Address—C.E. Lunden
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Second thing is the 4th chapter on the 1St 7 verses. Now there cried a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets unto Elijah, saying, Thy servant, my husband is dead. And now know us that thy servant that fear the Lord, and the creditors, come to take on him my two sons to be bondsman. And Elijah said unto her, What shall I do for thee? Tell me, what hast thou in the house? She said, Thine handmaid, hath not anything in the house save a pot of oil?
Then he said, Go borrow the vessels abroad of all thy neighbors. Even empty vessels borrow not a few.
And when I come in, I shall shut the door upon me and upon thy sons, and shall pour out into all those vessels, and thou shalt set aside that which is full. So she went from him, and shut the door upon her, and upon her son, who brought the vessels to her.
And she brought out.
And it came to pass, when the vessels were full, that she said unto her son.
Bring me out of vessel. And he said unto her, There is not a vessel more, and the oil state. Then she came and told the man of God. And he said, Go sell the oil, and say, thy death live out, and thy children of the rest. I'd like to turn to First Timothy, the third chapter, and we'll speak a little of First Timothy first.
First Timothy 3 and the 14th 1St. These things write I unto thee.
To come unto thee shortly. But if I carry long, thou mayest know how thou Artest to behave thyself in the House of God, which is the Church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.
And without controversy. Great is the mystery of godliness. God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the spirit seed of angels preached under the Gentiles, leave down in the world.
Received up into glory. Now the Spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from me, which God has created to be received with Thanksgiving.
Of them which believe and know the truth.
For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused if it be received with Thanksgiving.
For it is sanctified by the word of God, and prayer is output the bread. And in remembrance of these things, thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ.
Mary, step in the words of faith and of good doctrine, for unto thou hast the same.
The 16th verse Take thee unto thyself, and unto the doctrine. Continue in them, for in doing this thou shalt both say thyself.
And then here they I suppose some would wonder why we would connect the passage way over in the Old Testament and 2nd Kings.
With such a package as this in Timothy, I suppose, though, that those who have been at these meetings can already recognize that they didn't before, that there is a similarity between the two lives, because in the Book of the Kings we have that which has to do with responsibility.
And so we have in Timothy. The book of Timothy, you know, was not written to the church. It was written to an individual.
But the instruction was that thou mayest know how they ought to behave thyself in the Church of God.
And so we have responsibility now. That is the responsibility, you know, of the old nature. I can't please God.
Because that old nature is to be reckoned. It's gone entirely with new creatures in Christ Jesus.
And the flavor now has new desires, new purpose, everything.
All things have become new.
And so now the responsibility that we speak of is that which.
Having the ability and the power, the spirit dwelling in it, all we need now is the direction, which way to go.
The flesh profits nothing. The God by his Spirit has given us power.
Walk in a world like this to the glory of God.
In taking up the ministry of Elijah.
And Elijah, which was first?
We were saying that we have the key to that ministry and the.
4th chapter of Luke, where the Lord Himself upon his rejection, he tells them.
Of two characters of ministry.
Now he doesn't just come out and say, well now there's going to be a change and there's going to be two kinds of ministry.
God doesn't do that way. He puts things in a form like in pictures or parables so that.
Our spiritual mind is the only one that can deserve one who's born again. But besides that, once you have it, you can't forget it because you have an association with something else there. And so he brings before us the ministry of Elijah and the ministry of Elijah. Now, how do these, how do these ministries?
You have spoken out here to teach us anything for our souls, for the breath.
Well, simply that the ministry of Elijah was that which had to do with the Lord's ministry on earth before he went up, and it had to do with the preparation of the heart and conscience. It's the ministry of repentance. And we noticed that there were seven pictures of repentance in the ministry of Elijah. And so in that ministry we have the vessel. Man is seen as a vessel.
We read in our chapter tonight in Elijah.
He seen as a metal which has to be empty.
It has to be cleansed and it has to be fitted.
You know, we think of the work of Christ in the way that.
He came down to die for us, to put all our sins away and give us a new life. Which is correct. Marvelous truth. Think of it four sentences. We work, but how seldom we think of that side of things in which now there's a work going on in our souls.
Bringing us up to us in appreciation.
So that we'll be able to enter into and appreciate the things of God.
And so there has to be first the cleansing of the vessel.
And then there has to be empty and cleansing. Then there has to be the fitting of it.
For what's coming.
What's coming there? Why it's going to be filled with the oil.
That's what we have on our chapter tonight.
In the file.
Now we don't have to read very far in the Bible to discover what the oil is.
It's the Spirit of God, of course, but in a particular sense.
We have the oil mentioned with the virgins, you know.
In the Gospel of Matthew.
Some add oil in their vessels with their land, some add just their lands with no oil.
Well, what is the oil, man? Well, the oil is the present ministry of the Spirit of God and our soul. That's the oil. It's the whole present day that's characterized by the Spirit of God. The Lord can say when He went away. It's expedient for you that I go away, or when I go away, the comforter will come.
And in the 16th chapter of John, we learned that he will lead you into all these truths that should read.
Who is he speaking to? His disciples that were following him?
Now in the 14th chapter of John.
Remember, John's ministry in the Gospel is individual. It's not the corporate thing like the church, but it's the individual Christian. It's bringing us up to that individually.
And so on the 14th chapter, we learned that when?
The Lord goes away. We find the Father is going to send the Spirit in the 15th chapter. When the Lord goes on high, He's going to send the Spirit, and in the 16th chapter the Spirit comes of His own. What does that teach us? That all the persons of the Godhead are interested in this thing. Each one or one mind, that is it. So what?
What is it that's in view? Is it to have a people individually in the enjoyment of their blessings? Yes, indeed, there's that. But you get the whole thing in Ephesians 1.
And some of you here are reading Galatians. If you continue, maybe in Ephesians, if you want to notice this, when you read Ephesians in the very first chapter where you usually get the key, you'll find these three things.
1St is adoption.
Now that brings in the thought of children. We have sons there too, but it's adoption now. That's individual blessing and blessedness individually.
But you get something else you get after you believed you were sealed. Now that's corporate letting you get the three things in in the first chapter you get.
I should have said the enact. If you get the adoption first and you get the inheritance in whom you have received the inheritance and then you get after you believe you receive, those are the three things to get that first practice. The individual blessing comes first, the corporate blessing comes second, and the house carriage here comes last.
Now what is the house character? It's the Spirit of God indwelling the believer. Now as we find under the day of Pentecost, the bloomer is indwelt by the Holy Spirit.
Something else takes place.
There's a company formed and it's called the House of God.
The alternate for a moment to the second chapter of Ephesians.
Just a verse.
Which may help us believe this is a very important subject or delay hold of, especially in days like this.
In the second chapter of Ephesians the 19 first. Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the Saints and of the household of God, and you are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone.
In all the buildings that we framed together grows into a holy temple in the Lord. That's the ultimate thing. It's growing now. It isn't complete yet until the church is caught whole.
There's not a vessel more we read tonight. That's it. Not about the Lord. And then the whole church is caught home to glory. But now known as the 22nd verse.
When whom ye also are builded together.
That's right, now.
Or a habitation of God?
Through the Spirit that's the present, we are billed as a guest.
One more for habitation of God now we have the Spirit will that connect with our subject tonight then habitation of God right here in this world now.
Who knows a few things in Timothy before we go to the ministry of Elijah again.
We were saying the other evening that there is no use of reading the Old Testament and trying to understand it except in the light of the new.
Because the prophets who wrote it perhaps didn't understand it themselves. They searched their own scriptures.
See what they meant, the ones that God had used to write them. But you see, now the Spirit of God has come.
And in that verse in the 16th of John, he's going to open to us all the truth that is, if we want to want to have it open to it.
Depends on how much we want, but I mean he's there to open it all if we want.
All the truth.
But then there is something else, and there is a place where he pleased to open it. Nowhere else. He sure of that.
There's a place where he's pleased to open it to us. Now both the passages we read tonight give us this picture.
As to how it does, what is the exact doctrine in Timothy and the other is a picture in the Old Testament.
And we'll notice the doctrine first, and then I think we can understand the thing better.
In this third chapter of First Timothy, the apostle says these things right eye under thee, hoping to come under thee shortly. But if I carry law now, when he says if I carry law, he's Speaking of that 2000 years in which the church has been here on earth, because the apostle Paul is standing before us.
Not himself.
But his ministry, his ministry, and so the church has been on earth now almost 2000 years. But now since he's he's going to carry long, there's certain things that are necessary as to how we should behave ourselves.
In the House of God.
And so it says here.
The House of God, which is the Church of the Living God. The filler and ground of the truth.
Well, this is rather remarkable, isn't it? What is the House of God?
Well, this scripture says it's the Church of God. What else is it?
The pillar and ground of the truth.
Is he Speaking of something that's going to take place in the distant future when we're caught home into heaven? I think not. He's Speaking of that which is taking place right now and that which God is a habitation, His habitation on the earth. Why?
Well, turn to the second of Ephesians, the third of Ephesians. We'll see. Why the 10th verse?
We read the ninth verse and to make all men see what is the administration of the ministry.
Which from the beginning of the world has been hidden God, who created all things by Jesus Christ, to the intent that now, under the principalities and powers in heavenly places, might be known by the Church, the manifold wisdom of God.
Well, that's now then, not only to the men everywhere, but to the principalities and the powers in the heavenly. And I believe it's Peter that tells us which things the angels desire to look into.
And have you studied the Tabernacle of all you would see on the mercy seat to Cherubim, with their faces inward and downward as they spread their wings over that mercy seat? What are they looking at?
Are they looking at that precious blood that's on emergency? Which things the angels desire to look into? What is it? What's the marvelous wisdom of God? What is that? It takes 4 wretched sinners that are on their way to hell?
And to form them into one body, first to be the testimony of God on the earth, and then to be with Christ forever, is His companion for all.
That marvelous. Well then, back to Timothy.
But if I very long that thou mayest know how thou orders to behave thyself in the House of God, we stand the line of truth that we have in the kings his responsibilities.
So it isn't Timothy. Do you think God wrote this just so we could take and read it lightly? No, my friend, this is going to be a record at the judgment seat of Christ as to your behavior in life, how we treated the Scripture like this. You say there's disorder in Christendom. Why?
Because the scripture has been violated.
Men have no regard for that which God set up. He sets up his own thing. He has no regard for the Spirit of God. He sets himself up to take the place of the Spirit of God.
God gives us order, his own order.
The Church of God.
Church of the Living God. Congress Idol.
Contrast everything that man is set up. It's the living God. God, men and their death works, but it's the living God. And now this Church of the living God is found to be the pillar and the ground of the truth.
Now is this.
Church of the Living God composed of those who are on the earth here and then some of died and gone to heaven. He doesn't speak of it that way here.
It speaks of an actual thing on the earth that represents God down here in this world.
And it represents, it represents God as the pillar and the ground of the truth.
If that be the case, well then unless the place represents God in truth.
It can't be the Church of God.
Or capture the house in that sense, because what characterized the House of God and the Church of God is that it's a pillar and ground of the truth.
Now these things are solemn.
Because if God in olden days set up Jerusalem as a center where the truth was given out.
Well, then all the nations of the earth who wanted the truth would have to come Jerusalem to get now. This is God's doing, you know.
It's remarkable we don't have much here about.
Things that we have in Ephesians, one that we were Speaking of, that is the side of truth were were accepted in the Beloved and that line of things. We don't have that here because what he's bringing before us here is that side of responsibility, you see, not the other side. The other side is true, but that isn't the subject here.
It's a question of how you and I are going to behave in the face of all the truth that God has given us in this day. Are we going to recognize the true center that God himself has set up?
Where the truth is known, and only where the truth is known in its entirety, now we have in connection with that the truth itself.
Without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness. It's a mystery to everyone except those who've been brought into the Buddha. God was manifest in the flesh.
That was in the first movie, son.
You all that truth is that the center of the truth if I would you stand God is manifest in the flesh and the person is Jesus.
Justified in the spirit, there was only one man that ever walked through this world.
That could say if I am not done among you, the works that none other man did you not have sinned, justified the Spirit how the manifestation of the Spirit in his works down here. He was the only one who could say which of you convinces me a sin that was the Lord Jesus Christ.
No other could say that. Just divide in the spirit. Do you hold that truth? Do you? Do you hold that truth? He was the only one. He's the only one, my friend. If you, if you rest your soul on any other.
Disappointed because of that sacrifice that put away all your sins was not made by the Son of God himself, the Holy One. You have no savior, seed of angels, all think of it. In the second chapter of Luke we find the whole heavenly host coming down worshipping their creator. And sorry for the first time. It's a little base in a Manger.
First start that they ever saw.
Their Creator and this one who was known in relationship to Israel as the Jehovah.
And now he's made himself known to the Gentiles.
In the fulfillment of God's promises to Abraham.
See, this takes in the whole scope of truth. It doesn't give us the details of it, but it gives us the scope of it.
Received the lay down in the world. Oh thank God some have to leave Donny and my dear friend tonight. Are you trusting in the precious blood of Christ? Can you say he's my savior? Can you?
Believe down in the world because all those who believed on him in this world, he fought away. Now soon it's coming. It's going to take us home to the Father's house will be his companions Rep those who believe that him in the world received up in the glory.
He gone, and he seated in God's right hand.
You know, some people today have a dead Savior. They don't know Christ any further than that. He went into the grave for them, that's all. I know you're surrounded by them. But my friend, he's gone on high. He's coming back again.
He's coming to take his own home and then he's coming back to judge this world.
Now what we read in the 4th chapter.
Is a warning to us that unless you and I find ourselves at the plate of God's appointment holding these truths.
We're going to find ourselves probably in difficulties in connection with what's set before us in the next chapter. You and I are either under the control of the Spirit of God or reliable to get under the control of another spirit as we have in the next chapter. Seducing Spirit. This is a warning to Chris and them because my friend.
The way Christian commands is that it's enveloped.
With delusion, after the true church is taken out, the great apostasy is coming on and will envelope Christendom. All those who refuse to take their place, but the truth of God, and the truth held in the place where Christ's name is death.
Now in the 16th verse, again we say this is individual.
As to its expectation here.
He's asked, Take heed unto thyself.
And under the doctrine teaching.
That's what we've had in the 16th verse.
You take heed unto it. Why should we take heed? He wouldn't tell us to take heed if there wasn't a danger.
They're coming, rapping on your doors every day, and if you don't take heed, you don't go on.
In the truth that you know. Bow to it and act upon it. You'll find yourself in trouble. Take heed unto thyself. He's talking to Timothy, a beloved servant. He's warning him.
Continuing or in doing this, thou shall both save thyself. Does he mean he'll save himself from hell? No, he's not talking about that. He's talking about the testimony of God on the earth.
You'll find himself outside of it, under delusion. If he's a real believer, he won't lose his soul, because my sheep shall never bury. But he'll lose his sight like Samson did. He lose his spiritual sight and probably his reward, which he might have had if he'd walked in the path of faith.
And so take heed to the doctor.
In this thou shall save thyself and them that hear thee, because there's somebody watching you all the time. And whether you're preaching the gospel or whether you're simply walking in the path of faith, there are eyes upon you, and you're guiding someone either a right or you're guarding them in the wrong path.
Well, then there is a center that God has set up, and in that center there is the truth that He is placed there. I know men say well to talk that way. That's pride. Is it pride if it's in God's Word and He tells us, whose pride is it? The point is, are you and I going to find ourselves in the place where God Himself has set? The truth is that the House of God is the Church of the living God.
It's the pillar in the face of the truth.
Now are we going to find our place there?
For God himself has said it.
We might save herself from these deducing spirits. My friend will eventually envelope the whole thing. What about the 11 and the three measures of meal?
And what about the what we have the other evening? What was shred into the pot?
The food that was prepared to the people of God. Someone shred the wild doors in and they cry out.
There's death in the past.
Oh yeah, now as we were noticing any life in life, this ministry.
We find first the resentment of Elijah, and he determines he's going to follow Elijah with all his heart. He follows him down through Jordan and he sees him going to heaven. He comes back over Jordan and the power of the Holy Spirit and the spirit of his Master, and he goes back in this.
Reverse order, following those four different places where master has been until he comes to Gilgal. We've seen the path of the individual believer, the purpose of heart following right at the same time. We saw the picture of that extended over the whole period of these 2000 years. We saw the picture of Jordan Jericho.
And Bethel and Gilgal. But now the Spirit of God is bringing us right down close to see a picture of the assembly.
And someone turning back then to the ministry of Elijah.
In the fourth chapter.
Perhaps we can have a picture of just what we've been speaking. Beckon King 4 Now, those of you who may have another translation, I want to call your attention to the fact that in the first verse it should be children. I don't know why the translators reversed it. It should be children. And in the seventh verse it should be son. I don't know why.
But that's the way it is in this translation. It is not that way. Another, the first thought we have here is children. Children. Well, that's adoption, isn't it? Children.
It's the first thing we know and the things of God for the children of God by faith in Christ.
It's the body we were Speaking of the other day. It's the first perceptions in the soul of divine things. The little one cries out, have a father. Oh, how precious. And you know, my friend, everyone that can cry out of father.
Is one of the children of us as long as right at the Lord's table too? Cry of the Father? No, it isn't a question of intelligence. It's a question of nature. Because new creation isn't a question of time or place, but kind. What kind are you? What nature do you have? Are you in the flag? Are you in Christ? Are you an atom or you're one of the children of God?
Can you cry out the Father?
You can if you have the spirit indwelling. It's the first thing we said that Elijah was a picture.
After Elijah's gone online, he's a picture to it.
A price who's on high, sending his Spirit down and working to his servants down here. That's the picture we have in the ministry of Elijah. Christ having now gone on high, he sent down his Spirit.
And worked through his service down here.
So we see Elijah brought into this picture.
Now you notice, Kathy, that this woman is not a widow. It doesn't say she's a widow, but she she has lost her husband.
Well, you say, well, if she's lost her husband, she's a whale, isn't she? But it doesn't say so. Now here don't seem as a widow, but the church is never seen as a widow, seen as a merchant again. The 25th chapter of Matthew will find that.
It's the virgins who have the oil. It's a picture of the present day for those who carry the oil and their vessel. So here is just a woman and son in Scripture is hope.
Christ was the hope of Israel, the Son they were looking for.
So we have in his first verse and children.
If this woman comes to cry to Elijah.
Why, she says, my servant, my husband is dead, and thou knowest if I serve and just fear the Lord, and the creditors come to take on him my two sons or children to be bondsman. Well, the second verse Elijah said unto her, What shall I do for thee? Tell me, what hast thou in the house? She says, thy hand may not anything in the house save a pot of oil. Now you're the case where?
This woman cries to the prophet of God.
And in these first 2 verses she sets before us her knee.
And we see also the resources for that need, although she doesn't herself recognize them. When you and I are first born again, little do we realize either Our Calling or the resources that God has placed there to bring us all the way through. But you know Christ died once, and you'll never die again.
And when he died, the whole work was completed. There will be no more work done, except of course, He's coming to take us and raise our bodies to be like His own body and glory. But as to the work itself, it's all done on the cross. There doesn't need to be any more work done because he said it was finished. It's all finished.
As the apostle followed the 1St chapter of Ephesians, if you'll notice it carefully, he's not praying for anything, but he's just praying to have their eyes open that they might understand.
See what happened when Price rose from the back. He doesn't pray that they might have power. He prays that their eyes may be open.
In other words, you and I have to have space, simple childlike space, to lay hold of the things of God.
Now here's the poor woman. She had no resources, she thinks, and yet in a house are all the resources she needs. And these 7 verses proven. What are they? Some pot of oil. The pot of oil? Now you notice that he asked her a question and he doesn't let her answer it. What shall I do for thee? Tell me what has fell in the house.
Because he's speaking to her conscience. You and I never get any truth.
Except through the conscience. And we never get any new truth until God comes in and awakens us and gives us that truth. Neither will we get any more truth until we acted on the truth He's already given us and opened our eyes to see. And my dear friend, if you're going on year after year, not going in any way in the things of God, remember there's something there that's wrong. You're either not acting on the truth that you know, or you're allowing sin in your life. What does it do?
You and I act on the truth that God has given us. He'll give us more truth. Oh, what a solemn thing it is to pray for life. So God has given us all the life. And if you and I walk in the light we have, we'll just get some more because it's all there. We won't get the next step until you take this. So now this woman is seen as a picture of the assembly here on earth, God's people.
That's what we have in Timothy, only in a far different way.
Which I believe will give us a seat.
A picture that if we once see it, will be absolutely clear as to the truth, what God needs. First Timothy 3 The House of God, which is the Church of the living God, the pillar and the face of the truth. She says, thy hand may have not anything in the house save a pot of oil. Little does she know that that pot of oil is not only going to.
Deliver her son.
From the credit.
For hope, you see, but she and our house are going to live on that oil. Little does she know that. So that's what's going to take place. You know, when I read this verse, what half down in the house, it comes home to my own conscience. What do I have in the house? Oh, brethren, what are we allowing our houses? What do we allow in our houses? Do we have just what this widow has in and nothing more? Because the oil speaks of the Spirit of God, the present testimony of that Spirit.
And this king speaks of responsibility. It teaches us of our responsibility in connection with that truth. You know, the Lord told his people of all that when he walked through their camp, he didn't want to see anything that he filed if there was anything dead. And they walked through the camp and saw if they were to bury it.
Because when he walked through their camp, he didn't want to see anything that he filed. Oh, my friend, what do we have in our house?
But do we allow it our house? Is it hindering our spiritual growth? This widow had a pot of oil, that's all.
Christ enough for us ministered by the Spirit? Or do we have to have all the things of that this world would offer to entangle our souls until we lose our spiritual sight entirely? Isn't it so? Then he said, now we have the instructions. The 1St 2 verses are the need and the remedy. The next two are the instructions. Then he said, go by the vessels abroad of all thy neighbors, even empty vessels far and out of you.
Now you see the connection with Elijah's ministry.
Ministry, the answer, The vessel is emptied and planned and prepared in the license. Ministry, the vessel is ready now to fill with the oil. It's been empty. And you know, brother, when souls are received in among the Saints as vessels, and then I received this empty vessel, there's a lot of difficulty sometimes. The priest that is in those days should be able to discern whether the vessel was empty or not.
If it isn't empty, it isn't ready to be filled with the oil. The oil is the Spirit of God that's ministered in the bosom of the assembly, the present ministry of the Spirit of God.
Now the gold bar, the levels of all thy neighbors, is really the gospel going out, bringing in the vessels, but going out from the midst of the assembly, outside the assembly that got set up on the earth. Burn out of cube, whosoever will make out.
But when they're brought in, they should be empty. They should be empty. How can you fill a vessel with two things at once? Can you fill it with the world in Christ too, when I come in? Now we have another truth, separation. We have an inside and we have an outside. And in the Church of God as to its representing Christ on the earth, there is a within and there is a without.
A within and when I come in now, just shut the door upon me.
To find my son. Now you notice its sons because it's the dignity of the new position as those that are empty vessels to be filled with the Spirit of God. It's a lovely thing. Empty vessel inside of the closed door now ready to be filled with the oil. Shut the door from me.
Well, that's done. We shall pour out into all those vessels.
And thou shall set aside that with this full, when our time is slipping away. But just this there should be deserving in the assembly to lower the vessel, all there should be discernment. And when God rises up one to go out to gather other vessels, then there should be discernment.
To be a help to such a one, you know the natural heart, how we like to pick one another to pieces. I might as well be frank.
It is natural to it, isn't it? And we allow the flesh to act instead of the Spirit. And we are looking for lots of growth sometimes, and we should look for a heart for Christ and these things.
And so we should encourage that when we see that a vessel is full.
We should encourage that service of going out together in other methods if the vessel has been first empty. Well, these are many lessons we have here. We must carry on.
So she went from him. Now she's obeying the instructions. The 1St 2 verses are the need and the remedy.
Next, two of the instructions and now the obedience of faith that takes them up. And so we learn new truth. God doesn't repeat himself. So she went from him and shut the door upon her. That's faith. Are you inside of the closed door? Or do you say, well, I can just meet with any of the people of God and it's all right? No, it isn't all right. You know why? Because maybe they're not holding the truth.
Without controversy, great is the mystery of God. In this God is manifest in the flesh and so on. It's where that truth is held pillar in the base of the truth. If you're not there, why you're not behind the closed door. You can't expect the vessel to be filled with the oil. God tells us that where he is, the place must be holy. And if there's an allowance of doctrinal.
Or moral evil.
Is not holy, it's not clean. And so does this. She shut through the door upon her, upon her sons, those and only those who are in the enjoyment of the new position that this position brings. But these truths bring to us. We have in First Timothy three. She went from him and shut the door upon him, upon her sons.
Who brought the vessels to her? Now? Who brought the vessels to her?
Her sons were in the bosom of the assembly, went out, and they brought the vessels back into the assembly. The ministry of the gospel is always in view of the center that God set up. Why? Because if sheep don't have a hole, they'll just get scattered again.
In their case, they'll be worse than the 1St.
Because it's there, they're established in the truth. It can't be established unless they're in disciple. The closed doors, separation from evil, doctrinal and moral evil, with one curiosity before them, ministered by the Spirit. And she poured out, and she poured out. These sons go out, and they gather the vessels in empty vessels, many as they can.
And in the bosom of the assembly the Spirit of God is freedom minister the things of Christ.
Make them grow. And it came to pass when the vessels were full, that she said unto her son. Now we have individual, not the collective testimony. 2 and 3. Going out is still the dignity of that new position. It's Sun, but it's individual, it's responsibility.
Bring me out of vessel 1 vessel. It's not a vessel more, Not a vessel more. And the oil stage. Now does it say the oil stayed and then there were no more vessels brought in? No, it didn't say that. No, God waits until the last one is brought in. Then the oil states. You get the rest of the picture both in the 25th of Matthew and in the second chapter of Second Thessalonians.
In Second Thessalonians, the Spirit of God is taken away from the earth at the same time that the assemblies taken away.
Because my friend, remember when the Spirit of God comes out and dwell, you'll never leave you forever. Never leave you forever. The Scripture teaches us that, oh, what a blessed truth. And we're going to be taken home at the same time that the Spirit leaves. So the next verse is the judgment seat of Christ. Now, I don't want you to misunderstand me tonight. As we said before, we're just drawing a picture here. There's a moral line of truth that runs all the way through it. Elijah's ministry and.
And no doubt a prophetic align as well. And I'm not trying tonight to bring out either one of those lines. All we're trying to do is as we read the New Testament, we're trying to just go back and pick up a little picture. You see, we can't even call it a type, just a little picture that gives an outline how many times when one speaks, one may draw a picture from the world even.
Some happening that happened, but how much better?
When we draw out a picture that God himself placed in his Word years before, hundreds of years ago.
Just to give us a little glimpse, a clearer glimpse of the truth of God that we have in the New Testament. And so now we have then just a picture here. Then she came and told the man of God.
The little picture was going to take place after the all day.
Discovered in his presence after that's all over and he said go sell the oil to pay thy debt now buying and selling in scripture does not necessarily refer to the fact of your.
Making a purchase.
If the evaluating of it discovery of what it's worth.
At that time of buying your selling, you discover what it's worth, don't you? Now, what's the odd work? Do you know what the oil is worth? Do you know what it's worth to have? The Spirit has got them down from heaven to indwell. Each believer and the assembly on earth. What is it worth? What's the value of its day? The world says nothing. In fact, Christendom says nothing. They put a man in place of the Spirit. They set the Spirit aside.
Not only grieving, but quenching the Spirit of God.
And so the church will know on that day the value of the coming of the Spirit of God.
Say like that.
Oh, your present testimony of the Spirit of God in it we find that the blitz, the dead of the believers, all faith, the work of Christ discovered everything. And now what else live thou, my children of the rest thy sons that should read in this verse. That's everlasting life in connection with that new position that we have in Christ once beggars of the dunghill, now to inherit the throne of glowers.
To be associated with Christ forever.
In his own home, the eternal Son, we are accepted in the beloved One. That's the ministry of the Spirit of God. For today we're children by adoption, in whom you have received an inheritance and a part of the household of God.
Oh what truth is the Spirit of God has brought us in these last days. Revive force again.
Do we value them? We'll know them only in the measure in which we walk in the good of them as we hear them. And we'll learn them only where God is pleased to place His testimony and the Spirit in the midst to teach the things of Christ to us. And that's the place where He's chosen to set the name of Christ in the midst of the House of God, which the Church of the living God, the pillar and the.
Now it's up to you and me to discover where that is, because there's only one body and there's only the representation of that one body. God has not set up anything else, the public representation where God has made a place where He should dwell right now here in this world.
And the rest of his people. It's the place behind the closed door, separated from evil, where the truths of God are made known of the Spirit. And all we need there is what the Spirit himself brings. Do we value what the Spirit is brought, or do we push to the side? Can we introduce men's traditions and the thoughts of man, or are we just a subject as we have here?
The subjection to what God Himself by the Spirit would bring to us.
Are the precious things of Christ. And so you have on those virgins. We'll also add oil and their vessels with their land as they stood beside the path waiting for the bridegroom, they all of them went to sleep. All of them went to but there was a midnight cry made. And those who had oil and their vessels with their last went into the marriage. But those who had no oil, they went to buy when it was too late. And they were the ones who stood outside the door, and they knocked Lord open to us, but it was too late.
I know you're not far from me, workers of Anacortes. Oh what a marvelous thing to know something of the present testimony of the Spirit of God and the place where the Spirit of God is to open up the truth of God to our hearts with God himself except the name of Jesus, except up to you and me to discover where that place is about of the truth of God or.
To be in danger of all the seductions and delusions of the enemy, as little by little wears away those who once taken their place for the two, and then he scattered far, far away.
Until they're lost. And delusion, the enemy of this age, will be one of delusions.