Learning the Hard Way

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 4
D. L. Moody had one of his little girls out for a walk. Someone had made her a present of a muff, and it was cold weather. She was quite delighted. She went out with her father upon the slippery ice, holding both hands in her muff. Her father said to her, "I think you had better let me have your hand, as I am afraid you may fall."
"No, no, I will not fall." So on she went, and down she came.
"I told you you would fall." But she did not happen to hurt herself that time-she was not going to fall any more, so she put both hands back into the muff. Suddenly she fell again, and hurt herself. Her father said, "Now I think you had better let me take your hand." She said, "Yes, papa, take both of them."
When we find out what our weakness is, what poor miserable things we are-what failures we are-and what the Lord undertook for us, to make us fit for His presence, we may well be like the little girl, and say, "Lord, take both of my hands." When we are dependent on Him, He keeps us and preserves us in all our ways, and we glorify Him. Depend upon Him in every step of your path.