Jump or Be Lost

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An Arab was speedily being carried down the river toward a terrible waterfall. He could not help himself, the stream was far too strong for him to prevent the boat from being swept to the raging rapids. Just then a friend on the shore saw his danger, and knowing that he could not swim, himself jumped into the sweeping waters and swam towards him.
“Jump, man!” he cried. “Jump into the water and I will save you!”
It was his only chance of safety. He must leave the drifting canoe, and taking the place of a drowning man, trust himself to those strong arms stretched out to save him. So with you, dear reader, if still in your sins, you can do nothing to save yourself, but the Lord Jesus is ready and willing to save you, if you will just trust yourself to Him.
“I cannot swim,” fearfully called the Arab.
“Jump, man, jump!” urged his faithful friend, you are drifting toward the cataract!”
It was his last chance, but he answered back, “I am afraid!”
“Well, then goodbye,” cried the strong swimmer, as he turned to fight his way back to shore, “NOTHING CAN SAVE YOU.”
It was true, “nothing could save him.” In a few minutes the canoe was swept over the terrible falls, a raging whirlpool buried him from sight, and he sank to rise no more.
The Arab’s friend risked his life in order to save him, but the poor Arab would not trust his love and strength, and because of this he perished.
You, too, will perish, dear reader, if you refuse to accept God’s offer of salvation, for there is no other way to be saved. Jesus saw our need and came down here to save us for “The Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Luke 19:1010For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. (Luke 19:10). He took our place, bore the judgment we deserved, and now by simple trust in the Lord Jesus we may have God’s gift of eternal life.
If you refuse His offer of life you must perish and be forever lost. How solemn this thought!
Scarlet, scarlet, though your sins be scarlet,
They shall be white as snow in His precious blood.
Crimson, crimson, though your sins be crimson,
In His precious blood they shall be white as wool.
ML 12/31/1967