When godly king Josiah had heard the Word of God read to him, he repented of how the people of God had disobeyed the Lord. The Lord sent word to him that the terrible judgments that must fall on Israel would not come in his day. Josiah quickly proved by his works that he was truly repentant for the sins of Israel.
The first thing he did was to gather all the people to Jerusalem and make a covenant (an agreement) with God concerning the people’s obedience to the law. After this, all of the idols and the things connected with the idol worship of Baal were destroyed.
There were also very wicked people living in houses in the land of Judah, and king Josiah had them destroyed. Anything in the land of Judah that had been used in idol worship of Baal was destroyed by the king. Finally, the king had all the wicked, idolatrous prophets slain. The last and the most wonderful thing that Josiah did was to keep the passover, which had not been observed for a very long time.
Josiah’s life came to an end, and a short time later the people of Judah were carried captive into Babylon as the judgment which God had said must fall on their disobedience. Now we will look for the following verses as we rest in our journey:
1. Christians are to let their light (testimony) shine out by letting those around see their good ____________ . Matthew 5:___
2. Even though the Lord Jesus was (and is) the eternal Son of God, as a man He learned ____________ through the things which He suffered here.
Hebrews 5:___
3. The Thessalonian Christians turned to God from the ____________ that they had served. 1 Thessalonians 1:___
4. The Lord knew that during the observance of the ____________ He would be betrayed to be crucified. Matthew 26:___
5. There is hope even for those who have been taken ____________ by the devil’s snares. 2 Timothy 2:___