Joy Unspeakable and Full of Glory

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 2
One all-transcending sight, to me,
Though glory circling glory be
A joy beyond all joys to see
My Savior.
In speechless rapture shall I trace
The holy beauty of that face,
Nor turn to glories from its grace,
My Savior.
Once marr'd by sorrow,—radiant now,
For joy, which in its fullness Thou
Alone canst know, illumes Thy brow.
Eternal Son! heaven's joys were thine,
In Godhead glories Thou didst shine,
But distance, guilt, and woe, were mine.
Could love then rest? It led Thee where
I lay in darkness and despair,
That I Thy paradise might share,
My Savior!
A new thing 'neath the sun was seen,
For God a Man on earth has been,
Now Mail in glory fills the scene!
New joy e'en heaven itself hath found,
New glories circle Thee around,
New voices the new song resound.
Light crowneth love! Oh, glorious day
The former things have pass'd away-
Pain, sorrow, parting, death, decoy,
All finish’d God's high behest,
On earth, in heaven, His people blest,
And He in His own love doth rest.
His glory shines in full display,
Nor sun nor moon need add one ray,
God's presence is eternal day.
For this I wait! nor would forego
The blessed privilege to know,
And follow in Thy path below,
My Savior.
A little while my Lord to own
Where once Thou wast despised, unknown,
Betray'd, rejected by Thine own.
Be an my glory now Thy cross,
Thy interests mine, all else but dross,
For Thee I welcome shame and loss,
My Savior.
To please Thee, Lord, be all my care,
To meet Thee I with joy prepare,
Be Thou my heaven, or here, or there,
My Savior!