Little foxes spoil the vines, so little sins spoil noble lives. “No harm in this.” “No harm in that.” “Plenty of time.” These are Satan’s silent suggestions to simple souls. Do you remember the little verse?—
“Little drops of water,
Little grains of sand,
Make the mighty ocean
And the beauteous land.”
Little things accumulate to an alarming extent, and it may he true of most as it was of a speaker whom the writer heard say the following words:
“The thoughts of my life have been many, but the sins of my life have been more.”
A lesson only learned in the light of God’s love, as revealed in the person of His Son, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
How important a. little thing may be! Two young women retired to rest one evening, leaving a gas stove burning in their room. During the night a little mouse gnawed a small hole in the rubber tubing through which the gas passed.
It was only a small mouse and a small hole, but the consequences were almost fatal to the sleepers, for the escape of gas was so rapid, that one of the girls quickly became unconscious, the other only awaking in time to raise an alarm. Both narrowly escaped with their lives. I wonder if they were ready if they had died. How important, children, that we should be ready, anyway.
God’s Word says,
“Now is the accepted time.”
Perhaps you have removed the last letter of that little word “now,” and made it “no” to many gospel appeals and earnest entreaties to come to Christ. O! believe the gospel, even now. Then you may read the word backward, “won.”
Won for Christ; and removing the letter “w” may read the word “on.”
“On” the Lord’s side.
“On” your way to the better land.
“On” your way to meet the Lord, who says,
“Behold, I come quickly.”
ML 07/11/1943