He saith unto them, Let us pass over unto the other side... And there were also with Him other little ships... And they came over unto the other side. —Mark 4:3535And the same day, when the even was come, he saith unto them, Let us pass over unto the other side. (Mark 4:35), &c.
I WAS pleasantly reminded of this scripture last summer, when, walking across a suburban common with my young daughter, we came to a piece of water, which, from its extent, might be called a lake, over which there were sailing at least thirty little ships. They were intended for the amusement of young persons, and they formed a pretty sight. The sun was bright, and the gale was free, and the mimic vessels were passing over from the shore which they had left to the opposite bank. They were all sailing in one direction, and, though of different dimensions, they were all distinguished by having clean white sails.
It was interesting to notice the manner in which they crossed the water. Some, which carried large, pretentious sails, were nearly wrecked, while others, which carried less sail and more ballast, sailed in safety to the other side. The style, too, in which the vessels entered the little port was different. Some sailed in grandly; some quietly but safely, and others in a drooping and distressed condition. It was pleasant, however, to observe that though their modes of arrival varied, that all the vessels reached the shore for which they set out.
There is one expression in the verses which I have quoted, which I desire my young readers specially to notice. It is contained in the two words, “with Him,” which lets us know that the little ships which passed over the Sea of Galilee were in company with the Lord. Now, it is evident that the people who remained upon the shore were not along with Him in crossing the water. And this is just the position of those who have not come to Him as the Saviour of sinners, trusting in Him and His precious blood. They are, therefore, not His disciples, and so they cannot be voyagers “with Him” across the calm or stormy deep to “the other side,” His dwelling-place in heaven. It is only believers who can enter upon this voyage. But, how blessed for the believer are the words, “Let us pass over unto the other side... And they came over unto the other side.” Yes, every true-born child of God is sure to reach that heavenly land where Jesus is; because the grace and power of God are engaged on his behalf, for Jesus’ sake, to bring him there.
The little fleet which I saw upon the lake had all clean white sans; and so every believer, however young, is “clean every whit,” and made “whiter than snow,” by virtue of the “precious blood of Christ,” by which he has been purged from his sins. Then, as I have remarked, all the ships were sailing in one direction. Yes, dear fellow-voyagers, “We are on our way to God,” and shall soon be taken into His holy presence, not only as now in spirit, but in person, there to abide in the likeness and presence of Christ for evermore: beholding Him in His glory, and worshiping Him with he arts overflowing with praise.
But would not every one of us desire to have an abundant entrance into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ? 2 Peter 1:10,1110Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall: 11For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. (2 Peter 1:10‑11). I have seen many a ship come into port, from the other side of the world, in a worn and shattered condition. And it was a pitiable sight. I have also witnessed a noble ship, in full sail, entering grandly and gloriously into harbor. And a beautiful sight it was; reminding one of a soul who, after having weathered all the storms and trials of life, yet cleaving to the Lord, and being faithful to Him, has departed to be with Christ, not only in peace through His precious blood, but with great joy.