Kitty's Joy.

An Extract.
“WHY so happy, little one?” said a lady of the world to a child whose face was shining with peace.
“Because God makes me so; and how can I help it?” said Kitty.
“I wish I were as happy as you” said the lady. “You might be, I am sure,” said the little one “God wants you to be happy, too.”
“I suppose it is because you are so good, that you are so happy?”
“No, indeed, said Kitty;” I am not good at all; I am very bad; and have got a bad heart.’ “How, then, are you so happy?”
“Because God has forgiven all my sins; and He took them from me, and I have been at happy since.”
“Then you don’t care about being good?”
“Indeed, I do,” said Kitty; “I never cared about being good, till I got my sins pardoned; and now that I know that God loves me, I would do anything to please Him. But I did not get pardon by being good; I got it just by going to God for it. God forgives sins for Christ’s sake. ‘This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.’”