How blessed to “read that sweet story of old
When Jesus was here among men,
When He called little children as lambs to His fold,”
How precious to hear His voice then!
The children would flock to His tender embrace,
And blessing was poured on their head;
The sick were made whole, the sorrowers soothed,
And others He raised from the dead.
Wherever He trod lie made sorrow to flee,
He healed both the lame and the blind,
And then little children He took in His arms-
None, surely, was ever so kind!
Yes, Jesus shed blessing wherever He trod,
And called all the weary to rest,
And all who came to Him He never cast out,
But made them so happy and blest.
He had come in compassion the lost ones to seek,
When He saw them all ruined by sin,
For He knew it was only His own precious blood
That could make the poor guilty ones clean.
He came to redeem us, and had He not died
Our sins could be ne’er washed away;
All finished His work, He arose from the dead,
But not in this world could He stay—
God set Him in glory, and Jesus we see
Made higher than heavens above,
And there we can tell Him our sins and our cares,
And bring every want to His love.
For Christ is the same as He ever was here,
When He healed both the lame and the blind,
As gracious and tender, though glorious on high,
As loving, as gentle and kind.
O! have you believed in His most precious blood
Which was shed upon Calvary’s tree?
When, instead of the shiner, Christ suffered for sin—
God sent Him our Saviour to be.
Now Jesus the Saviour is coming again
To fetch all His loved ones away,
And take them to dwell in His own home above,
That with Him they ever may stay!
But what of the children who keep far away,
And Jesus refuse, and His Word?
How awful to find in that soon coming day,
They are all left behind by the Lord!
For none enter heaven defiled by sin,
And mercy’s day then will be past—
O, hasten to Jesus while yet there is room,
Lest you find yourself shut out at last!
Yes—shut out from Jesus, from heaven, and from God,
Hell only your portion to be;
But now Christ is calling in accents of love,
“Let the little ones come unto Me.”
O! join then His lambs who are waiting for Him
When He in the air shall descend;
Let us welcome our Saviour, our Lord and our God,
Whose love never, never will end!