Letters 105

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The Moselle (not dated).
My Dear Miss——, I take advantage of the leisure of the ship to write a few lines, while the pounding of the steam screw goes its round of fifty to the minute.
God has His own work for these last days. The Son of His love is ever before Him, and (as I suppose) He will have a report to go out, far and wide, of that Son's glory and beauty, and of the finished salvation in Him-a report of Him in His three displays: in humiliation unto death, the death of the cross; in patience, as now sitting at God's right hand; and in the approaching display of His coming glory. I am praying for this feebly enough, but praying for it. And it is well to have it in one's heart to do so, as I surely believe. My kind love to—-, and to all the, dear saints. In my conflicts and hours of solitude my heart gets comfort when the thought of saints in England praying for me occurs to me. And this not for my sake only, but for their own. sakes also; for I would those I love should have their share in the work wrought abroad, and prayer goes further in that than anything else.
Ever yours, all of you, in Him, G. V. W.
Remember me to the dear aged brother as he lies in bed. I think of him and of many of those that suffer.