ONE night, when passing along a country road, I noticed a light some distance ahead.
It was small, but bright. I knew there was no house near the place therefore it could not be a light from a window, nor could it be a light held by a person walking, as it remained in the same position. What could it be?
On drawing near I found it was on the ground, and when I reached the spot where it was, I put down my hand and picked up that from which the light was shining—it was a little glow-worm.
There amid the gloom, its tiny light was shining out brightly, and the more noticeable because of the darkness of the night.
I took it with me, and afterwards gave it to a friend, who placed it in the garden, and often on a dark night the little glowworm’s light was to be seen shining.
My dear reader, think of the little glowworm letting its light shine out in the darkness of the night, and remember that all around is darkness; and if you have come to know the Lord Jesus, you are to let your light shine, to be a light amid the darkness of this world, to bear testimony for Him who has called you by His grace, and brought you out of darkness into light. Believers are left here to be lights in the world. Are you letting your light shine?
ML 12/06/1903