July 23: Where There's Life There's Renewing

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
EU 32:2{Sometimes God's dew goes on falling through many hours of the night. But none of it is lost; some is already doing a hidden work as it falls around the very roots of our being, and some is ready to be revealed in sparkling brightness when the night is over. Lessons learned among the shadows will be lived out in the sunshine. The object of the dew is to maintain life in dry places and seasons. Dew does nothing for the stones. You would not know there ever was any at all if you only look at the gravel path. And it makes no difference at all to a dead leaf. But if it falls on the little fading plant that could hardly have lived through many more days of July sunshine, the weak little stem straightens up as the leaves absorb the life-renewing moisture, and the closed blossom can open out again with fresher fragrance than before. So God keeps on distilling His speech into our frail spiritual life, or it would soon wither up. Dryness is more to be dreaded than darkness.
Master, speak, though least and lowest, let me not unheard depart;
Master, speak, for oh, Thou knowest all the yearning of my heart,
Knowest all its truest need; speak and make me blest Indeed.