‘Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast Thou ordained strength.” Ps 8:2.
WHEN little Willie was three years old, he had the great treat of spending part of a day on the hills, with the old family nurse to take care of him, and keep him company. Now, this dear old nurse still lived with Willie’s grandmother, and loved all her grandchildren; though I think little Willie was a special favorite. Most likely his mother and grandmother drove them up the hills that day, and then left them to enjoy themselves together.
By-and-by a lady came up, and began talking to the little boy, whose intelligent face and pretty speech might well attract a stranger. Speaking of his father, Willie said: “My papa p’eaches.”
“On Sunday?” enquired the lady.
“We call it Lord’s day,” replied the child; and he went on to tell the lady how they sang hymns, and that his favorites were those which began,
“We’ll sing of the Shepherd that died,” and,
“Thy name we bless Lord Jesus.”
How much he may have said to the lady about the blessed Saviour, I cannot tell; but she never forgot his words; and was so taken with him at the time that she asked if he would come and stay with her, when he should have a nurse and a nursery! But Willie answered, “My mamma can’t spare me!”
And so they parted, never to meet again in this world. But it was joy to hear, sometime after, from a Christian doctor, that he knew the lady had been truly brought to Christ. And, moreover, at a social meeting of Christians, at which the aged nurse was present, the very same lady was there, and told the story of meeting with the little boy upon the hills, and of the blessing she had received through the lips of that dear child.
The aged nurse and the little boy have gone to be with their Saviour; and it is sweet to think that, together with the one of whom we have been speaking, they will join in the eternal song of praise,
ML 02/24/1918