“Judge Not, That Ye Be Not Judged”

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 4min
Matthew 7:1  •  4 min. read  •  grade level: 9
These words are often applied to hinder a sound judgment as to the plain paths of right and wrong. If a person is walking in that which I know by the Word of God to be wrong, I must judge that he is walking wrong, or give up my judgment of right and wrong. I may trust that he may be misled, or that difficulties and temptations may have overcome him, and consider myself lest I also be tempted—think the best I can of him—but I cannot put evil for good, and good for evil.
There can be no right motive to do what is wrong, or to do what is contrary to God's will. There may be ignorance, lack of light in the conscience, and I may and ought to take all this into account, but I cannot say that the person is not doing wrong.
Woe be to me if for any personal consideration I weaken my own sense that a wrong path is a wrong one. The Christian must be very careful not to allow any reasoning to modify any submission of heart and conscience to God's judgment of good and evil. As regards the Church of God, the Scriptures plainly declare we are to judge them that are within; them that are without, God judges.
The imputation of motives to persons and the habit of forming an opinion on the conduct of others is wrong. This is what the Lord guards us against in Matt. 7:11Judge not, that ye be not judged. (Matthew 7:1). But concerning the duty of not allowing evil in the house of God—it is positively commanded to us not to allow it.
Some people use this verse to teach that we should not judge whether a person is a Christian. This is a misapplication of this verse and is founded on a fundamental mistake—that a person is a Christian unless proved to the contrary. We know that a person is a Christian because we can see by their life the evidence of their faith in Christ. It is "by their fruits ye shall know them." Matt. 7:2020Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. (Matthew 7:20).
It is a most horrible principle that we cannot know who are God's children and Christ's disciples. It destroys all godly affections. If the children of a family were told that they could not know, and ought not to judge, who are their brothers and sisters, what would become of family affections? The Lord has said, "By this shall all men know that ye are My disciples, if ye have love one to another.”
How can this be if I do not know who are disciples, and towards whom their love is to be exercised? We must know each other as children of God to love as brethren. He who objects to judging that such and such are God's children objects to the love of the brethren. He is rejecting the spiritual affections on which the Lord and Scripture so much insist.
There is a wrong spirit of judgment if I occupy myself needlessly in thinking of others, and expressing an opinion of them. If in questionable cases I ascribe, even in my mind, wrong motives—if I do not hope in such cases that a right motive is at the bottom—I am in the spirit of judgment and away from God. If severity of judgment with a person, when I am bound to judge he is faulty, possesses my soul, this is not the Spirit of God. But to weaken the plain, unequivocal and avowed estimate of right and wrong under pretense of not judging—to deny the knowledge of one another and mutual love among the saints, under pretense that we have not a right to judge, is of the enemy. It is a mere cover to a man's conscience to avoid the conscious pressure of that judgment on himself.
If saints maintain a divine standard of right and wrong, I must judge them who do wrong to be doing so. I am not always called to occupy myself about their actions, but if so occupied, I must judge according to the Word of God. If I am to love the disciples of Jesus, the saints of God, "the brotherhood" (1 Peter 2), I must know who they are. If there is a disposition to distrust or to impute motives, then the spirit of judgment is at work which is not the Spirit of God. Words of Truth