Like Christ

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 5
“We are going to be like Christ eternally, but the effect of knowing this is that we each should purify ourselves even as He is pure. It is wonderful to think of there being something down here which is in harmony with heaven, and with our Lord as Man, who is there. We are fitted through grace to be with Him up there, but we also become by the Word of God morally suitable to Him down here.”
“How important is our position to stand for, hold, speak and practice the whole truth of God; to be Christ-like in our lives. This surely keeps us humble and dependent on the Lord.”
“May God teach us to take up our cross and follow Him who alone is worthy to be followed. Some would let go the truth, because it is difficult to reconcile it with [love]. Hold it fast: we are sanctified by the truth. Christ Himself is the truth. Grace is sufficient for us.”