THE claims of Christ are paramount to all others. He asks for a full, unreserved surrender to Himself. None but God is entitled to this. He is God become Man for our redemption. Therefore all authority is His. To yield to Him will mean the recognition that we are not our own, but are to be henceforth at His command. To lay down our lives is to put them absolutely at His disposal. If this ever means literally to die for Him, it will but open the door to eternal bliss. To shrink from suffering, to seek to avoid death by denying Him, will mean the life—the true self—lost. To acknowledge Him openly before men, whatever the consequences, will mean an open acknowledgment of us by Him in the day of His revelation, His glorious appearing, He who died to redeem the soul claims our fullest allegiance.
“Not my own, but saved by Jesus,
Who redeemed me by His blood.
Gladly I accept the message,
I belong to Christ the Lord.
Not my own! My time, my talents,
Freely all to Christ I bring;
To be used in joyful service
For the glory of my King.”
―D. W. Whittle.