July 28

John 16:33
IT took many of us a long time to learn that true peace is found alone in Christ Jesus. We sought it nearly everywhere else before we came to Him, but we never found that which could give rest to the conscience or assurance to the heart. But in Him we found both, We have peace with God through the blood of His cross. We enjoy the peace of God as we lay every burden at His feet.
“‘My peace I give to you amid life’s sadness;
Know Me, and you shall never need to fear;
I will be with you, source of all your gladness,
Unseen, but loved, I will be always near.
My peace is yours; go share your peace with others,
So shall your pence grow fuller day by day;
God is your Father, go and tell your brothers
I am their peace who seek Me on time’s way.
Thy peace, O Christ, is far beyond my guessing,
In Thee I find the very God of peace;
Today I have the promise and the blessing,
Tomorrow more, a love which cannot cease.’”
—Howard T. N. Ussher