Jude 9-13

Duration: 52min
Jude 9‑13
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We hear the words of love. We gaze upon the blood hymn number 84.
We hear.
By anything about my creator following you to the time where I have to begin to play on.
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And then we can't do this with the neighborhood and the neighbours and the neighbours and the cerebral palsy and the MMM, MMM and the.
And we are today in the following program.
We wish they could come.
We do it again, we don't want to get in God anytime and we'll move on.
No, I don't know because I, I, I can see you make a difference.
Where you can go ahead and scrub the time one.
So the estimates with uh, verse nine of Juke.
Jude verse 9. Yet Michael the Archangel, when contending with the devil, he disputed about the body of Moses, does not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, the Lord rebuked thee. But these speak evil of those things which they know not, but what they know naturally.
As brute feasts in those things they corrupt themselves. Woe unto them, for they have gone in the way of pain, and ran greedily after the era of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of quarry. These are spots in your feast of charity, when they cease with you, feeding themselves without fear.
Clouds they are without water, carried a boat of winds. Trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit tray is dead, plucked up by the roots.
Raging waves of the sea foaming out their own shame, Wandering stars to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever.
And Enoch, also the 7th from Adam.
Prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with 10 thousands of his things, to execute judgment upon all, and to convince all, that our ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed.
And of all their heart speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.
These are murmurs, complainers walking after their own luck, and their mouth speaketh great swelling words, having men's persons in admiration because of advantage. But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ.
How that they told you there should be markers in the last time who should walk after their own ungodly lust. These be they who separate themselves sensual, having not the Spirit, but ye beloved, building apo, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost.
Keep yourselves in the love of God.
Looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life and of some have compassion making a difference.
And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the government, fasted by the flesh. Now unto them that is able to keep you from falling.
And to present you faultless before the presence of His glory, with exceeding joy. To the only wise God our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.
I'd like to clarify something that, uh, I repeated in the last two meetings, and that is the definition of apostasy, which is, which I said was, uh, quoting from an old brother years ago, uh, willfully turning away from revealed truth. Well, some might well interpret that, uh, saying as this way that if you've turned your back on the meeting, your apostate.
Well, that nothing could be further from the truth. That is, uh, a contradiction of, umm, what another brother described as the difference between backsliding and apostasy. Uh, and furthermore, the, the application, the first application of that principle is personal individual situation. It's a, a person who willfully turns away from revealed truth. So let's, uh, I just wanted to be clear about that.
Mm-hmm. OK.
Brother Stephen was mentioning about the connection between the two things that we have, the characteristics of the apostate.
We saw them back in verse four. Sorry to go back there again, but that's where they were introduced and it says that they turned the grace of our God to lasciviousness. That was the first thing, the loss that comes out. We saw the progression of that.
Unbelief followed by disobedience and then unbridled lust that followed that. And the second thing was the end of verse 4, denying the only Lord God, really the only Master in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Because how that should be translated. And so they were despising the authority as well. And these things go together. Brother alluded to it. I just want to point that out.
Because that's what we have here in our 9th, 1St is the despising of authority. And their brother mentioned the highest level of that. That is the Lord's authority that ultimately is despised because all authorities derive from Him.
These things go together because if I want to do my own will and disobedience and lust, then I don't want anyone telling me not to do it.
Any authority that's going to be there to say, no, this is what I expect and not your will, I'm going to get rid of, I'm going to despise it and I'm going to speak railingly against it. And so they go and separately, together, and that's what we have in the world. The very denial of God and evolution is because man doesn't want to believe the obvious that there's a God, because if he does, then there's a consequence. There's something that God has said and therefore man is responsible to God.
And so it's convenient to rail against everything he sees and says, say that there's not even a God.
But we get other examples in our chapter, and the one in verse nine is Michael the Archangel. He contends with the devil over the body of Moses, and there we find that he's a good example. He won't rail against Satan because Satan had been given a place by God, and even though he fell, Michael still recognized that place that God had given to him, and it wasn't yet the time for God.
Uh, to authorize Michael to, uh, cast Satan out of heaven or to lose that place entirely, that will come. We read about that in the Book of Revelation. But until then, Michael would just recognize it, acknowledge that authority. And so in going back to what we were talking about in the last meeting, this spirit of apostasy and how we all need to be exercised about it, this is one of those key places, isn't it? There are authorities that God has set up.
It's not just the apostates. Sometimes you speak against them, but.
Perhaps many of us at times have done this and so we need to take these verses and again look at that and say, are we doing what the Lord wants from us? So we recognizing that authority, which is from Himself and submitting ourselves.
There are two instances that come to mind that tie in with this verse, and one is in the 20. Uh, it's in the book of Acts.
The, uh, 23rd chapter of Acts.
In connection with, uh, Paul himself.
Before the high priest Verse 3 then said, Fall unto him, God shall smite thee, thou whited wall, for sittest thou to judge me after the law commandment command us me to be smitten contrary to the law they that stood by said Revile us, thou God's high priest.
Then said Paul, I wish not, or I knew not, brethren, that he was the high priest. For is written, Thou shalt not speak evil of the roar of thy people. So that's one case that, uh, comes to mind. The other, I believe is in First Samuel chapter 24.
Getting back to Samuel again.
And uh.
It's in verse 5.
Re read the latter part of verse four. Then David arose and cut off the skirt of souls robe privilege. It came to pass afterward that David's heart smoked, smoked him because he had cut off Saul's skirt. He said unto his men, Lord forbid that I should do this thing unto my master, the Lord's anointed, anointed to stretch forth my hand against seeing.
He is the anointed of the Lord. So there was that recognition in both cases and it it caused an apology on Paul's park and it it caused a confession on, on David's part. So in the case before us, the angels were prevented from doing so. But when it's done, we see the proper response in these two other cases.
And we see another that rail the fund, David as king. And David committed that to a future time, didn't he, For the Lord to recompense?
I'm sure the body of Moses got buried exactly where God wanted it to be buried. So Michael didn't give in to what the devil wanted, but at the same time he respected the power and that God had given to Satan, even though Satan was abusing that power. You cannot think of a worse being to have to put up with. Hitler doesn't compare. Saddam Hussein doesn't compare.
Guinness Khan doesn't compare.
To Satan, the Spirit of God has used the worst possible example and still saying to us that we need to respect those whom God puts in power. He sets them up. We have to respect them, but at the same time, we need to recognize that it is our responsibility, as the apostles said, that we ought to obey God rather than men. But if we're going to disobey, we still need to keep in mind the example of Michael.
As in verse 10, the thieves speak evil of those things which they know not.
Right, which is another characteristic and this is.
Indeed, something that happens a lot, they just speak according to what they decided or the facts. One of the places where this happens is the Word of God itself. Some of the apostates that have hurt the Christian testimony the most have been those higher critics that have gone to discount almost the entire Word of God and nowhere more than right here in this, uh, book of Jude.
The 9th 1St for instance is not mentioned elsewhere in the Bible. We have what whether Rob mentioned spoken of that God was the one who buried Moses, but not this account with Michael as far as I'm aware. And so men say that well either Jude made this up or he copied this from some other source that we have lost and they deny.
Inspiration a little further down they do the same thing. Enoch also in verse 14, seventh from Adam and this isn't mentioned in Genesis and so.
There was somebody who came and made a whole book of Enoch and apostate went and did that to try to discredit this, but that's not where this came from. The Spirit of God was the author of these words. We noticed before the similarity between this book of Jude and.
And second, Peter, particularly chapter 2. And so men will say, well, Peter copied from Jude or Jude copied from Peter. And again they're trying to discredit the word of God. These are apostates who do that. They speak evil of those things are railingly against those things which they understand not.
How much better by faith to rest on what we had presented from Second Timothy 3 the other day. I think someone mentioned that yesterday that all scripture is given by inspiration of God. This is God breathed. The Holy Spirit is the one who wrote these words, and so we know these things are true, and it doesn't have to be found somewhere else for the Spirit of God to have recorded it here. He knew exactly what happened at every moment in history. And when Jude wrote, he rode under direct inspiration of the Spirit himself.
This is in the sphere of professing Christianity. This isn't out in heathendom. I'm sure that's been mentioned already. And so within that sphere of professing Christianity, we hear those that speak evil of the things that they don't know, and they don't know them because they're unregenerate. They don't have a new life, they don't have.
The capacity.
To understand divine things, they have not the Spirit of God to open them up to them, as we had read to us earlier in first Corinthians 2. Those things only discerned by the Spirit of God. Other than that, no man can know spiritual thanks. And so they speak evil of those things they know not. How Can you believe that book if you took it up for what it says? It says it's in the shellfish. How foolish.
They don't understand.
They don't understand the things that we understand by the Spirit of God when we look at the Old Testament and see types and shadows of heavenly things.
They can't understand it. They speak evil of it and they take the word of God up and they put it down and they mock it.
Because they cannot understand it, like unintelligent beasts. Mr. Darby, I think, translates it that way. Unintelligent animals, brute beasts. What A brute beast is just unintelligent.
These show themselves to be worse because they're immoral.
A brew beast doesn't know anything about divine things either.
But he's not immoral.
These as what they know naturally as groupies, no different than unintelligent animals, But in those things, the very things which they do know just naturally as natural men and women here in this world, they corrupt those very things.
God's order in creation.
They show themselves to be more debased than the unintelligent animals that they're likened to here.
That has become the character of things and professing Christianity in all the morality and awfulness that is openly embraced, as was referred to earlier in the chapter, turning the grace of God into lasciviousness.
Why did the devil dispute?
Uh, with, uh, Michael the Archangel regarding the body of Moses, what did he want to gain through that?
Someone has said that man likes to look at a shrine and he would like to have got a hold of uh, the devil would like to have got a hold of the body of Moses.
Made a Made a shrine.
So they could worship the shrine instead of the Lord.
And God wouldn't allow that.
At the end of the Second World War, when the Allies moved into Bavaria.
Into the area where Hitler had his headquarters at the Eagles Nest.
The Allies made a decision that they would utterly destroy that compound there so that.
A shrine be not made of that particular location, and it proved to be a very wise decision.
And that's the heart of men, isn't it? To to do that.
Not the general principle in the Scriptures, uh, in that, uh, all of the elements that were important and sacred in the Old Testament to the people of Israel have been generally obliterated. Things like the arc of the testimony, the tables of stone, the Tabernacle, the temple, and, uh, you could go on a long list.
And uh, I believe the purpose for that, the fact that nothing exists of that, even though men keep searching, they even conduct searches for the Lost Ark and they conduct searches for the even Noah's Ark resting place and so on. But no, no fruit of that, no results.
And the reason is because anything that was leftover from that old era would be regarded as a distraction from the re, the worship of the Lord Jesus, God's Son. And in fact, He personally replaces all those elements of worship in the Old Testament.
I think we get a picture of it if, uh, with the.
Uh, with the umm, brazen serpent, uh, you remember in Numbers why Lord told Moses to put the brace and serpent on a pole? Many looks shall live.
Well, if you turn over to 2nd Kings chapter 18.
Uh, you find there.
But Hezekiah, first part of the chapter. Hezekiah the son of Ahaz, 25 years old, would see when he began to reign.
And he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord. The fourth verse, what I'm thinking of, he removed the high places, and break the images, and cut down the Groves, and break in pieces the brazen serpent that Moses had made.
We're under those days. The children of Israel did burn incense to it, and he called it a Houston.
So there we see how the.
The very thing that was used of God to faith for the children of Israel to look and live, they made an idol out of it, didn't they? And Hezekiah, he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord, and he removed it. We walked by faith and not by sight.
Verse 11 That it's important that we look at.
I'll just read the verse and then I'll comment on this. Well unto them, for they have gone in the way of Cain. They ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core.
Well, what is the way of Cain?
Turn back to Genesis chapter 4.
And we'll read a couple of verses here.
Verse 3.
And in the process of time came to pass, that Cain brought forth the fruit of the ground, of the fruit of the ground, and offering unto the Lord. And Abel he also brought of the first links of his flock, of the fat, and of the fat thereof. And the Lord had respect unto Abel, and to his offering, but unto Cain and his offering he had not respect. Why? Because Cain, although he probably.
Had heard from his parents about.
God brought an offering, approached God with the fruit of the ground that God had said it's cursed.
Abel brought of the flock a lamb, and we know that it points ahead to the Lord Jesus in a beautiful way.
And, uh, Cain didn't want to approach God on those terms.
He wanted to approach God and his own way.
And God did not have respect to that since it was rejected and, uh.
I would just say to each of us.
Make a big deal about the blood of Christ. It's so important to what we believe and what we hold from the Word of God. Everything about the Old Testament points ahead to the cross.
And if we give that up?
We are in the way of King.
So I think that's what the way of Cain is. You know what's, uh, you think back through, uh, the Old Testament and all those sacrifices, right, that were killed. How could we take out a verse like Leviticus 2317, I think it is, or 1723. The life of the flesh is in the blood and I have given it to you upon the altar. There is the blood that making an atonement for the soul.
So let's value that and hold it up.
So, you young people.
Enjoy meditating about the blood of Christ. When you preach the gospel, young men make a lot about the blood of Christ. It's so important. OK, I don't wanna talk too much.
They are available, so we don't have time to read the whole story of Balaam, but we know that the king of Moab wanted to curse God's people. He tried to get Balaam to do it.
Unsuccessfully a number of times.
And, uh, anyway, The upshot was Balan thought that if he could get the people of God to sin, then God would reach out and punish.
And we find in Numbers 3116 that says, Behold, these caused the children of Israel through the Council of Balaam to commit trespass against the Lord.
Uh, perhaps there's more to this, uh, era of Balm because I know that there are other places that speak of the doctrine of Balaam and perhaps the way of Balaam. But anyway, here Balen thought that God would have to reach out and smack down those people with through will, if I can say that respectfully. And he missed the fact that God is the God of love and grace and that's the message of the cross.
I look forward to hearing what other people would say about that. The last one is the gainsay of Core. We find that in, uh, I think it's #16 uh, we don't have time to read that story, but the coauthites were part of the tribe of Levi, and they were involved in the service of the Tabernacle, but they weren't the priests. And here these ones wanted to be the priests.
And they tried to step into the authority that God had placed, and it was wrong and so.
Let us be careful, especially you young people. Uh, give God his proper place.
And, uh, he will lead and guide in his way. It's so tempting for us to, you know, perhaps we could say, well, we could run this meeting a little better if we organized it. And, uh.
You know, maybe I'll have this hymn sung and then somebody will read these verses and somebody else will say something and it takes the Spirit of God out of it.
Be careful, God is the authority. So just a few things about that that we need to be careful of. And I'd like to hear other people's thoughts on this too. I think that's, uh, really great. I just, umm, wanna point out one thing that I really enjoyed about verse 11 and when it speaks of Cain, We were just taking this up in our Thursday night Bible reading in, uh, Pine Grove. And one thing that comes to mind with Cane is that.
He didn't know what God wanted, possibly because he wasn't walking with God like Abel was. Abel walked with God and therefore he knew what was on God's heart when it was required of him to offer a sacrifice. I'm sure Cain knew the stories that his parents had told him, and I'm sure he he could have known and should have known much better. But I think it's it's worth pointing out that Abel walked with God and because he walked with God.
He knew what the heart of God was. And I think walking with God goes for Balaam as well because it says the era of Balaam for profit. And another part of the story of Balaam that comes to mind is he tried to, he tried to live on both sides of the fences. He umm, he tried to walk as a prophet, walk with God, but at the same time he thought he could make a profit. He thought he could make a quick buck off of cursing the people of God as well. And so.
He, he attempted to to sort of live on both sides and that wasn't walking with God. And a certain verse that I've been enjoying lately that I think is applicable is in James chapter 3.
James chapter 3 and verse 11 and it says that the spring sends forth fresh water and bitter water from the same opening and the answer is obviously no. And so I think it's important to know that when it comes to walking with God, there's no room in our lives for for walking on both sides. The the Christian life doesn't afford the room to walk on both sides. And if we're if we're living in a lifestyle that really desires the things in Christ, but we also like the world and we also.
Like the things that they're over there and on the other side and we dabble with them and we think we can make profit on both sides, then we're, we're deceiving only ourselves. So I think, uh, I think with reference to Cain and both Balaam and this, it's important to know that, uh, walking with God will reveal what the truth really is and what he has for us.
I like the simple way Brother Charles Little put these fits first.
The first one, the way of Cain, he just mentioned his umm.
Of the preaching of good works, the gospel of works. And the second one, the era of Valium for reward was preaching for money. And the third one and the Harrison again saying of Korra was Cora wanted a place that did not belong to him. God did not give it to him. He wanted to take that for himself. And so all of these things came in early and christened them. There were those who rose up to the ranks of clergy and.
These are the very things that characterize that, and it's what characterizes Christians and generally today. It's not to say that every person in Christianity who is a so-called pastor, a minister, does all these things, but by and large this air of apostasy that came in early is what characterizes Christendom at large today.
I don't wanna go off on the side, but this is not the only thing that has spoken of, uh, concerning Balaam here. It's the error of Balaam in Revelation Chapter 2. It's the doctrine of bailout. And I have a few notes that I would just like to read that express, uh, the thought very clearly.
Says the doctrine of Balaam was his teaching Balak to corrupt the people.
Who could not be corrupted by tempting them to marry women of Moab?
Thus defiling their separation and abandoning their Pilgrim character. So that's brought before us in Revelation chapter 2.
In Second Peter chapter 2 and verse 15.
Says which have forsaken the right way and are going astray.
Following the way of Salem, the son of Bossor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness.
Uh, he was anxious to make a market for his gift and I believe we, we see that numbers chapter 22 and again, I have a a note here.
Balum was a typical hireling profit, anxious only to make a market of his gift.
So the three things are referred to labellum, the error of balum.
Uh, and the doctrine of Balaam.
It starts out with denying fundamental truths.
When you think of the awfulness, really, of what Cain did, why bring a sacrifice, Cain?
Why is there a need to bring a sacrifice?
He really denied the fall. He said to God, look what I did for you, you owe me. And he brought a sacrifice without blood. He denied sin. He made little of sin. The Lord says there's an offering that lieth at the door. He wouldn't take advantage of it. He despised the provision of God.
And he persecuted the true child of God. He slew his brother.
You know Keynes never called a brother. Abel is 7 times. Keynes never called a brother once he wasn't a brother.
We think of applying it spiritually.
And so it's the doctrine of works is to approach to God, but really making God our debtor, making light of sin, denying the fall, and in all of that, what does that do?
That denies the true character of God is holy and righteous.
It's like God himself and his character.
And the progression then is to take those doctrines and preach them for money, make good money on that error.
In the end, man's exalted. That's Corey. And who was displaced when Cora exalted himself? Aaron was displaced. Who's Aaron? A picture of Christ, our great high priest.
Christ is put down.
And man is exalted. And where is that going to end? 2nd Thessalonians 2HE sits in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. It's man exalting himself into God's place is where that's going to end.
It's a progression down through these verses.
It's really the basis, couldn't we say, of all man's religion. It's all based on works and it is the natural thing. You talk to a person and you say to them.
Suppose you died tonight.
And you were standing before the pearly gates.
And there's Jesus on the other side, and he says to you.
On what grounds can I let you in here to heaven? I know, I'm talking putting it at a lower level here, folks.
But what's the answer that you give to a question like that? Well.
I I I do this or I do that? Isn't that the natural reply of man's religion? I like what someone has said that.
There are only two religions in the world, and one is based on what man does and the other is based on what God has done.
Well, the question was asked earlier about whether these were those who are.
More public or subtle, and number of thoughts were advanced about those who go into houses, as we have in the second John.
And uh, the fact is that they do all of those things. As we've seen, we have the likeness of Balaam here for reward. He was, he was really out there speaking against the people of God. It was a very public thing. And that's what we get it as we go down to these next verses. It gives really the whole gamut of things that these apostates do. It starts with, these are spots in your feast of charity.
Where the believers would come together and they would share and show love among themselves and to others. And in the middle of that they were ones who were running around doing this. It might be the more hidden side of things to do it subtly as we had at the beginning.
They came in unawares and that I understand. It's really the meaning here because the the word spots, I think it's hidden rocks is how Mr. Kelly translates that. And it's like those rocks that aren't marked out, there's no buoy or marker of any sort.
And their shallow, the boats come along and they hit them, their Shoals, their wreaths, or that which would call a shipwreck. And so it's that's the picture I think we have in the first one in verse 12 is that they're among the Lord's people. And they're there to question, to infuse doubts and to turn someone aside, which again is why this chapter is so important for us.
Because we can look at a lot of these things and say these are the characteristics of what we do see in Christendom, but it isn't so much.
And those gathered to the Lord's name. And thank God, that's true.
But yet it could be among those gathered to the Lord's name, there can be those who go around and would question or spread false teaching and false doctrine. And it has happened in the past. And so we need to be aware of that and on our guard and ready with the Scriptures when we're confronted with it, to give an answer and to earnestly contend for the faith that we have here in first Break.
Thinking about the reward, that reward does not necessarily have to be monetary, does it could be for applause, it could be for favor. And so that's something that has to be kept in mind. Uh, I was thinking of a portion that we had which.
Uh, really, uh, ties in a little with the subject that we're talking about, the 17th chapter of Judges.
And we see that the whole system that God had appointed is laid aside here.
Verse 10 It says, And Mike has said unto him, Dwell with me, and be unto me a father and a priest, and I will give thee 10 shekels of silver by the year in a suit of apparel. So forth. So that Levi went in, and the Levite was content to dwell with the man, and the young man was unto him as one of his sons.
And Mica consecrated the Levite and the young man became his priest and was in the House of Micah. Then said Micah, now know I that the ward will do me good seeing I have a Levite for my priest. Well here, here. This is for monetary gain, isn't it? And it wasn't because of that individual had the spiritual welfare of Mike and mine. And so that's what we have.
In many cases today, isn't it?
He was actually a grandson of Moses.
This 12 goes on to really.
So how these ones can be impressive in their own way, and very hard to detect in an outward way? They need to be tried by the truth of God. And so it has here. They feast with you, feeding themselves without fear. They're just going on with the Saints, not worried about retribution or anything.
For good reason. The Lord's people should be kind and they take advantage of that. And it says clouds, they are without water. We often saw this in Malawi. You'd have it dry for a long period of time and then the clouds would come and say, oh, good, now we're going to get rain. And days later the rain wouldn't have come. Say, what's wrong? There's plenty of water up in those clouds, but they're not giving any. It's an appearance of something, but nothing is supplied.
And that's what these ones are as well. There appears to be refreshments there, but nothing comes out of those clouds. And it says carried about of winds. We read about those, uh, winds of doctrine and, uh, Ephesians chapter 4. And this is what they capitalize on every thought or strange wind of doctrine they'll use to upset the faith of believers. And it says.
Trees whose fruit withereth.
Without fruit, her autumnal trees. I think the other translation has.
These, these are those that don't have anything. There's a pretension of fruit like the Lord spoke of with that fig tree. There should be something there, but yet there's nothing produced for God. And then finally it says twice dead, plucked up by the roots.
They're dead by nature, and they're dead and what they do by practice, as we often sing by nature and by practice. Far so we were, and these apostates still are, and their practices showing something even worse because they make a pretension.
What they're going on and upsetting things among the Lord's people and they're plucked up by their roots. There's no hope of any nourishment for themselves. And so it's a terrible picture of these ones that were given and one that the Spirit of God gives to us faithfully, that we need to test what people say, not look on the outward appearance or that which might impress us naturally. But is this thing what they're telling us? Is it according to the Word of God?
Or not and then testing it we can know for sure.
See, our time is nearly gone, but just to reinforce something that our brother Dave brought before us in the address before and ties in with this first and second Samuel chapter 2, where we read of the evil, uh, that was perpetuated by the sons of Eli. But I was thinking of verse 13, it says, and the priest custom with the people was that when any man offered sacrifice, the pre servant came with the flesh.
While the flesh was in seething with a flesh hook of three teeth in his hand.
And so forth. Oh, they were looking after their own portion and not after the people, were they?
So that's important to note.
55 in the back.
That we had to do whenever we're going to go.