Led by His Child

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 2min
Those who come to the Lord Jesus Christ in their early days may be used of God in bringing many to Christ.
A little girl who loved the Lord Jesus was the means of blessing to her ungodly father.
He had been a drunken man, and one day, while under the influence of drink, had committed a crime for which he had been imprisoned.
When released from jail he returned to his home and told his wife and children that he was about to leave them, never to return. He had disgraced them again and again, and was now determined to go right away, so as to bring no more dishonor on their name. He knew he was bad, and could never be anything else but bad.
His wife, who was a Christian, entreated him not to despair, but to turn to Christ for salvation.
“Husband, read God’s Word and seek His help,” she said, as she brought the Bible and placed it near him on the table. Pushing it away, he said,
“Don’t torture me by bringing me that Book. There is nothing in it for me but condemnation. I am a lost man.”
He bowed his head, burying his face in his hands, and his poor heart-broken wife left him sobbing aloud.
His little girl, knowing the grace of the Lord Jesus, opened the Bible and gently pushed it towards him, saying, “Do read the Bible, father, and ask Jesus to save you, and He will, father, He says He will.”
He looked up, and as his child slid the Bible along until it was just before him, his eyes rested on the words:
It was God’s message to his soul.
He believed it, and there and then falling on his knees, he looked to Christ alone for salvation, and was delivered from the power of sin.
ML 09/01/1940