Talk—Peter Eun
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Our God and our Father, our Lord Jesus Christ, we just do thank thee for all my goodness to us and for all that they've provided for us today, the food and we just at the end of the day here. Thank you for these kids, the the songs, the hymns that they sang to just warm our hearts and to even the ones that they call to give us comfort and to give me peace. Just pray that this message would be one that would be.
Of your mind and your will that would touch the hearts of those here.
That would they were going away encouraged so just pray all these things in my name, Lord Jesus Amen.
So I do appreciate the whoever gave out that last time. I think actually all the hymns as I was listening, I didn't know that last one, but I thought you guys singing in harmony, I just closed my eyes and I appreciated that you guys were able to actually listen. I guess you guys were listening to each other and harmonizing or whatever you were doing, but it sounded great and that doesn't always happen in all the assemblies.
That I've been to some you know as we get older we get a little tone deaf but it was it's nice because in heaven it's just gonna it's not gonna matter it's gonna be the fact that Jesus his name is worthy you be praised right the Lamb of God and what I want to do tonight is speak about Christ obviously because a lot of the hymns.
Well, actually, let me go back a little bit. As I was walking in here, somebody asked me, well, Uncle Peter, are you going to be speaking tonight? That's like, yes. And it's like, are you going to be maybe speaking about dating?
And I was like, well, if you want me to, I could, But but it did remind me it's sort of and I, I've been thought as I was thinking the past two weeks about what I was going to speak on. I know that is something on all your hearts. You guys come here. It is something it's a reality, right? And I want to be real with you guys. You know, I think it's nice when the when the reading meetings and the addresses that we'd be real, right?
But what God wants our hearts and He wants our hearts to be real. And so that's sort of what I want to talk about tonight.
And I'm not going to read the entire chapter because Luke 24 is pretty long, so I'm just going to hit some of the highlights. But many of you guys probably are somewhat familiar with Luke 24, right? It's the last chapter after the Lord has died. But then what he has, and we talked about this today, He is.
Risen, right, and I want actually some participation in this because it's been a long day and I know it's going to be maybe a little bit challenging. You guys, I don't know if you're tired. I you know, I'm a little tired and there's a lot of things that I'm having to absorb so I can get some of your participation. It would be great. OK, so I'm going to ask you some questions and I actually do want a response because I think that's The thing is that we take in so much food, but it's a matter of walking in these things, right? That's important. It's how to exercise these things in life.
As you walk through life and you see to succeed or whether you fail, you're going to learn either way and so.
In Luke chapter 24, we have the resurrection of Christ. And what's one of the first things I'll read this first verse Now on the first day of the week, early, very early in the morning, they came unto the bringing the spices, we said prepared and certain others with them who went to the subcar, who was early, who was there early in the morning?
Mary, Mary, there was couple. Mary's right? Yeah, it was the sisters, which I thought was very interesting and nothing against the brothers. Obviously the brothers have farts, but where were the, where were the brothers? Where were the apostles and the disciples? They were back, you know, they were sort of a little discouraged because they thought that their Messiah was crucified and everything. They were really confused. But where were the sisters? The sisters had the heart and they went to the tomb not knowing that he had risen.
But they just wanted to be with Christ and that's what I wanted to speak about is the heart. That's one of the first points is just the heart. Where is your heart? You know when you come to conferences, you know it's great. We see a lot of family friends. You know we are as those that are saved. We're believers and it's great to be with each other. But our primary purpose really here is to be is to praise Christ and to be with Christ and to learn more of Christ right. Where is our hearts. I hope that your hearts are here because Christ you want to know more of Christ. But then.
Also maybe to minister and do the things of Christ, right? We have that in the messages today. I was really encouraged because even in my own walk, it is sometimes challenging to know what God's speaking to you. But as we are in prayer, He does speak to you and it's a reality. Most of my young, you know, when I was younger, it was really challenging. It's like, how do you know?
What God is, what's God saying to you? It's like, you know, sometimes you're do you have little voices in your head? And I don't know if that's something that you guys have challenges. But what I mean, what are some of the ways that God speaks to you? I guess you guys are probably a lot more smarter than I am when I was younger in in ministry, but in the word. So what are some ways that God would speak to you? Anyone. And I'm going to give liberty to the sisters to speak to.
Work through his work. Absolutely that's one because it's got to be consistent with this word, right? Because if you hear something and if somebody says something, they say they're a Christian and they say give you advice and it's not according to the your the word, then you know that it's not a price, right? But even when you're having to do something, I you know, you're maybe it's whatever decision that you have to make. And let's say, I mean dating, OK, the person that you're going to be dating.
How do you know you know that's the right person? Is it the the warm fuzzy feeling in your heart, you know, or what's what is the attraction that you know it is for the other person? Well, I would say if you want to go according to the will of God, look into the Scriptures and see what type of person that you should be looking for as far as his spouse. But the other thing though, is that look to your brethren. I mean, you know, you're the sisters and the brothers, they will give you advice as to especially in their home assemblies.
You know what type of person is? This is person. You know, a person who desires to follow God. OK, so if you want someone, you know, who is living for Christ and you want to live for Christ, and you want someone to be a perfect spouse for you, look to the Lord. But also realize that the answers are going to be in the scripture system, the type of person. So what's another way that the Lord would have you, you know, talk to you?
I'm sorry, speeding the speeding ticket OK, speeding ticket circumstance. Okay, so we do have the Lord actually is very interesting is so thank you for that because even in here I was, I felt a little more at peace because the first hand that was given out today during the per meeting is exactly the the hymn that I wanted to end up on with today. And it talks about the heart, you know, as far as with our hearts.
Divided, you know, because there is a lot, you know, as we talked about, there are things that would attract this. The three enemies that we have. What are the three enemies that we have?
Thank you so much. I'm glad. So yes, the world, the flesh and the devil. OK, so and so this gets to my second point. As far as you know, the disciples and the apostles, they were sitting there and why did they, why were they discouraged? Because they didn't remember the words that the Lord spoke, OK. And so they were reminded that the sisters that went to the tomb, it says in verse six, remember how he spake unto us when we were yet in Galilee.
And then in verse 8 and they remember his word. So remember after conference, you know, are there things that you're going to remember today? You know, during the reading meetings, during the addresses, I would, I hope that you're taking notes. I'm taking a lot of notes and go back and think about these things because that's the other thing that happened is in the story on the two going to Emmaus.
It said, and it came to pass, that while they commune together and reasoned.
And I mean, Luke 24 reasoned, Jesus himself drew near and went with them. So I hope, you know, as you guys are commuting to get as you guys are talking to each other, I'm hoping that you're probably talking to you about some of the things that have been brought up in the meetings. You know, the Lord will draw an ear to you and he'll give you answers. But you got to be, you know, what are you talking about with your friends? What are you, you know, feeding on? We talked about these things. You know, there's there's some questions I have.
Regards to what we're spoken today, there's a lot of material there right and so we need to medicate up on these things, but talk to each other about them and as you talk to each other, the Lord will open your eyes to these things. I I am so blessed to have a wife that just desires to you know, to learn more as well because when you know we were talking about this, she gave me some ideas and some verses and things that and so it's good that you guys are here together to talk to each other. But if you're here only talking about.
About worldly things when you go away at the end of the conference and you feel like you're you didn't gain anything. Well, that might be do the fact of what you're feeding upon. So I would encourage you to remember what he said and to, you know, be thinking and talking about Christ. Now do you have to do that 24/7? Obviously, I'm not saying that I mean there are things that you know you want to catch up with and all of those things. This relationship building right, But definitely, you know, the the Lord, he's the object that he should be the object of our hearts.
And he wants your heart, right? Because as they're talking about him, he comes and he, he's there with them. Now, does he reveal himself right away to them? Not really. He's sitting there and he's sort of actually in a way, testing. And they thought he was a prophet. They did not know exactly who he was. They didn't realize who he was. So I hope that there we just have the gospel. I hope that there's nobody here that doesn't realize who Jesus really is.
And he's not just a man, a prophet that's in many, you know, Christian denominations or some false ones, they think that he was, you know, they have some really wrong ideas of who Christ is. But know who Christ is. He wasn't just a prophet, OK? He was the Son of God that came down and died. And so we have that realizing, making sure you get that, getting that right. But what he did was he also explained the Scriptures to them. And as he explained the Scriptures.
They have fellowship with them and in the breaking of bread that means feeding upon Christ. Their eyes were opened right and they knew it was and so there is that benefit. So remember what he said first of all, are you know the heart and then remembering what he said and then in the end, when it comes down to its worship. Once your eyes are I mean their hearts were burning within. You know it says in verse 32 and they said one to another. Did not our heart burn within us.
Is your heart burning within? I mean the things that I mean, the hymns that we just sung, these things point us to Christ, our hearts, the things that were spoken today, you know?
And so many of those, it's Christ is the object. He is, he should be the desire of our heart. And if he is, then what happens? What happens when he is the object of your heart and your desire? Everything else falls in place, right? Because everything else then he tells you, he guides you through all those decisions that you have to make, whether it's a mate or whether it's school, whether it's a job. And you guys are at that age, you're going to be making some major life decisions.
If you make those right decisions and and maybe challenging.
Because what did the disciples and the apostles do? They had selective hearing. OK, so some of the things that were talked about today, did you, did you agree with everything you know, is I mean, the things that is our flesh, you know, is our old man gone?
Do you reckon it dead? You know, do we the old nature? We have the old nature in this, but we also have a new nature. Do you believe it? Do you believe inside yourselves, if you are saved, that you have a new nature that cannot sin?
Then walk in it. I mean, there are some powerful things here today that if you believe it and you walk in it, then you know you're going to leave a fruitful Christian life. And so walking in the Spirit, having communion with the Lord. But you got to realize it's not selective here. And because all of them, all the disciples wanted to do was they were looking for the Lord to bring in the Kingdom. So they just had selective hearing. They didn't hear all the other things. So some of the other selective things that we sometimes don't realize is that in this world.
Walking it for those who follow Christ, it's not an easy it's not going to be an easy life right. Has anyone given the gospel to someone and or stood up and stated with regards to the scriptures and then laughed at or persecuted thought it was ridiculous. It's just a fable talks about here. Even the apostles and the disciples said to the sisters, it sounds like an idol fable.
Have you gotten that? So realize that that is a part of Christianity, if you're truly standing for Christ, that the world will not.
And you know they will be against you. Satan is the devil, will always be fighting against and trying to take away your joy. But we can have the victory, right? If you walk in these things, then we can have the victory. So Mark, I think that clock.
807 So three points. Sorry, I tried to make this just a quick summary. Then what was the first point? The Lord wants your heart. He wants your heart, right? Where is the desire of your heart? OK, the second point, remember these things, OK? Sometimes we forget, you know, like I said, I hope you take notes and you're meditating on these. But sometimes we do tend to forget when you need to be reminded, you know? So all these things that were there that they're going, fortunately.
We have the recordings and you can go back. And then the third thing, what should we do? We should all these things lead to?
Sorry, louder, it's OK Worship, yes, worship and praise, right? And so I hope that, you know, these things will definitely, we need to be able to walk in these things. And, and so I did want to close with that him #33 I think if you still have your books.
Because really, that is, he should be our objects.