Kingdom Truth

Titus 2:13
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Address—H. Brinkmann
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There is a verse in the epistle and I just quoted.
The blessed hope and the glorious appearing, and we as Christians.
Most often think of the blessed hope that is we're waiting for the Lord Jesus to take us home. But what about the glorious appearing of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? We ought to look for both.
And be interested in the truth of both.
It's so important that we familiarize ourselves.
With Kingdom truth.
You know.
There's going to come a day.
When the Lord Jesus comes back in power and glory and will reign in the very scene where he was.
Rejected and despised.
And we find that John the Baptist in Matthew's Gospel, chapter 3.
In verse two says repent ye, for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand.
And then we find the blessed Lord also makes the same statement.
In chapter 4 I believe repent for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand.
That was no doubt referring. These verses referred to him coming to reign in power and glory. Heavens rule on the earth.
The Kingdom of Heaven.
But what we do find the king is rejected.
And then the Kingdom takes on a mystical form.
There is a Kingdom.
The Lord is not recognized.
And as I think was mentioned in these meetings, the Lord is not our King.
But he is the King of glory.
And he will come back to reign in power and glory.
And there are parables in Matthew's Gospel that tell us about the Kingdom.
And it's very interesting that it is in Matthew's Gospel.
Because Matthew's Gospel presents the Lord Jesus as King.
Looks Gospel presents him as the man Christ Jesus.
Mark's Gospel presents him as the servant.
And in John's gospel, he is presented as the Son of God. That's why you have no genealogy in John's Gospel. In the beginning was the Word. That is as much to say. The Word had no beginning.
And in Mark, where he is a servant, it is an important where a servant is from. That's why you don't have a genealogy in Mark. But in Matthew, the Gospel of the Kingdom presents our blessed Lord as the King.
And he's rejected.
And then as I already mentioned.
The Kingdom takes on a mystical fur form.
And we have these parables, especially in Matthew 13.
The parables of the Kingdom of Heaven.
But it was not for everybody to understand these things. That's why the Lord says in verse 11.
In verse 11 he says.
Unto them, because it is given unto you, the disciples, to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of heaven.
But to them it is not given.
And so.
How wonderful that we have these parables in Matthew.
That speak of the Kingdom of heaven.
As a young man, I became very much interested in that aspect of the truth.
You know.
I grew up in Germany under this wicked ruler out of Hitler.
Who persecuted the Christians, forbade the brethren to meet?
Had he won the war, he would have dealt with us just like he did with the Jews.
You know, but he needed the Germans to help fight the war.
But how wonderful the time is going to come.
When the Lord Jesus comes back as King.
And he will reign in power and glory.
But at the present time, while there is a Kingdom.
He is not reigning in power and glory, but there is a sphere where his authority is recognized. That's the Kingdom of Heaven.
In mystical form.
And so we have these parables in Matthew 13.
And so we have.
Verse 24.
Of Chapter 13.
Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The Kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sought good seed in his field. But while men slept, his enemy came and sought, sought tears among the wheat, and went his way. But when the blade was sprung up and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also.
So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst thou not sow good seed?
In the field from when Stan has a tears.
He said unto them, An enemy has done this. The servant said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up?
And he said Nay, lest while ye get up the tears, ye root up also the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest and in the time of harvest.
I will say to the reapers, gather ye together first the tares.
And find them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into the barn.
So the stairs are those who are not real in the Kingdom.
And but at the present time, from this explanation of the Lord, it is not for His followers to deal with the tears.
In the coming day the Lord will take care of the tares, and he will gather them out of the Kingdom.
You know, I think that will happen after the church is gone.
There will be still a Kingdom.
And he will then, in a physical way, deal with the tears.
And but at the present time, it's not for us to deal with, deal with the heretics as the Church has felt responsible to do. And what they actually did is what the Lord said, they killed the real believers.
All you have to do is read the church history.
Napoli Nians, how they were treated.
And why were they called Paulinians?
I believe they were called Paulinians because they were known to take heed and pay attention to Paul's doctrine.
Where do you get the truth of the church in Paul's writings? You know they apparently paid attention to church truth.
They were exterminated, persecuted, wiped out, just about.
We as true believers and followers of the Lord Jesus, it's not our business to deal with those who are false.
Now the Kingdom is not church.
You know in the Kingdom is the real and the false, but when it comes to church truth, it's a fellowship of Saints. We have to discriminate.
When anybody wants to be in fellowship in the assembly.
That's why we have oversight India. Simply they there are those who have the responsibility to talk to the person. We are not an open fellowship where anybody can come and break bread. There is such a thing as reception to the Lord's Table or being put away from the Lord's Table. We have that in First Corinthians 5.
You know there was a wicked person in First Corinthians 5A moral man.
And it's very interesting that it doesn't say put away the brother.
Put away the wicked person.
It is left open as a question whether he is a brother.
He was dealt with as a wicked person, not put away the brother.
Put away the wicked person. Thankfully we find from the 2nd Epistle that there was repentance, and they were admonished to show grace to this person and take him back in. But when it was necessary to deal with him, he was dealt with as a wicked person. Put out from among yourself that wicked person.
Discipline in the assembly is important, and it is sometimes not a pleasant thing.
To have to deal, it's never a pleasant thing to deal with evil.
But for the glory of the Lord, it is a necessity to deal with evil.
But in the Kingdom aspect of the truth, the good and the bad are to grow up together.
And in the coming day?
The Lord will have the bad seed dealt with. And then there is that which is real.
They will go into the Kingdom.
And in.
Verse 41.
We read. The Son of Man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his Kingdom the things that offend.
And them which do iniquity, notice it is the Son of man will send forth.
Our relationship with the Lord Jesus is with the Son of God who loved us and gave himself for us. That's how we know Him. That doesn't mean that we do not know that He is the Son of man, but He is presented as the Son of Man in connection with the Kingdom.
And he will send forth.
His angels and they will deal with the false.
And cast them into a furnace of fire. There shall be railing and gnashing of teeth.
Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the Kingdom of.
Dear Father, who has ears to hear, let him hear. Notice here it isn't the Kingdom of the Son of Man, it's the Kingdom of the Father. A chose the real reality of true believers.
In that coming day, you know there will be true believers even after the church is gone.
We know that the gospel of the Kingdom will be preached and people will be saved.
But then we also find that in these parables, in Matthew 13, we have that which has to especially deal or is dealing especially with those in the sphere of profession.
All have to do with the fear of profession, but.
Then we also find that there is that which is real, and then we find.
There is a treasure hit in the field.
To which when a man has found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he has, and buy us that field.
You see, that treasure in the field are the true believers, and we can apply that at the present time. But what does he do with the true believers? That treasure? He hides it in the field.
That's our position as Christians in the Kingdom aspect of the truth. We are hidden in the field. We are not expected to be in political power, in control at the present time.
The time will come that we will reign with him, but not at the present time.
Where the treasure hid in the field.
And this is especially presenting what we are to him.
The treasure.
Isn't that wonderful?
That the grace of God has made us part of the treasure, if we are real, if we really know the Lord Jesus as Savior.
And then he buys the field.
Isn't it his as to create Tre?
Certainly as a creator he has claim on everything, but he has a second claim as the Redeemer, and that's how it is presented in Revelation. Who is worth it to open the book?
Or to take the Book and open the seal, the Lamb. He has a second claim as the Redeemer, and that claim is made known by him in Revelation, and he takes the Book. And then through judgments the earth is going to be prepared for the glorious reign of Christ.
You know, he at times judges nations today. I believe he did that in Germany.
You know, the awful thing that was done by detonation, killing six million Jews, one and a half million Gypsies.
Awful, isn't it, when you think women and children?
I was living there at the time. We didn't know much of what he was doing. They did kept that quite quiet. You know, it wasn't published all over what he was doing. We found that out after the war.
I found it particularly out when I worked for the Jewish Hospital in Chicago.
You know, there was a lady in the office. She was a neighbor to Herman Goering, the head of the Air Force. She got out before they could, arrested them. They were rich. And she was managing the office where I was working in Chicago. And I learned from her. And there was another lady there who had been in a concentration camp and survived.
I found out from those people what happened.
The Germans even kept that very low. They didn't spread very much about that even after the war. I think they were ashamed of what has happened. But you know today is going to come when the Lord Jesus will deal with all wickedness and he joined the Kingdom, will judge evil every morning.
People won't get away with anything.
Homosexuality, you know, it's not shameful how they justify it. And if you speak out against it, you're the one that is the bad guy, you know? And many other things.
Well, the day is going to come when the Lord Jesus.
Will be the judge, and he will judge evil every morning, and the desire of the nations will have come. What does that mean?
People in the world generally desire peace and the desire that those in government rule righteously. That's generally the desire of people, and the desire of the nations will have come when the Lord Jesus will reign in righteousness. At the present time, grace reigns to righteousness.
God is able to show grace because of the work of the Lord Jesus.
And grace reigns. God has a righteous basis to show grace because of the work of Calvary's cross, but in the Kingdom, righteousness will reign.
Evil will be judged, but in the eternal state righteousness will dwell. Isn't it wonderful? Is it wonderful? There is going to be time on this earth.
When righteousness will dwell, no evil will come. O bright and blessed scene where sin can never come. Whose side our longing spirit means. From earth we're yet we roam.
Yes, it is a wonderful thing that the work of the Lord Jesus has not only secured heaven for us, it has also secured a glorious future for the people of Israel and a glorious future for this earth. A new heaven and a new earth will be created, but even in the Millennium, what a wonderful time that will be.
You know who doesn't follow with interest what's going on in the Middle East?
Don't you pity the people?
Women and children, what they have to endure.
What we had to endure during the war, not only in Germany.
All over Europe, millions and millions of people being perished.
Starving to death after the war, especially because of lack of food.
You know, we were living in a city.
We didn't have any land.
And in the spring, when new growth was coming up, my dad would go and gather up.
Something that my mother could use for soup. Making soup. She had four boys to feed and my dad and I still see her standing there by the stove making soup, weeping.
Because of the little she had to give to us to eat. Fortunately, things improved. The Marshall Plan helped the German people. You know, it made me respect the Allies. Germany had started an unprovoked war, causing a lot of suffering. And here the winners.
Fed the German people.
And made sure that we won't starve to death.
Well, but in that coming day, there's going to be a Kingdom.
But at the present time, the mystical form of the Kingdom is so important.
And that we especially keep in mind what we find from verse 44 on the treasure hit in the field.
And that those who are real at the present time.
And then?
Also, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant man seeking goodly pearls.
And when he had found one Pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it.
Another picture of the Church, I believe the Pearl of great price, and in order to possess that field, or to possess the Pearl, the Lord Jesus had to suffer.
He sold all.
That he had and bought it in order to have that treasure, in order to have that Pearl.
The Lord Jesus, who was rich for our sakes, became poor that we through his poverty would be made rich. He sold all that He had in order to possess us, to be part of that treasure, to be part of that Pearl, a Pearl of great price.
You know.
There are not many ladies that wouldn't like to have a nice Pearl.
I don't find fault with that. Not that we want to overdo it, you know, and but I don't think there's anything wrong in having some jewelry.
We want to, we don't want to overdo it, but.
The Lord Jesus has a treasure, and he has a Pearl.
But that is his own.
And in order to possess that, he had to sell all that he had.
But then how wonderful the Kingdom of heaven is, like a net that was cast into the sea and gathered of every kind. That's the gospel, isn't it?
Which when it was full, they drew it to shore, and sat down, and gathered the good into vessels, and cast the bad away.
You know what is the result of the gospel being preached.
We have experienced that.
Uh, maybe not as much in the Western world as we have experienced it in Malawi and poor countries, you know.
Gospel is preached, the net is cast out and people want to join and want to be part of this because of what they get out of it.
You know, and they even want to be in fellowship.
And what doesn't always know for sure? Is a person real, or is he only a nominal Christian?
But as time goes on.
The unreal will become manifest.
You know, we have had the painful experience to see people coming in, in Egypt and in Africa.
And we were so happy that they had come in.
But then, as time went on, they proved to be false.
You know they were in for what they could out get out of it.
You know.
And in some cultures.
It is perfectly all right.
To beg.
You know when they have needs, they contact those that can help them in their need and you have a moral obligation to help them.
That's what Jesse back then explained to me. That's the culture in India, if you have a need.
You go to the person that can help you, and he has a moral obligation to help you.
Well, I said to him, please try to remember that that's not the way the people in the West look at it. The people in the West look at that as begging. That doesn't mean that we are insensitive to needs, but there are ways in which needs can be made known. Instead of you coming and saying I have a need, give me some, you know?
We have an obligation to help.
And what really grieved me very much, not long ago I found out there was a brother gathered to the name of the Lord in Malawi who starved to death.
He starved to death. He didn't have enough to eat.
I would have liked to have known that.
You know, and we had sent things there, but the brother that was handling things apparently didn't know of that particular need. You know, they don't have the means of communication over there as we have here, you know.
So people starve to death. Christians are starving to death in the world.
Thankfully not many you know, but there are many who are not Christians that are starving to death.
And what grieved me so much?
In Malawi was to see children running around there with their stomach sticking out. You know why they stick out?
Don't get enough to eat?
You know, and you would like to help them all and you don't have enough.
To help the mall, you do what you can.
Well, there are needs.
But the main responsibility we have is not too much feeding the hungry, although that's part of our Christian responsibility. It is to meet the spiritual needs.
And what we have also found is when people get to be Christians.
They also understand what it says in the New Testament. If a man doesn't provide for his own, he has denied the faith in his worst than an infidel.
You know, in some of these cultures, the men don't do a thing. The women have to go to work. They have to work on the fields. The men sit around, do nothing.
Or practically nothing.
But if a man doesn't provide for his own, he has denied the faith in his worst and infidel. David Whittaker quoted that when he was with us there many times.
A man doesn't provide for his owning as denied the faith and is worse than an infidel. It's the husband's responsibility especially to provide for his own.
There might be times when for health reasons or whatever, he can't.
And then she might have to go to work.
And provide. But that is really the man's responsibility. Fellows, listen, are you preparing yourself for your responsibility in the future? If you want to get married and have a family, would you be able to provide for them? You have no business getting married if you're not in the position to provide for your own.
You know.
Learn a trade.
Qualify or get into a position to qualify for some kind of work.
But how wonderful. Our biggest responsibility.
Is to work for the Lord to have part.
In catching fish.
There is in Wausau, WI a Christian publishing place.
And the title is Five Loaves and Two Fishes. It's nice, isn't it?
5 loaves and two fishes. That's what the Lord had to feed the multitude, and they used that to advertise their Christian book room.
But there is hell. There is a hell.
Verse 50.
Or verse 49, The Angel shall come forth and sever the wicked from the just, and shall cast them into the furnace of fire.
There shall be veiling and gnashing of teeth.
Hell is a reality.
Some people argue and say a God of love does not cast anybody into hell.
Well, read the Bible.
Where the warm dieth not and the fire is not quenched. Do you need anything more clear?
You know if there's anybody that is unsafe in this room if you want to know what hell is like.
Put your finger for justice a short time into a flame. You know what hell is going to be like. You're not only with a finger in hell with a whole body, and the body will not be burned up.
We had a warm diet not and the fire is not quenched.
The Lord says, have you understood all these things? They say unto him, Yeah, Lord.
And said He unto them, Therefore every scribe which is instructed into the Kingdom of heaven is like unto a man, that is an householder, which bringeth forth out of his treasure thanks new and old.
You know, we should have a treasure and gather up things that we can use.
And things do. And all that doesn't mean we're looking for new revelations.
But is there anybody in this room that knows it all, that doesn't have to do some gathering in?
Things new doesn't mean new revelations, but for that individual there are things that are new.
And to have a treasure.
You know the Word of God is a treasure, and the more you come to know and enjoy of it, the greater your treasure is. And what's the subject of that treasure of that book? The Bible, our blessed Lord. In one way or another, all Scripture has to do with the Lord Jesus.
Find Christ in the Scriptures, even in the Old Testament.
You know the offerings.
You know, there's this publication, Christ, as seen in the offerings. You know, I came to enjoy that so much.
To seek Christ in these offerings. When God introduced these sacrifices, he gave pictures of what is perfectly demonstrated in the person of the Lord Jesus. He's the burnt offering. That's what he is for God. That was completely burned up. Nothing was for the priest. The only thing that was for him was the skin, you know, that speaks of the garment of righteousness, you know.
But then.
You have the meal offering, you know there was a handful given to the Lord, and the rest was food for the priestly family. And as Christians, were all priests.
And I hope we enjoy Feeding on Christ, the meal offering.
You know, and then he is the sin offering, you know, and all these various aspects of the death of the Lord Jesus. You know, if you want to come to understand more of what took place when the Lord Jesus went to the cross, get into the typical teachings of the Old Testament. That illustrates a lot of New Testament truth.
If you get the spiritual lesson.
Do you read the Old Testament?
Or do you say, well, that was for the Jew?
Timothy from a child knew the Holy Scriptures. There was number New Testament scripture at that time which would hear him wise unto salvation. You can get saved by reading the Old Testament if you come to see Christ in it. You know the typical teachings of the Old Testament. You know I don't want to boast and please don't take it that way, but we met people.
Work that were Christians and then when I took care of their son who needed my services.
Then I would always make a few comments. I wouldn't overwhelm them of Christian truth, you know, and then.
They said, you know, why don't we have some Bible study? We like to get into the Old Testament. You know, they had not. They belong to a New Testament church. That's how some people call it. You know, they neglected the Old Testament and they came to see through the little contact that they had. There was a lot of wonderful things in the Old Testament. That's what we did for six years. We went through the Old Testament.
You know, I benefited very much from that for myself. Why? Because I had to be able to explain it, you know, and I meditated on it. I read helpful ministry.
Young fellows here and ladies, do you make use of the written ministry that we have?
Do you make use of it?
I hope you do.
What I have to present is not what I have all personally dug up. I had the privilege of growing up amongst brother and so-called. My grandparents were there already and I learned a lot from those men, from those parents and I owe much to them. I still love them. I'm sorry I can't walk with some of those that I grew up among.
But I still love them and I appreciate it.
The help that they were to me, but we have in English much more help available than what we had in Germany.
We had Macintosh, you know.
And Macintosh is very nice, especially for those who are new in the faith, you know.
He does all the chewing for you.
When you read Darby, you know you better know something of the subject that he's talking about or it goes over your head.
You know, and when you read Kelly.
You know he has been called the Irish St. and Scholar.
Kelly has made Darby simple.
Tenant is another one, Edward Dennett. He has written as much, but what he has written is very easily understood.
Bible Truth Publishers still has these writings available. Get them.
It will help you come to a fuller enjoyment of the truth and perhaps helps you to share the truth with others you know.
We learn from others.
How wonderful.
That we have not only church truth, that we have Kingdom truth. And there is a side to the Kingdom that is clearly shown in Matthew's Gospel. That's the gospel of the Kingdom, you know, presents the Lord Jesus as the king. Well, I hope.
Some of what was pointed out will be a help or perhaps even encourage some of us to look into things more thoroughly. You know, and I hope we all have the habit of reading the Bible every day for ourselves. What about the family? Do you have a family altar?
Do you sit down with the family and read the scriptures and pray with them?
It's our responsibility as parents to share the truth.
It's wonderful that we can go to meeting with the kids and that they can go to Sunday school, But you heard me say that before. If you would only have two meals a week, how long would you live?
You know you have to feed your soul every day.
And US parents have the responsibility to feed your children with spiritual food.
You know, I'm so thankful that.
I was exposed from a little boy aunt like Timothy to the Holy Scriptures.
You know, and there never was a time, I can honestly say that, that I resented that the scriptures were read in our home. I never resented that.
And it was early in my life that I wanted to understand more of the scriptures.
And, you know, during the war.
There was a lot of turmoil in the industrial area where I lived and that affected our Christian life, even in the family.
And we were forbidden to meet.
There were relatives, all of our relatives met secretly, you know, and but we couldn't always go along. Sometimes the parents would go alone, but most of the time they took us along. And so how thankful it is one can be that like Timothy from a child, we know the Holy Scriptures will make.
Which will make us wise and to salvation. So be thankful fellows and girls, that you're exposed to the Bible. Do you ever thank the Lord that you have been and that you are exposed to that and then.
Ask the Lord, please help me understand what is being read. And when you read the scriptures for yourself, ask him, Please help me to understand you know.
Line up online, hear a little, dare a little, you know.
But spiritual laziness is not going to be blessed.
There has to be diligence, spiritual diligence.
You know, it's just like a man has to provide for his family in a material way, but he has to also provide in a spiritual way, you know, and the mother.
You know, sometimes.
The man in the house doesn't have what it takes to expand the Scriptures, but hopefully the mother has it. You know, I had a godly mother.
And what we have as boys, we owe more to our mother.
She would bring the scriptures before us, She would quote the scriptures and bring the light of the scriptures in in any situation.
That would arise. My father had a brother.
Who like himself, had grown up in a Christian home. Grandpa was much used of the Lord to teach the scriptures, but he was not saved and he lived in sin. He lived in immorality with somebody elses wife.
You know, and then there was a bombing rate.
And he went out to fight the fire.
And a bomb dropped near him and he was cut to shreds and I was evacuated in Begettis village. My uncle lived there.
My mother wrote us.
Uncle Fritz was killed in a bombing raid, she says. I cannot help but think of the Scripture. He that is often rebuked, hardening his neck, shall be suddenly destroyed and dead without remedy. That Scripture fit that situation to a tee, didn't it?
Well, I hope there's nobody here that like my Uncle Fritz.
Will turn away completely from it and not get saved and then live in the world. Live in sin.
He had all the opportunity.
To get saved. He visited my father shortly before he was killed in a bombing raid. And my father once more tried to reach him, reach his conscience. He brushed it all aside. That was, you might say, the last opportunity that he had to hear somebody try to reach his conscience. Well, here he grew up in a Christian home.
Well, how sad. That's not an isolated case, unfortunately.
You know, to grow up.
In a Christian home under Christian influence. Go to meeting from a little boy on go to Sunday school.
You know, I went to Sunday school as a little boy.
But I was a teenager before I had assurance of salvation. Of course, the war came in and then there wasn't much going on in way of meeting for some time. But anyway, we don't know whether we will have tomorrow in our life. Today is the day of salvation. Today when we hear His voice, do not harden your heart. You know that's what the scripture.
Tells us so well.
But to come back, the Kingdom truth is so important.
Familiarize yourself with it. The Lord Jesus is the King. He is the Lord. He is the bridegroom. You know, we know him as the bridegroom. We know him as our head as Christians, but he's also Lord, the Lord of our individual lives. To say that he is my King is not Christian truth. He's my Lord.
You know he's in control.
But he's also King, and we look forward to the day when he would come back to reign in power and glory and bring us along. Isn't it wonderful that he will have a place of power and rule in the very place where he was rejected and despised? We will rejoice to see it all and have part in it even. What a grace not only to save our souls, but to also share.
The Kingdom glory with us.
We will reign with him, but there is a difference in the Kingdom.
There is no difference in heaven.
We're all going to be there because of the work of the Lord Jesus.
But in the Kingdom, some will be over 10 cities, some will river less cities. According to faithfulness, there will be a greater or smaller position in the Kingdom.
And there will be crowns given. And what do we find the Saints doing with the crowns in Revelation? They cast them at the feet of the Lord Jesus. As much as to say, if there was anything in my life that was for the glory of God, it is because of the grace of God that enabled it.
And to enable me to live for him. So may the Lord bless His word.