Jude 17-25

Duration: 1hr 30min
Jude 17‑25
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General Meetings Toronto, March 1917 Reading meeting, Saturday AM.
The thing #2929 All blessed and Savior, Son of God, who has redeemed us by God from guilty of death and change. With joy and praise I proceed the crown of glory worn by these. And where did he proclaim?
Subject or factory for the beloved.
Because of June verse 17.
But 11?
Remember you, the words that are spoken before are the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ.
They told you there should be mockers in the last time who should walk after their own ungodly lust.
These two days and separate themselves sensual, having not the spirit.
Would you, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life?
Now some have compassion making a difference, and others they would fear pulling them out of the fire, painting even the garments spotted by the flag.
Now to him that is able to keep you from falling under present you faultless before the presence of His glory, with exceeding joys for the only wives gone, our Savior, the glory in the United States, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.
Lord Joseph.
He could turn away from all this apostasy and undress those who love the Lord.
Have beloved.
So God does have, amidst all the corruption and the apostrophe, evil that's coming in.
People he looks down upon with delights and can address our beloved.
And the word is to remember.
And to remember he the words which were spoken before the apostles.
Now we know that the apostles were inspired men.
And they had. They had written.
He's inspired a pistol and as we're getting near the end of these huge laws of that special time.
God was communicating his mind through a powerful it wasn't to be any further addition to.
What was revealed?
For when the apostles had left the scene, Last word was complete.
We learn that you know from what Peter has to say and and his.
Threatened Epistle.
Is closing my mark.
In the 12Th verse, wherefore I will not be negligent. This was second Peter one and 12. Therefore I will not be negligent. To put you always in remembrance of these things, though ye know them, and be established in the present truth. Yeah, I think it's me as long as I'm in the in this Tabernacle to serve you, stir you up by putting you.
In remembrance.
Throwing that shortly on the foot off this my Tabernacle, even as our Lord Jesus Christ has showed me neither, doesn't suggest in any way that after his departure there's the other apostles raised up and the word of God would be.
Further revealed.
And you know Paul, I mean, John speaks of that firstly in his last successful 6th of the writings of Paul.
As the other scriptures.
So they they recognize these men who were apostles.
Paul and John and Peter gave us these inspired epistles that their writings were directly from God by his Spirit, and there would be no further revelation given.
That's what Paul has before him. And collection Chapter One and verse 25.
Only there's more in connection with the mystery.
Where I have made a minister according to the dispensation of God, which is given to me for you to fulfill or complete the word of God.
So there's no new revelation today. We have it all and the revealed word.
I noticed the Apostle Paul used the very same expression in Hebrews 6 as we.
Says But beloved, we are persuaded better things of you, and things that accompany salvation.
After dealing with the false professors.
Well, the apostles have warned of this very condition of things.
How they told you there should be more concern in the last time. Who should walk after their own love? Well, we know what Peter had written.
And and the way he had worn the front was.
The last chapter and he's taken the festival.
The third verse, knowing this first that there shall come in the last days corporate walking after their own love and saying, where is the promise of His coming. But since the father fell asleep, all things continued as they were from the beginning of the creation.
Well, that's one evidence that we're in the last days, because there was a time when men were coughing, as they are today, at the promise of the Lord return.
It's striking how man's love.
Thought associated with false doctrines, as diverse you just read, and also in Second Timothy. The time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lusts shall they heat to themselves, teachers having itching ears.
That is, I suppose the reason why they turn away from the truth is because it's not at all compatible with their own fallen, lost, and they want that which will allow them to live as they choose and still be considered orthodox in some religious realm or others.
Number of hearing Brother Rivers Brown given address on time about.
Where all the children of Israel got the material or the gold to make the golden calf? Where'd they get it? They got it out of their ears.
I haven't told them to break off their golden earrings and bring them to it. And he said he put it in the bar on that golden calf came out. So that is right in keeping with that verse you were quoting in Timothy that.
They should have 15 years and turn away from the truth. Fact, you know.
They said to ask for this Moses, he's gone up. We don't know what to done with him unless the attitude of the world today, isn't it that this man Christ, well, he's dead and we don't know what's to come of him. So let's make something we can see, let's make a religion that suits the place.
So they were dancing around the golden cap, having a big celebration and even calling it a piece of Jehovah, fixing the name of Jehovah.
Where they're wretched idolatry and their wicked practice because it was a shame and disgrace the way they were going on.
Timothy 3:00 and 1:00.
Where Paul says this, know also that in the last days perilous times shall come.
That the expression last days.
Would that be the last days of the Church's history or would that be a a general term looking on?
All through the church, period.
I popped Brother Barry. That was the last time. Just thought we were speaking about the closing days of apostasy. That was my thought of it.
I believe the Lord allowed all the evil to come into the early church. The very character of the last days displayed itself during the life of the apostles. And then God by His Spirit gave corrective ministry. And this has repeated itself in these days in which we live in a much more definite way and much more full blown, because man has known more of the truth and has definitely turned his back upon it.
But just as it's been remarked, the ministry was given for all the whole church period, and so it was given to show us the character of the last days and how to beat the situation when it arises.
So this would have been the character of those last days, even in the days of the apostle.
Wonderful how God is His wisdom has allowed all these things so that the surrounding us today there could be nothing that isn't covered instructions in the word of God as to how we can cope with it.
Gold rather given to the for the purpose of making the golden comp. I was thinking the difference in the 31St chapter, 35th chapter of Exodus.
It says in the verse 21.
Very striking contrast here. They gave their goal up for different purposes.
And they came everyone whose half stirred him up, and everyone whom he spurs made willing. And they brought the Lord's offering to the work of the Tabernacle of the congregation, and for all his service, and for the holy garments. And they came both men and women as many to a willing hearted and brought bracelets, earrings, rings, tablets, all jewels of gold. And every man that offered, offered, offered, offered an offering of gold.
Unto the Lord.
Muscle purpose of making golden comp. They gave up their jewels of gold, which if worn by themselves attracted others to their attention. Instead of that they gave them up the tackled the Lord.
That's very important for the Albert Hill, what you call attention to.
Smokers walking after their own ungodly lust. The two things go together.
It is when man begins to mark at the word of God.
Especially the fact that the Lord Jesus is coming back and he's coming back in judgment.
Unlike the discredit that we mocked.
A mock that the thought of it so he can go on in the air zone ungodly ways and love without any restraint.
I noticed that I'm in the fake shots, that of a second Timothy, then the Spirit of a God that goes into detail as to the condition of the things. And the last day, isn't he? So many different details to the character of the unsaved people, isn't he? And of which we buy we were the same, but by the much less grace of God. God has taken out that over that condition and put us in Christ as we had yesterday, but as opposed the condition that we're going to have in the last day.
This has been true of a man at all ages, but I believe that in these last days it is an intensified the evil character of a man. Isn't he in the third chapter that you have a detail there?
Separate themselves and will have enough security. Now that's another kind of separation, that which is a proof of the spirit of God. Christians are separated, sanctified, set apart, that blesses them to the work of God's Spirit. But here we read about a class who separate themselves.
Isn't the work of God to separate them?
But at the flats we read somewhere, I believe it's the 29th of Isaiah who say stand apart, I'm more holy than now. Well, that's the work of the enemy. And instead of being of the Spirit, it's only essential those who have, not the Spirit who set themselves up to be better.
And models themselves.
There's under whom much is given of the same shall much be required. And so Christendom is much more responsible than those who don't have The knowledge of God is revealed to us in the word God said to Israel. You only have I known of all the families of the earth, therefore will I punish you. So to connect the name of Jehovah with the evil that they went on with was much more serious than.
Heathen themselves because they didn't connect the name of Jehovah with it. And this is the great error of Christendom. And I say this because sometimes.
It'll be sad. Well, if you look back in the world's history, you'll see that men behave themselves much worse than they are today. Why could you, top of things being so wicked today? Just read the history of the past and you'll see it as dark, but it's much more serious in the eyes of God.
When the name of Christ, the Christianity, is connected with the evil, and this makes it a darker character in the eyes of God. And so I believe that in these verses here, when it speaks to those who separate themselves sensual, having not the Spirit, it refers to those who under the name of Christianity have perhaps taken the place of being leaders in Christianity and have introduced all kinds of looseness and carelessness.
And even the denials of the deity of Christ and the tax on God himself, this hasn't been done.
In under the name of even them, but it's been done under the name of Christianity.
We might also notice in First Corinthians 3 that the one who was so seriously spoke about was the man who defiled the temple of God and says if any man be filed the temple of God, him shall God destroy, for the temple of God is holy which temple ye are.
Now that Speaking of the processing House of Christendom, not the individual believer there, and in the processing House of Christendom where the spirit of God dwells when evil is introduced there, that is a very serious thing and brings down the special judgment of God.
And I believe that's what we have brought before us here. And if we can apply it for I think we should apply all truth to ourselves. What a great privilege it is, brethren, to be gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus. What a blessed place we have been brought into. But how responsible we are and things that are allowed in our lives if we take that position, are more serious than in the lives of others who don't have that precious knowledge.
And it should speak to our hearts too, so that we would realize that having the truth, we become more responsible. It's a great blessing and it's a great joy, but it's a great responsibility.
Reverse the thought here. Instead of being like those who separate themselves, we are set apart for God.
Where we have the desire was in us the new nature to please Christ, and instead of following sensible slaughters, and we have the Spirit of God, the very opposite of what is meant in here about these walkers.
Chapter 11 I'd just like to read a part of a bird in connection with separated themselves, sanctuables not having the spirit in Leviticus. Chapter 11, verse nine, I just like to read a part of that verse that brings the talk in connection with each creature. How one civilism, self without heaven, not the spirit.
They say there in verse 11, though he divided the hope at separation.
And he had Clement food, yet he chewed. Not because he is unclean. Well, the hope the separation would be natural or sensual. Sensual. But not having the spirits, the word of God has no no room in the heart, isn't it? Isn't that what it is? He's not saved. He's not born against. Is that what that would be, brother?
There were to be the two features and they clean animal in Israel was there. There was to be the divided horse and also the shoe, the cuts.
But the most unclean animal of all divides the hook. That's the pig. And but he doesn't chew the cut. He had the outward mark which the divided hook typifies separation, and he had the outward mark of separation. But he didn't have the inward. He didn't divide the he didn't chew the cut. And we can have the outward mark of separation, but if it isn't corresponding with the.
Chewing Macad That is making the truth of God our own.
Inside. By then, it makes us unclean and the worst kind of uncleanness.
But the antidote for it is not to be placed under law and bring in rules, because even a cake can be cleaned up on the outside, but that doesn't change its nature. The antidote is that which we have in the verses that follow.
That which would speak to our hearts, to build us up and draw us near to the Lord. And that's what's needed for us in these days, not just to follow a certain code of rules, but have our hearts touched by the truth of God.
But the beloved comes in, doesn't it? First we get.
The words of warning to the beloved. And now you get something of what should occupy our hearts and our affections.
Turning away from marks of evil, but not being occupied with it, was being occupied with something better.
I thought that little.
Feeding our subjects, but hating even the garment spotted by the place so that there is a danger of even getting to enjoy.
The considerations.
Of the terrible evil and wickedness because we have an evil sinful nature in this field that loves evil. And so we we need to remember that verse is the 96th or 7th. Thomas says he that loved the Lord.
Hate evil. We need to continually remind ourselves of how hateful with the evil as we see increasing all around us.
Is to the heart of God to get his thoughts about it.
Is that what we have in the?
Pistols of the church, Pergamos and very character things with Balaam, casting, assembling block before the children of Israel. We stay back to fight slides and submit foreign occasions. The very thing of Brother Albertson mentioned the mixing of the very evil things.
The profession of Christianity.
And so the Lord says which thing I hate.
That's the doctrine of the Nicolas brothers.
A brother mansion to me one day his amazement that the children of Israel would turn so suddenly and in one step from following Jehovah to worshipping a golden calf and all the evil that went with it. But then he indicated that on looking into it carefully, he noticed that they really didn't do that. In one step they got their eyes off the Lord and on the Moses, and then from Moses.
To the golden calf. For they said As for this Moses which brought us up under the land of Egypt, we want not what has become of him. It wasn't Moses brought them out of the land of Egypt, it was Jehovah. And I believe there is this danger with us that.
Satan cannot bring us in one sudden step from following the Lord to the kind of evil that were warned against here. And so I believe that each and every one of us can be months before the Lord that we be kept close to himself. And I think we can see even in Christendom that the names of men are becoming very, very prominent, and the person is very often considered pretty badly out of date.
If he's not well acquainted with what this and that religious teacher may be bringing forward at the present time, I believe the happy privilege of the Assembly Bible. Reading this is a privilege to be at a conference like this, and perhaps there are those here, shall I dare to suggest it, who are not as regular as they might be.
At their own little assembly Bible reading at home.
Oh, I believe we're in danger if that is the case, if we don't desire and seek after the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ and the precious and simple privilege of the ministry of His Word, among those who are gathered around the Lord Jesus Christ unto His precious name.
We're in danger. We're in danger of going off into other fields that gleams and we may end up where they're still under Israel ended up.
I was thinking in connection Berlin with this very precious portion of the word of God. But he beloved building yourself up when your most holy faith. And I was thinking that naturally speaking men everywhere today, specially in this part of the world are conscious of the value of vitamin that for somebody likes vitamin D he takes vitamin D5 pills if one likes vitamin E.
12/6 Vitamin E Pills and so on. Well, what about spiritually? Well, here we have all the problems that we need to build ourselves up in our most holy faith, Disney Press and the practice.
In view of all powerful corruptions that are mentioned here, that he has spoken of all their ungodly.
Ungodly as have committed, and all their heart speeches that ungodly sinners have spoken, and so on all the corruptions that he turns from that and says, but ye beloved, building yourselves up on your most.
Holy faith.
Regardless of all the evil and apostasy are brought in and all that corruption and wickedness, it hasn't came this blessed book one iota, and it's just as holy as it was when it came from the hand of God.
That's most encouraging for us, and there's the exercise tool that we go on in communion with God in.
Connection with the holiness of His nature.
Is it not important too, if we have been Speaking of what what we have just been Speaking of, in connection with those who were sensual, having not the Spirit and the teaching which is presented through them?
That we may be established and I'm built up in our most holy faith because there is.
Amongst the writings that are present today, that which would turn aside and they cause those who were gathered to the Lords name.
They turned aside from the precious truth that we have.
And how good it is to be established in the truth that we may detect the error which is at the present time.
Amongst those gathered to the Lord's name and some of the publications which have recently come out.
And some of these things have disturbed many of those gathered the Lords names.
I think we need to be on our guard against these things.
And so in view of what the What's the view it is written before about? These are separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit. And then but He beloved us building up yourselves on your most holy faith. How much we need that at the present time and dependence on God praying in the Holy Ghost.
We need this for our present day.
I think Brother Hale, what you were saying, Brother Albert Hale about the reading meeting?
Especially brought out here in the 20th verse, it says. But ye beloved, building up yourselves, notice that you might say, well, I can stay home and read good books. Some say I can hear better ministry over the radio, but that's not building up yourself.
She is looking at things in a collective way and it is a great privilege and the folks who are responsibilities for the paints to build themselves up in their most holy faith. And if we are not attending the meetings where we can build up ourselves, we are missing the very subject and the very teaching that we have here.
That's so very important in these closing days.
Chapter 2, verse 42 It says over the early disciple that they continued in set wrestling the apostles doctrine.
And in fellowship and in breaking of bread and in prayer. These are all essential things, aren't they? I believe that there is a word that continued in the apostles doctrine. It doesn't tell us just how the meetings were conducted, but I'm sure that it would include a reading meeting. In fact, you know of all its fair treatment till midnight and the.
Word is he discourses doesn't convey the thought that he just gave one long lecture, but he was discoursing in a way that would give others the opportunity to ask questions and so on. And I believe, and I'll repeat it while our brother Albert Hill says the importance of the Reading meeting, I believe that God has bestly blessed that it was through the space getting together.
Over the word of God that the truth was recovered and all through the years God has faithfully blessed the reading meeting. I wish those who have other 8 rules books will look up what he says on on the Reading meeting. It's very helpful.
There is no substitute for the word of God.
It's true we have helps and written ministry, but could be found building up ourselves in our most holy faith. It's from the Word by the Spirit of God making it good to our soul, and then to not reading it flippantly or slight sliding it, but allowing the Spirit of God to apply the word to heart and conscience.
Or if the word doesn't speak to conscience.
Where there is no blessings.
Verse in Isaiah 66 has been before 1 recently.
In a special way and applying it to the believers young and old. Isaiah 66 and verse 2. The principle here.
The latter part of the verse. But to this man will I look?
Even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit. But that's not all. And trembling at my words.
There needs to be a handling of the word of God.
With reverential fear, God fearing and God's word. And we need to pay attention to what God is bringing before us in His words. It's a living word.
And then in verse 5 is this same chapter here the word of the Lord?
That tremble at his word. There is not that reverential fear as we take up the Word today, as there was with those who have gone on before it. We handle the Word of God very lightly, and as a result we are not. We may be hearers of the Word, but not doers as James brings before us, And I think this is this is most important today.
Especially for the young coming up amongst us, do we tremble at the word of God.
Reverential fear.
In connection with that 4th brother I was looking at, the verse in Mike is 6 verse nine. We have two things there brought before us. Very important too.
The 6th chapter of Micah and verse 9.
The Lord voiced the Lord's voice crying out of the city.
And the man of wisdom shall see thy name.
Hear ye the rock, and who has appointed it? There we have the Lord's voice and the rod. If we disregard the Lord's voice, we may come under the rod, and we'll remember who appointed it. I was thinking in connection with our verse.
Building up yourselves, I suppose this would produce a healthy state of soul, would it not, but to disregard the the Bible readings?
Would manifest an unhealthy state of soul.
Because, as we've been reminded, that's where we get faith from the word of God.
So it's very important, I believe, to remember that.
I remember 2 on one occasion a few brothers our sister needs this morning would remember him young brother in China. He didn't come to the prayer meeting very often and.
Brother Willis said to him. Brother Watson, you're not often at the prayer meeting, he said. No, Brother, I haven't much to pray about it. He stayed away and he was not too often at the Bible reading either. So he left Shanghai and went down to Hong Kong by boat. On the way down, the ship was wrecked and Canada's storm ship was wrecked and he was thrown in the sea and lost all his belongings.
He hasn't too many, but he lost what he had. He was picked up by a naval vessel and rescued and brought back to Shanghai, and after that he came to prayer meetings, he said. Brother, I have something to pray about now.
The Lord follows him through that terrible ordeal. He loves not only his belongings, but he lost the spirit of independence.
And then the Lord brought him back to prayer meeting and the Bible reading.
Learning again to act 2 and 42 might just point this out. That is the punctuation we have there, the continuous set back when the apostles, doctrine and fellowship, those who have believed, go together. And that is what we have in the in the reading meetings, we have the apostle doctrine and we have it together in in a collective way. And I believe that it's important to see that in that verse that those two things.
Go together.
I was thinking also there's, it says building up yourselves. And there's surely a word for each one who takes part in the Bible reading. We need to be careful in taking part in the Bible reading. That we bear in mind the purpose for which we come together, that the Saints might be built up in their most holy faith. And again, the word in Peter feed the flock of God, which is among you.
Which, taking the oversight thereof, and I believe that each one who takes part in the Bible reading, whether it's here or whether it's in the assembly at home, should seek the good and blessing of the Saints of God and that they would be built up. We can use the Bible reading to perhaps set forth our own views, or to give forth a great deal of knowledge without really seeking the good of the same. Paul had to speak of those who took part, and he said they ministered questions rather than godly edifying with his in faith.
And sometimes the Bible reading can be spoiled by that sort of thing. Supposing that when dinner time came, the brothers stood up and said, I want to talk to you for about 10 minutes, tell you how long it took to prepare this food and how much food is on the table, we'd consider that that was a kind of a delay and we'd all be wanting to get to the food and eat it, and we can get too much occupied with things that don't build up the stall and don't feed the stall.
Get too much occupied with things that don't build up the soul and don't feed the soul, and try this mansion. This because it says building up yourselves. And each one of us can contribute the sisters by their prayer, the brothers by their parts.
Saw that the Saints might go away refreshed and blessed from the Bible readings instead of having a lot of questions raised in their minds that don't feed us all at all.
At 1514, I'm for myself. Also I'm persuaded of you, my brethren, that he also are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge, able also to admonish one another. Well, let us go with a very happy state show of the state of soul. Individually we're in full of goodness. And then there had been the searching, the words, for there was knowledge there of.
Doesn't mean knowledge that both of us, but knowledge of the truth reveals, or the spirit and the words for them They were able to admonish one another.
And remember, in a little reading meeting, don't leave it just to one or two to do all the fenestrating. Seek to be exercised to to add something to it. Remember your father used to say that some people said the meeting was so dry. Well, there's one thing you know when you have a pump that like we used to have those old hand pumps.
For you had to prime them or sometimes you know we need to add a little we can all add something to the to the blessing of the assembly.
How do we expect to grow individually or collectively and the things of God, if we have sent ourselves from the various meetings and especially the reading meeting of all the prayer meeting is very very important and Colossians the second chapter.
And the seventh verse.
We might read a part of the verse 6.
Or verse six with it, as you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord.
So walk ye and Him. That's our walk. That's our dependence, our rooted and built up in Him. What material are we using as in our building, as we seek to encourage the Saints? Is it Christ, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith? Established in the faith?
Well, we cannot establish ourselves.
Individually or collectively, if we miss the point here, build up in him, rooted, build up in him, and established in the faith, Well, if we neglect what we have in our portion, well that will not become us.
You're speaking about some need to be primed, brother. I remember hearing in the prayer after a prayer meeting a brother said who had not been primed, he said. Do you think it's all right, brother, if we say Amen to the other brothers prayers? I said, well that's a very easy way out. But the Lord says, let me see thy countenance, let me hear thy voice.
That's what we need, isn't it?
The character of the prayer here too, praying in the Holy Ghost.
I remember the wild brother Potter was with us. He neared the end of his ministry. He so awesome spoke of this, that long prayers are for the Plaza, short prayers for the public, and I believe that word of that's important. And of course sometimes one can pray until it worries the thing with.
Although they're hurt because of their much speaking.
Oh, I think he was a godly brother veteran and Mr. Darby's got his teaching right from from Brother Darby. I think his advice and caution was important for us. Just remember that long prayers and for the club and short prayers for the public have something definitely on our hearts for our prayers.
Not just making our prayers or teaching prayers.
How can we say Amen to the prayer if we don't hear it?
So we know the mayor should be short, and there's another brother stated to the point, But given so that the Saints can hear.
You mean some brothers pray so softly that you can't hear their voice? I know from like that.
Pray and the Holy Ghost, I would like to suggest present that would speak of the fact that we need to be to keep short accounts with God so that we might be in communion with Him. Would you say that, brother? At least one of the things that I see in it, it seems to be some mysterious to some people praying on the Holy Ghost. I know the question has been raised to my own heart of some time and other people they have raised the question what is it to pray on the Holy Ghost? I say again brethren.
And how how that speak to my own conscience? Sure I can't with God. It's very important, isn't it? And keeping communion, fellowship.
We have the privilege of a visit with Doctor Clawson a few weeks ago and we were reminding him of the prayers of many of the Saints in different parts of the of all of the of our lands, Canada and the United States. And so he he referred to the second chapter back verse 42 That has been referred to this morning. And he said I'll pass on a thought that I enjoy to the same. And he said that not only the fellowship.
That is referred to in the first part of the verse of the Doctrine and the fellowship.
Of the Apostles, but also a fellowship of prayer. So he he commented on that that he enjoyed that thought that there was also could also be the fellowship of prayer. So I thought I'd pass that on to the same.
I believe it has been remarked that.
Prayer is based on the privilege of having common interest with God, and I believe that's very important. It isn't long prayers, it isn't how often we pray, but it's having the mind of God in connection with what we pray about. And so it tells us in John, if we ask anything according to his will, he heareth us so that God by his Spirit brings us into communion with Himself, plays upon our hearts, those things that he delights to do.
And then he comes in and answers those requests Our brother read to us from acts of the Lord had said that He would they were to carry in Jerusalem till they were induced with power from on high. But then they, and fellowship with the mind of the Lord, were praying for those days. While they waited, Daniel discovered from the Scripture that God was about to bring back his people from their captivity.
And so he prayed. And prayer and the knowledge that he received from the word of God relates together. And I believe that we need to have those two things, that prayer needs to be in the intelligent light of God's Word and also the result of being in communion.
God laying the request upon our hearts so that we might have fellowship with Him, and then answering those requests.
How could we keep ourselves in the mother's job?
Keeping the sunshine.
I would like to bring again another natural illustration, which is everybody in the United States is country the value of sunshine, of a sunbath.
Very good for the body to have sunshine and sometimes well, what about spirituality?
The same. It's the thing, isn't he? Is to keep him deployed, shot. There are occupation with our love for Christ, but it's really occupation with his love to us.
This must roll out in John 15 brothers and verse 9. The Lord says, as the Father has loved me, though have I loved you. Continue ye in my love.
Either be occupied with his love for us, aren't we? We cannot boast of our love to him.
Enjoyment of that love, John 14, I think would answer our brothers question.
John 14.
Verse 21.
He That's half my commandments, and keepeth them.
Here it is that loveth me.
This is, I believe, our enjoy, our joy and communion as well as our comfort.
He that have my commandments and keepeth them, here it is that loveth me. I say I love the Lord. Well, there's a question. Am I keeping His word? Am I going according to His mind?
He that loveth me shall be loved of my father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him. There's a manifestation.
I'll drop down to verse 23.
Because the answer the Lord gives to Judas, not Asteria. Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man loved me, he will keep my word, Not words here it's words the whole revealed word of God. And my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. Well, I believe that the sunshine of God's love.
Right there.
Somebody has said that we have 3 campuses in the 14 chapter of a general, the Holy Spirit, the proud and the tongue.
Thank you.
It seems to be rather a sad little note at the end of that verse in Dom 15 and 9:00. As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you. To think that he would have to add continue ye in my love.
You received a letter from someone very, very dear to you, and in that letter they told you once again of their love and then said continue in my love, you feel a little ashamed. Shall I suggest to have to receive a little reminder like that?
It would touch your heart pretty deeply to think they would have to say such a thing. And yes, so forgetful we are that the one who loved us, and whose love toward us never changes, realizes the forgetfulness and the coldness of our hearts, and faithfully brought that little word to our attention. Continue ye in my life, and how wonderful it is that if we have drifted away from that loss.
If we have allowed the shadows to come upon us the moment we move into that love again, we find that it's just the same as a little him. Put this, and yet to find these still of fame is this that humbles us with shame.
We have a dog at our home that's not a very intelligent creature in my opinion, but at this time of year we keep him chained up outside and in the general area. There's a bit of sunshine through the day and I noticed that that dog, every time you look out, is curled up, sound asleep in the sunshine. And as that sunshine moves over and he's in the shade, even though he's sound asleep, he'll wake up and move over and curl up in the sun again.
And I've thought of it first when I've seen him do it awake or asleep. He seems to miss it when the sunshine moves over and you move over with it. Well, I think we need to be alert too as to this danger, because the shadows are all around us and perhaps there is a danger. In fact, I feel sure there is, that we become so accustomed to the shadows that we become like poor Samson.
Who went out and took himself, and wished not that the Lord had departed from him.
Well, the next thing is looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. Thus the Lord coming but the Lord coming as a mercy to take us out of the world, that becoming more and more corrupt in the apostrophe is increasing a special fearful rates.
Take them out of it, away from us, is our hope.
Go to mercy. This will be a brother before. What a mercy.
Saying yesterday that Enos prophecy, behold, the Lord cometh with 10,000 of his faith.
That this British where it says, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto everlasting life, really proceeds what what we get in a prophecy of Enoch, the Lord coming with 10,000 of His Saints, because His mercy will have intervened and taken us away.
Have little children and realize how long this time is to bring up children.
And such corrupt and wicked world as we're living in. To think they and their little ones will be caught up to meet the Lord when He comes in the air with that mighty shock the Texas Hall. But all that will take place before we come back. And then this apostate scene that is described in this book so solemnly.
Will come on to the judgment of God. Because if you follow the subject of the judgment from the 4th chapter of Revelation on, you'll find the first Fear of Guts Monster of Christendom. I believe that's right. It's a very place where they have had all the advantages and the opportunities of having the word of God, hearing the gospel and the truth of God.
That's where God's first and awful justice is going to fall.
Relation chapter 3 verse 10 brings that out. The Lord Jesus doesn't, because thou hast kept the word of my patience. I will also keep thee from the auto spy. That's the way she's assessed him, which will come from we shall come upon all the world to try them to dwell upon the earth.
This is the most, isn't it, that is going to do that.
In the address to Philadelphia. And that's the last testimony of the church that has the Lords approval and he doesn't give any encouragement as to things improving or as to.
Any remarkable testimony going out from Philadelphia? What characterizes Philadelphia?
Is having a little strength, and keeping his word, and not denying his name. And then he says that which thou hast received whole fast till I come.
This expression, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life, is a remarkable expression. We already possess eternal life, but the life that we have is the life that suited to heaven. And when we get there, we'll be in the element to which that life belongs. And as we see the darkness and evil increasing, we feel more and more. We don't belong here. So it makes us look forward to the time when we'll be in the place where our life, the life that we already possess, will find it.
Expression and enjoyment. So it's very remarkably expressed and used here in connection with the Lord's coming. In some places we have the joy of seeing the Lord. But here in the day of apostasy, it's the release that it will be just as a fish placed up on the on we'll stay on the grass. Well, it has a light that's suited to the water. It's out of its element. Heaven could speak, it would say, please put me back where my life find this expression.
Where it can enjoy itself. Well, that's what we feel as the Lord's coming draws nearer, and it ought to make our hearts cry out and long for his return.
Probably to have three names united here coming up our Lord Jesus Christ.
A precious to have those names united.
And that's the one that we're we're waiting for, the one that's coming in the air.
Lord himself shall defend from heaven with a shock.
And if that one who has revealed himself in this world took that lowly name of Jesus?
He's our Lord. He was the promised one, the Christ That's the one that we're looking for, whose mercy will separate us from, a theme that's right for the judgment of God.
Then there's great apostasy of butter, we are told in the 22nd verse, aren't we, Of some have this compassion making a difference, and others, save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garments spotted by the flag. We know that there are real children of God that are getting mixed up in the current of what's going on, which is really.
Leading to the apostasy we don't say that all those who are mixed up with this movement that will finally end up in the apostate church and come under the judgment of God. We don't say they're all lost. Some of God's people may be mixed up in that, while it's our privilege and our responsibility to try and help such. And so the exhortation is here to try to do it. But.
Not to forget hating even the garments spotted by the flag. If we do try to help them, it isn't that we can have fellowship with this mixture of things that is going on, that it makes and mixes together evil and good. We have to take our place. Just like a truck that comes full of man out of the fish, he doesn't go into the ditch, he stays up and he helps the man out. And we need to remember that we're never to compromise the truth of God, even to help someone who has drifted.
But we are to walk in the truth, and seek to draw them into that which is pleasing to God and obedience to His words.
Jeremiah 15 is a quick little portion for that. This is Brother Gordon. I was thinking of those verses as you mentioned in in connection with all that we've had.
In this portion in the 15th of Jeremiah.
In the 16th verse.
Thy words were found, and I did eat them, and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of my heart. For I'm called by thy name, Oh Lord God of hosts. I sat on the assembly of markers, nor rejoice I sat alone because of thy hands, for thou hast filled me with indignation, while this is what we've been having in the early part of the of this chapter.
One finding his word, rejoicing in them, making him good to his soul. Then he's in a condition to, as we've had, have compassion on some, making a difference. If you go on to the 19th verse of that same chapter, therefore thus that the Lord if thou returns, then will I bring thee again, and thou shalt stand before me. Well, this is individual, isn't it? One who's rejoicing in the Lord finding his words.
Applicable to his own soul.
And making it good, and that these intelligent he's in a position where God can use him. And so it says, And if thou take forth the precious from the vile, thou shall be as my mouth. Let them return unto thee, and return not thou unto them.
Well, this is this is not necessary for us, isn't it? It's been said already we should be on the word for our own soul 1St and then we're in a position to.
Know God's mind as to that which is true and that which is false.
We can find some science. People have been entangled with 70 advertising and even Jehovah Witnesses are found. People. When I told them their doctors were perfectly shocked, they had no idea that it was this wicked people connected with it. The last you can pull out of the fire.
And we're killing a woman.
Who is 1/7 Day Adventist? She handed me her book. I looked through a graphically and found the place where they make the the devil the scapegoat and the sins were laid upon him, that eventually all the sins will be laid on the devil and as he was responsible for the fall and Phillip man, he'll have to bear them away.
I told her that and then I read 53rd of Isaiah. Yo Homa has laid on him the electricity of us all. I said, what you going to believe your book here or the word of God? Like said, I'm going to leave the IT was the Bible says. I didn't know that was in that book. Well there was one that he could pull out of the fire.
They didn't know the depth of faith.
Don't have compassion.
Well, it must be done in that spirit.
Otherwise the spoiler work the Spirit of God, if the Spirit of God is already working.
Then the other part, hating even the garments spotted by the flesh. We find that principle in numbers. If a man was unclean, a clean man was to sprinkle the water of separation upon him. But the man who sprinkled the water of separation was himself unclean until the evening.
Having to do with evil, even if it's necessary for God's glory and for the good of others, defiles us. And we should be careful that in any contact that we have with evil, that as soon as we're through, we turn from it right away. Just like what you were saying before, Brother Dari, We can get so occupied with the apostasy of evil that's going on in the world, and we can find ourselves dwelling upon it, and it renders us unclean.
If we have to do with it, if in faithfulness to God to help others, we have to do with it by we get away from it as quickly as we can. And the best way is that the man in the 90s of numbers, then he washed his clothes, and this in this way he was cleansed from any films that he might have received by that unclean man, even though he was trying to help him. Well, we turned to the word of God. We read the word of God.
And our garments, so to speak, our cleanse, and we are occupied with good instead of with evil.
All to him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you falsely before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy. I believe a better word in that verse, instead of keep you from falling and to keep you from assembling because we stumbled before we fall.
Here is a pervading for that we may we may not even stumble.
But it's under him that is able.
Must look up to him.
We are told to keep ourselves in the love of God, but we're not told to keep ourselves from falling. We can't do that. But God has made the provision for us. Then He's able to keep US1 Thinks of that verse in the 17th Psalm by the word. As I lift have I kept me from the path of the Destroyer. The Lord is able to keep us, but if we walk in the path of disobedience to His word and say, well, He'll keep me.
While that's a denial of the way that he keeps us, the way He keeps us is in the possible obedience.
So again, we have in Peters a pistol kept by the power of God. But it doesn't stop there. Kept by the power of God through faith, that is, as we walk in the bathroom, faith. He preserves us. So the blessed thing to know he keeps us, but he's given us a safe path.
In the full on story children's progress as a place where Christian comes to a spot where the lions roar at him and as he is about to proceed along the way he becomes full of fear. But then he finds in his chart that these lions are chained and that if he stays on the path they can't touch him. Well, I think it's a good illustration. Satan can roar.
And Satan can harm us if we get out of the path. So his effort is always to get us out of the path of obedience, independence. God encourages us to walk in that path. These four anchors that were mentioned are given. And then the power of God, the peace us.
The Apostle Paul and Second Timothy, chapter one. It says verse 12. For I know whom I have believed, and I'm persuaded that he's able to keep that which I have committed him unto him again that day. Well, it's very blessed listening.
And this is true of everyone of us, and as our brothers mentioned this question, to walk in communion and in faith, isn't it? And to keep shut account with God are true. That is, this is so essentialism I find so essential in my life to keep short accounts with God.
Before the presence of his glory was exceeding joy. That is, we need to seek as near as possible and be continually exercise. It might be true the very character of pop is before us when we're done with what pertains to the old nature and we're taken out of the scenes where.
All these trials and these temptations.
Found. We need to be as much in the atmosphere of heaven as possible down here.
Impossible often just speaks as all the Christian life is looked at as going right on into the heavenly sea.
Well, that is only possible.
In the walk of communion and path of obedience as we've had brought before. But the fear of God doesn't consider that anything that would lower the standards.
Or in any way compromise with what is is wrong is even to be considered or suggested?
The line was built. The Board of Trade demand that a rail should be put round the ship side. What is it for the children to climb up and down? No, it's to prevent passengers from falling overboard.
But then the fasteners have their responsibilities not to fall down on board, and their responsibilities now. God has made it His responsibility to keep up, especially since we get on our earth. He's able to keep us. But then there is the other side. I believe we read in the epistle James and the first chapter last verse.
Someone was there to keep himself unspotted from the world.
That's the responsibility I have. God has made his responsibility to keep me, but now I have one too. And John says, little children, keep yourselves from idols and forces To Timothy, keep thyself pure. So we do have our responsibility too, do we not?
Do we not have the other side of the universe? We've already considered verse 21. First part of it. Keep yourself in the love of all this of the people.
And there's certainly something worthwhile to have before us.
That is the presence of his glory.
Where the exceeding joy.
A lot of prospects and.
The and the Spirit of God would keep us as false as in view of that coming scene of glory, as we sometimes think. The glory shines before me. I cannot linger here, so clouds may darken or me. My father's house is near.
So there is a false mark.
Life that we know will be fully revealed, but he wants us to be and the good of that down here, and the Father makes it.
What encourages us for that pathway is having the glory. Not only that, but the exceeding joy in that glory.
Of the merely exceeding joy, and we are with exceeding joy.
I believe there is a practical aspect about the verse of connected with the 2nd Corinthians 5 isn't there? We labor than whether present or absent, we may be agreeable to him. In a certain sense. Every believer will be presented there. That is through the work of Christ We have perfect acceptance. We are accepted in the beloved. But in the practical side of it, when our lives are manifested, there will be that which is acceptable, that which gives.
Joy to the heart of God and joy to the heart of the Lord Jesus. And there will be that that has to be burned up. And so the exhortations and the verses before are as regard to our walk. But then also it's his power able to keep us from stumbling. While every believer isn't kept from stumbling, sometimes we do stumble. It isn't that he isn't able to keep us, he is. But we walk himself well and so we stumble. He'll never allow it to be lost.
He'll pick us up when we do stumble and bring us back to himself. But I believe here that there is a practical aspect to it. Other scriptures speak of the joy that there will see when we're with the Lord. In fact, I believe we could say that when it's the truth of the Rapture that is brought before us, it's the joy and the blessedness and the comfort of seeing the Lord and being with him. But whatever, there is that which has to do with the.
Count as we have here.
The presence of his glory and that would just manifest the judgment feet of Christ. There is a practical aspect that is always brought to bear upon our consciences, so that we might live pleasing to him while we waste that time.
For his joy will exceed ours, and having us surround himself.
I believe that is why we have that expression exceeding joy here. It's in contrast. This is not to verse 21 looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. Well, it's the mercy. It's already stated that if we were taken out this very moment. But there's a higher note.
The Lord's joy in his people, and having them round about himself, and that and that connection is that exceeding joy of the Lord.
I will joy and rejoice, but his joy will be greater.
In thickened feet at chapter one and verse 10 and 11. I love to read those two verses. They're very nice, precious words and when they connect with our brothers was before us.
Peter chapter one, verse 10 and 11. To say work for the right of brethren, give diligence to make you call in an election, sure, but if you do these things you shall never fail.
Fall for throw an answer, and shall be minister, and to you abundantly into the everlasting Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This is the present enjoyment. Who is included here is an exam.
Captured. Captured.
Time has got the bottom is the only wise God, or the only God our Savior be Glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen. So whatever way we consider the truth that we've had before all glory and honor, praise belongs to Him, not to us in any sense whatever.
At #18 in the appendix.