Life Without Purpose

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 8
For Christians to have a pointless, purposeless kind of life is dreadful. We should have the steady pursuit of purpose that characterizes those who go forth to meet the Bridegroom. This should characterize the springs and motives of our ways. It will give a heavenly complexion to all we do. When a man goes to meet a bosom friend, he steadily pursues his journey till they meet. He looks out on the way for his friend, but nothing stops his course; through rough and smooth, hill and dale, he pursues his way. The fixed purpose of his heart is that nothing shall stop him till he meets the one he has gone forth to meet. And so it is with us. When the Lord is before us, as the bright and blessed Object, which, by grace, has made everything else seem poor, how can we but pursue our heavenward course, seeking to please Him, to honor Him, to suffer for His sake, and to go forth to meet Him? In pursuing such a course, there will be the denying of ungodliness and worldly lust; there may be the loss of friends and things of this life, the tongue of slander may be used against us, or the finger of scorn pointed at us, but when there is true purpose of heart cleaving to the Lord, we shall be unmoved by these things and we shall lay aside every impediment and overcome every obstacle which may stand in the way of our going forth to meet Him. When the Lord Himself has His rightful place in our hearts, we willingly pursue our purpose at all costs.
Things New and Old, 24:87