Little Annie

LITTLE Annie W. was but a very little girl when she first came to Sunday-school, and first heard of the One who had died for her, and had lived on this earth doing good. The story told to her so often in Sunday-school had impressed itself on her little heart, and touched a chord there. And she yearned to know more of this loving Saviour who had so loved and thought of even her when He hung on the cross, and died to wash away her sins, that He might make her His own, if she would only believe on Him; but little Annie did not know what believe meant, for she was only in the infant class, so the teacher explained that believe and trust meant the same; for instance, the teacher said, if she told Annie to come to her house for a doll, she would come, because she believed the teacher; and so when Jesus said that little children were to come to Him and trust Him, why would they not come?
It was only to trust, and know they were forgiven, and rest in His tender love, for Jesus loves all children, and says,
“Suffer the little children to come unto Me.”
Now little Annie heard of these things, and yearned to know more of the love of Jesus.
When she was seven years old, she went into the second class, and her teacher asked her if she really loved Jesus, and was trusting Him. She hung down her head, but promised she would trust Jesus, and when she prayed, asked Him to forgive her and make her His own, for the teacher explained that those who believe are born again of the Spirit, and made to love the things of God. When little Annie got home, she told her mother, and seemed so happy, singing and talking of Jesus, that her mother was very glad.
ML 12/03/1922