I am afraid many of us, boys and girls, as well as grown-up folks, often forget that God sees us all day long. He sends us rain and sunshine, food and clothing, and yet I am afraid we are often very unthankful. And we often complain if it rains when we want the sun to shine. Let me tell you a story of a man who blamed God for the weather.
Mr. Vickers had a very fine farm, and one field especially was filled with beautiful growing wheat. Even his neighbors stopped to admire it, but I am sorry to say Mr. Vickers never once thought of the goodness of the Lord in making it grow. He remembered only all the hailstorms and windstorms that had damaged his crops in other years. So when neighbor Dalton stopped at the fence to remark about the fine wheat, Mr. Vickers said,
“Yes, I’ll have a good crop this year, if God will only leave it alone.”
And God did leave it alone. From that day the plants grew no more! Not a head appeared in the whole field of grain, and after standing unchanged for weeks, it gradually withered away and died, just at the time when the neighbors were gathering their wheat into their barns.
Let us not forget that God will not be mocked, and we ought to thank Him for His goodness. Surely we ought to thank Him most of all for the wonderful gift of the Lord Jesus, His only and beloved Son, whom He sent into this world to die for sinners like you and me. Have you ever thanked Him for the Saviour?
ML 09/26/1954