LITTLE “Good Looking” was the son of a Japanese innkeeper. He was a bright intelligent little fellow and dearly loved to listen to stories.
Though only eight years old he had come to know and love the Lord Jesus through the work of the missionaries who lived in his town. Now his great desire was to learn to read the wonderful stories of the Bible.
One day Mr. Summers gave “Good Looking” a Gospel of Luke all for himself. How proud he was of that small book! He hugged it with delight and hurried away to try to read it. Whenever he came across a character he did not know, he would come around to the missionary for help.
One day as he sat beside his friend, he said, “I believe in Jesus; I have asked Him to wash away my sins, and now I have peace in my heart.”
Mr. Summers looked up in surprise for he was just a little fellow — did he really know what he was saying? Yes, little “Good Looking” had heard the voice of the Good Shepherd saying to him, “Come unto Me,” and he had come.
Then the boy soon found a way of working for his newfound Saviour. He would go to the mission house day after day, and as the women gathered to hear the way of salvation, he would sit bide the missionaries and urge the ladies to believe the good words, and to come to Jesus.
He was just a little boy, but God used him to win several older people to put their trust in Him.
Perhaps, dear reader, you have sometimes thought you were too young to work for the Lord Jesus. Remember little “Good Looking"! First come to Jesus yourself, confess Him as your Lord and Saviour, and then begin today to tell others of His wonderful love for sinners.