Dear —,
I should have written ere this, but have been kept busy. I was so glad to get your letter, and to biker of the Lord’s grace to you in removing that which hindered peace and joy, and now He will lead you on to a deeper, fuller knowledge of Himself.
You ask how you are to keep Him in your thoughts. I believe there are two things necessary for this—prayer, and rending the Word in communion with Himself.
The first brings our souls into living contact with God. The second reveals to us His will, and feeds our souls with that which alone can sustain us as we pass along through this world—Christ.
You will find many trials and difficulties, hill the Lord has trodden the pill before us, and feels all our infirmities (Heb, 4:15). He alone can comfort and keep us, and this He ever delights to, do for those who can confide in Him.
Beware of worldliness; this is what is robbing scores of Christians of true joy kind, happiness. Ever remember it was the world which cast out the blessed One who has won our hearts; and hang found no place for Him, it is no place for us.
Of course, we are still in it, but the Lord says we are “not of” it (John 17: 16). And the moment is at hand when He will come to take us out of it, to share that bright glory with Himself throughout the countless ages of eternity.
Until then may He keep you near Himself, and faithful to His name. Yours to serve for His sake.
J. W. H. N.
ML 04/02/1961