Little by Little

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 7
How vain for an Israelite to have searched for a large piece of manna; and yet when all the small pieces (the "small round thing") were put together, they formed a large piece, quite sufficient to each man "according to his eating." While vainly searching for a large piece, he would neglect to gather up the small pieces which were like coriander seed; and thus his time was spent, and the large piece not found.
Do we keep looking for signal mercies? For large revelations of Christ? And do we neglect to gather together and to store up and feed upon the little (?) mercies and revelations of Himself which strew our pathway all the day? and in which we learn the heart of Him who has strewed them around us on all sides. Could my eyes be wandering in search of a large piece when the wilderness is strewed on all sides around me with small pieces? Have I gathered them all up today? If so, depend upon it, I have more than my eating-I have "all things" and "abound"-surely I have enough at any rate.
The soul is on the way to find itself longing for fish, and onions, and garlic, if it is wandering after a large piece of manna. Life here is made up of little things, and the soul finds Christ in the little things (the "small round thing," so to say); and finding Him, I gather Him up and feed upon Him, and find myself stronger and stronger.