WHAT is it, do you think, that the girl in the picture is holding in her chubby little hands? It is something that seems to be engrossing the attention of the three little folks. Look at the faces of the little boys! They seem to be full of expectation and pleasure.
Do you guess what it is that is so absorbing these little children? There is a fine nest made out of an old basket; in it is a hen, and on its edge is perched a little chick; all about it are broken shells showing the prison houses out of which the little chicks have come. Have you thought yet what the little girl has in her hand? It looks as if she was helping one of the little chicks to get out, by gently breaking the shell, while the boys watch with breathless interest to see how successful she will be. Our picture shows the little chicks coming into life. Did you ever think, dear children, what a wonderful thing life is? God gives life to all His creatures; to man and beast and insect and creeping things and fish of the sea and birds of the air; He gives life also to the grass and trees and flowers, for these things live and die even as man a n d beast live and die. I would like to have you think of God’s marvelous power in giving life to all creatures, but especially of what He means when He says of man, “In Him we live, and move, and have our being.”
You could not live a moment if God did not sustain your life. You could not raise your hand to your head if God did not allow you to do it. You could not take, a step without strength from God for it. It is well to think about these things, and well to know that we are dependent on God for every breath that we draw.
But interesting and important as this life we now live is, there is another life that is of vastly greater importance.
If I were to ask you what this life is, I think most of you would quickly answer, “It is eternal life.”
Yes, that is what I mean. Eternal life is a life that goes on forever. Our bodies may die and be laid in the ground and if they should, our souls, set free from the body of death, will go to be with Jesus, if we are His; and when Jesus comes He will clothe the soul in a new body that can never die; a body that will be all beautiful and glorious like the body that Jesus now has up in heaven. These bodies of glory will never know sickness or weakness; they will be bodies of power in which we can pass through millions and millions of miles of space and that in a very short time. Will it not be wonderful to be brought into power and glory like this?
But what is most blessed in connection with this great change is this; we will be brought into association with Jesus, and will enjoy, in the power of this wonderful life, all the blessings He has purchased, and the joys He has prepared for us.
God has given to you, my, young reader, the natural life. Have you the eternal life? If not, would you not like to have it? Do you ask, How can I get eternal life? God’s word gives the answer.
Do you believe on Jesus Christ as the Son of God—the One who came down from heaven to seek and to save you? And do you believe that He suffered on the cross for your sins? And do you submit to Him as your Lord—the One who has authority over you? If you believe on Him as your Saviour, and submit to Him as your Lord, you have everlasting life.
The words of Jesus are, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on Me hath everlasting life.” R.
ML 09/23/1900