Letter 16

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 7
May 10, 1845.
I have been waiting from day to day, my loved sister, in hopes of sending you a little book entitled "Heaven and Earth," which the brethren in London have printed, as it might remind you of a letter which about twelve months ago passed between us on some of the chapters in Genesis. But as yet we have received no copies of it in Dublin, so that I am determined not to wait any longer. We had a copy of L. S.'s narrative sent to us, and a happy, affecting account it was indeed of the servant's confidence in his Lord, and the Lord's ready and sure care of His servant. In a livelier manner it reminded us of Paul in the Mediterranean than anything I ever read.
How sure I am of the sense of the loss of your dear Harriet. The Lord make it up to you in Himself, for that alone can. A dear sister, lately dying, said, that at times she found such joy in the thought of Christ, that she was compelled to leave off thinking of Him. And then when another said to her, "and what, dear Ann, do you then think of?" "Nothing," she said. I thought that answer was very blessed, and evidenced the reality of the previous precious experience. Your dear doctor, when last you wrote to me, had also fallen asleep. Lord C. wrote to me about it, that the scene was most edifying, and by faith he was able to treat death as nobody. You do not mention dear...., and I should be glad to hear of her, if not from her, for her remembrance is very pleasant to me. When I was in England, it would have been unfeigned joy to me to have gone on to Exeter, and seen you and others; but I did not know that it was my path to be among the brethren in Devonshire. The Lord direct our hearts into the deeper affections of the Spirit, that we may be ashamed to think of union save in His truth and bowels, and afraid to pursue any inquiry or seek any knowledge apart from the power of communion with Himself. I saw Mrs..... this day, and told her that I was going to write to you. Till your letter came I did not know who it was that knocked at our door to ask for her address. Her dear uncle is well, and still kind as ever, and she expects her mother here in the summer. Give our united love to your dear mother and dear ... . How I remember my visits to you in 1839. Love in the Lord also to dear.... and others. I make you a present of the enclosed little MS., but I hold you my debtor in a letter, when desire and power to write be present with you. The Lord be with thy spirit, my loved sister,
And believe me, etc.,
J. G. B.