THAT empty tomb told the story in an incontrovertible manner that Jesus was victor over death, having effected eternal redemption for all who trust in Him. His resurrection testifies to the Father’s perfect satisfaction in the work of the cross, and tells of the sin question forever settled, and the way into the Holiest now opened up.
“The tomb was sealed that burial day
Against imagined threat of theft;
But when the stone was rolled away
Only the linen clothes were left.
Between the darkness and the dawn
(The sentries eyes were blind to sea)
Their Prisoner of death had gone:
Lord of Eternal Life was He!
The earth to her foundations shook.
And sundered were the gates of hell;
The soldiers looked as dead men look.
Such awful fear upon them fell.
Some women came, for love and care;
‘Ah, who will roll us back the stone?’
A strange, unearthly light was there—
The sepulcher with glory shone!
The women stood, and held their breath
To see an angel looking on
The place where Christ awoke from death—
Was ever such a sight at dawn?
‘Why seek ye here the Living One?’
The messenger of Heaven said;
‘Go, tell that God’s almighty Son
Hath newly risen from the dead;’
As forth they fled, without a word,
Silent in wonder, trembling, pale, —
Lo! Jesus met them, and they heard
With throbbing joy His calm ‘All hail!’”
—Paul Gerrard Jackson.