. You might seem to have the truth. But unless we're walking in it, I'm going to. It's going to be taken away. I'm going to lose it. And so this is very much for our part of our conscience, but a wonderfully gracious of the Lord, He says, I'm going to do all this. I ask myself, I ask you, you want to live below? Are you going to let the Lord work these things, make these promises to you? And are you going to possess these things?
That's what it means to walk in.
Possess the truth. So there was.
The I will of power, and with a stretched out arm, and with great judgments.
Verse 7. The 4th one here is a sweet one. The I will of intimacy and I will take you to me for a people. I'm not going to be repeating and saying over and over again. Make this apply to yourself and to mine, to me. But I'm going to say this as we go on these things, the seven if you make them good to your own soul.
Why? You're going to see that this is not talking about a physical deliverance. That's going to be talking about your life and mine, 1St Corinthians 1546 says How be it That was not first when you are spiritual, but that which was natural, This is natural, and then afterwards that which is spiritual. Now the spiritual side is for you and for me to appropriate for ourselves as we go on to the story.
Here's the next one, in the middle of the seventh verse. Here is the well, I should say in the seventh verse, the first part, I will take you. To me, it wasn't just that God was going to take them out and and just let them find their way across that desert to a land where they didn't know. No, he says, I'm going to take you to me. He had a purpose and that was to have his people around him. That's what he has.
Purpose is for you and for me to have us intimately with himself.
And so that is that one. And now the next one here is that I will of relationship, and I will be to you a guy, how beautiful. And he shall know that I am the Lord your God. You and I are going to know these things. Now It tells us in John's gospel he that hath my word, and keepeth it. He it is that loveth me, and he shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself unto him.
That's the intimacy of our relationship. As you and I, beloved ones, walk with the Lord day by day. What happens? He reveals himself more and more to me. He becomes more precious to us, and we are lifted out of this world. We don't try to reform ourselves and say, well, shouldn't be doing that or shouldn't be doing the next thing, shouldn't be so early, and so on. Those things just drop off automatically.
If the intimacy, the I will of intimate intimacy grips our souls, oh man, do that now that here.
And is the next one.
Chapter verse 8 This is the I will of the blessing. Now here comes the positive. The others were all kind of deliverances. The the outs. And here comes the in now. And I will bring you in unto the land God set that I will bring you in, said I'll bring you out. I'll bring you in. The same God that brings us out of the world.
He's going to bring us into heaven.
Years ago, I had a conscience about having insurance on my life and business, and I decided that I would trust the Lord, the insurance men, prominent men, he said To me. You're the most selfish man I've ever met. You're thinking only by yourself and nothing about your wife and your children.
And I said to him all art, I just have to say this, that I have accepted the Lord Jesus as my savior, and I know that I'm going to be there with him forever in heaven, but I don't know where heaven is. I don't know how I'm going to get there. He's going to take me there. But I am trusting him to take me into a place that I don't know where it is, but I know I'm going to go there. And I feel that if I can trust the Lord for that.
Take me there. I sure can trust him for the little things of this life. Well, and that is just what he's saying. Here. I'll bring you in. I will bring you in. I'll try to remember this because this is going to be the main part of our story. And we take take up the story of and I will bring you in unto the land concerning the which I did swear to give it to Abraham.
Eyes again to Jacob, there was that beautiful.
Promise of the blessing. And then here is the last one. Here's the seven and I will give it you for an heritage. There was the I will of inheritance. So there we have those beautiful that embrace the whole of our Christian life and the blessed assurances that we have we're fit for, Peter tells us.
That we are made ready for the inheritance and the inheritance is ready for us and we're just waiting now for.
So I wanted to say that as a kind of an introduction. Now let's go over to the book of numbers.
Chapter 13.
Or whether I'm speaking loudly enough to hear sorry.
I was just fluently brought Matt here for a few minutes.
Israel, they didn't know where it was. They didn't know anything of that. It was 11 days journey. We traveled along those that road and it was a very stupid a day, but it was 11 days journey. They could have gone directly across here and to that land instead of that God told them to that he wasn't going to take them that way. It was going to bring them down and they were going to cross.
Water, the water of the Red Sea, It was God's purpose they lack about it these days and they talk about the Reed seed and somebody said this the other day and that they stop at and say it's it was just a read seat because there was only three inches of water. Well, the Christian man said to the fellow that said that, well, isn't that remarkable because Pharaoh and his 600 Chariots and his men, they all got drowned in three inches of water.
That's how ridiculous the thinking of mankind is, and that is the scoffing at what God said. It was the waters of death, and they must learn that they all had to go through those waters of death. So they went in a circuitous route down, and then they came into the woods. We put it in a solid line here because they came right down here a little bit out of proportion here. It was really farther down this way.
But they came across here and down here. There they built the Tabernacle.
First year they came out of the land of Egypt. They built the Tabernacle. Now what was the Tabernacle for? It was going to be used to represent God's purpose of the ages. But they were in a good state of soul at this stage because they had just seen this amazing deliverance. It is like you're in my salvation. This is a picture of Christ's death.
For me, for you, Christ's death, for you and for me they were they went through on a dry ground and they saw the walls on either sides. You know that story well. Dry ground and the it's a picture of the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ. His death for us. Not the same as the next crossing of the water, but this one is a picture of the cross.
Hundreds of times. I never have counted it, but many, many times in the scriptures it refers to that deliverance out of Egypt.
Beloved ones, that's the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ, his death for us. They had to experience that crossing and so they did and then they went. And when that Tabernacle after a year of hard work by one's gifted in their hands and in their heads, they had great gift given to them ability and under.
The Holy Heaven.
And Bezalel or Beza deal with the leader he built that he was the director of it and they built that wonderful Tabernacle. Why did they build that Tabernacle?
I won't mention it yet. They went in a straight line after they got to build a Tabernacle built and they went straight for this land of promise and they came to this place called Kadish Barnia. It was on the South border of that promised land and they arrived there.
604,000 men and approximately 3 million people, and they stand there. And now we're going to pick up the story, 13th of numbers. Here's what happens.
1317 first.
And Moses sent them to spy, or search out the land of Canaan, and said unto them, Get you up this way southward, and go up into the mountain or the Hill Country, and see the land.
The land on the side, what it is.
And the people that dwelleth therein, whether they be strong or weak, they're six things here, strong or weak.
Few or many. And what the land is that they dwell in, whether it be good or bad, and what the cities they be that dwell in, whether in tents or camps or in strongholds.
And what the land is, whether it be fat or lean, whether there be wood or trees therein or not.
That's what he said. Good, bad, sometimes bad, good. They need to do that.
You and I have to decide. Well, is it worth putting up with being a Christian in this world, people laugh at me. I say this for the younger ones.
You belong to the Lord Jesus Christ and we decide, well, it's pretty hard to be a Christian. I don't think I'll bother. It's not really worth much, you know. Whether you and what you and I think of the glory is going to determine how you and I are going to act here on this in this way. How much I am enjoying glory is going to be how much I have the power to go through here unaffected by the influences for bad against me.
Made no difference. Whether it was good or bad, whether trees or not or whether there was wood, whether there were walled up cities, it made no difference. God said I will bring you in and that's all they needed. That's all of you and I need.
We're going to be enjoying this, and there's going to be power kept in the first, Peter, 15, says. Kept by the power of God.
The I will for you and for me. But then two words follow. It says through faith, want to be enjoying the fact that we are kept by the power of God. I'm going to be asking the Lord to keep us, he said. Kept by the power of God. And so here it wasn't necessary, but it was because of unbelief. It showed the weakness now of the people that even Moses went along with this.
And sent them as spies or to search at the land. Notice now what it says, the next little sentence there in the middle of verse 20. And be ye of good courage and bring out the fruit of the land, didn't say, be of good courage and go and see whether it's a good country or not. But he does say be of good courage and bring fruit.
What does that mean for you and for me now? This is the subject that is before us.
Fruit bearing in your life and mind. Fruit bearing for God. And the fruit is the fruit of the glory of heaven. This fruit was the fruit of the land, and they were, he says, to bring up the fruit of the Lamb. Now the time was the time of the first right grace. That was around September.
The just the glowing time of the.
All the fruit that was harvested in June and July and August. And then there was finally the great Growing. And that was the time of joy, a picture of the future when Israel, after you and I are cut to the glory that they are going there is going to be the turn by God to Israel and to bring them literally into that land.
As he was doing here.
In tight beloved ones were just on the verge of.
Just on the verge of the return of Israel to their land, May the 14th, 1948, they got their liberty to have that land back again for the first time in 2500 years. I hope we're stirred by the days in which we live and are conscious of the fact that we are just on the verge of the coming of the Lord for us. And then Israel is going to be.
In really into the time of first rite grace and that is when the Lord will lead them in believe and will save them in that land. So now verse 21. So they went up and searched the land from the wilderness of Zinn unto rehab as men come to Haman. Well Hamad was way up in the north with spies. The men were searched out of the land and probably they went up this way.
A great big circle and came down through the land and the ham up his way up here and they are on their way back now and note that place Hebrew. Notice the next verse.
Verse 22. And they ascended by the South and came unto Hebron. I want to emphasize that we'll try to remember it. It's a vital part of the story. Hebron means communion, Communion.
4 * 4 or five times. It has deep meanings. I want to take time to look at them, but if you went over to Genesis 23, you will find there it was the place of death.
Was the burying place for Sarah, I believe. And so we find that that was the 1St. And we're going to see others as we progress with the story connected with Hebron, but Hebron will try to remember, was a place of fruitfulness.
For you and for me the glory.
And so they came back to Hebron. Now the rest of that 22nd verse tells us that there were there were giants there. First it tells us about that place of communion, and then it says the difficulties there, the giants that were there. Verse 23. And they came unto the brook of Eshkol and cut down from fence a branch with one cluster of grapes.
And they vary between two upon a staff and they brought out the pomegranates and of the figs. The place was called the brook of Eshkol because of the cluster of grapes which the children of Israel cut down from defense. Notice that it says the children of Israel was only 12 men, but they represented all the people and they come to that spot and we've been there.
And it's a very fertile part of Israel and the grapes are still growing there, very much fertilized now, but there it was. It's a very, very rich place and it it really is the prime spot of the whole land of Israel. It is the best spot.
The children of Israel had come out of the land of Goshen, which was the choice place of the land of Egypt. We also have been there, but it's all in ruins now. But we passed through there. It went from the best of that place to the best of that of the land of Israel.
And they brought back with them these the illustration. Here we just.
Use that as a not to be examined too closely, but there were the greats. I don't think they'd ever seen such a cluster of grapes that it required two men to carry on a pole. Just think of what fruitfulness there must have been in that blend to produce one cluster. And that's what the word eshkol means, One cluster. It's nice, isn't it, to realize that you and I who are redeemed by the Lord Jesus Christ.
We are to manifest that oneness, one with Christ, one with one another, one cluster. That is the meaning of that word, eshkol. And so it was fruitfulness. It was grapes. And grapes are a picture of joy on this earth, and they bring that so we could bring them back with it. Now then.
Verse 26.
And maybe we'll stop now for a while.
I suppose.
And they went and came to Moses, and to Aaron, to all the congregation.
The children of Israel under the wilderness of Param to Kadish. Now here are two things, and brought back word unto them and unto all the congregation. The first part, they brought back word of what they had seen in the land.
In other words, their ears heard. That's all they just heard.
I've heard of these jokes that I've heard of the with the hearing of the ear. The ears give us, they say, the educators say 15% of what we know. 15% of knowledge comes through the the ears, 85% through the eyes.
So I don't know whether I'm making this plane. The fruit of the land is seen by everyone that you and I come in. Came in contact today.
But they heard us say to unsaved people, we bring word concerning glory, don't we? And they brought the word and brought the word. How important it is to bring the word of the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ whenever we can to an unsaved person. That's one part of it. But then look at the second part.
And show them the fruit of the land. Showed them the fruit of the land they saw. They saw the very evidence of it by the fruit there. And your life and your mind is the evidence that is seen by the world of whether you and I are enjoying Christ or not.
And as I mentioned, 85% is what they see in your life and mine. Our neighbors, they're watching us like Hawks, aren't they?
Well, there was the there was the word and the evidence. The word comes first and then the evidence second.
Of seeing Joe as I quoted Jill first he said and he he as it was heard, he heard what the Lord said. But when his eyes were open and you and I hear the gospel, that's a wonderful thing. But when our eyes as believers, as believers.
Are open to see the loveliness of Christ. That's when we start to live our Christian life.
Now the evidence of it is seen by others, but if you and I are enjoying the Lord, it's going to come under. It's going to come out of the mouth because it says out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh.
So we're going to give the evidence out of John's Gospel. Chapter 6 says he that believeth on me, as the scripture has said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. You're going to have one hand on The Fountainhead, drawing strength from the Lord as it works in our life, in our hearts, I should say. Then it goes out in our other hand to seeking the blessing of others. So here was the hearing and the seeing of that fruit.
Now then, let's go on.
Verse 27 And they told him they these are the whole 12 of the men. They all said the same thing, apparently. Just like when you and I are first saved. Oh, there's No Fear at all. We are brave and we're telling folks about the Lord as our savior. And we we don't have any self consciousness or pride.
And that's the way it is at the beginning, isn't it? Because they they all said that, and they told him, and said, We came unto the land, Whither thou sentest us? And surely?
It flowed with milk and honey, and this is the fruit of it all. The 12 of them said that they all gave a clear one single testimony of what the land was, and they said it was a land that flowed with milk and honey. Good to remember what that is. It has to peculiarities. Both of them are pre digested foods. The milk goes through the cow, the honey goes through the bee, and this is beloved ones.
Predigested food for us, the precious word of God.
And is never get indigestion by eating by reading this too much. And so there was the evidence of that plan.
Fruitfulness and flowing with milk and honey.
Now look at the first verse of 28, first word of verse 28. Nevertheless, that's sad. Nevertheless, here comes trouble. Now here comes unbelief. Here comes lack of conviction in the heart to believe what God says. I will. Here is what you and I so often.
Allow in our life, and that is the circumstances for the evil of unbelief, Hebrews 2 Says the the evil heart of unbelief here is the seed. Nevertheless, why do they need to say that? God says I will do this, I'll deliver you to that.
I'll take you into that land. Nevertheless, now here they're looking at circumstances. And when you and I look at circumstances where we're going to get depressed, but I often say this, my new nature never gets depressed. Neither does yours. It's my old nature that gets depressed. And why does my old nature get depressed? Because I don't get what my old nature wants. And here was their reasoning And 2nd Epistle of Corinthians tells us, casting down all reasoning.
Here they come now with their reasoning. Nevertheless the people be strong that dwell in the land, and the cities are walled and very great in making a difference to God how much I think the walls were called, no.
And moreover, we saw more. They saw these giants, big men maybe of as high as the ceiling, around 9 feet high.
The children of anything were there. Verse 29 And now here they lists a whole bunch of the the the enemies. Nothing to do with what God is going to do for them. The Amalekites were in the land. The Hittites jeopardizes. Amorites, Canaanites. They even knew where they dwelt. They were spending more time looking at the enemies than they were at the wonderful land that they were going to possess.
Their hearts were getting filled with unbelief and it gets worse as they go on.
Verse 30. But here is a nice interlude. Now one man speaks up. I don't know what he looks like, but here we suppose that this was Caleb because Joshua was the leader. Joshua and Caleb and this man has the courage to speak out. I wonder if we have the courage to speak out when we are witnessing to the world.
Or do we keep quiet?
Ten men are.
Going to be distinguished from these two, but what does he say?
And Caleb, still the people.
And I thought I'd like to call this story the Stiller of the people.
Do we still the Saints? Do we still the brother? Do we still each other? Or are we troublers?
Do we tell stories? Do we look at the dark side? Do we remember the faults of the of our brethren? We're going to see, Lord willing, tomorrow night, that this is a little different report. Or I should say it was a true report.
That Caleb gives many many years later, 45 years later, But here it says and Caleb still the people before Moses and said let us go up at once.
And possess it, for we are well able to overcome it. Notice the difference there, they said. We're not able.
But this man first of all says it, and then they both say it together. We are able. No, he doesn't say that. He says we are.
Well, in confidence of faith. And if you and I are walking close to the Lord, we're going to have confidence.
And courage to he was told there, Use your courage. There is a man who listened to what Moses had said, and he had the courage to say. We're well able to go up, not only to take a look at the land, but to notice that word possessive.
Verse 31 Now we go back to the men. But there's another.
Like nevertheless. But the man that went up with him said, we be not able to go up against the people, for they are stronger than we. Is that true or was that false? It was true. It was true.
They were stronger. These people had no great armaments. They weren't able to cope with these people that would be defending their land. We are for they are stronger than we. That's true. But what about the God of Heaven? Was he stronger than these Canaanites and the Amalekites and the Jebusites and so on? Yes, they he was indeed.
And now it gets worse. Verse 32 and they brought up an evil report.
It's not only a neutral report, but it was evil. It wasn't true. It was bad. Now I asked myself, I asked each one of us here, what kind of a report is your life and is my life bring to the people around me, you boys and girls that are at school? What kind of a report does your life tell to the other boys and girls in your class?
Do they know that we are Christians?
How important it is? Can I stop for a minute to tell a story? One of the girls, I guess some of you know the family, were a French Canadian family, isolated, never had any contact with Christians and one of the brothers that was having his car and body work done, he found this little garage 100 miles from Montreal, went there and gave a track to the family.
And bit by bit you was more contact with them and finally gave them a Bible. And the father and mother were saved and their whole life was changed and they were bringing up their children now for the Lord. And one of the girls was at a French university and she was going there and she was brightly saved too. And while she was there, she didn't speak about the Lord to the others in the class, but one day.
A girl by the name of Dolores. She came to this girl and she said to her, what have you got? What have you got? And she said, oh, what do you mean? Well, she said you aren't like anybody else. You have, you must have something that we don't have. And she said, yes, I do. I have. Christ.
And she said to her, by the way, there is going to be a Bible conference in Montreal this coming weekend. Would you like to come immediately? She was thinking about the welfare of that girl and Dolores said yes, it would. So she said, will you come to our house Friday night? They were both boarding at this college. And so she said you come to our house Friday night and then we'll drive up. And she, the girl came and sat down at the supper table of this French Canadian family.
And the Father opened up the Bible. So important. It isn't, isn't it for us as fathers to be opening up the Bible with the children. And they opened the Bible and start to read. And he explained the Scriptures. And he brought to the conscience of this girl the blessed Lord Jesus, as the saving power. 9:00 they were down on their knees, and when they got up from their knees, Dolores says, I'm saying that girl is happily going on married to one of the.
Boys now and.
Toronto I think it is the other sisters married to at least, and the girl that led her to the Lord. The whole three of them are all I think married to English. 2 American boys and one of them and still my heart do a Canadian boy happily going on for the Lord. But I'm telling you this story to show that girl Shesland was bearing the fruit in her life.
It was seen, I saved to each one of us is it seen in our life. So here now is unbelief. Let's go on with the sad part of 32. And they brought the evil report of the land which they have searched under the children of Israel, saying the Latin notice these things. The land through which we have gone to search. It is a land that.
Eateth up the inhabitants.
There are now that wasn't true. The other was true this.
What isn't true? Didn't eat the land. They saw the people there and they weren't all eaten up. And that was what unbelief does see. It tells how.
What our imagination does heats up the inhabitants thereof, and then it says, and all the people that we saw in it are men of a great stature. That wasn't true at all. All the people start to become giants and all the difficulties get bigger and bigger.
And everyone of them now is a Japanese 9 foot high. That's the way unbelief sees those things you see in our life. When we get our eye off, the confidence that we need to have and we get from the Lord everything, the difficulties start to magnify verse 33. And there we saw the giants and the sons of Penang which came off the giants.
And we were in our own sight as grasshoppers.
Everybody got biggest a giant, maybe 9 feet tall. And here they these men that searched the land, they shrink down to become grasshoppers. No confidence in themselves, no confidence, I should say, in the Lord. And so then the last part says.
So we were in their cycle. That wasn't what the people said. Doesn't say anything, but they were just imagining this. The difficulties were just worse and worse and worse. Well.
There we will leave them. But now, before we close, I want to show you God's side now, just briefly.
Next chapter.
Verse 6.
Joshua, the son of Nun, and Caleb, the son of Jefuni, which were of them that searched the land, rent their clothes. They just didn't shrug their shoulders and say, Oh well, that's the other thing. They were serious. And by that I draw this the you and I are going to stand for the Lord and others don't stand with us. And they are a poor testimony. We feel it.
We feel it. We're going to feel it. And so here he runs. They rent their clothes, who are at the bad report that the others brought, and the seventh verse. And they speak unto all the company of the children of Israel, saying how beautiful this is, the land which we passed through to search. It is an exceeding good land, Or as in the Darby translation, it says.
A very, very good.
Lab You didn't say anything about the walls or the giants or anything, or the grasshoppers or anything. It was a very good land. Good, nice report.
If the Lord delight in US.
6th of Exodus told that the Lord did delight in them. He will bring us into this land and give it us. Oh, they gave the glory to the Lord. Didn't say we're strong, we're able, we're stronger than the enemy. We will overcome. Not a word. The Lord is the one that's going to get the victory. And so it is with you and with me. We have confidence in the Lord. We're not afraid of the enemy.
We're not being deceived by Satan's and working on our pride to keep us from talking to people.
We'll go ahead. We'll have that courage. And so they knew that the Lord would delight in them. They had a brother in Montreal and he was an orphan from England, and in his years there in England, he was thinking of emigrating to Canada. So he wrote it to the Canadian government and got some literature as to what Canada was like and the government at that time.
Was promoting immigration to Canada, looking for immigrants. And so they had nice big brochures prepared to invite people to come there. And so they sent them to him, and he was delighted to see the beautiful pictures of Canada. And then every couple of months they send some more catalogs. So Honey was at work. He would bring in the catalogs and he'd be showing them these pictures of Canada.
In the next few months, and he would come with some more catalogs and showing, look at this wonderful. And he was talking so much about it. You know what they called him? Oh, they said here comes Canada. He was just talking so much about the land that he was hoping to go to that he was given the name of Canada. Or do you and I have that testimony? Are we still occupied with the glory in the Lord Jesus Christ that people would nickname us and call us Christian?
Followers of the Lord, well, this is what these, this man, these men were like now then?
Verse 9 And now he gives a warning to the people only. Rebel not ye against the Lord, neither fear ye the people of the land. Don't be afraid, he said, For they are bred for us, but a different thing than what the others were saying. Bread for us. Their defense is departed from them, and the Lord is with us.
Fear them not. Stop there for a minute. There is the confidence of the believer who has his confidence in the Lord, not thinking of their own strength, only of the Lord. And notice I'll just read a little bit here of the next verse, but.
All the congregation that stoned them with stones. Let's pause there. Now what is it that all the 3 million people or so are 600,000 men? What do they do?
Prepare to kill these two men.
On a stone to death, but for foretelling the truth. And we know, beloved ones, that if we're going to stand for the truth, we're not going to be popular even amongst other believers. And the more we stand for the truth, the more we are liable to be targets. But if you and I are drawing our strength from the Lord, we're going to be able and willing to stand and be targets.
Nevertheless, we're not going to lose our confidence in the Lord, but here they are standing now, the two of them together.
Two men, two men. You don't know that in the scriptures 2 is always a picture of the church Jew and the Gentile drawn, drawn together. And so here were like two or three gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus. Wherever you get a two in the New Testament or old usually is a pointing on to the church that will was to come. So here they stand now, and the men are reaching for the stones to kill.
Now what happens just at that moment? What's that? Look at the next part of the verse.
And in the middle of 10 First and the glory of the Lord appeared in the Tabernacle of the congregation.
To all the children of Israel, the glory of the Lord is not wonderful. The Lord knows He knew what they were endured. He know. If you and I are faithful, He knows. He knows. And that's the time when the Lord is going to appear to just at the moment when we are needed. Second in Corinthians chapter 12. And Paul prayed that the thorn might be removed. Lord said to him.
My strength is made perfect in weakness. And then it says, and the power of Christ, the power of Christ. The only time that expression is ever used, that I can remember in the Scripture, shall be upon me. He had that confidence that the power of Christ was going to rest upon Paul, even although he was going to have to endure with the Lord laid on. And so here the Lord appears.
In his glory or the glory of the Lord appears at the darkest moment of the of the career of these two men thus far. Now just want to give you a little bit more.
The Lord tells them that I won't read it, but the Lord tells them now that because they wouldn't go into the land and possess it, he said they were going to wander around in the new illness and put it in dotted lines here because there's no way of identifying where they went. It's all lost. I just wandered aimlessly around till every man that was over 20 years of age.
That was living at that time is dead 38 years they wandered around and by the end of those 38 years, on every person over 20 except three people.
This man Joshua, and the man Caleb and Eliezer, the high priest he was there were the three that survived 2 men.
Celsius. Now that is what was going to happen.
But I want to show you now.
That the Lord.
Was going to also remember the 10 men.
In verse 23 surely.
While speaking, they shall not see the verse. 23 They shall not see the land, they won't see it which I swear unto their fathers, neither shall any of them that provoke me see it. But my servant Caleb is mentioned before Joshua, because he had another spirit within him, and hath followed me fully.
Him will I bring.
Into the land wherein he went. And his seed shall possess the very words that were used about possessing the land here. It says Caleb is going to be there. He's going to see it and he's going to possess, oh, that's what you and I are going to happen to you and to me. We are going to have confidence and we will go on and endure. And because we have our hearts filled with the coming glory.
So what does he say about him? He says he wholly followed me. Just like to point out I found in the scriptures 6 * 6 times that it says about Caleb that he wholly followed the Lord 6 times. Why wouldn't it be 7 times? Well, we enjoy the thought. It's because no one succeeds as short of seven and six is the number of the man.
Six was the limit of man's abilities, but seven is perfection, and the Blessed Lord Jesus was the only one who wholly did the will of his Father. Nobody else but here is a human being, a man like you and me, who had the courage and had the testimony now from God himself 1/2 from Moses.
Three from Joshua and Caleb himself wholly followed the Lord 6 times. What a wonderful testimony that must be. You've covered that when we get to the glory. Wouldn't it be a wonderful thing to be called? The Lord? Called you by your name And he said, you holy followed me down there. This is your opportunity, This is mine to live for the Lord Jesus Christ.
It's real. This is what the Lord is telling us this story for. To encourage you and me to know that He's writing down everything. Just counting up today, six, five times in Revelation 2 and three, seven times in the King James. But I notice in the The Darby translation five times it says I know thy works. What a comfort that is to know that if you and I are living beloved ones for the Lord with the strength that He gives.
And the cartridge that he gives that then we are willingly going to go on unafraid of the opposition, or the stopping or the mocking of the world, or even of the Lord's own people. Sometimes they make it a little bit difficult, but the more faithful we are, the less concerned we are going to be about the opposition. And so there he tells them that he had done that but one thing now.
Here's the judgment side These are what's going to happen.
36 and verse 36.
Notice of the eye will of 35. I never had seen that before. I, the Lord, have said, I will surely do it unto all this evil congregation that are gathered together against Caleb and Joshua. No, it doesn't say that. It says against me. That is what they were really against, but not least these poor fellows.
Got it? But it was the Lord against me. In this wilderness they shall be consumed and they shall die. That was referring to the whole congregation. Now this is the 10 men and the men which Moses sent to search the land, who returned and made all the congregation to murmur. See, it wasn't only that the men were discouraged, they made the whole congregation sad and murmur against him.
By bringing up a slander upon the land. Even the those men that did bring up the evil report upon the land died by the plague. No, the more accurate translation is a plague. God sent a special plague that killed those ten men, the unfaithful men.
And I'm not suggesting for a minute that believers could lose their their salvation. But I do believe this, that you and I are going to lose very much if we're like those ten men, if we don't trust the Lord for our life in this world, Romans 5 says much more being now justified by his blood.
We shall be saved by.
His life the Lord keeps everyone of us alive.
If it were left to Satan, he'd kill us all, the whole crowd of us here, and all Christians in the world, to destroy the testimony that the you and I realized that he keeps us alive. Because it does. I can't find the verse there exactly. It says that Caleb and Joshua live. They live. But these ten men.
What does it say?
Live 2 men live. 10 of them died by a plague, but there it is verse 38. But Joshua the son of Nun, and Caleb the son of Jupiani, which were of them of the men that went to search the land.
Lived still.
That's about right.