Let's Talk About Jesus

Duration: 45min
Revelation 20:15; Psalm 38:3; Acts 16:25‑31
Children—Jonathan So
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#29 in our hymn book, The books of the Bible. Oh, there's many different ways of seeing this one.
I hope I can remember this one.
Genesis. No, I just can't remember it.
Like 1800% of any chronicle.
And rounding in my heart circle. And now the profile.
Well, they're going to put it in the.
Sun and I said there I'll have intention to be filled and look at it all. I can't die alone on my gun in 1/2 of a car. That's why I hide how it's like. However I am and can't stop the light.
IKEA Marathi store and Roman Christian.
Place sympathy and Philippians caution.
By the speakers and then chains, even until coordination and the one of God.
Another one I do not know. Coming again. Coming again.
About the Lord Jesus is coming again. It's our truth of our salvation, the reason why we can stand here and say that Jesus Christ died for our sins, because we have a living Savior.
Maybe we can, uh, ask the Lord for some help and then we will sing some more songs. OK, Just pray for a minute. Are your godfather. We just do thank thee that we can have the opportunity to, uh, tell the children here of that good news to talk about Jesus.
And Lord, we just do pray that if there's anyone in this room, whether young or old, that they do not know thee is a personal Savior that will work in their hearts tonight, today, this very minute, that they may come to know thee.
Lord, we just do pray for the message, we pray for each and everyone here, we pray for the encouragement, and we thank Thee and thy name, Lord, Amen.
Is there another song that you like? Yeah.
Scarlet Scarlet though you send me Scarlets and again I can't remember the tune.
And umm and enterprise, just one day shall be one.
I know this one.
When he come out. When he comes.
To school.
I'm dead on.
The morning.
Crying ground on the water hit. Let's go to Tiger Shire's world.
You know how much you have to forehead Kingdom all that day one is all the bright 1 stood 1 Time.
So yeah, the song here says little children, little children who love their Redeemer are the jewels, the precious jewels. Each and everyone of you here are those precious tools that the Lord Jesus wants.
What's so cool about jewels? Does anyone know what we talk about? What's so cool about jewels? Yeah.
They're worth a lot. Yeah. And each and everyone of you are worth a lot to Jesus. So much that he came down to die for each and everyone of you gave up his life so that you could live. Is there another song? That one more song? Yeah, 82.
Tell me the old, old story.
Tell me the old old story of.
In the boring way to wake up.
Reverse for this week. Does anyone feel brave enough to stand up and say their verse in front of everyone here? Isabel, do you know the verse? OK.
It's not South.
In the book of life.
Cast in the fire of like.
Celebrations 25 Good Job Revelations, 2015.
And like every good teacher here has some bribes if you, uh, say your verse.
Would anyone else like to say their verse?
The Book of Life was cast and the light was fine. Good job.
Anyone else? Yeah.
Found in the Book of Life, was cast into the Lake of Fire Revelation.
Sorry, there goes that one good thing all wrapped up.
Anyone else like to say their verse?
I'll go to use it and then it's down there, yeah.
Revelations, 2015 Who? Whosoever was not found in the Book of Life? Who was cast into the Lake of fire? Good job.
In the book of life.
Wisconsin to the Lake of Fire.
It's not found without found written in the Book of Life.
Was cast into the Lake of Fire.
Revelation 15. I'm Sorry, 20/15/2015.
And there was one more hand somewhere over here. You got it. OK, so ever was not written in the Book of Life, the book of life.
Was cast in the Lake of Fire. Revelations. Revelations.
2015 good shot.
Now there's anyone who wants to say it afterwards in a quiet space. 01 more OK.
Whoever was not found in the written in the book of life was cast into a lake of fire. Revelation 25th. I will, uh, OK, you can come afterwards and we can, we can, uh, we'll do it after, after the Sunday school. I have tons of these sitting around now. It's kind of, uh, an interesting verse to start our Sunday school off.
Whosoever was not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the Lake of Fire.
Kind of doom and gloom in a way, but unfortunately that's the reality of of not knowing Christ as your savior. Does anyone know what the book of life is?
You know what the Book of Life is? Yeah. What's the Book of Life?
One of the hymns.
Do you know what the Book of Life is?
Uh, it's kind of a hard concept to understand, but the Lord Jesus has a book and all our names are written in that book.
Whether we are saved, we're not saved, and unfortunately, there's gonna be a time when the Lord Jesus is not unfortunate for many of us, very fortunate. The Lord Jesus is gonna come and call us up to heaven and we're gonna see him. And then we're gonna be either praising the fact that we are in heaven or unfortunately, those who are not found in that book of life are gonna be cast in the lake of fire. Now, do you know why we would be not found in that book of life?
Yeah, we have. We, we, we, we have to be able to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior.
And those who don't are living in sin.
Now since another concept that's kind of maybe hard for us to understand, does anyone know what sin is?
When you're doing something you're not supposed to, it doesn't matter what type of sin it is. Or is all sin the same?
All sin is the exact same and it has it has consequences to it. Maybe we could turn to uh, first John chapter 2.
And I like this first because it's written for you, each and everyone here, little children who are here. So first, John, near the end of the Bible, if you have it open.
And I'll read that verse starting in verse one.
My little children, so he's the Lord Jesus is talking to you, my little children, these things right I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.
And He is the propriation for our sins, and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole.
World Now there's some big ver there's big words in that, in that in that verse here, but the main idea is that the Lord Jesus Christ is the one that came to die on the cross for our sins. And he's the one that is telling telling you to come to him. He's the one that can stop all that sin from happening.
And not just for you, but for the whole world. The whole world. That's pretty amazing, isn't it, to think about.
Now you're probably thinking, well.
Big deal. I have. I have been.
Not, not that big. You may have heard it from other people, You may have heard it from the gospel meeting. I think each and everyone of you here have been here for a while. You probably heard it, but what is the consequences of that sin? So I thought maybe we could do a little lesson. I need some help for that. Would anyone be brave enough to come and help me? You seem pretty big and strong.
So the first time you sin might be kind of interesting. You're like, OK, I got away with that. But you know what that's been kind of hangs on you. It's like a backpack, like a burden. And you might be OK to walk around. Are you OK to walk around with that? OK, go for it.
And you're probably thinking, oh, wow, this is pretty cool. I'm I got away with this, this is not that bad. And you might do it again. Well, guess what?
That thing keeps going.
How's that? Is that OK? OK.
How about now?
A little harder. Could you walk around all day long with that? Could you climb a mountain with that? OK, why don't you take the backpack off and try to lift it?
A little Javier, would anyone else like to try?
You wanna try? OK, come here and try to lift that burden of sin.
So you can put that on your back.
Let me try listening and holding on your backpack. Or is that too heavy to even pretty heavy?
Are you pretty pretty strong here?
Could you carry that around all day long? No. And that's what sin does. It's like a burden.
And in Psalms 38, maybe we can turn to Psalms 38 because my memory is not the greatest memory in the world.
In verse 3, Psalms 38 and verse 3.
Right in the middle of it, it says this. Is there any rest in my bones because of my sin for mine, iniquities are gone over my head as a heavy burden. They are too heavy for me.
And thin keep piling on.
And it'll keep piling on and this burden, even though I know many of you had trouble even listing it.
As you get older and older, it gets heavier and heavier.
And we're reminded.
We're reminded in Matthew to walk that straight, because the straight is gate, and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life, and few there he that find it. Our path of Lord Jesus is that along that straight and narrow path. And could you imagine carrying that weight down a straight and narrow path? No, you're gonna be wobbling all the way around.
It's so easy to fall into temptation of sin. How many? Have you ever seen a mouse trap before?
Have you ever seen a mouse trap before? Well, we at our house, we have a problem with mice, as many of you had. And, uh, we have a, a new subdivision that just got opened up. And so of course that used to be where the mice lived. And so now they're trying to find new homes. So I've had to set a nice little trap out for them, unfortunately. And, uh, I, I filled the trap the other day and then I emptied it and put it a new bait inside. You know what? Within minutes, I had another mouse inside of it.
That temptation of peanut butter, that sweet temptation, It's too hard to resist sometimes.
And that's why we need the Lord Jesus Christ.
To help us cleanse our sins, right?
Does anyone know how we can cleanse our sins? Do you know what washes away our sins?
The blood of Jesus Christ.
Cleanses our sins, right? Do you wanna come here? Can everyone come here for a minute? I have something to show you.
And I, I kinda need you around here to kinda see it. And we might need to leave some space for some of the smaller kids. If you're taller, you can come here for a minute.
So I have here some pepper, lovely pepper. Do you want to come here and see you or are you OK?
And this is like sin. So we and our and our water here is kind of like our body.
So we send What? Do you know what's happening?
Well, you know, it's through our body.
It's getting blocker. What about now?
We're getting dirty.
Would you like that to be inside your body?
You know, that's what our our hearts look like, our insides look like. Sometimes we have to learn sometimes that's what they look like with our without the Lord Jesus.
It does smell like pepper, right? Probably makes you sneeze.
What does this look like?
Blood, the blood of the Lord Jesus cleanses our sins, right? That's what we're told. What do you think is going to happen?
It's gonna turn red. Is that the only thing that's gonna happen?
Let's see.
It pushes it all the way to the outside. Unfortunately it doesn't cleanse perfectly.
As the Lord Jesus blood would. But what did it? What did it do?
Push it away. And what? What about the water? Now turn red and it's clear, right? It's no longer black so you can have a seat.
And in Ephesians chapter 2.
Verse 13 we're reminded of justice what happened here, right? It says Christ Jesus you sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ.
So I love this chapter for many reasons, but one here you know we were very far off. Does anyone know what that means?
We were very far off from Jesus. Yeah, we were very. We're far away. You know, unfortunately, the moment that we were born, we were born into sin. We're not perfect.
We're born into sin, which means that we need the Lord Jesus Christ.
To cleanse our souls, we need Him, and because of this, we're able to have to come to him into heaven and be written in that book of life.
We don't need to be in that lake of fire anymore.
Unfor uh, not not like our water where we kind of have like the pepper to the side, right? Our whole body will be cleansed, our whole soul will be cleansed. Every sin that we can imagine. Remember we said there is no difference in our sin, right? Whether we lie to our parents, whether we steal something, whether we tell a little white lie to our friends, they're all the same.
To Jesus.
And because of that.
Doesn't matter what we've done, we need to have his blood to cleanse us all from our sins.
And I was thinking of, umm, a story that maybe we might, might help tell that story. Can we turn to Acts chapter 16?
Acts chapter 16 and verse 25. Does anyone know what story I might be talking about?
Has anyone heard of the Flippian Jailer?
You've heard of the Philippine jailer? Have you heard of the Philippine jailer?
So there's a jailer, and we have here Paul and Silas. And Paul and Silas were apostles, right? Disciples, and they were preaching.
The gospel message to everyone around the world while he's here. They were telling others just like I am telling you about the Lord Jesus Christ and you guess what happened to them.
Guess what happened to them?
They got sent to jail.
Is that nice thing?
No, not very nice. What would happen to you, do you think? If you were in jail, what would you feel like?
Would you be cold?
I don't know, but you I'd probably be crying huddling in the corner, right?
Probably asking where my mommy is, most likely. It's a scary place, but you know Paul and Silas, you know what they were doing.
Here in verse 25, at midnight, which is way past my bedtime, Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises unto God.
And the prisoners heard them.
They were singing.
They were happy.
You know why they were happy.
Do you know why they were happy?
Say hi, the Lord Jesus.
You know, and and songs it's as happy as he trusts us in the Lord happy. Can you imagine walking around all day long being happy?
I hope you are actually.
And the prisoners heard them in verse 26, and suddenly there was a great earthquake.
And we don't really get much earthquakes here in Saint Thomas or in Toronto, Milton. I felt maybe a little tremor sometimes, but I know there are some great earthquakes out there that have destroyed many places. And so the foundations of the prisons were shaken.
And immediately all the doors were open and everyone's fans were loose so everyone could leave.
How many of you would probably be if I, if I were in jail and all of a sudden my bonds were loose and the doors were open, would run?
Would you run? I know I would. I would be running as fast as I can right to get away. Well, guess what?
When the prisoner, when the keeper of the prison awake from his sleep and he saw these doors, he was like, uh oh.
Uh, this is my job. I'm supposed to keep everyone here safe in this, in this prison. Oh, oh, they probably ran away, right? What's going to happen to me and so.
Unfortunately, he drew out his sword. He was about to kill himself because he he'd rather take to do that than what the consequences of his job would have been at that time.
But guess what? Paul cried out and said. Do thyself no harm. He was still there.
You say put.
Do thyself no harm, for we are all here. We are all here.
So then the keeper said that he called for a light, and sprang in, and came trembling, and fell down before Paul and Silas.
And brought them out and said, Sirs, what must I do?
To be saved.
The Philippine jailer recognized the importance that message that they were singing hymns and praises to God.
They are preaching and they were still there. He saw the amazing power of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And he said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?
What do you think? You, what do you think? Uh, Paul and Silas said.
What do you think? Paul and Silas said? The flipping jailers come to you. And he said, what must I do to be saved? What do you think he said?
That's exactly what he said. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Now do you think that Flippy and Jailer said. That's great, Paul, Thanks. You're here. I'm going to lock you back up. See you later.
Is that is that what he did and walked away? Thanks. You told me not to be saved. No. What did he do?
Mount Pond Island Home and Washington.
Yeah. And did he, did he take the Lord Jesus right then and there? Or did he say, I'll try it next week?
That's right. And it says here in uh, what? What must I do to be saved? And that's what they said. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. And they decided Paul and Silas spoken to them about the Lord Jesus Christ and he took them that same hour of the night and washed their stripes and with fat pies. He and all his straight away.
You know, there was. There's another story in the Bible about King Agrippa.
Does anyone know that story?
King Agrippa, do you think he's a pretty popular man?
Would you like to be a king or a queen?
Would you like to be a king or queen? Yeah. You think he's pretty powerful? He's got everything in the world.
Being king is pretty cool. You know what the one thing he was missing though?
His Savior, do you think if he didn't have, if he doesn't have the Lord Jesus Christ, do you think he's going to be written in that book of life?
No, he's not going to be in that book of life because the only way to be in that book of life.
It's ask the Lord Jesus to wash away your sins. You know what King Agrippa said after hearing all this?
After hearing all the gospel, that's like I'm telling you after, after saying what must I do to be saved and Paul saying believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. You know what he said?
Almost thou persuadest me.
You almost.
You almost. You almost.
So unlike the flipping jailer who said yes, I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ right this very minute, I'm gonna take you home, We're gonna praise the Lord Jesus right now and then, King Rippa said. Almost.
Persuaded me.
And I really pray that each and everyone, if you don't know the Lord Jesus, and that's for everyone out there, that you're not today coming to me and saying, Jonathan.
You almost persuaded me.
You know, boys and girls, we saw here how fast this blood cleansed our souls. Or cleanse this water, Was it instantaneously?
Yeah, it was pretty quick. As soon as I dropped that blood, that pepper went to the side, right?
And you felt.
This burden of sin.
Would you like to be carrying this around all day long? No.
The only thing that can cleanse our souls and wash our sins away is the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. I thought we could read one more verse before we uh, closest some hymns. One of my favorite verses in Romans.
I can remember where my verses are.
Romans 10 and verse 9. And it's one of the verses that I learned as a boy and girl sitting right here where you are. And so I know next week's Bible verse is not this, but it is a verse that I think you should remember.
Verse Chapter 9. Chapter 10. Verse 9.
If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus.
And shall believe in thine hearts.
That's the important part, that God has raised him from the dead.
Thou shalt be safe.
You know, we often see out in our world our friends. Maybe I'm a believer and they may tell you that, and you may say this to your parents. Yeah, I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. I'm saying that.
But there's a second part. Do you believe it in your heart? Said the Lord Jesus rose from the dead.
And so before I as we end.
This talk part, I want you to think about that.
And if you don't know the Lord Jesus as your Savior, there are many people here.
Myself included, who will be willing to talk to you like Paul and Silas did to that flipping jailer?
And I hope that each and everyone of you will not come to me afterwards and say, you know, Jonathan, you almost persuaded me you almost because unfortunately, just like our verse said in the beginning of the of of the the Sunday school whosoever is not written in the book of life.
Shall be cast into the lake of fire.
Any of you have a song that we want to sing?
And someone who hasn't had a chance, maybe. Yeah, you.
Number one, Oh, I love that, I love #1.
Maybe we can sing.
Uh, I wasn't the whole thing. It's a certain man. A certain man.
Thank you.
One of the first stories that I learned about the Gospel when I was your age. You know Zacchaeus, he was a little man, right?
And at that time, I was a pretty small boy. And I remember him. I remember the story being told that he was in this crowd of people just like, kind of where you're here. How many of you have trouble seeing over your dad's and your and your parents and maybe your sisters and brothers? Yeah. And if you're in the big crowd, you want to see this, this auditorium or this person standing there, how many of you kinda have to do this?
Right, or you're standing on top of your parents head, right? Well, I can picture Zacchaeus doing that. He wanted to see Jesus so bad and so he decided to climb a tree.
And I've been known to climb trees a lot as a kid.
And I can. The Sycamore tree which he climbed is one of the easiest trees because it has very low branches.
And he climbed that tree. But you know what? What? What's the problem hiding in a tree? I mean, have you ever climbed trees before?
What's the problem of being in a tree?
No one can see you.
Except that the Lord Jesus is walking by. Let's keep going.
No, the story said, he saw him in the tree.
He knew exactly where he was. And you know what? The Lord Jesus knows each and everyone of us where we are.
He knows that.
Can you sing One more song 77?
My my favorite pick here.
And maybe just the first verse and the stanza. So salvation is a big word because it is a pretty big word. But hopefully after today you may be understanding what that salvation was.
Salvation is a.
Day a failure comes to peace and so I do love his heart with him again the quiet street or he's a primemost Sinner given you and he's.
I know salvation or the words we've used today might be big.
But the message is pretty simple. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved, and if you believe it, thy heart.
And confess it with your mouth.
But the two important things before I close in prayer, I just want to for those of you who did not know or did not say your verse, if you want to come and see your verse, you can come up to me. And if you can even say one thing that you learned today.
From this talk, one thing you can have another candy.
OK, so maybe I can close in prayer.
And your godfather, we just do sanctity that we still have this opportunity to stand before everyone here to tell.
How thou send thy Son the Lord Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins.
How that precious blood?
Cleans vessel.
And so, Lord, we just do pray that the boys and girls here.
So that will work in their hearts.
But I will be able to.
Show them the way to the salvation.
And that goes as well, Lord for everyone here too.
And so we just do pray that we, each and everyone of us, can be encouraged as our coming soon, and that we all can be truly happy knowing that thou art the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Savior of our sins. And so Lord, we just to command this meeting into thy hands.
We thank thee, thy name, Amen.