Lecture 4 on Elisha

Address—C.E. Lunden
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Many of our subjects of Elijah I'd like to read first, connecting it with the New Testament, a few verses in Colossians, the Epistle of Colossians, Colossians. The third chapter I'll read one or two words a little different than it as it appears in other translation.
3rd chapter of Colossians. Since you then be written with Christ, seek those things which are above where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God.
Set your mind on things about not on things on the earth for your dad and your life is hit with Christ in God.
When Christ, who is our life shall appear, then shall He also appear with Him in glory.
Mortify, therefore, your members, which are upon the earth.
Fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil can kill the sense, and covetousness.
Which is idolatry, for which things sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience. I'd like to read a passage turning back to Philippians. Philippians the last chapter.
It can be nicer to keep these passages in mind as we read later in the Ministry of Elijah.
The fourth verse of the 4th chapter of Philippians.
Rejoice in the Lord always.
And again I say, rejoice, let your moderation be known unto all men.
The Lord is at hand. Be careful for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving.
But your request be made known unto God, and the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely.
Whatsoever things are a good report, if there be any virtue and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Those things which you have both learned and received and heard and seen in me do, and the God of peace shall be with you.
Now, turning to the 4th chapter of Second Kings, we'll try to connect these passages. We'll start with the eighth verse.
Of the 4th chapter of Second Kings. And it fell on a day that Elisha passed to Shunam, where was a great woman.
And she constrained him to eat bread. So it was that as off as he passed by, he turned in feather to eat bread. And she said unto her husband, Behold now I perceive that this is an holy man of God, which pacifies continually. Let us make a little chamber, I pray thee, on the wall. Let us set for him there a bed, and a table, and a stool, and a Candlestick.
And it shall be when he cometh to us that he shall turn into this. And it fell on a day that he came together.
And he turned into the chamber and lay there. And he said again He died. His servant called his Julimite, and when he had called her, she stood before him. He said unto him, Say now unto her, he Hold down and spend careful for us with all this care what is to be done for thee? Would thou be spoken for to the king?
Or to the captain of the host, she answered. I dwell among thine old people.
And he said, What then is to be done for her? As I answered, Verily she has no child, and her husband is old. And he said, Call her way and call her. She stood in the door. And he said, about this season, according to the time of life, thou shalt embrace the sun. And she said, Nay, my Lord, thou man of God, do not lie unto thine handmaid.
And the woman conceived and bear a son at that season that Elisha had said on her according to the time of life.
And when the child was grown, it fell on a day that he went out to his father, to the reapers. And he said to his father, his father, my head, my hand, he said to Alaska, carry him to his mother. When he had taken him and brought him to his mother, he sat on her knees until noon, and then died.
And she went up and laid him on the bed of the man of God.
Shut the door up on him and went out.
She called under her husband and said, Send me, I pray thee, of the young men and one of the assets, that I may run to the mammoth God and come again.
And he said, Wherefore will thou go to him today? It is neither new moon nor Sabbath. And she said, It shall be well. And she sat on an *** and said to her servant Dr. And go forward, slack not thy writing for me, except thy busy. So she went, and came unto the man of God to Mount Carmel.
It came to pass, when the man of God saw her afar off, that he said to gaze I his servant, Behold Yonder is that Shunavite run now I friendly to meet her, and say unto her, Is as well with thee? Is it well with thy husband? Is it well with the child? And she answered it as well.
When she came to the man and got to the hill, she caught him by the feet. The gaze I came near to thrust her away.
And the man of God said, Let her alone, for her soul is vexed for dinner, and the Lord has hid it from me, and hath not told me.
Then she said that I desire a son of my Lord. Did I not say do not deceive me?
Then he said to get his eye, Gird up thy loins, take my staff in the right hand, and go thy way. If thou need any man, salute him not, and if any salute thee, answer him not. Again I lay my staff upon the face of the child.
And the mother of the child says, As the Lord liveth, as thy soul liveth, I will not leave thee.
And he arose and followed her.
As I passed on before them, and laid the staff upon the face of the child, but there was neither voice nor hearing.
Wherever he went again to meet him and told him saying the child is not awake.
When Elijah must come into the house, behold, the child is dead, and laid upon his his bed. He went in therefore, and shut the door upon them twain, and prayed unto the Lord.
He went up late upon the child, who put his mouth upon his mouth.
His eyes upon his eyes, and his hands upon his hands, and he stretched himself upon the child in the flesh of the child who waxed warm.
Then he returned and walked in the house to and fro, and went up and stretched himself upon him and the child's knees seven times.
And the child opened his eyes, and he called his eyes and said, Call Miss Shunamite.
So we called her and when she was coming out to him, he said, take up thy son.
Then she went in and fell out his feet, bowed herself to the ground, and took up her son and went out.
We've already been noticing as we started in the first part of this.
Line of things in regard to Elijah that we find Elijah at the plow. Rather unusual thing to see a man was to be a prophet God at the plow.
Let me find that that's connected with the subject in the ninth of Luke, where we have the turning point in that gospel with the Lord. Jesus is rejected, and he begins Speaking of the Kingdom of God and of the Son of man as a rejected what?
And so we find that as Elijah comes along, cast his mammal upon Elijah, and Elijah attempts to follow him, but he tells him as Elijah says, I'll go back and kiss my father and mother. He says, go back again, what have I done to thee? And so Elijah, Elijah perceiving.
What it was about?
The spirit of God laying hold of him, giving him to deserve. Instead of going back to kiss his father and mother, he goes back and he plays his oxen with he is plowed and he takes all the instruments of the oxen and he builds a bonfire.
And there he prepares meat for the people of God with those oxygen. Now he can't go back.
He set his course down. He's on his way to follow Elijah.
Is that the case with you?
Or have you made provision for the flesh?
I believe that's what that means.
All we need purpose of heart to follow Christ. How we need to cut off everything it has been cut off at the cross, but we are not ready to buy faith away hold of it. We're seeing now as death and so Elisha go through Jordan with Elijah.
The scene of death and identifies himself.
In Death and Resurrection.
With the Lord Jesus Christ, it's a picture of what we have in the New Testament.
And we find that this way that he goes through four cities.
After Elijah has gone up, he retraces those cities, which gives us a little outline of the history of the church here on earth and the ways of God with it. We find too, that.
On our last occasion we were together.
And we have a different picture.
We have a picture now.
None of the whole thing, but just of the assembly on the earth.
In its testimony.
Not the individual blessing, but the corporate thing gathered together as a house character to represent Christ down here.
In separation from the world.
But tonight that we have before us is the state of soul that goes along with such a course. Because, you know, sometimes we think that if we subscribe our name to something, everything is all right. That's the principle of Christmas. But if you and I are going to be maintained in the testimony of God on earth and in the enjoyment of these things in our soul, there has to be a certain state of soul.
And so we have tonight, the great woman.
The the great woman here gives us a picture then of the individual believer who pursues right on to the end in the enjoyment of Christ as his object. It's really a little picture of the book of Philippians, normal Christianity. And so we read just a little bit in Philippians tonight.
We have also in Colossians the picture of.
Setting our mind on things of us since you are risen with right, Setting your mind on things about. Well, that's the position then for the believer now.
I believe what we have here is a picture of it.
Now in this portion that we've read tonight, I believe we have at least seven tests.
And that we can test ourselves as we go along by these tests. The first one is that Elisha comes to shun.
Now you and I recognize because when the Spirit of God is bringing before us something particularly for our own heart and conscience, are we so busy in this life that we haven't time to listen to that still small boy? So they've got if we missed the 1St test, well, I would have missed the second one.
We met the second, we're allowed to miss the 3rd and the first one is that Elisha founds to shoot him. I want to shoot him. Well, it's the city of Israel, but it was the city of Insecure and it was said of Issachar, you know, one of the children of Jacob.
Then you saw that rest was good and the land that was pleasant. It was a prophecy of Issachar.
He was looking around to the inheritance that he hadn't gotten yet.
Well, that's that's the thing you see in the day when the Spirit of God is in control of things down here in the assembly. It's a normal thing for you and me to be occupied with Christ and the inheritance.
That's what he would occupy us with.
He may have to occupy us for a moment with our ways to correct them if we get out of communion.
But he would occupy us with Christ and the inheritance.
That's the way we grow. That's the way we're happy. The new nature can't be happy.
Groveling in the earth.
And so then the first point here is that the prophet comes by and she recognizes him as a prophet of God.
Elijah represents to us our price having gone on high.
The Holy Spirit coming down to see.
And working through His servants down here in this world.
You'll notice in this chapter that.
Elijah does not speak directly to her.
He does on occasion, but in the main you'll notice that it says.
The 13th verse. And he said unto him, Say now unto her, See, it's indirect.
It's indirect.
It's the Spirit of God now speaking, but He's speaking through whomsoever He will.
So it's an indirect thing. It's a little picture of the present day.
It's important to notice that.
And you'll notice too, at the beginning it says she's a great woman, and now we can see why she recognizes the present testimony and work of the Spirit of God.
She constrains him to eat breath.
Now he would have gone on his way.
Just like the Lord is the as you met with those two on their way to a man, when they got to their destination, he would have gone up, except that they could strain him to abide with them. And you and I, as we go through our Christian pathway down here, we can have just as much of Christ as we want. He's there all the time.
But if we're going to busy ourselves with everything that belongs to this scene, we'll find our souls lean. We won't be in the enjoyment of heavenly things. We won't have power in our lives for good.
Other objects will take our eyes, let our hearts and our feet will get out of the path.
We've become sick in our souls and worthless to the testimony of Christ.
But here is the way you see that the great woman walks through this world.
Why does it say woman? Well, woman speaks a position in scripture whereas man speaks of responsibility.
Abraham is the one who carried out the purchase of God in his day, but his wife Sarah sat on the death door, that is, her place was at home, and she maintained the position that Abraham set forth.
And so it is with the assembly as so it is with this woman here, giving us a little picture of the position that we should take now as individuals.
So she constrained a deep breath and noticed so it was that is off as he passed by.
You see how it's increasing?
Just that little star.
And that is off as he passed by. Well, how many happy times there must have been in that little hole.
As often as he passed by, he turned into his breath.
But now she's going to do something else. She's going to make her vision. So you'll be there, have a place to come all the time. You know what? Someone has asked the question, how can I gain an appetite for the word of God? The answer was read it, read it.
And the more you read it the communion, the more you want to read it.
I believe that's what we have here. And so she said to her husband, Behold, I perceived that this is an holy man of God. You think you and I could go out in communion with him without the recognition of that?
Holy man of God, what does that suggest to our soul? It suggests that if we're going to be in these presence.
That there will have to be holiness in our own walk.
We can't allow you in our lives and expect to go out in communion and the enjoyment of the things of Christ.
Until then, what's the guard?
Right externally prophet of God.
The picture to us of Christ the Spirit and ministers Christ to our soul, that's the remedy for a bad state of soul, is Christ.
There's no power within us to do good unless we have the right object. And as we're occupied with stripes, we're told in Second Corinthians were changed. That's what changes us. It doesn't happen till the flash.
And fresh profit suffering. Having a holy object before us is a change into that same likeness.
In a practical way down here.
So it's a holy man of God that passes by us. How often?
Off continually.
Well, he probably was passing all the time, but she didn't notice it before.
He didn't notice that they were. It's continuing now. All she says, will have to make him a place to stay.
And so.
We don't get much response from the husband.
And so it is a young man, a young woman will be converted, another woman, they'll tell about it at home, but there's no interest on the part of the rest of the family. Or it might be a whiteness inverted or a husband. They go home and they find that there's no interest in it on the other side, and so they have to go on alone.
As we have here.
And so she makes this living room.
Let us make a little chamber, I pray thee, on the wall or with walls. Let us set for him there a bed and a table, and a stool and a Candlestick, and it shall be when He cometh to us that he shall turn his center. All the simplicity of faith that we have here, when it comes your turning together, do we have that confidence?
Love and brethren, tonight you know what makes confidence?
In our soul, between our souls and Christ. Why that?
That hearing this that comes when we have Christ as the object and The Walking is separation from evil. Practically that brings confidence. We find on the 14th of John that is the promise is that the Father himself and the Son will come and make their goal, but it's in connection with the keeping of his commandments.
It's in connection with walking in the path of faith. Now that isn't that isn't the commandment of Moses.
That's all. It isn't keeping the law to get anything. It's simply the heart and the enjoyment of what places here because you know there's someone you love. Their desire is a command to you, isn't it, when you discover.
So then we have a bed, a place we can rest now, putting this practically tonight.
Does the Lord Jesus be able to rest in your home or is there something that's Mars or the Holy One?
It's the Spirit of God free in your home or mind. Is there something there that would would hinder that joy from coming out?
He sings sometimes you don't have high an object Lord below.
Do I have an object that would divide my heart with me? And how many times we discover that we have objects?
That would divide the heart from Christ.
No, she has a place where you can rest.
Gucci Digital later, because she needed this little room and she needed that bed and she needed it awfully bad later. And so, as I say again, unless we notice these steps, these pets, and find ourselves following them, we're going to find bitterness in our lives.
Now what's next? A table communion?
Oh, gracious.
Where the prophet of God. The rest are now at table for communion.
Well, that of course, in our own meditation can be developed. We find a minute test with. And what's the stone for? Well, someone has said that Mary considered his feet, and I suppose there were many, many at pleasant days that woman spent at the feet. At least Lystra at least ministered grace to her heart. And how many times, brethren, do we find ourselves at the feet of Jesus, enjoying the truth?
And now the result is a Candlestick. That's the light that that must be there. If the others are there, they can't help it be because, you know, testimony is the overflow of a heart taken up with Christ.
And one who goes out to to give out the gospel. Unless Christ is the object, it's worthless.
It's just the flesh, unless Christ is the object.
So we find the candlesticks of testimony. And so she was confident that when he came along, he would stop there. And he did. He did. He always answers Faith. Faith is never disappointed.
But now you bind the table, turning you and I can't do a thing for Christ, but what there will be a reward.
You dear young people, want blessing in your life and then put Christ first. They'll be blessed.
That can't help but be blessing you, read on the 21St Psalm. He has set him to be blessings.
And that's what Christ is, You know, in the coming day, in the millennial scene, he's coming forth as king, and that's pretty as King Dirulu and his priest to dispense royal grace and blessings to his people. And he will do it now for all those who make him the object of their heart. You'll notice here that the woman is called Ashuna Life.
We were suggesting why?
That was her inheritance. But you know that the children of Israel were in a bad way and they were under idolatry.
And they were the target for their enemies at this time.
God had promised them blessings in their land that they didn't. They couldn't enjoy them. And you know, right now, you and I find ourselves as we're in between.
Soon the Lord will come to take us home, but now we have the privilege of thy faith.
Enjoying in anticipation that inherits. Looking forward to it. And that's what the Spirit of God would occupy us with at present. Without vision, the people will perish.
Now we have a blessed hope coming of the Lord to take us home to be with himself. That's the blessed hope. And so she's called to shoot him right here.
A little later, she's called the mother.
We noticed already that she's been called a woman, the great woman.
That just a way of making the subject a little more interesting by using a change of words. I don't think so. We learned that the word of God is pure. That means that every word has a distinct purpose.
And so when she's the Shunamite.
He's commending the faith that lays hold of the inheritance. When she's the mother, it's the affections that are in view.
And when she's the woman, it's just the face of the person.
Maintain your position, you'll notice that as we go along.
Now she's going to be tested again. This is the second test in the 13. First he called Gaza. Who said that call the shoe line. When he called her, she stood before him. He said, I need to say now unto her, Behold, thou has been careful for us with all this care, what is to be done for thee, which thou be spoken for to the king or the capital host. She answered, I dwell among mine old people.
What an answer.
What an opportunity. Perhaps the king would have set on a banquet for this woman if the Elijah had said so.
What others, or perhaps the captain of the host, would have arranged the parade in honor of this woman? We don't know what might have happened if Elijah had spoken the word. No, she said. I dwell on my own people.
She tested and there are young people here tonight. The world makes an awful appeal to our hearts.
But you know, just at the time when Moses was great, he was head over ready to take the throne of Egypt. That he chose. When he became great, that he chose, what did he choose? He chose to dwell among his old people.
If Moses had continued in the palace when he became of age and great, he would have been living a lie.
He was an Israelite, not an Egyptian.
And how many there are today who are living a lie in this world? They say they're a Christian and yet they live in this world.
Moses might have had his high level special tool.
Name is Stride in heaven tonight.
Over the difference, this world knowledge story is going to pass away.
This was a great woman. She didn't even make the choice. That's what makes her greater still. She left it to the prophet of God to make the charge for her. They gave her the same blessings that God gave Abraham.
A child in view of the inheritance.
Because everything depended on a woman's seasonal, everything depended on that with Christ, and it was the inheritance that was in view.
Until we find her now.
Not choosing first out, but just leaving everything to him. All that simple trust and confidence.
How much are being tested? Are we going to choose our own pastor? This world would be disappointed.
The one who created us now wants our hearts to respond in simple confidence. They Lord under 6/1. Just a path out for me that I'm still walking. How many have made their own choices? How many young people have chosen companions? Companions.
Know what bitterness.
So long bitterness.
Until it is in business in many other ways, leaving crisis, it won't do it. Now this woman, she says, who is choosing, I'll be satisfied. Is that the way it is? With your heart, are you willing to stay? If you survive day by day civil dependence, you will be happy.
So this season recorded the time of life I'll show. Embrace the sun.
Nay, my Lord, thou man of God.
She was a holy man before, now is a man of God for us.
See, her face is increasing, her life increasing, she's growing in her soul because she's observing these cats rightly.
Do not lie as I'm having, but it all came about.
And now she's going to be tested again. All you're saying, down to four women who left a long little while without work being tested, tested all the time. You know, so we're here in just a few years to think of what's coming, think of the glory that they had. You know, here we're being formed, each stone and being shaped for his place up there and.
There's a path to continual test as long as we're in this world.
God has great things for these people, and you're not going to leave it the first principle.
You want to enlarge your heart, He would have to go to good work in you, Lithium says.
Shall complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. No, he won't leave her alone.
So just as she gets this done, what is the language here?
18 birds and when the child was grown and fell on the baby and went out to his father to the reapers.
He said to his father. My head, my head. I suppose it was a sunstroke, he said to the lab. Carry him to the shooter, right? No, no, no.
Infections. Now that's the way we grow.
We're going to touch the heartstrings.
With the mother, when you've taken him and brought him to his mother, sat on her knees, her knees until noon, and then died noon.
That's the middle of the day. That's when things are the brightest for nature. Everyone's coming our way. A good job.
A nice family, everything we need, everything is pleasant. And then the crash goes, oh, you say how terrible, how terrible, how blessed.
Because now when she gets her son back to see, she's going to get him back in resurrection life.
She's going to have all her blessings now in connection with Christ up there in the glory because everything down here.
Setting your affections on it.
All that God would register our souls from it.
The desire for these things down here that are hearts of Christ, but not just Christ as he's known on earth, as a man, as he sees his bed with glory. God's right there.
That's what the apostle waters in the book of Philippians to transfer the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
That was before the impossible. Yes, everything here and all wondering nature suddenly express.
So that she can have better faith. The Clash doesn't like it.
But that's what brings light to the Spirit was told in the book of life to the Spirit. And you know we will have life in the Spirit for all eternity.
That's right, my dear friends, tonight, if you don't know Christ, as you're saying, now is the time. Now you see me. You can't bump up tomorrow if you don't have Christ is your safety. You will never have any part of what we're Speaking of the other night.
Now what does she do?
Oh, she's crushed. Or is she?
Oh, how beautiful is this? Woman asked.
A great woman. Notice what she does.
She went up. That's the first thing she went up.
He didn't go down.
A good thing. A man not too long ago and he was down. It was right down at the bottom. This one went up and went into trouble. He went up.
And laid him, that child, on the stand of the man of God.
You can see what I mean about observing one of the tests. If she had to make that little room, she never had a bet to lay that child on.
The head of the man of God.
Oh my dear fellow Christians, are you and I going on with Christ and our soul these days?
Where is your life going? Hand up down here? A ruin perhaps your your mind gone and everything else because of the trouble.
Comes into your life will not walk in the pathway. How many times we've seen it over and over again. The souls will go on heedlessly and the things of God as though it doesn't make any difference at all.
Here we find this woman step by step.
She's in the enjoyment of communion with the prophet of God, with the fighters of Christ, most of our experience to our souls. So step by step she laid away from blessing of her own life. Is that what the apostle speaks of and he says working out your own salvation.
Enjoyment up and down here for ourselves, little by little.
But what else does she do?
She shut the door apart.
She went out. But to do that with your trouble, because Christ was the object you could have. Christ meant everything to you. Christ meant more than the child.
You know, Son in Scripture would suggest the thought of hope.
As well to keep that in mind as we read that.
Now what's she going to do?
Go ahead and get under the burden. No, no, it hurts. All well.
She called her husband.
He doesn't respond.
No, he won't respond. She does it again.
She wants to run to the man of God and come again.
And that's what Abraham did. You know, when he offered up Isaac, he said I'm going up to sacrifice.
We're going up and we're going to come again.
That's amazing. That's faith and resurrection life.
Same thing here as we have with Abraham.
Now he suggests that there's no particular holiday.
Holy day, we should say, in which you might go and observe that I suppose he was set before us. Traditional religion.
It would act before God on certain occasions because it was ordered itself. But this woman suggested to us, a believer who's in the enjoyment of Christ and her soul, she's going to go to her knee not because of traditional admission. She's going to the man of God who lives on the hill. It makes you think of Christ in the heavenly places.
Is our great High Priest.
And he tells us to come for seasonable health just when we need it.
Is he there to wait on us?
Time when he was here in this world and the woman.
Of May was about to carry her son out and bury him. Well, just as she goes out to the gate of the city, she turns into Jesus standing there.
All is it not always, though, when Peter's wife's father was sick of a fever.
They just turned and Jesus is standing there and they just saw him.
If we'd have time to go over the previous chapter, the third chapter of this book, we find 3 kings in the wilderness without water.
Jehoshaphat among them, one of the kings of Judah.
And they turned in Elijah standing there.
And Elijah is standing there.
Ready to provide water for them. And it's all was sold. We can always count on our great high place. No matter what happens, it's always there. And even though the natural light doesn't see him, the eye of faith knows he's there at all times. And then he's there for that one person to serve his people down here.
You know, we're not blessed. Savior came into this world. He came to serve. He says I'm ammonia as well. I'm deserve it. When he went on high, he went up and he said there were those who wait for him in the 12Th chapter of Luke and watch for him. He said he's going to when he comes back, he's going to guard himself. The towel service.
Always say and now he's.
He's the object of this woman when she goes.
She didn't know about anything either.
And she went and came to the man of God from Mount Carmel. That's God's fruitful field.
It's a place that she had often been in spirit and it was an easy place for her to go to.
Prep stuff, then the Christians who have gotten.
Walking carelessly most of their lives.
When they want this conference, they can't get it.
They haven't been making you a habit to be an interest, and they don't know much about Mount Carmel, God's crucial field. And they're afraid to go Christian when you try to comfort them and you can't leave them there.
They just don't seem to understand.
And yes, it's offense to 50. You see, they haven't taken these steps one at a time.
As soon as she goes to.
We find in the 25th verse.
Amanda Garstar far off, just like the father saw the chronicle of far off. Same way God is watching the good of his own. And I have God is following his people because of the shooting right now.
She's going to claim her inheritance.
At least that which would continue it see to it that she got an inheritance. She'd never get them without that son, you know.
She had no son.
You know what that meant to a woman in Israel. She had no inheritance for to be carried on.
Going after that, are you, are you going after the inherited? Are you just there in the present down here?
So he's tested by a drop, he said. Well, Oh yes, she says everything well.
Could you say that?
She wasn't going to open her heart through anything.
Why? Because she has spiritual perception she can detect.
A man who is not a man of God.
Hated I in the next chapter so it's full of leprosy. She was able to detect that she hasn't done it. She wouldn't open her heart to get his eyes nor would she go with him when the Prophet sent him to heal the child.
Pico will be as a child.
All the gentlemen given with those who walk with strike with the opposite the following steps one by one, and the enjoyment is mine at all times.
And I'm going to thrust her away from the property and she's seeking.
These days I didn't have the mind of God.
Man of God still matter of all, her soul is back for dinner.
And I didn't know that.
She said that I desire a son of my Lord. The whole truth is out thou.
Now she's let out the truth, she's unburdened her heart. And the moment he hears that, he knows what the trouble is. The Lord hidden from him.
So, James, are you Go down.
I'm going to feel loyal to take my staff in in your hand and go sideways and meet any man. Don't believe any salutary after not again lay my stamp on the face of a child. It's a case of life and death.
He's testing the lemon the 31St.
And the mother of the child said.
As the Lord liveth, and as thy soul liveth, I will not leave thee.
All to have that attachment to Christ in person.
A marvelous computer here there's a soul that it might constant exercise. It's fortified for the day of trouble.
The one who goes on carelessly finds themselves in a position like this, without resource, because their own mind and heart, without a community. The resources always there, but they're not in the enjoyment of it. Well, the Hazard mission brought no good at all.
No, Sean was not awake.
And so it is with the flash the Word of God gives us to see the end of it. Here there's no truth.
His eye was one who professed to be a servant of Elijah, but we learned his character later. It's all covered over with nothing, but he was a coveted land. He was not acting in the presence of God. This woman was.
When Elijah was coming into the house, 30 second verse behold, the child was dead and laid upon his bed. Now that truth has to be made clear.
We were noticing the other evening that.
Elijah himself had to go through Jordan, the river of death and identification with Elijah.
He had to go through that with him. It's a picture of his death described Not only Christ, therefore, but our association with Christ and His death. But how about our blessings?
Our blessings going to be on the other side of Jordan, where we came from. No, they're all up there, and that's what our soul has to learn.
1000 years invited for a woman and she goes through these trials. We find that at the end, it's all right. It's just give her a little more for her so she goes up, up, up all over.
In your soul experience now she sees all her blessings. You see a resurrection.
Her life and resurrection, a new creation. That's where all our blessings are. Somebody, a Christian, has seen themselves a clear and clean, every spot washed away, and they know that they're secure for all eternity. Still don't realize they're blessings. They're not gonna open it. They've blessed us with every spiritual blessing, human, heavenly.
In Christ Jesus, bless in Christ Jesus and with Christ Jesus.
There won't be any blessings separate for each of us. It's all in and with Christ and it's up there where He is. You know, eternal life is only known really in the place where it belongs.
And that's in the Father's house we anticipated by face now.
John says he writes these things that we may know, that we have eternal life.
Rather than that day when we hear the shout, what will it be like?
To be in the Father's house, be surrounded by everything that's of God. There won't be one thing tomorrow, one thing to hinder that joy.
And all things will be of God himself without character, God himself and joy, and you'll have the same joy that God himself.
Can you join me now?
You and I will enjoy it if we're occupied with Christ.
And enjoy it. Well, now one or two more points in the close.
The child is dead.
The child is laid upon her staff. All that comfort that woman brought to herself as she as she observed these tests with the grocery life. But comfort now she tried.
The very place where the Prophet rested in her son is resting.
Isn't that beautiful?
Oh, I think that's precious. But now notice from 34th verse.
And he went up and he went up. That's what the Spirit of God wants us to do. He wants us to rise in our soul.
And my path in the back, Yes, let's start now. Right now, let's start going up.
Soul experience. Christ is the object, and he went up and lay upon the child.
We've done this before. Perfect identification. You know when we hear the shout, we're caught away.
It will be just like it in every respect.
Just like Christ.
Well, that'll be blessed, just like that.
And when God looks at his children, you'll see them all, just like if you read in the in the priesthood in the Old Testament, you'll see that that Aaron had a coat.
And let him start his habitat just like him.
Well, they just like Christ in that day, just like Him.
But the point of the what we've had before us on previous evening connection with the Elijah's ministry that he wants us to be morally like him now and that's the purpose of these exercises that there might be continue to dropping off of those things that belong to a scene of death. Brethren, aren't they the great flow.
When the Lord Jesus raised Lazarus.
He didn't take off the great clothes, No, he told those who stood by. He says you do, and so we make them amongst our brethren. Don't stay away from your brethren. You'll miss a lot mixed in and out among our brethren. And little by little brave clothes get dropped off, don't they?
All the grain flows that attaches to a scene of death, and especially in a religious way.
They have to be all thinking awful.
And so perfect identification. Now this is the believers hope. It might be just like right in the flesh of the child, right before they return and walk to and fro.
Walked in the house to and fro and went up. He went up.
And stretched himself and the child leaned 7 times. The child opened his eyes now.
If I had that in the first of Genesis.
The Lord please God, man, and he became a living soul.
But we find here seven times the Lord Jesus said I'm come to give life and to give it more of money that more abundance.
It's eternal life. It's not life in the first man. And they God says the end of all places come before.
Friend, if you don't have this life.
You won't have any. You'll have internal death. If you haven't put your trust in Jesus Savior, you'll have eternal death.
Of his life and this kind of life, Devon would speak to us and that life is in the spirit.
Spiritual perfection. And just like that, eternal life is the place where it's known the Father's house. That's the end of the belief. It's not an inheritance down here.
The woman of ethnic care was looking forward to being everything in ruins. Then Hebrews says, say that please say such things. Declare that they seek a country heaven.
So you and I are looking forward now not to an inheritance down here. This place is going to burn soon. You and I have our portion with Christ and Lord, but she's tested once more.
And so on the 36th verse he called Gehazi and said call the Shunammite.
So he called her. When she was coming around to him, he said take up my son.
Then she went in and fell out his feet, bowed herself to the ground and took up her stun, and went out on the sea. The Prophet was more to her than her son.
And where there's faith, Christ is more to us than the inheritance.
There's no communication.
Should the soul was incommunicate as precious?
The personal price, the one who made us, the one who wants to make us happy, is the only one that can build these hearts with joy and happiness. He'll be the same thing for all eternity. Why not now?