Oakland, California, December 18, 1893.
My dear
... I am sorry you have been having all this extra work with R— W—. I fear it will be labor spent in vain, as far as he is concerned, but the Lord will not count it so. When it was a question of gathering Israel, the Messiah had to say, “I have labored in vain, I have spent My strength for naught, and in vain.” But Jehovah did not count it such, and gives Him to be a light to the Gentiles, etc. See Isaiah 49. We are in the end of a ruined dispensation as He was, and we do not look for great things outwardly. It is “holding fast,” and serving Him and His till He comes!
I think you have answered R—W—very well and I don’t think he can answer it. But I expect he is not to be moved....
There is real weakness in the meeting in —. One feels it in many ways. It is not strange that one and another gets discouraged. I feel sorry for the young ones, and those who are but babes in the truth....
We had a good meeting Saturday night, and good meetings yesterday. A good reading this morning, too. We have just reached chapter 2:12. Mr. C ‘s uncle has just started for home this afternoon. He is full. An old man of 70, naturally intelligent. He said good-bye with tears in his eyes. In the prayer meeting this morning he thanked God for fresh light received. I think all feel that God is giving blessing to the saints. The meetings are very happy. It is a good deal like the meeting we had in Kansas last June....
Again I must close,...