“All is over,” said a lady sadly, referring to the “falling asleep” of a beloved Christian friend. “Let us rather say just begun” was the reverent response.
Just begun — the glorious dawning
Of that world so fair,
Where the ransomed spirit enters,
Freed from every care.
Past forever all the watchings
Of the darksome night;
Just begun — the rapturous waking
Into heavenly light.
Just begun — the bliss of being
Closer to His side,
There through cloudless days of
Ever to abide.
Just begun — the glorious anthem
“Unto Him who died”;
In the joy of being with Him
Fully satisfied.
Just begun — the bliss of learning
What His love has done,
In the many, “many mansions,”
Which His death has won.
Mia V. Bowcott
The Apostle Peter